They say,i'm one in a million girl. But,i don't think i'm one. If not,i wouldn't lost the second person i love most in this world. The pillar in my life. But,what else can i do,life havta move on no matter how hard it seems. That applies the same to people who's facing the same thing right now. I have a number of them,who came forward and share. Approach me and tell me all sort of things that's been happening. From minor to major stuff. Well,the only secret to go through all this is PATIENCE and to be STRONG. Nothing else matters. It's okay to breakdown sometimes cause that's pretty normal. After which,you'll feel soo good cause you've already put them behind you.
Labels: but nobody really knows, everybody knows
"" was Posted On: Tuesday, April 28, 2009 @20:51 | 0 lovely comments ✿
I was reading today's Newspaper when it says,Friday The 13th is already out in cinemas now. With that,it makes me extremely excited and happy cause i really wanna catch them. But what makes me go GRRRRR,it says,Friday The 13th is freaking M18 (!!) Maaadeeerr :( No matter what,i still havta find ways to watch them. Through online? That's so kental,HAHAHA.
To those who have been reading my blog,if you're interested in buying a snowcap,a hipsters 3/4 skirt or a t-shirt,do contact me at my EMAIL ADDRESS. If you don't have one,look to your left hand side of the screen :D I'm selling them and it's a first-hand stuff. Still brand-new and in good condition. So,if you're interested,do approach me aye. And,from there,i shall name the price,tell more about the details of the things and the place to collect. And if you were to buy them,you're actually doing a BIG BIG favour for me((: Till here! =D
Labels: thou shalt not speak
"" was Posted On: Sunday, April 26, 2009 @20:38 | 0 lovely comments ✿
Hopefully one beautiful day when i bump into you somewhere out there,you've already grown into a matured gentlemen who doesn't always think of yourself and isn't stingy anymore. HAHA,which i don't even know if it's gonna happen someday,or not. But,it won't bother me,not even abit. But,good luck to those who're close. Anyway,i came across a girl. What's so funny about her is that,she is proud that she doesn't even know how to speak in her first language. Maybe yes she does,but not fluently. I mean hello,that's the first language lah. But that's not what made me giggled about. With that,she doesn't even know how to speak in english,fluent english i mean. Be it by speaking nor by writing. Cause the friends around me that i have,they may fail their first language for upteen times,or maybe failed since forever. But,they're english is waaaaaaaay better than i expected. She's just so funny. And,that's certainly something you shouldn't be proud of. Instead,something you should be ashamed of. I don't know what's on her mind,but well,that's her freaking life.
Exams are just around the corner. I shouldn't be going out for gigs or hangouts cause i don't wanna fail for the second time this year. Not only that,i have tons of assignments to complete. So,staying at home day this weekend,lol. EH EH! Friday the 13th and Jangan Teguh is already out on cinemas. I really havta find time to watch them,like die-die havta watch. I've been waiting for Friday the 13th since forever. And,to some who wanna meet me over the weekends,sorry eh. I'm fully booked by those books,assignments and notes! We shall meet when my exams are oveeer! Miss ya'll! =DDDD
Labels: ah boy, half-way done
"" was Posted On: Friday, April 24, 2009 @20:22 | 0 lovely comments ✿
Everyone's been pestering me to upload a picture of me with my new hair. Ah nah,i don't look any better. It's just the same old boring me. Even with my changed hairstyle. I can't really describe how my new hair looks like but,it's just short with some layered at the back and it's longer at both sides. Majority love it,even the classmates and i don't know why. It's not that i don't like this hairstyle,but it's just that if i were to cut them like iika's,i'll look much better in a way or another. But,i've got no regrets cause i want a drastic change and a fresh new hair. I won't be like those dumbfucks whose gonna try for their freaking short hair when i know,my hair can grow so fast,faster than i expected. So,i'm getting it back straight in a few day's time then wallaaa! I'm gonna let it down when in school XD
That was before.
Saturday was well-spent,i guess so. I was so late that i didn't make it on time to meet Iika. Afterwhich,we proceeded to Fareast plaza to collect her stuffs and get my hair cut. It was awesome cause the haircut only cost $5.90. I had hair treatments and wash at the same time so it cost me $18.90. Freaking cheap and really worth it :) Bumped into Rara and Nosey there. Chatted for a short while then proceeded to Odiocrib. Our friend's band was the FIRST few band that perform instead of the LAST fews. And,that's sucha wasted trip for us. We're damn tired and hungry like hell,but oh well. Was perspiring,it's really wet. Odio is a bad place,HAHA.
Then,Srii joined us and we went around to find Mc'donalds. Had our dinner and a great long chat and then met the rest back at Raffles City Link (eh?) HAHA. Afterwhich,we went to UOB to lepak. Iika was funny when she found something,HA HA HA. Really crazy eh XD Sat down for a short while then bid goodbye to the rest cause Iika and myself is totally tired. Trained back home and hoho,that was our saturday! :D And sunday,like usual,it's a staying at home day. Nothing new about it! =D
Srii yang cantik
Shaaa gorgeous
Iraaaa yang adorable sekali!
Freaking cute lah Mondreee
Alamak Iika ke. HAHA,cute eh you!
And HOHO,my new short haaaair! XD
ish astaragfirullahhalazim,tak cantik betol gigi aku!
Perfect act cute picture,finally.
So,prolly after i've straighten back my hair,i'll upload and show them to you readers.
Labels: seventy
"" was Posted On: Tuesday, April 21, 2009 @18:52 | 0 lovely comments ✿
The only important thing in this world is,being able to breathe. That's all and nothing more. Fuck to those motherfuckers who have a huge freaking ego within themselves. Fuck to those poeple who always think they're right and they're the best. Fuck them.
Labels: im with short hair
"" was Posted On: Monday, April 20, 2009 @16:34 | 0 lovely comments ✿
HEYHO! Mimz finally turn 20 todaaay! :D HAHAHA. So old already eh! Who's next? HEH. Anyway,HAPPY SEXY 20TH BIRTHDAY BABYGIRL! XD I Wish you longetivity & prosperity,may you lead a beautiful life with Fady(!!) and may you have a blast birthday celebration ayeeee! XD I too wanna take this opportunity to thank you for always being by my side,throughout my 1/6 life journey (accurate tak?) HAHA. Like,really thank you for being there for me when i really need someone to talk to,to whine out everything that's on my mind,to assure me that everything's gonna be just fine and all that jazz. Even when you're so busy with your assignments. Also,thanks for giving me the strength when i'm all down,tell me not to give up when i really feel like to,tell me to be strong and never listen to others.
The person i turn to when i'm all in tears,when i feel so lousy and when i feel that there's no more hope for me. And,i never am gonna forget you just like that,no matter what. Now,that's a promise. I too wanna be the person whom you'll turn to whenever you feel that you need someone to talk to and everything else that matters. I'm always here for you,you havta know that girl. It's just so funny knowing how we first knew each other through Myspace,and how you called me in the middle of the night when you had problems with your previous ex. How we bonded,how we share things when we barely knew each other. But,i'm blessed to have a friend like her,really. She's just so nice,so beautiful and sososo strong. Just so you know Mimz,i love you just like my own sister :D Now,you havta tell me you love me toooooo! HAHAHAHA.
Aye,ayeee! I think,i'm chopping off my hair this weekend with iikaa! XD
Labels: drastic, fresh and new
"" was Posted On: Monday, April 13, 2009 @18:49 | 0 lovely comments ✿

