Loved Always;DILLA .
"" was Posted On: Monday, December 31, 2007 @15:48 | 0 lovely comments ✿
;dances till morning breaks .
So,how shud i describe my feelings right now? Current Mood: Sad . okay yes,I AM missing my mum terribly now . && i cant wait for the day,when she gets back home . and,i shall vent my anger and complain and complain and complain to her about whats been happening at home . its driving me to my grave,with them behaving like this . for god sake . dammit . soooo,how did i spent my time at home with this kind of situation? i killed my time by rotting at my bedroom,sketching,listen to some musics,read my malay novels which ive not . && i didnt even get out of my room,not even to my living room to watch tv and stuff . unless,its my toilet break and meals time! =.= =.=
sooooooo,sketching time does worth it and is satisfying though . okay,whatever im talking and typing about,just bare with it . seriously,im super duper duper bored today! sooo,just take a look at my silly un-colored design and shall give me comments for it,okay? my color pencil are lost,so i cant color them to make it look super nicer . shall buy them pretty soon! Prettyboy pon da marah . draw jer,tp tk color! haah . oh,by the way,all the sketches that i drew was all mine,nor did i print it from somewhere,nor did i trace it or ask people to drew it for me . so,get that in mind okaaay! =)
what should i name it?

&& bothe bottom and top pic are the "RED CARPET GOWNS BY DILLA" .

when i gets bored and tired of sketching,this is what i do to my small sketch book =)
It's gonna be last chapter of 2007 soon . so,i bet im gonna super miss my 2007 man! soo many thing happened this year . the happy moments,sweet moments,sad moments,the ex-boyfriend,the friends,the conflicts,the hurtings . be it physically nor emotionally . and yeah . so many beautiful things happened this year . especially when it comes to the ending months of 2007 (november & december) . the times when i getto know SVCrew,PrettyBoy Syah and all . how nice . i wish i could turn back the clock but i know i cant . soo,yeah . i wish the best and better things for 2008 in a days' time! =)
Labels: Will there still be a date tomorrow? im gonna hug you tight,prettyboy . really i am coz im gonna miss you soooooooooooo much =(
"" was Posted On: Sunday, December 30, 2007 @20:40 | 0 lovely comments ✿
;Confession #1
No matter how angry i am,how sad,miserable,mad,pissed,unlucky,stupid,depressed,moody,marah,bingit,geram i am yesterday,
there's always gonna be a smile on my face . maybe,this could make you understand:
Date: 26th December 2007,Wednesday .
Time:02:30 a.m in the morning
issyah geiger - back to square one says:
eh i kaypoh can or not?
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
KPO for what?
issyah geiger - back to square one says:
ur pm
issyah geiger - back to square one says:
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
KPO sangat!
issyah geiger - back to square one says:
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
dowan tell ley!
issyah geiger - back to square one says:
why dowan tell?
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
pasal dowan lor!
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
i think uve overheard it
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
when i was talking to faruq n iqa
issyah geiger - back to square one says:
what happen!?@?!?
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
about my previous x WANNA DATE ME BACK! hahahahahhahaha he told me he regrets for what he had done to me and now,he wanna win me back
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
i told faruq,coz faruq knows him and he was like,mampos dilla .
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah,fafilla ramai peminat!
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
*faints giler*
issyah geiger - back to square one says:
issyah geiger - back to square one says:
ur previous hotstuff eh?
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
sort of
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
issyah geiger - back to square one says:
awwwwww really?
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
yesyes of course! =)
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
sooo,i told him its not gonna happen
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
issyah geiger - back to square one says:
issyah geiger - back to square one says:
so many guys are after you
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
haha tapi,satu pon i dont like
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
no,thank you
issyah geiger - back to square one says:
and ure chasing a particular guy
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
hmmm guess so?
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
issyah geiger - back to square one says:
haha ayoh
issyah geiger - back to square one says:
dont worry uh
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
dream guy sey! its infront of ur eyes already!
issyah geiger - back to square one says:
i bet the guy will fall for you soon enuff
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
well,pretty hope so =)
issyah geiger - back to square one says:
dont hope uh
issyah geiger - back to square one says:
i think it already did
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
issyah geiger - back to square one says:
issyah geiger - back to square one says:
but,he likes to take things slow .
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
tell him to take his time baby . im okay with everything .
issyah geiger - back to square one says:
even if it takes months?
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
so long as he can accept me for who i really am,why not?
Well,that explains why i'm smiling all the today . I think should'nt elaborate more about the progression between me and him . haha . well,we had our outing/hangout again with the SVCrew to Clarke Quay . before that,we meet up at Suntec City,waited for the rest to show up . then,we proceed on for our dinner at Marina Square and then,to Wisma Orchard which is a super crowded place to pick Annie upp . We then continue on our journey to Clarke Quay . annnnnnnnnnd,camwhore and enjoy the view plus,watching the people who rides the bungy-jumping (did i spell them right?)

