Labels: What is it then,next?
"" was Posted On: Tuesday, October 30, 2007 @17:18 | 0 lovely comments ✿
;Beautiful Love with the lovely girlfriends
Last saturday,i went out raya-ing with my lovely bloggers with an additional of my lovely sister & girlfriends,Ida & Efa . we met the rest upp at Dirah's crib which is at Pasir Ris and waited for them to show up . and man,they are all gorgeous i tell you . especially Dirah (the usual),Shab,Fylzah,Nana & Sayuri . they are the gorgeous among the gorgeous ladies there . well,easy said,it's mojirity of them though . oh,too bad,Ilah & Shasha Doll wasn't there . i miss them sey .
Really had our fun time with them,laughing & camwhoring the whole entire day . && what's cute,we took soo many pictures when we arrived at each other's crib . camwhoring was wow . well,my camera didnt snap much pictures like the others but,i will upload more of them when i get it from the rest . okaay,pictures go! =)
at Dirah's crib . oops! Nirah wasn't there too .
Orang-orang WEST sampai dulu dari orang-orang EAST! padahal rumah Dirah pat pasir ris sey!
Pernah dengar perkataan camwhore? itulah diaaaa kan .
kakak dengan adik same jek . mcm dah tkder keje lain gitu pat rumah orang amek-amek gmbr .
Ehh awak,raya da habis ehh? ye ke? raye sebulan kan? haha . today's the 17th day of hari raya already . oh myy,how time flies . damn,i've only got 100+ bucks in my hand . && whatever i spent on,i really jot them down on my diary . && so far,i've already spent my 10 bucks on topping up my ez-link card,20 bucks on topping up my handphone prepaid card,6 buck on Mc'Dpnalds with Atie,6 bucks given to my dad,8 bucks lend to my younger sister,additional one dollar for my pocket money on last friday and last but not least,4 bucks on 7'Eleven last saturday . sooo,how's that? haha,dilla jackass sial .
I was sooo excited when my money reached a hundred bucks plus . but when i was told by my mum that i have to contribute some money for my chalet this november,i went bleeeaaaargggh . damn! but who cares . i'm stilll gonna enjoy my day on that particular day! 40 bucks gone and 60 bucks left . how's that? i don't think its enough for me to go on shopping . oh myy . last year i didnt getto go shopping as i rebonded my hair,but this year it went booo . lagi satu jackass! -____-
Pysics teacher is suchaaa bore! i hate her totally to the fucking core . she's a bore,seriously . i prefer Mr Chia better i tell you . i merely fall asleep in class,and she dosent even care about it . wth? but,whatever it is,i gotto bear with it as i have to pass my combined science next year,regardless of who my teacher's gonna be . fucks!
labels: boyfriend ^_^
"" was Posted On: Sunday, October 28, 2007 @19:46 | 0 lovely comments ✿
Let there be love
My previous relationship last for only 8 months . i thought he was the wonderful guy i've ever found in the whole wide world . not until the day he left me for a new girl . i was totally disappointed and from that point onwards,i started hating guys and think lowly of them . i don't trust them anymore as all they could do is juts to hurt me again and again . im sick of that . and,im totally sick of love . not until the day when i was woken up by the close friendship that has bond for some months . we started sharing problems together . we exchange stories together and you were the place for me to turn to when i feel down,the place for me to pour everything out from my mind . you are the only one who understand me well,seriously .
The encouragement,the support,i appreciate them . what's more when i did cried in front of your eyes,expressing everything out of my head . you were the shoulder for me to cry on . you are the only guy who understands me very well although i've hurt your best friend by not giving him the chance to be with me . you actually supported with whatever decision i made . yes you,you are the candle in my life . without you around,i don't know what will happen next .
