The disease was called Hepatocellular Carcinoma. The doctor estimated that he could only live for another 7 more months. But,it came down to six months since September. That wasn't the only reason why he passed on. He still have got plenty different kind of diseases. One which i knew was,Diabetes. Skip bout' those diseases. I'll just havta makesure i don't continue eating those pure sugars anymore or the same thing will happen to me. I went all the way to the cemetery,look at how he got buried and all,it was definitely a sad case. One day,the same thing will definitely happen to me. So,start to repent Dilla. Enough bragging about it,it's just gonna add more of the tears right now. It just brings me back on how i lost my very loved ones,not long ago.
Alot of things happened out of my control. Alot of things kept playing on my mind. Alot of questions is waiting for answers. There's just alot of things which needed specific explanation on why it happened. Why must it be me? Why us? Why must people be so selfish? Why must they boast about their money? Why must they think so high of themselves when they actually have got NOTHING? Why must they always think they're right when they're not? Why? Why do that kind of people still exist?
What does life means to you? How long will you live? How long will you be able to live with your love ones? How long can you keep your goddamn money? How long can you boast about it? What does happiness means to you? What does sadness means to you? What is true happiness? Being able to achieve lots and lots money? Is that what you call happiness and life? Can you bring your fucking money into your grave? What do you want in life? Why must fight over trivial matters? Why such thinking? Why choose that way? How long can you hold onto that situation? How long can you endure? So what if you have got lots of money? So what if you have got everything you ever wanted? So what if you think you're good enough? So what if you have got the most expensive thongs and briefs to wear? So what?
In this BIG world,you'll definitely meet different kinds of people,with different kinds of characteristics. Be it a good friend,a cousin,a close friend or even bestfriends. Whatever it is,you'll definitely meet one. And,that's when you'll see how strong you are,when you have to go through a situation which you've never thought it would ever happened. And,that's when you can see truly for yourself,which is a true friend and which is not. And another thing to note is that,now that you've already met the person you love most,the person you've always dreamt to be with,cherish them before its too late.
Never fight over trivial matters cause that's just stupid. Everyone has their limits of patience. No matter how mad you are at that point of time,try to calm down and think rationally before anything bad occurs. You might think i'm talking rubbish,but if that really happens to you,you know how it feels like AND this whole chunk of rubbish that i'm talking about is actually useful and meaningful. It's up to individual lah huh. Everyone has their own perspectives in everything they see. Everyone has their own freaking brain to think. If it ever happens to you before,take it as a lesson and never repeat it,ever again. Let's make this a useful one.
I hope by tomorrow morning,everything will be just fine as per normal in every way plus,no more tears Dilla,no more tears. One moment they're here,another moment they're gone. One moment they're alive,one moment they passed on. Be strong and yeah,that's just life.
Labels: they will always be loved
"" was Posted On: Monday, March 30, 2009 @21:46 | 0 lovely comments ✿
In this big world,some people just don't know TWO WORDS.
Is it so hard to say that out? Sorry,but not to me. I just lost an uncle,who passed away just now around 12 in the afternoon. I lost another person whom i care about. But that's life. May you live in peace uncle. Amin. I shall talk about it later in the next post. And,i miss my late favourite uncle who passed on 3 years ago :( Now,stop making me cry maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan.
Labels: always be loved
"" was Posted @19:25 | 0 lovely comments ✿
Blogger has been sucha bitch to me,i don't know why. Blogger is not the only one having issues,so does my computer. Everything's starting to go haywire,oh gila. Okay,i've finally uploaded 14 pictures of the KL trip,FINALLY! During the trip,we went to alot of places. Especially Berjaya Times Square,we went there TWICE! HAHA. But nah,we didn't managed to ride those stuffs and i don't even know why. But hey,we had alot of fun shopping though! ;)

We're at Larkin,at 8am in the morning. No,we didn't drive to KL. Instead,we went there by This Express Bus which took us 5 hours to reached KL.

