I love reading blogs during end of year,reading people's new year resolutions. They seems interesting. Thereby,i myself am gonna type down MY new year resolutions although sometimes,i don't think it's necessary but hey,who cares right? There you go! :)
● As said,NOT TO SLEEP IN CLASS ANYMORE during lesson time (!!!)
● Continue working hard on getting a SEXY legs before February (no reason why,just asap)
● Be more serious when it comes to STUDY,no more playing around. O levels fuckers.
● Be a better person in any/every way.
● Continue on losing my unnecessary fats around the hips.
● Stop talking about people who have derogatoriness,just let them be in their own world.
● Stop thinking on how SEXY JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE IS =.=
● Lastly,purchase the P/S I LOVE YOU novel SOON! (wanted it for like,FOREVER)
2008 isn't THAT sucky to me actually. But the fact is,it's a little bit sucky at the end but yeah,isn't that bad if i were to compare them with other people's opinion. Knowing that it's New Year Eve today,really makes me realised how times flies. Although i know,i've realised it for the gazillion-th times but whatever,IT STILL IS! And for the fact that school's gonna open in 2 days time really freaks me outta hell. Dammit.
And there you are lovely people,HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Labels: i have the idea already ;)
"" was Posted On: Wednesday, December 31, 2008 @16:25 | 0 lovely comments ✿
Last saturday was spent with Mimz bby. The meet-up time is delayed twice as i was busy with house chores. After which,i was then told to get out of the house by 3.45 pm and be at City Hall red-line platform by 4.30. And yes,you can't imagine how rushing i was to get myself ready. Afterall,i was the first to arrived there instead of her. Bagus eh ;) Our first stop was to have our late lunch over at Fareast as i was super hungry. After which,we then walk around to find the things i wanna purchase. So,we went down the street,have fun taking pictures with the gorgeous Christmas lightings and do some window-shopping. The last stop for us was Plaza Singapura. Subway Cookies for me and Fried Mars Bars for her,that's totally awesome :) And when she gotta get going,we bussed to Bugis,i alighted and she went straight to Bedok to fetch her little sister. And all along,i was alone in Bugis to find my stuff. So,that was my saturday! =D
Chicken Rice with HONEY DEW sauce. But i was wondering,why isn't it in GREEN color? Doesn't even taste like honey dew at all. HAHAHAHA.
Wanton Mee eh?
Unglamourous shot before crossing the road.
Gotta work on getting sexier legs,dammit.
She is cute,i know right.
Another Dilly moment with the Subway Cookies ;)Labels: so much for another trip
"" was Posted On: Tuesday, December 30, 2008 @13:37 | 0 lovely comments ✿
Wish you longetivity & prosperity. May you lead a beautiful life ahead and have a blissful birthday celebration. Thanks for being a wonderful girlfriend and listen to my stuff. And yeah,meet me soon to collect your prezzzyyyy! =D Love you and miss you too!
Labels: so much for a new start
"" was Posted On: Sunday, December 28, 2008 @20:21 | 0 lovely comments ✿
Wish you longetivity & prosperity. May you lead a beautiful life ahead and have a blissful birthday celebration. Love you & miss you too =D
Labels: it was confirmed
"" was Posted On: Friday, December 26, 2008 @22:43 | 0 lovely comments ✿
Last friday was cousin's solemnization and wedding dinner over at Rendezvous Hotel and followed by wedding day on the saturday. Here's are SOME of the pictures taken on the day itself. More pictures will be given to me,very soon. (I HOPE)
Cousin,he's 29 years old.

With the wife,Hani.
Cutting of cake ceremony at the hotel.
Bestest uncle & auntie from JB.
pouring of "champange" ----> it's actually F&N Zappel drink.Basir Siswo's brother with BEST cousin and uncle.
Fiercest yet friendly auntie ever alive.
Right,model for my mum on that day.
Taman Warisan's pelamin.
Siblings with mum AND cousin from JB.
Part of the cousins.

And i don't know where in the world is my daddy,roar.
Okay so,that was my weekend. Yesterday,i've decided to do BANGS again since i've got no fringe. And so,i met up with Fatwan over at gombak and then,we went to the salon. Yeah,he was damn nice to accompany me lah hor. Did bangs and yeah,trim and made my hair a little bit thinner. It wasn't a LITTLE BIT but it's damn thin indeed. But still loving it((: There goes my 50 bucks,lol.