YOU might consider saying hello to this gorgeous and sexy Chopard watch! XD It looks exactly the same eh. Only that the color is a little bit different,meh.
wait,who's birthday is it tomorrow? HAHAHAHAHAHA ;)
Labels: im not wealthy loooorr
"" was Posted On: Sunday, April 12, 2009 @19:43 | 0 lovely comments ✿
It's Kaisha's SEVENTEEN birthday today!
HAPPY SEVENTEEN BIRTHDAY BABYGIRL! XD Wish you longetivity & prosperity! May you lead a beaufitul life ahead and have a blissful birthday celebration! Annnnd,meet me upp soon! Love you banyak-banyak sekali AND miss you tons lah sayang! Takecaree and muacks! =DDD
Labels: theres a little hope
"" was Posted On: Thursday, April 09, 2009 @20:01 | 0 lovely comments ✿
HAH! Finally this blogger thingy deicded to be kind to me((: Better stay off this way! Anyway,i was trying so hard to send the pictures snapped to people who wants them,but i shall try doing it again as Hotmail it being another bitch now,HAHA. And if you want any of those picture,tell me and i'll try to send them asap too! =D
Everyone knows how i show my love to Ayu the other day ;)

&& That was February Comes Today

And this,Mok with her little one

Reg was trying to show off her teeth cause she's wearing BRACES NO MORE!
And then we have Maman,Fahmi and Reg's hands. HAHAHA

I like how this picture looks. I mean,i was trying to focus on Zamy's face when he was moving when i snapped his guirtarist's picture as well in this photo at the back of it.
Labels: just one opportunity
"" was Posted On: Monday, April 06, 2009 @15:26 | 0 lovely comments ✿
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