Snapshot #1
Snapshot #2 && i didnt know he was holding my hands,haha!
Snapshot #3
Merry Chrismas .

See,i told you they love my trademark! roooaaaaaaaaaaaar!

Moving on . Yesterday night,Issyah planned to catch a movie,online . we watched I Am Legend,which was a great and suspense movie i'd say . with great picture quality and all . so yeah,giving our comments and stuff thru msn,which we acted up like as if we really are watching together,side-by-side . haha . Will Smith,The last man to be standing on earth and that was his legend . Light up the darkness,fulled of zombies and viruses . should catch them though .
Ratings: 8.5/10 .
Labels: The wonderful feeling of love .
"" was Posted On: Thursday, December 27, 2007 @10:47 | 0 lovely comments ✿
;Tell me something gorgeous baby!
Current Caption: You'll never knew it unless you try it!
yeaaaaaaaaaaaay! like finally im done with BANGS . okaay,people say i look like Nicole Scherzinger! *faints faints faints* haha . lagi-lagi Qiss,say i look like twins die . haha . cute you la Qiss! =) && gf,thanks for being the FIRST one to say yes to bangs for me! hehe . well,im satisfied though! and it's like,this is my first time getting my fringe cut without REGRETS not did i CRY . haha . satisfying .
sooooooooooooo,im going out for a DATE again with PrettyBoy Syah one of these weekdays! haha . annnnnnnnnd,we're going to somewhere special and a nice place to have our dinner! weeeeeeee! all of Dilla's idea! andand,chocolates for you tooo baby! and,oh yeah! Fahmy asked me out for a date too . andand,fahn too . including Firdaus . and lastly, _____ . okaaay,Dilla's gonna be dead sooon . haha! well,whatever it is,Issyah's still gonna be the one . okaay FULLSTOP .
it's 1246hours on my desktop now and im not sleepy yet! haha . sooooooooo,what's for this year's Chrismas? i wanna go out ley! && new year eve baybe! wah,i guess my schedule for this week's gonna be tight! seriously tight . *faints faints faints* hahaha . well,update me for anything! school's re-opening next week! soooo faaaaaaaaast! mampos .
Chrismas=Chocolateeee! yummmmmyyyy =P
"" was Posted On: Monday, December 24, 2007 @00:10 | 0 lovely comments ✿
New skin =)
&& Selamat Hari Raya (aidiladha) to all!
feeling-feeling raye puase la plak =P
Cuurent Percentage of Cheekyness: 98.256980452201% ONLY .
"" was Posted On: Thursday, December 20, 2007 @02:48 | 0 lovely comments ✿
;When people stop thinking,I'll make the decision .
15th December 2007,Saturday Night baby! Hangout with SVC at esplanade then we moved to a place which is somewhere around Fullerton Hotel (did i spelled them right?) . spent most of our time there,talk,laugh,listen to songs,take pictures and all . well,pictures will do the talking now ^_^
The one who came .
Candid,Take two .

Candid like again,Take three .

Take four .
and Jill,that loooooook soooooooooooooooooooo wrong! haha .
Well,the Manchester United fans! excluded me,(Liverpool okay!) and Jill,NewCastle . haha,sesat .
My most favourite buddy . A-man! =)