Till tomorrow! Labels: i'm better so suck on that
"" was Posted On: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 @21:40 | 0 lovely comments ✿
Labels: new look, new style
"" was Posted On: Sunday, December 21, 2008 @22:43 | 0 lovely comments ✿
Pink form = Promoted to secondary 5/Higher Nitec
Green form = Repeat/Nitec.No specific reason of why i chose this picture among the rest. Just that,i miss her alot :) Yeah,what's the HOTEST thing going around today? It's the release of N'level results yo! Tell me about it. I didn't felt anything days/weeks/months before but when the principal mentioned that it's time to release it,the whole butterfly in the stomach thingy starts,lol. But i knew,i could only pass TWO or maybe,ONE subject. No high hopes at all although i studied for my exams. Not even to Higer Nitec nor Sec 5. When my form teacher asked me how did i do,i went; "I did badly,i swear. No hopes for me at all" . HAHAHA. And he asked me again if i'm sure about it. Of course i said YES! But he gave me this WIDE SMILE and hand over a pink form to me. Speechless,i then shouted for HOORAY =D Well yes,i passed! Sape tak excited kan. And the best part was,he told me that i'm one of the TOP few students in class when normally,i was the LOWEST of all XD
6points dok! ;) And,still gotta decide/discuss with my parents where's the next place for me to go. It's either gonna be ITE or,start on working in the lawyer firm as an office girl and get myself to SIM,some private night school to take up the office skill course,yeah. Definitely not gonna be sec 5. Please don't ask me why,heh. Anyway,everyone did great for the major exams. Everyone managed to score well. Felt happy for everyone,yeap :) The greatest part for today was,i made the people around me proud of me when i thought i couldn't. And yeah,Mummy-shii was SO EXCITED when i called her to tell about it. You know she loves me ;) && Hooray! Cousin's getting married tomorrow! Sexciting. Till then,great day!
Labels: it's unbelieveable
"" was Posted On: Thursday, December 18, 2008 @18:43 | 0 lovely comments ✿
Drinking a cup of Nescafe is really addictive. I will always drink them when i feel like it. But,a lesson learnt. I shouldn't drink them in the middle of the night cause it might just leads to difficulty in getting myself to sleep. I drank one last night while reading some magazines,and that really get my eyes wide opened. I can't getto sleep so,i went online and chatted with some friends. Not good enough,i watch some videos. Once i get tired of typing,i off-ed the lappy and force myself to sleep. It dosen't work for another time,so i texted Fee. We exchage a few stories and opinions and yeah,she felt sleepy already. And after those jazzy mazzy,i realised it's already 5.38am in the morning,lol. And i gotta wake up at 9 to meet Fliq to pass some stuff. But oh well,i managed to wake up on time AND,not feeling sleepy till now although i only got like 3 and a half hours of sleep? Geeez.
I'm a Nanny for these 6 kids today. Not that young,not that old either. And one of them was a cousin from JB. Yes,she stayed here again. And the rest was bored at home so like usual for the whole back to back 4 days straight,they came over to movie marathon,play hide-and-seek,play catching,play crocodile-on-bed,use the internet,play games,screaming,shouting whatever,you name it,here,right in my house. It's kinda crazy and annoying with those screamings but it just put a smile on my face((: They couldn't stop laughing,just like a laughing machine,i swear XD But the craziest part was,i havta clean my house again for the second time,later. Urghh,damn irritating lah,everything's just in a mess. But nevermind,i can always tell them to do so ;)
Ohmygod,it's results tomorrow. N levels dok! But,i swear i felt nothing,completely nothing about it at all! The people around is confident enough that i can pull them through but i don't. HAHAHA,what the hell. I know i can never make it. But whatever,i'm gonna serahkan pade Takdir lah hor ;) Pass or fail,i know my path for the future already. Damn excited about it XD && it's coming to the end of December (can't time get any faster,lol),2009 is just around the corner. New year,new life,new hopes,new beginning,new destiny,new school,new environment,new friends,new people and hopefully,not some new shits,yeah. Well,2008 isn't that bad either. Only the ending is a little bit sucky,but still manageable afterall :) Till the next post! And oh,my Mimz Bby is back home :D
Labels: gotta start get myself cracking
"" was Posted On: Wednesday, December 17, 2008 @17:53 | 0 lovely comments ✿
Last saturday,i finally managed to get my butt on Town area during Christmas Season with Fliq and the rest of her friends. Yeah,went out with her instead of my cousins,it's all because of the last-minute work shift. As usual,town area is damn gorgeous with those beautiful lights around during Christmas Festival. The first stop was Far East. Had our dinner together and i was damn hungry lah. Have not eaten the whole entire day. Yeah,sucks. After which,Fliq,Irwan,Syam and i headed to Plaza Singapura to purchase Fliq's book over at Times. And then,we went over to City Hall to meet the rest. And yeah,Subway Cookies like usual ;) Met alot of new friends. Friendly and crazy ones.