08th October . it was a total shock of my life,when u told me u started liking me . i wasn't sure at that point of time cause all you're good at is joking . not until the time when u told me seriously . i was surprised and smile was on my face . cause i know,you're gonna be the one . and i wanna thank god for letting u came into my life,not as a close friend anymore but better than that after suitors walk away . we then acted out like love,started messaging each other every single day without failed,talk to each other on in a rough way like we used to,in fact,calling each other sometimes at night . man,that was the happiest thing in my life .
Oh sekarang saye dah tahu,kalau awak tgh sakit mcm sekarang,kene laa ehh manje ngan awk? kene tanye; Zul okaay? Zul da makan obat? Zul pening kepale lagi? Zul da makan? ngade-ngade jgk mamat nie . manje,tk sangke jgk la ehh . one thing about u dat i totally agree with is that,i really have to understand ur attitude . if ur moody,i have to sit beside u and try to calm u down and cant ask u much whether u're ok or not . oh,nak kene jadi therapy awk la nie? and,i have to be there,everywhere for u . support u in ur rugby and soccer match . to be there,supporting u so that u could play better with me around as i gave u the energy to .
And now,after knowing every single thing about u and after getting advised from Atie,i felt totally better and relieved cause i know how should i react know when i see you . not feeling awkward anymore . she told me not to let any other girl hurt u including myself cause u've been hurt and cheated for upteen times . she told me to take good care of u and she trust me and believe in me,as she knew i could make u happy like she did . yes,im not gonna be the one hurting you as the history will not be repeated . unlike her,got the guts to fall for ur own brother when she's actually the one u like . that's wth . && im not gonna be the one breaking ur heart . yes,she's the best as no one's better than her before this . and now that i have the chance,im gonna prove u right . im not bad,im not that ego,anymore .
Ego will always be there but not towards u . cause i think u know,once i love someone,there's no one gonna replace my heart and that's true . i'll give and take and give in just to make everything right . and even,im willing to sacrifice anything for the sake of him (to the positive side please) . like today,i actually went to ur house just to know how ur feeling,with me having fever and weak without having any rest,yet . cause to me,ur the most important thing . i've yet to think of you than myself . Although u're out before i could reach ur house in time . but,im glad to know you're just fine . mistake will not be repeated . im not gonna leave u alone,without talking to u . and i will be there,when u need a helping hand and someone to talk to . yes,im gonna change everything starting from tomorrow onwards .
Words are just words . that's what people normally says . but,my words are true as i don't talk any old how as i like . although i have my own description of my own dream guy,but i know it's a long way to go . ur in front of my eyes now . why cant we give each other a chance since we like each other now? and,with u around,i'll feel comfortable . && u make me smile everytime i see u . i will treat u nice cause u deserve them . im gonna be a good one as ur strict and good enough for me,trust . so,its good to be in love . but,what's true love? i wanna feel them . i'll let infatuation take place then && sexy,let there be love .
labels: my head are over ur heels,but not totally . show me the love,sexy .
"" was Posted On: Wednesday, October 24, 2007 @17:44 | 0 lovely comments ✿
Layer 1: On The OutsideName: Nur Adilla Binte RamliBirthdate: 08th October 1992Current Status: SingleEye Colour: Deep Dark BrownHair Colour: Black + some natural brownLayer 2: On The InsideMy Heriatge: Malay & JavaneseMy Fears: Injections,heights & lose someone i really loveMy Weaknesses: I'm too patience & kind-hearted when it comes to 'love'My Perfect Pizza: Seafood Pizza as there's soo many seafood in there ^_^Layer 3: Yesterday, Today, TomorrowMy First Thought Of Waking Up: Why didnt he msg after after reaching home last night?My Bedtime: Ohhhh,him & what's for tomorrow fellas?My Most Missed Memories: About my previous jagi & i wanna be loved like previously .
Layer 4: My PickPepsi or Coke: Same jek . okaaylah,i'll go for coke McDonald's or Burger King: LJS,please? Mc'D kot? coz i'll alwasy eat Rendang Burger at BKSingle or Group Dates: Single,more romantic! haha,but,shud try for group date too ^_^Adidas or Nike: Adidas Adidas Adidas! i never like Nike,lol!Vanilla or Chocolate: Chocolate,it's obvious!Cuppucino or Coffee: Mocha . coz i never drink both . they taste bad you see .