Photography partner,Jill . he's the greatest among the greatest!
Sexy,cute and adorable . haha =P
Syah's idea to stole my trademark! well,it does looks cute on them though!
this is what i do when im bored -__-
SVC knows me by this trademark!
The company .
haha . look at Syah's face . i really feel like biting him! effing cute sia .
i wanna lose weight . just pretend that i look thin in this picture .
what's for yesterday? daddy's out with his 2 months bonus plus his monthly pay . and we did ALOT of shopping i must say! New flat-screen Sharp tv was bought,LG DVD player with additional of 7 different speaker and one sub-woofer,new PSP for Dian,new N95 handphone for mummy and a new school shoe for myself (not fair) . okaaay,soooo,i thought of asking my dad to buy me Ipod Touch but it seems that that thing is so expensive . so,i shall give it a pass then . well,there's always a next time for me! i don't mind . well,all i want now is to DO SOMETHING TO MY HAIR .
told Qiss,i need bangs . wanna rebond my fringe and cut bangs,which is half-length of my eye . not too short and not too long . well,the idea pops out when i saw 2 mat salleh with bangs yesterday . sooo,i asked myself,why not trying a new look? hoho . bought school stuff already now . everything's complete . except that,i didnt buy a new school bag (well,i dont need a new one actually) . and yeah! i've got myself a new B4 size sketch book for my dress sketching . so,i shall uploas a pic of my sketching and my master piece then! oh yes! mum's away to San Francisco for 3 weeks! so yeah! that's it for now .
*kening naik-naik* *senyum lebar-lebar mcm The Rock*
oh by the way,what does bestfriend means to you? think again .
labels: I'll wait for your msg when you've reach home,later =)
"" was Posted On: Monday, December 17, 2007 @20:20 | 0 lovely comments ✿
;Tell me something new baby .
11th December 2007,Tuesday .
Went to catch a movie with Is'syah and Dian at Cineleisure . watched ENCHANTED . omg,that's a GREAT show i tell you! i reaaaaaally feel like watching them again! seriously,no regrets watching them . at first,i thought it was kinda boring as it starts off with the fairy tales and stuff . as it goes along,the storyline became more and more exciting . *grins widely* haha .
12th December 2007,Wednesday .
Went to catch Is'syah's gig . waited for the rest of the SVC to show upp . one word for them,LATEEEE! they are super duper late! annnnd,we getto watch Syah sang the song Jenny,for a short while only . grrrrrrrr! but anyways,i did enjoy myself watching him performing,live just right in front of me . singing while looking at me,and smiled at me . *melts* haha . he's cute while singing though . AND,i didnt know he have GREAR VOICE! *senyum lebar-lebar mc THE ROCK* well,i'd say,all the songs he wrote was a VERY GOOD ONE! definitely . sooo,im soo looking forward for more new songs from you,prettyboy .
moving on . we then grab a bite at LJS,like again at Cineleisure and then,slack before getting back to the place for another preformance by another group of friends . so,i did enjoy myself on that day . well,not many pictures was snapped as my camera's batt was low . soo,only 4 pictures we got! wasted uh,no videos from Arrowhead (Syah's band) is recorded . oh btw,its my first time seeing him really dressed upp smart! AND,he really look like KYLE PATRICK from THE CLICK FIVE . no kidding . only that,Kyle is fairer . haha! =p one word to describe him on that particular day,HOT! =) *grins wideeeeeeeeely*
SVC . well,not all are there actually .
The HOTSTUFF guy for the day .
He looks like KYLE PATRICK on that daaaaaay! kan kan kan? *melts*
i look thin while wearing this outfit actually (that's what people plus myself says) . but,it turns another way round in pictures! haha . well,he's the candle in my life .
Iqa's back after her 9 days spent at HTA,chasing her dream to become a C.I . and now,we're planning about tmr's hangout with SVC,as they really miss her alot . Reed,especially . haha . well,make things work and i can meet Is'syah tomorrow yaw! wah! 3 days of meeting him in just a week! power sia . haha . anyway,when i went to gombak just now,i saw ATIE and i was like,shouting her name and hugged her tight for like 3521465.56346 minutes? haha! i really miss her sia . not only her,all of my frineds i must say . especially,Zanna,Ifah and Mas . Calling for Zanna,Ifah and Mas! haha . PS: aku rindu korang giler giler sia! looking forward to meet u guys up! confirm biler jumpe,pelok lame2 sia . haha .
saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap? i ate hot chocolate waffle just now and it is super duper delicious i must say! hoho . good timing to eat hot waffle on cold rainy days . sooo,what should i give Wawan for his birthday? chocolates? i don't know . haha . i'll update more when many things happen! well,holidays are BORING though . mum's flying off to San Francisco this monday! oh myy .
labels: when can this come to an end? im afraid,split ups might happen . oh gosh! :-(
"" was Posted On: Friday, December 14, 2007 @22:24 | 0 lovely comments ✿
What are the FIFTEEN things you wanna do before you turn sixteen? =p