Berjaya Time Square's Indoor Cosmo Theme Park.
The next day,we woke up as early as 8am. We had our breakfast at Mc'Donalds nearby Ancasa Hotel. Their services and facilities are waaay different from ours so,i'd still say Singapore's the best man.
Then,our first pit-stop was KLCC. We walked around,catch the latest movie,Jin Hutan and all that jazz. And bitch,their movie tickets for adults cost only $3! How cheap is that?
Nampak sangat kite nie tourist
And,the family photo :)
Okay,enough bout KL trip. Just a day after we reached Singapore,my parents gave us a pleasant surprise,especially ME! I don't know why must it be me. HAHA. Anyhooes,the surprise was okay lah. We have got a new member in the family. So now,there 7 in the family instead of just 5. And oh,2 male is in the house,FINALLY! =D

A new Ragdoll Siamese Persian cat adopted from SPCA. Haha. Our parents thought of adopting a Garfield kinda cat,but the price is kinda expensive. Oh well. But Abang (his name,kental kan) is still finee and nicee. Only that he's not as hairy as Baby. Always the one making noise in the house,he can already beat my loud voice,lol. Yeah,cause basically he's parted from his other siblings which is still is SPCA. Pitiful,but you still have me! :D And,i'm bored. Okay lah,Awang Belanga this saturday! I can't wait! =DDDD
Labels: find one for me :(
"" was Posted On: Thursday, March 26, 2009 @15:39 | 0 lovely comments ✿

Yes,after 5 days away for vacation,finally i'm back to my hometown. Nothing beats the feeling of being back home. Trip to Kuala Lumpur was amazing,ahh,i mean,after 6 years of not being there. We managed to go most of the places there in 3 days. It was tiring though. Okay,i still havta transfer lots of the pictures from the camera,so i'll just upload them on the next post yeah. I still have lots of assignments and homeworks to do,and that's the worst part. And i think,i havta think of someone whom i should grab along to accompany me to Sentosa tomorrow! De-stress myself timeeee before school re-opens! Let's go swimming and sit by the beach and watch the fabulous sunsets! =D
Labels: tag hauer mercedez benz
"" was Posted On: Friday, March 20, 2009 @11:27 | 0 lovely comments ✿
Hottest,Sexiest,Coolest,Cutest,Handsomest guy ever in the universe!
Alex Turner! Yalah,the one i fall in love from the very beginning! Beckham,sexiest soccer player ever in mankind.
One sight at the body,can faint already. HAHA - Utt.
Ahh yes,the HOT former model and now,a photographer. Nigel Barker
Yang nie memang tak payah cakap,memang Handsome teros! The Rock maaaaan!
Already aged BUT STILL! :D Ben Stiller
Ahh man,i have a crush on him from the first time i watched ANTM - Jay Manuel
Now,i wish i could squeeze him. Fucking sexy like,zomg lah. Justin Timberlake
Elvin Ng. Great local actor AND freaking hot
Another HOT one lah,tell me about it *faints* Channing Tatum!
Annnnnnnnd,Christopher Leeeeeeee (tok kong) HEH :P
But certainly not this one of course! I'm still wondering who the hell is the real actor for Jason in Friday The 13th.
But of course,i still have lots of those pictures of Hot guys to upload,but i'm just lazy. Then,it'll be the SEXY & HOT Girls/Women's version next. And i bet,the guys will go orgasmic. HAHAHA. Oh yeah man,it's Friday the 13th again today! And it's like,the second time for JUST this year. Cool indeeed. Okay so basically,it's the last day of school today and how i wish it's really the end of secondary school life for me. But,quite dreaming lah fucker,you still have got 7 more months to go before O'levels. Macam cibai kia. But what to do,major exams again really sucks. Well,at least there's ONE week of break,yeah AT LEAST. Or,i'll be drowned by assignments yet again. I'm only left with a day to pack those stuffs to bring for KL trip. And,that's very troublesome cause i havta think of what clothes i havta bring and wear. HAHA,sounds like as if i'm going there for a year :D But hey,i've not been day for 6 years okay!
After which,i havta deal with this whole switching of phone issues. YEAY! Change to a new touch-screen phone,finally. (although i want another model,but heck) It's still cool maaaynn XD I guess,that's all for now. I don't have any interesting thing to share and that's the reason why i put up those nonsense pictures,BAHAHA. Anyway,if you readers have any enquires about anything,you know how to reach for me ayeee :D Till here! And to those boys and girls who's having their term break right now,enjoy your holiday to the fullest lah alright. Have a safe trip to wherever you guys are going! =D
Annyongi Kyeseyo! <3
Labels: we havta admit it one day
"" was Posted On: Friday, March 13, 2009 @21:27 | 0 lovely comments ✿
Labels: a certain romance
"" was Posted On: Thursday, March 12, 2009 @20:40 | 0 lovely comments ✿
Not focusing on ONE but ,GENERALLY.
It's frustrating when the people around you can't seem to do something to make things better. Or worst still,to make things out of hand. Or maybe,to prioritise things which are unnecessary than things which are infront of their own eyes. I can't seem to understand why but it's their life,their say. I'll just say whatever i have to,to help but it's just between them all. It's disappointing at this age of course. It was all based on experience or what we've been through. It's all up to them to take it and learn or just to let it go,just like that. Choose the second one,and you know how terrible it feels like. Cause,that's the suckiest feeling ever in mankind. And to top it off,you'll regret it for sure. Cause i've been in that position once.
Think of holding it strong OR to let it just slip through your tiny little fingers.
Labels: one more chance
"" was Posted On: Tuesday, March 10, 2009 @20:22 | 0 lovely comments ✿
This weekend was a stressing and tiring one,indeed. Had to attend the O'levels Mother Tongue workshop till 1230 hours yesterday. Rushed home and did those housework. Then,meet Nurie at Dhoby Ghaut at 5pm as we're supposed to catch Danceworks BUT,i was late and so,we give it a missed. It was raining drizzily and the crowd was big enough for me to say,let's just skip it. And,that was the reason why we didn't went to Botanical Garden too. Then,we had a hard time to decide where we should have our meals. Since that babygirl's birthday is coming up,i treat her to the Swensen (sounds like as if im so RICH). Afterwhich,we just walk down the stretch of Orchard Road to find some stuffs. And,we bid goodbye as i'm going to meet up with Fatwan at Bugis and Nurie's meeting her friends over at Marina Square!