Layer 5: Do You?Smoke: Kalau da gatal sangat and da tkder keje laaa . hoho!Take a Shower: Ehh,mampos! question stoppit saak .Have a Crush: Ermmmmm .......... recently,yes . but,don't talk about love to me .Go To School: I skipped school twice a year,only .Believe in Myself: Ooh,sudah semestinyer! tapi kalau part cinte tu,kirim slm jelah ehh .Think You're a Health Freak: Guess sooo . well im not sure actually .Layer 6: In The PastDrink Alcohol: No! and i never will .Gone to Mall: Soalan,last warning sey!Dyed Hair: Yes,and get caught by Mdm Salbiah at the very 3rd day of school . kecoh .Layer 7: Have You Ever?Played a Stripping Game: No,i didnt wanna let people see my sexy body shaped .Change Who You Were To Fit In: Aku tk paham sangat uh soalan nie,skipp boleh tk?Layer 8: Are You Hoping ToGet Married: YES of course! cause i cant wait to go for my Honeymoon at Paris . haha,but at the age of 30 should be .Layer 9: In A PartnerBest Eye Colour: Natural eye color . but,like my dad's will do . haha! mane nak cari? mampos!Best Hair Colour: Anything that suits him well .but not blonde,please!Long or Short Hair: Guys look better in short hairs . but,spiky and nice hair laaa ehh .Layer 10: What Were You Doing?
A Min Ago: Updating my blog and listen to some musics
An Hour Ago: Was calling my Eccentric D and discuss about our big fucking problem
A Month Ago: Fasting & schooling . its fasting month though .
A Year Ago: In love with my late PrettyBoy? haha,cerite lame sia .
Layer 11: Finish The Sentence
I Love: Ooouhh,him . Family,girlfriends,boyfriends,myself & Eccentric D!
I Hide: The feelings that have grown towards you
I Miss: YOU! ouhh,him .
I Need: I need him to msg me and tell me how his fever has been and i need you by my side,love .
what's great about Hari Raya so far? it's a great and an exciting thing to see the guys going out for raya wearing samping at either their waist or around their shoulder . ouh,itu sungguh chomel! mcm exciting gitu kan? hehe . andand what's great for the girls soo far? they look totally sexy in kebaya (tu pon kalau body lawa laa) and with their heels along . well,i've not yet start raya-ing with my friends . kalau daa,kecoh ehh . esok laa tu jawapnyer =)
labels: there's no use now. Eccentric's biggest secret is out . wtf?
"" was Posted On: Monday, October 22, 2007 @13:03 | 0 lovely comments ✿
hari raya yang ke-lima .
selamat hari raya semuaaa .
Pictures will be up,real soon . im plain lazy to upload them,what's more when im having a fever now . with an additional stupid idiotic irritating toothache . bodoh nak mampos . seriously,i feel like plucking this tooth out of my mouth . it's like,of all tooth,why must it be the one right infront? cause' im scared la kan,kalau gigi tu tercabot,tak macam mampos pulak aku,bogeh kat blah depan . gone case sial . gusi aku nie pon tk mcm ngilu pulak . ish,rabak siak .
just because of one tooth,im having a bad headache which leads me to fever . ehh,giler sey . so,what's great fellas? i slept the whole day yesterday in class while the rest busy checking papers . oh yes,i passed my POA and malay for now . humanities,maths and science are definitely gone case . soo,im only left with english paper . well,i failed the paper 2 by 4 marks and we've not yet to know what's our overall marks after adding up with the oral and paper1 . paper1,most of us did badly,that was what we're told . bleeeaargggh . but im glad and felt relieved when Mr Koh said,if i passed my overall eng for the last few semester,that wouldnt be a problem for me to pass my overall for end of year . *relieved* && if i were to retain,goodbye . its gonna be my worst nightmare i tell youu .