1. I wanna buy myself many toys before i was called a young adult .
2. I wanna KETOK my mum to buy me more stuff before i could do them by myself with my own money .
3. Make loose curl for my hair,curls are the SEX baby!
4. Make my complete design sketch folio before my N's
5. I wanna grow taller! 1.70 atLEAST,please!
6. I wanna loose weight!
7. I want my BODY SHAPE back please! i want them back .
8. I want my own room . my own privacy!
9. I want my dance crew to be known by others
10. I want my crew to get champion for Danceworks 2008
11. I wanna study hard and get myself fully prepared for N levels
12. I wanna buy white GUESS watch for myself
13. I wanna buy more lovely,sexy and hot dresses for myself
14. I wanna go PARIS before i turn 16,please! i wanna see for myself how gorgeous Eiffel Tower is!
15. I wanna get attached with my dream guy which is just in front of me now AND i wanna be loved .
I've been abandoning my blog for like 64694145.584626 days,i guess . haha! cause i myself didn't know what i should post . nothing much or maybe,nothing special happened lately . been sitting down at home,rotting . well,that's what i call holiday,for me . So,what's good fellas? SkaFest is a crazy one i must say . people all been going to the center and start skanking and moshing . haha! first experience,but i didnt get myself to skank coz i've got no female partner to do so . well,i didnt dare actually . kinda weird uh
Dance dance dance . when on earth can i get those steps right? haha . well,a few steps more and that's it! time to get cracking baby! we cant start practicing late or else,we're gonna be rushing down for time . DANCEWORKS 2008 baby! woohooo . && okaaay,people seems kinda weird . been telling me,
"omg Dilla,you've change! you're not like i used to know! man,you've been speaking english lately AND its been great to hear!"
hahahaaha! yeah,i've been speaking english too most of the people . don't blame me! blame Is'syah instead! he's the one who got me influenced by speaking english all the time! since the very FIRST time we talk and met! and not,malay . okay,i mean . malay,yes . but,sometimes . haha! kinda weird but thanks . it does help me improve in my english though! weirdstuff .
I wanna change my blogskin yaw! lemme check for some simple and nice blogskins . a plain one will do =) oh btw,mummy bought me Faded Jeans yaw! haha *grins widely* pluuss! dad's gonna buy me somthing,real soon! weeeeeeeeeeeeeee! *kening naik-naik*
Get back to you later .
"" was Posted On: Monday, December 10, 2007 @14:46 | 0 lovely comments ✿
"" was Posted On: Friday, December 07, 2007 @19:43 | 0 lovely comments ✿
It's my sicky week now . i've been having a bad fever from last week . with an additional of cough and flu plus toothache . and now,after things are becoming slightly better,im having a Stomach Flu! *faints faints faints* and,it's all because of the stuppisillyfuckingbastard birthday cake! i ate my neighbour's birthday cake and without realising,there was FUNGUS at the bottom of it! omg,i was like,dammit sia . and i felt weird . cause,i'm the only person who gets stomach flu,where else the rest (my siblings) dosent . ohoh . i keep on vomiting again and again yesterday which leads to 7 time! and diarrhoea,not to forget . oh gosh . i cant even walk a distance . cause,for sure,i'll vomit,like again -___- ohhhh,i wanna recover soon,pleaseee . im sick of being sick okaay! c'mon,let's chop chop recover and i can go0oo0 out with Syah sooooon! hohohohohohoho =D
Let's talk about last friday . we went to Reed's (iqa's ehem ehem) gig . it ws soo hardcore and screaaamoos . you know i hate that genre,right? haha . but,i find it kindaa cool when they performed . yeah,great job although Reed seems abit gay while performing . haha! okaay kak,kidding! but,it's true hor! haha . after the gig at Scape,me,Syah,Nunu,Wan,Dian and Era,we proceed on to Suntec City's Starbucks Cafe' (Faruq's and Aman's working outlet) . just hang out around there and kill time . had dinner and stuff for FREE! weeeeeee =) Starbucks sia,who dosent want? hohohohohohoho . with additional of pizza and stuff . yummy!
we kill our time by asking random and silly questions which Syah started with . " What are the 15 things you wanna do before you turn 16? " i was soooo like,dammit . i cant think for now okaay! haha . but,i managed to answer them though . silly billy milly filly . so yeah,the time has come to and end . we have to go different ways . Syah's to the east and me,west . so,seems kinda sad coz we're pinching each other while walking and suddenly was like,okaay,time to go . oh myyy . haha! BUT,days wouldn't have complete without snapping pictures of US! hohohohoho *smile widely*

Hanging by the thread . Reed's band .
' But you,you are so sweet to me eh . You're sooo different,i swear . You're way too kind to me . And i kinda like it that you're being kind to me . Go out often then maybe i may end up liking you instead? ' :-*
labels: Let's recover soon! =p
"" was Posted On: Monday, December 03, 2007 @19:27 | 0 lovely comments ✿
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