The usual,i wasn't much of talk in the very beginning,but managed to interact with the rest after that when i got a little bit hyper (after eating Subway cookies) ;) That's the power for everything. HAHAHA. And yeah,talking to the 2 of fliq's guy friend was crazy cause they poured every single thing to me about their love life,and talked to me like as if i'm the Doctor Love. What the hell,they're just crazy. Was supposed to get out of the place by 10.15 but yeah,it's impossible,i know right. So,with the help of Fliq,we cab-ed home. It was frustrating to flag a cab on saturday night but we managed to after awhile. And yeah,reached home and head to shower and sleeeeeeeeep. So,that was my saturday :)
All of my life,i've been wondering if Santa really exist?
Labels: it was the third step
"" was Posted On: Monday, December 15, 2008 @20:19 | 0 lovely comments ✿
If you have issues with me,YOU tell me about it. If you think you're great enough,YOU jump off the fucking building and just die. If you wanna say stuffs about me,YOU get a life. Just get a life. Fucking annoying lah. And,baguslah. Aku tak buat salah,and i don't know whatever shit you said and now,people mistook me for otherwise. Nabei. Great help indeeed. Sucha great help :) Thanks alot ah. Sibei Lanciao. I'm NOT and NEVER been like what they thought i am. If you know me,YOU know me well. Well and better enough compared to the rest.
Labels: just die alright, just fucking die
"" was Posted On: Sunday, December 14, 2008 @01:13 | 0 lovely comments ✿
Yeah,i miss this girl right here! We've not met for like,2 weeks i supposed? :( Yeah,so much more for the zoo outing for like gazillion-th times,sibei lanciao. So angry lah abeh,but what to do kan. Well,just gotta ask my lovely girls so keep some money for the zoo trip with me,it would be waaaaay better i think! XD So,i thought of waking up early and go to Botanical Gardens with Nurie today but couldn't reached her in the middle of the night,last night. So yeah,here i am,at home rotting like one idiot,like usual. Well,what else can you expect right? And prolly,will be going out with the cousins to town area for some shopping or anything like that tomorrow! It'll be fantastic ;) But whatever,i wanna go ZOO badly lah :( 6 more days to N results! That sucks. Huh,whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?
And oh,i met Fatwan yesterday with the reason of,he misses me badly and wanna meet me before he's off to Ipoh. HAHAHA,bagus kan ade bestfriend macam die! ;) So,we thought of hanging out at Choa Chu Kang Park to play catching around the big playground or play hide-and-seek and sketch or anything like that,but it's raining heavily. So,upon meeting him,the idea of giving Nosey a birthday surprise popped. Since Nosey has got no surprises/presents for his birthday,i'm trying to be nice/sweet and do one for him! =D So,we went to buy a slice of cake at LOT 1 and yeah,went over to his house and tadaaaa! Surprise him like an idiot. HAHAHA. He was all shocked lah of course,but we're glad he's happy and do like that stupid last minute surprise XD Hangout around his house with another friend along and yeah,hugged each other goodbye! Love kau banyak-banyak Nosey =D
&& for everything you did/gonna do,you can never beat mine. NEVER. And if you were to say i'm the one who started dissing bout you in my blog,YOU get a life. Cause ask yourself,who's the one who start all of this dissing at blogs thingy/shits. Never mess with me. I can never be bothered about someone like you cause why would i? Damn,immature. At the end of the day,you know what you did wrong alright. Please get a life,or maybe,jump off the fucking building and just die. OKAY GOOD :)
Labels: you dont need to be like me bitch
"" was Posted On: Friday, December 12, 2008 @17:40 | 0 lovely comments ✿
Hari Raya Haji was average although i was back in JB. My cousins and i went to Sutera Mall to window shop instead when we're supposed to go over to the surau to help out with the rest XD It was crazy but hey,i had fun going here and there and buy myself corn cup and chocolate & peanut butter crispy waffle! That's random Dilla. Whatever,hari raya haji is damn boring lah. Anyway,i can't wait for my cousin's BIG & GRAND (bodoh betol) wedding this 19th & 20th! Excited for another reason ;) And that means,i can't attend November 19th's gig for the second time,AGAIN. Geez,this sucks. Dammit. ROAR! But,28th gonna be AWESOME!
Anyways,it's NOSEY's birthday today! HAPPY 19th DOK! ;) Aku sayang kau,makesure kau sayang aku jugak! Kalau tak,aku smackdown kau. HAHAHA. Your present,i will pass it to you when i meet you soon! =DD GOOD DAY GORGEOUS PEOPLE!
Random Post,i know right!