i didnt feel this year raya's atmosphere . and i felt that this was the most boring raya ever . but still,im glad that i get to meet all of my lovely cousins up . friends,we'll go out raya soon okaay? aku miss makan lontong,tapi aku tau aku tklei makan . gigi da macam nie,nak makan macam mane sia? ayam masak merah,belom dapat makan lagi nie . raye mama tk sempat masak . haiyah . miss lagi . oh yaa,dekat gombak dah buka kedai Donut Donut baru . syiiok giler . && thanks lorr Zanna tadi blanje kite almond donut . haha,i was rushing to school and i didnt even remember to take my pocket money down at the table . careless .
yesterday was 16th October : Happy Birthday Auntie Johor & Jolie Teng!
today is 17th October : Happy birthday Abang Bob & Zhen Zhu!
tomorrow's gonna be 18th October : Happy birthday Dian!
God blessed . oh kakak,thanks for the whitey whitey watch . lovee it ^_^ Yesaaa! Black Hi-Cut CONVERSE this friday . haha,the best birthday present ever,every year! thanks dude =)
labels: kalau cakap suke,tapi bile yang lame muncul kembali,buat ape? there's no use in saying u like me when ur back with her now . and you're simply what the fuck,seriously . && aku pon malas nak layan kau .
"" was Posted On: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 @19:22 | 0 lovely comments ✿
muke,jackass! haha .
hari raye hari raye hari raye hari raye hari raye daaaaan hari raye . seriously,tk mcm cepat pulak kan . its like,i didn't feel like we've been fasting for a month already,now . and it's like,how time flies . but,im glad and i really cant wait to meet all of my lovely cousins up tomorrow,seriously,i miss them like ushrg7jd%&^^ . and i cant wait to eat the different kinds of kuih-muih tomorrow ^_^ tapi lagi best sey kalau dapat raye pat kampung . dapat main bunge api,mercun,pelita colok,masak rendang ramai-ramai,gotong-royong and all . i really wanna feel the Hari Raya atmosphere at kampung . hmmmmm .... lain tahun kot? hehe =)
sooo,today's time was spent greatly . all of my time are used up for cleaning the house,lend a helping hand on my mum who is at the kitchen,cooking and stuff . it's like,today is my most tiring day of my life! haha . but,im happy to see my house,neat and tidy . what's better is when everything is in red and brown . cantik lorr . so,what's great? poeple bombed me with the typical hari raya greetings to the most funniest greetings . haha,seriously,they are full of craps . especially Johan . mampos,kasi msg tk mcm kelakar la kan . and what surprised me is when Fahmy msg-ed me . i was like utre&%$^^ ? like suddenly,and i didn't even know it was him in the first place,not until i asked him who he was . silly .
Mas gf & riyan nephew,cepat baik ehh . esok raye lorr . nanti kalau demam esok,tak best taau . be good and eat the medicine okaay? cepat baik horr! oh yesssa,i went to do henna on my hand at the shop nearest to my house and the design that i wanted is sooooo damn nice . but then,when the person did,it was soooo like bleeeemmmmmm -____- . tk lawaa seey . da lah tk lawa,simple plak tu . den,the henna quality is not that good . as in the colour does not turn out to be what i expected . it turns our to be more orangeeeey than dark brown . another bleeeeemmmm . but thank god,i remember to put some axe oil on it to make the color change . its becoming more and more brown now (:
its exactly 2.00 o'clock on my desktop now . another 7 more hours to go before the clock strikes 9.00 . the time where i usually wake up for the first day of raya . soooo,what's good fellas? im totally full now . after eating the rendang,lontong,ketupat,sambal udang,satay and all . da rase macam nak jadi ular sawee . da ngantok sikit da nie . tapi,malas nak tdo . hehe . currently doing nothing,just myspacing . well,im tired though,after spending my whole day doing chores . i've been thinking from just now,what should i say when im asking for forgiveness from my parents ehh? kinda nervous though -__-
since then,i wanna wish all of the Muslim people,regardless whether u are in Singapore or not,
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir & Batin .
kalau dilla ade buat awk marah,kecil hati,geram,mengamok,salah,silap dan sewaktu dengannye,saye ingin meminta maaf dan janji dilla tak akan buat lagi,okaaay? hehe . andand saye sayang kamuuu semueee lorrr =) may u guys have the best Hari Raya celebration this year! enjoy your holidays and your days ahead!