Fish and Chips - Nurie's

Crispy waffle with vanilla ice-cream plus caramel sauce on top - MINE!
Ah yalah yalah,BANGS DOWN after forever! i know right

Girls ALWAYS have time for toilet moments.
Finally,a decent perfect picture of two! ;)(i want straight teeth lah,ohmygeez)
Fatwan was nice enough to fetch me at Bugis and we then headed down to Beats. Eventually,not everyone was there. And thank god Ira and Ika was there to accompany me too. I have a hard time keeping quiet cause that's just not me - well,everyone knows about it. HAHA. Fortunately,Yan was there to crap with me! So,there goes him with his Nasi Goreng. Hahaha. Funny lah hor,FUNNY XD They just talked nonsense about joining Anugerah,laughing,crapping,said a BIG hello to Fauzi Laily,laughed like crazy when Yan had this whole bird-shit thingy on his arm. That was the funniest,it's just crazy. Then,when it's time for Dante's Theory's set,i went off alone. Yalah,havta be brave enough to walk down the street alone. And so,that was my saturday :)
And today,my mum woke me up as early as 9am in the morning. It's like what the hell,cause usually,sunday will be the day whereby i'll wake up as late as i wish. But hell,cousins are coming over so we havta do alot of cookings and houseworks,like AGAIN (!!) HAHA. And they came over,wasn't that fun cause we're not really close to them. Then,Riyan and family came over. It was fun,laughing on Abang Fazly's nonsense. And oh! Finally i received my 4 box of inhalers from Kak Lin which i think is ALOT. Bahahaha. That was my day! Plain one indeeeed.
WHICH PART OF YOUR BODY IS VERY HONEST? XDHAHAHAHA,nonsense lah Dilla. Sorry,i'm bored man ASK ME FOR ANSWERS! =D Labels: and they fought again
"" was Posted On: Sunday, March 08, 2009 @22:43 | 0 lovely comments ✿
One after another came forward and tell me about what's been happening to their relationship. Asked me for advices and stuffs. Yalah,like as if i'm really good at it. And like as if my past relationships has been good enough. From friends to dates to relationship and to even third party. For some,to even being a control freak AND obsessive compulsive. That's the things i've been hearing but what to do,it's their life. They lead their own way anyway. Can do nothing about it. Nevertheless,they're still my friends and still need me around to spare them a listening ears. 4 people at a time,it's kinda crazy to handle. To think that i'm even good at advising. Neh. BUT! I'm glad i was of help :)
I received one surprising text from a person. Okay,wasn't THAT surprising cause i knew it will happen someday,but i didn't expect it to be so soon. Ah,about wanting to take it to the very next level. So,i was stuck between my choice and about fulfilling someone's hope. Not that i don't have a heart to spare for other's feelings but,no one can really understand what i'm thinking. So,my choice is gonna make me never-ending happy,that's confirmed. But,to think about how they feel,it's another issue. But i don't see any point IF i were to choose to enlighten them but in the end,i'm the one who suffers.
Actually,there's no need for me to think that much cause,i've make up my mind sometime ago even when i myself still can't find the reason why i chose that way. EVEN if people gonna say i'm weird OR if there's gonna be one long queue waiting. No matter how hard you'll try,no matter what you gonna do. It won't change my mind,definitely. Be it in any or every way. Stop wasting your time cause i'm not interested at all. Even if you wanna show more of your concern to me. Better not cause it'll turn into irritation to me instead of care and concern. And i hate that. So,stop wasting your time again as it's not gonna happen AND please,never put my name inside your whatever list that you have in mind. Cancel my name if it's in the list right now,thanks. Need no one else so,NEXT! =D