Labels: people with issues
"" was Posted On: Wednesday, December 10, 2008 @14:57 | 0 lovely comments ✿
Stupid phone has been flying around cause it literally suck. Yeah,i throw that phone around :) Loose of keypads and then,it'll just type by itself like as if it's voodooed by someone -__- I just got irritated by that,i can't simply type a proper message nor to dial a number correctly. Anyway,the best part about today is that,we're going back to our house in JB and am gonna celebrate our Hari Raya there over at God grandma's place with the rest of the Malaysian cousins. Gonna go for some window-shopping too if we have time ;) That's gonna be awesome. And oh yeah,will be back on either monday or tuesday. && for Suria,i don't know how in the world i should thank you/repay your kindness. It really touched me and it's really NICE,super nice of you. Well,i cried while reading it. It means alot :) Thank you so much girl :)
And for now,i think,i or maybe,we should drop the whole idea about it. But on the other hand,we shouldn't give it up cause we've not try AT ALL. So,i think i should give it a try since it meant nothing much :) Yeah,nothing much. Don't understand what on earth am i talking about? GO FIGURE.
Happy playing catching with the sheeps/goats/cows people! =DD
Labels: selamat hari raya lor
"" was Posted On: Saturday, December 06, 2008 @18:56 | 0 lovely comments ✿
" And if he is meant to be yours,i assure you he will. If not,some other guy who's much more better than him,one you can never think of,will be yours. "
Cause if he really loves you and is serious about you,he will NEVER EVER give up on you.
&& he gave up so,learn from there Dilly.
Labels: i've gotta have faith
"" was Posted On: Thursday, December 04, 2008 @17:51 | 0 lovely comments ✿
Now then i can really see and understand how's life really like. Everything doesn't always go on OUR way. Anyways,i'm really glad that i'm still gonna be as close as before with Timmy despite whatever took place. And that i can share LITERALLY everything with him be it about girls/guys issues. And i told him about my crush on that someone and of the gift i wanna give him. Told Tim about it and he was glad,cause at least,i don't really give up on all of this stuff. No i don't,BESTFRIEND,i don't :) And yes,a bestfriend is better than anything and everything else. I can't ask for more,but this is the best option for now i supposed :) Put the history aside,just focus on the future and let nature takes its course. I'm not hoping for any miracles to happen between us anyway((: I don't think i do.
Okay so,days been as normal as it is. Nothing special. Just meet that silly Jill yesterday around my house. Disturbing him and being so playful till he got so fed up. HAHAHA,bagus. And,cousin's from JB has been staying here for a couple of days now and laughter has always been the light in the house. So,basically that's that. On a lighter note,i've been thinking hard on how in the world i can try sketching someone's portrait. It's gonna be my first time in my whole entire life doing it but i know i can :) Really gotta try hard for him ;) HAHAHA,think nothing,it's just NOTHING. Okay i just lied,but whatever. I'm gonna mention nothing here and just wait till the BIG masterpiece is done alright! Ah,i'm super excited although it's for him XD
Touch on the side tracks; There's gonna be an awesomest gig ever in mankind/singapore that will be taking place somewhere round end of december. Awesome bands,awesome songs,awesome people,and everything's just AWESOME alright. And the best part was,on that day itself,i will you know,pass the vox that thingy and it's just gonna be a CRAZY SURPRISE ;) And also,there's TWO bands gonna play INCINERATE song for me! Ahh,isn't that awesome? VERY dok!
Labels: although i may breakdown sometimes
"" was Posted On: Wednesday, December 03, 2008 @18:16 | 0 lovely comments ✿
If i were a boy,even just for a day. I'd go drink with the guys and chase after girls. If i were a boy,I would then understand,how it feels to love a girl and wish he's a better man. I'd listen to her cause i know how it feels to lose someone you wanted cause he's taking you for granted and everything you had got destroyed. If i were a boy,i'd switch off my phone. Tell everyone it's broken so they would think i'm sleeping at home. If i were a boy,i would put myself first and make rules as i go. IF i were just a boy :)
Sometimes you don't ask what you want in life and sometimes you just wish your life is a whole lot better than what it is at the moment. And you just know that on top of all that,it's thankful enough you are still breathing and living life like a normal person. Look at the calendar now,it's already at the end of the year,it's already December. I couldn't ask for more,but to watch how time goes by. It's really fast,but we can do nothing about it. But,to wish that you'd have a long live and a better life in time to come although sometimes,it hurts to know what's really taking place. But no one can really figure how i feels like all this while,not even one soul. But i'm still standing on my feet strongly,till now. What i learn is all from my mistakes and my surroudings. How i wish everything could go on my way,but it's just about the life. Just hope and do something about it - maybe it'll somehow help.
Labels: Channing Tatum
"" was Posted On: Monday, December 01, 2008 @16:46 | 0 lovely comments ✿
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