Indian boy: "dey chaundru chaundru,kau da mati kan? mane boleh bangun? ehh,kau da main tipu laaa!"
Seargant: "ehh,aku hero la! hero mati blh mati?"
Adik Muntal: "bangcatch bangcatch platinum,semueee mati,aku tembaaaak! haha . "
Seargant: "ehh,perempuan mane blh jadi askar? kau balik,kau tolong mak kau masak,kau bagi kiteorg makan,faham adik muntal?"
Adik Muntal: "eleeeh,aku bilang mak aku seargant!"
Seargant & The Gang: "bilang laa . satu,due,tige,empat sampaaaai kiaaamat! hahahahahaha =)
Seargant: "taaaaabit spppprrinnnnnnnnng! hehehe"
the funniest and the best advertisement on TV3 on Malaysian's National Day ^_^ if you get the point and the picture,then you'll understand and you'll definitely laugh .
labels: i don't want this day to come to an end .
Loved Always;DILLA .
"" was Posted On: Saturday, October 13, 2007 @01:44 | 0 lovely comments ✿
;beautiful love
and like finally,all of the papers are over . and now,all of my precious time are to be spent cleaning the house and get prepared for Hari Raya which is in 2 days' time . oh myyyyyy,isn't it fast? well,i really cant wait for tomorrow when my house is all in red and brown,and when the food is ready on the table,lontong,satay,ayam masak merah,rendang and all . and when i will spent most of my time tomorrow,sit in front of the TV,watching all kinds of dramas . oh yess,tomorrow's such a great day . what's good is when the Takbir Raya is playing on the radio . ohhhhhh,sarang .
Yellow baju kurung for this year,black 2 inch high heels and black handbag for this year . simply cant wait for tomorrow ^_^ i spent most of my time just now browsing through youtube to find great steps and songs for our upcoming competition for Eccentric D which is on 17th November,next month . besides that,i've been watching and listening to Kim Jaejoong's songs and video clips . oh myyyy,he's sooo cutee okaay! its like,his voice really make me smile all the way . haha,mampos . tapi serious,die chomel la sangat-sangat! hehehe =)
will update tomorrow,at 2 a.m in the morning . cause i know,every year,i will sleep at 3 or 4 a.m for Malam Raya . haha . best lorr esok nyer ceritee . oh yes,i've learned and realised something today . i've learned to be strong,take things easy and be patience . and today,i've realised that promises are simply what the fucking hell . people make promises just to comfort the other party and to make that person truly trust them but actually,words are only words . in fact,after making such promises,they actually blame the other person for being at fault and that's totally silly . but,i'm glad that im a person who hold strong onto promises . i will think TWICE before making them . i will think of the consequences as i might hurt others in future . and if i've already did them,i'll ensure that i fulfill them and not to play around with promises cause its a big issue,though . so yes,think twice before you spit anything out of your mouth,really . oh ya,siape makan chilli,die lah terase pedas nye okaay?
ini lah Kim Jaejoong saye . Kim Jaejoong hot giler nak mapos . tk bohong . die chomeel loorrr ^_^
die hero saye,oohh itu sudaaah tentuu =) okaay Zanna,awk dah ade Rain Bi & T.O.P Big Bang,kite ade diee loor . hehehe (:
Labels: does TRUE LOVE really exist? what's love anyway? i wonder .