Besides the above mentioned problems (yalah problems siol),i have another issue about eating. This week,i realised that i lost weight again (!!) and my hands looks kinda thin. Thin enough to be called as an anorexia's hand. I realised that i've not been having proper meals,much for a plate of rice OR even noodles. No,not even slices of breads. JUST biscuits,day and night. I don't even know why. I didn't have much appetite,like usual. Then at the end of the week,i came to realise (again) that I only ate rice or have my proper meals once or twice a week. And that's SO NOT GOOD. Eating disorders? I hope not. Havta really do something about it already. Not healthy Dilla,not healthy at all! And,i'm such a slow eater now compared to then cause i took 30 minutes just to finish a cup noodle. This is SO NOT GOOD AND NOT HEALTHY! But,i didn't want it this way either anyway. Tsk.
Labels: two person been turned down
"" was Posted On: Friday, March 06, 2009 @15:10 | 0 lovely comments ✿
Of course i'm not gonna talk about my birthday cause it's gonna be more than half a year's time! HAHA. March as it is,this month. It's even the FIFTH day today,and how can i not realise that,ohmygod. Okay,time flies indeeed. Okay,before i go on and on about something not related to what i'm supposed to blog,i better shut up. What i wanna say is that,it's March,and there's a few March babies in the house! Let's follow the sequence!
Izzat,Nurie,Syazwan,Fad,Shab and Jill!
Jill's gonna be the only one tue cause he's gonna be 19 soon. As for syazwan and Nurie,they are turning 18 and 16 respectively. For the rest,relax one corner,17 ehh. Samelah macam aku,still young,geeeez. ANYWAY! No Sentosa cause the pupils who're taking O's this year (including me) havta attend this Malay Workshop on saturday morning till afternoon. And that means,PLAN B lor! Which is to go on a date with Nurie! Yalah,i've not met her for sometime too anyway. Catching up time session OR PROLLY! JENG JENG JENG JENG. Haha,nothing lah Nurie XD Still unsure if it's gonna be just the two of us. Tengok lah macam mane hor! Some photography day finally! :D
3 hours had passed,i still feel so bad about it. For the very last,one and only time i'm gonna apologise for the gazillion-th times and say,i'm so sorry about just now lor,Zamy. Better not be angry with me or,i'll makesure you'll cut your hair botak pulak! Just kidding :P
Labels: they need to be strong
"" was Posted On: Thursday, March 05, 2009 @21:06 | 0 lovely comments ✿
Common test is finally over! And,i've already get our internet and MIO TV back working. Yeah,it's been down eversince saturday. Okay skip that. Anyway,now that exams are on break,finally it's the time to paint our nails,get into our gorgeous dress,fit our feet with awesome pair of sandals and hit the town! =D Not necessary to be Orchard area of course. But with the cool weather and rainy season,it's impossible to hit down the beach and swim. But,shall see about it la huh. Well,time to relax and de-stress ourselves. And girls,im free all the way till the day i'm off to KL so,make your plans! :)
Labels: they say about him loving it
"" was Posted On: Tuesday, March 03, 2009 @17:19 | 0 lovely comments ✿
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