"" was Posted On: Thursday, October 11, 2007 @16:36 | 0 lovely comments ✿
;Saengil Chuka Hamnidaa!
It's 07th October 2007 when my elder sister turned 17 and it's 08th October when i turned sweet 15 . We actually had our break-fast outside,at Marina Square celebrating her birthday at Pizza Hut . Was a great one indeed . i guess,it was her best birthday celebration . cool ehh . so yeah,the pictures will do the talking for now ^_^

That's the Birthday Girl for that day .


The best among the best boy-friend .

ahh,tulaah . da tkder keje,byk2 tmpt,dekat tangge jgk nk amek gmbr .

sesungguhnya muke mereka sungguh chomel .
Khairin,Apiz and Fahn .

somehow or rather,i find this picture cute . haha,seriously . muke satu2 mentel ehh .

The people who came for the on that day .

again ^_^

the best among the best people . Saranghae .
Tchigodo .

Annyong haseyo!

its the chocolate cake which i bought for Jagi . kindaa expensive yet delicious =)
so yeah,my birthday is such a boring one . serious,no joke . nothing special happened on that particular day,yesterday . stodgy boringg . all i did yesterday was just to kill my time going to Lavender and get my IC done (nothing to be proud of) , went to Apiz's shop and meet him up,killed time at Bugis and then,went to Jurong West to buy food for breaking fast . back home and sleep . oh yes,my birthday cake which i bought for myself yesterday is nicee (although its cheap!) again,i would like to thank the people who gave me present without my expecting anything,the birthday wishes and birthday song . thank youu once again .
sooo,what's next? the saddest thing in life is when the two most important person in your life doesn't wish you anything , not even the phrase Happy Birthday for you . that's what i felt yesterday . i should be happy yesterday cause it is the special day in my life instead,it went the other way round . forget about it -___-
Hari Raya is coming up in 4 days time . but too bad,i didn't feel that Raya is coming . it's plain bored . but,whatever it is,i really cant wait to meet all of my lovely cousins up this Saturday . really,i miss them a lot,real lot . ohoh,i've not bought my handbag yet hoor . haiyah . neey,will buy them this Thursday at Geylang and ate Dendeng for the very last time laa,okaay? ehh,tak macam lapar la plak . hmmmmmmmmmm ^_^
one after another . again and again . i really appreciate you for being my good friend . but,i didn't expect you to turn our friendship into something else just like that . you were left by her as she felt better with her boyfriend there . so,give it a thought . cause' i take this thingy seriously . but no matter what you say,i will stay on with my decision . i like someone else although it seems too fast and although it doesn't make sense at all as i may not have the chance to own them . so what's next? im chollin . i wanna sleep now . i've not been having enough sleep for the past few days . oh yeah,sorry of you can't understand some of the words i've typed down . it's in Korea by the way . movie marathon,soon (:
JULIET beloved myspacer who was the 1st one to wish me birthday
JAGI who wishes me when the clock strikes 12 and wishes me thrice at the same hour & he sang me my birthday song in Korea language .
IFAH my kambing who wish me twice
ZANNA who sang me the birthday song early in the morning with 3 different languages that make me cry
MAS the one who wishes me in a violent way,haha! mcm Gangster .
IQA who sang me the birthday song at 12.30 midnight
APIZ and KHAIRIN the dudes who wishes me spontaneously
ZUL FAKAR what a birthday wish
HAKIM the cutest birthday wish
NAZRYN COUSIN who gave the sweetest among the sweetest birthday wish
YUNIS the only person who mistaken my birthday on 07th of October
HATIM and FARUQ the dudes who wishes me upteen times without failed
and to those whose name i didn't mention,still,thank youu soooooo muccchhhh! saranghae!
labels: saye lapar ehh!
"" was Posted On: Tuesday, October 09, 2007 @11:51 | 0 lovely comments ✿
saengil chuka haeyo! haha . thanks for the advance birthday wish and presents given . especially to my Jagi,what a special gift u gave . that perfume really smells goood . and to Ida,i really love the bag and earrings,its really cute! Irfan,the chocolate,u really cn read my mind . i really miss eating chocolate . hehe . thanks baybe!
sooooooooooo,what's about the birthday celebration in few hours time? i wonder =)
labels: you are my most special birthday gift i've ever receive .
"" was Posted On: Monday, October 08, 2007 @00:51 | 0 lovely comments ✿
We really look like twins hooor .

Lovely girlfriends =)

The wedding cake,yumyum!

Overdue pictures! haha . its been one month sia =)
well,the end of year's doing kindaa great i guess . my History paper was slightly difficult for the structure essay . eventually,i spent most of my time answering section A . and i only take 20 mins to answer the Section B which im totally blurr of . i started forgetting the important points while doing the section A . hells . but,its all over now . all i have to do now is to concentrate on my coming papers . && more revision is to be done =)
Iqa's birthday is coming in 4 days time and mine,in 5 days time . i cant wait for this sunday's occasion where by all the the sweetest among the sweetest friends are celebrating the birthdays' at Suntec City,Pizza Hut . they are coming down wearing formal clothing and i bet they gonna look super duper smart and wonderful . haha! as my for myself,im wearing one long blouse,a mixture of green and blue in color,and my dark blue Levis' jeans with my sandals . that's all . oh yes! with shades along! yumyum =)
well,im not looking forward about this outing as much as i did the last time . somethings took place and stuff . that really disappoint me . jealousy took place . heart broken,cryings and stuff . but,i was taught by my Jagi to learn to be strong and look out on the bright side of life . think positive although i know im not that strong . but,im not at fault to have a crush on Jagi,that;s what he told me . but,its all fated . but im still gald,he still treat me well and won't leave me although he wanted to pursue his love for his dream girl . well,i've never break down like i did yesterday sia . i've never felt this sad and all . and,after telling him straightforward what i felt exactly thru the phone,i then realised i actually like him when he told me so . i was so surprised -__- . c'mon,who dosen't want a guy like him?
to be truthful,he's my dream guy,really . yes,i admit . its hard to find someone like him . but,since he's my lovely Jagi,i don't mind about how i feel so long as he felt happy,im happy too! its hurting when i actually encouraged him to go for his dream girl,wait for her as she's attached now . it is soo hurting,but i really have to accept the fact . but,im still blaming myself for the incident but i felt relieved after Apiz comfort me with his words . thanks buddy! muchh appreciated! and to my lovely Jagi,thanks for everything,for understanding me and yeahh,your my pillar of strength,seriously . i felt that im missing the sweet night messages u used to send to me and the laughter,haha!
so,i bet the outing's not gonna be as fun as i planned it to be . but,its okaay . all i cant wait is when Khairin's gonna do his wonderful surprise specially for Iqa . hahaa! kakak,get ready je laaa ehh! as for me,im still gonna get my surprise from Jagi and its something that i really cant figure out . hmmmm . but i guess,i've smell something ;)
my siblings and i ate only kuih and one packet of cheese fries for break-fast but we're all full now . plus chendol,air kathira and slupee . that really make us super duper full . so what's next for tomorrow? im having my maths paper 1 which i know i cant make it with my english paper 2,which i guess i can do it . so yeeaaah,im bored -_______- ^^ oh yes,it's good to learn something new . todaay,i learned how to speak in Korean language,mummy! haha! korea are cuteee! there's still more to learn! =)
labels: thanks zanna for the Photoshop thingy && the laugher just now (:
"" was Posted On: Wednesday, October 03, 2007 @17:20 | 0 lovely comments ✿
overdue picture on Cikgu Ramna's Wedding =)
it's been 3 days since i became an owl . staying out late,late night calls,myspacing,msn,watch tv at late night and so forth . its a great thing to do sometimes,i guess . today was the sleepiest day in my life . but,i managed to get myself awake in time for school and not to fall asleep in class . well,i did . and okey,its not my fault alright . my English teacher is like one asshole . i really cant understand him cause u know why? exams is just tomorrow and he still got the guts to use our two period which last for 1 hr and 10 mins just to tell his stories . he's the Discipline Master in Hillgrove Sec,mind you . i expect him to give us some worksheets or something to do as a revision,instead,he used all of our time telling grandmother stories and that really irritates me . well,i just read my malay novel instead of listening to his damn stories . i felt tired of reading after that and i had a short nap 15 mins before recess time .
but im glad,i only yawned and yawned,again and again for my Chemistry lesson . it's a boring one,i know . but,not matter what,i still have to stay awake and get my books out and do revision . and i really have to get that thing in mind,exams is just tomorrow! -___- i've already started my revision on History,POA and malay . well,the rest,still gotto wait . haha . today is Children's Day and there's only 29 people attend school instead of 40 . 11 was absent and i guess they thought it was Children's Day and its a holiday for them . silly . oh yeah,we got jelly and some sweets from Mr Chia,our form teacher . i get twice for the jelly as it was an advanced birthday gift from my teacher . and yeah,we get a notepad each to jot down things that we're suppose to bring on the next day as our class is full of people who forget things easily,including me =)
an incident happened early in the morning . i was on my way to school . i was listening to musics when i was walking in an open car park . i didnt hear any engine sounds,a car's light nor did i saw people going inside the car . i was walking behind a red typical car when that car wanted to reverse . i was shocked like ity&54%%^^^ . fortunately,i managed to avoid that car from knocking me down and fortunately,im not injured,nor did i fall down . i then stared the driver,and indian driver . he acted as if nothing actually happens and still got the guts to smile at me and just drove off . and that's simply what the hell . seriously,if i didn't managed to get myself away from that car,i guess i won't be taking my exams tomorrow and i won't be here,blogging . what a driver -_______-
next . and this is the most disgusting thing i've ever seen . i bet u don't wanna hear them . i was then on my way back from school to Gombak . at Gombak MRT,there's an temporary toilet . ladies and gents . while i was walking,listening to musics,i saw this cute little boy wanna go to the toilet . he was scared to go in as the toilet was some kind of dark . but his mum just told him to go in as she will wait for her son outside . while i was looking at that cute boy going in the toilet,to my surprise,i saw this fat man,flashing his di^&&% outside the cubicle . he has not wear his jeans nor his blue undergarments . i was like wtf? he even scratch his di&&%^^ . i then quickly walk away from that particular place . and i continue walking with my hands closing my eyes . i was sooooooo shocked like goddamit . i felt like crying to and i don't know why . maybe,its something i've never seen before and its soo gross . its like a trauma for me . till now,that incident is still in my mind and i don't know why . its like,okaay . i simply don't know how to describe what im feeling right now .
how lovely time flies,goodbye September and its already October now . people are getting crazier and crazier each day . they can't simply stop disturbing me about my upcoming birthday . haha . okaay,its exactly next week . and the day before my birthday,its my elder sis' . and i really cant wait for the birthday outing with my sis and her lovely frens,this coming sunday . plus,my family and i is going to JB too,this friday and saturday! haha,i love the atmosphere there . what's more when Hari Raya is around the corner . again,im doing my IC (okay,theres' nothing to be proud of kan?) with my sisters and some sweet frens along and we're going to break-fast together outside as my birthday celebration on the next monday . i simply cant wait for the bigg and sweet surprise my Jagi Fahn . hehehe =)
tomorrow's gonna be my 2nd paper . Malay paper 2 . so yeahh,the rest of the papers will continue until the next thursday,11 Oct . ohhhh myyyy . so yeah,have a nice day ahead sexy people! (:
labels: i don't give a fcuk on u doing those things to ur new gf . so what? im leading a wonderful life now,without u .
"" was Posted On: Monday, October 01, 2007 @14:41 | 0 lovely comments ✿
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