Early January,2007's photo .
February Baby
abstract thoughts. Loves reality
and abstract .
Intelligent and clever. Changing
Attractive. sexiest out of
Temperamental. Quiet, shy and
humble. Honest
and loyal. Determined to reach
goals. Loves
freedom. Rebellious when
restricted. Loves
aggressiveness. Too sensitive and
easily hurt.
Gets angry really easily but does
not show it.
Dislikes unnecessary things. Loves
making friends
but rarely shows it. Horny. Daring
and stubborn.
Ambitious. Realizing dreams and
hopes. Sharp.
Loves entertainment and leisure.
Romantic on the
inside not outside. Superstitious
sand ludicrous.
Spendthrift. Tries to learn to
show emotions.
October Baby
Loves to chat. Loves those who
love them. Loves
to takes things at the center.
Inner and physical
beauty. Lies but doesn't pretend.
Gets angry
often. Treats friends importantly.
Brave and
fearless. Always making friends.
Easily hurt but
recovers easily. Daydreamer.
Opinionated. Does
not care to control emotions.
Extremely smart, but definitely
the hottest AND
sexiest of them all.
abstract thoughts. Loves reality
and abstract .
Intelligent and clever. Changing
Attractive. sexiest out of
Temperamental. Quiet, shy and
humble. Honest
and loyal. Determined to reach
goals. Loves
freedom. Rebellious when
restricted. Loves
aggressiveness. Too sensitive and
easily hurt.
Gets angry really easily but does
not show it.
Dislikes unnecessary things. Loves
making friends
but rarely shows it. Horny. Daring
and stubborn.
Ambitious. Realizing dreams and
hopes. Sharp.
Loves entertainment and leisure.
Romantic on the
inside not outside. Superstitious
sand ludicrous.
Spendthrift. Tries to learn to
show emotions.
October Baby
Loves to chat. Loves those who
love them. Loves
to takes things at the center.
Inner and physical
beauty. Lies but doesn't pretend.
Gets angry
often. Treats friends importantly.
Brave and
fearless. Always making friends.
Easily hurt but
recovers easily. Daydreamer.
Opinionated. Does
not care to control emotions.
Extremely smart, but definitely
the hottest AND
sexiest of them all.
bulletins quoted from friendster by someone that once hurt my lovely sister deeply . the post is somehow or rather 88.999% truee,i guess . haha . i don't know what i should post for today . i miss blogging though . things been going on smoothly . i've started preparing for End Of Year now . glaaad . well,its great to try being one owl at times . stay on late,chattings and all . and i didn't even feel sleepy at all . and when i started lying down on bed,bye-bye,there goes my eyes -_______-
decision is made yesterday . i've already told Syazwan & Faris that i won't choose any of them as im afraid fighting and misunderstanding will take place . what's more when we're in the same school . i wanna treat everything and everyone fairly coz that's me . love,it will come later . && all im putting my 100% focus is on End Of Year and nothing else . it may sounds some kind like what the hell but im for real . coz if i were to retain,that's it . well if i were to speak honestly,i didnt have any hearts for them,at all . i like them,yes i do . they showed me their care & concern towards me and dat really moved me . the thought about bringing me out for candle light dinner on my birthday is wow,but too bad . there's no use if i were to go for it . i still didnt love you . what's love to u now?
if u love me,dat dosent mean i have to love u too . if u wanna own me,dat dosent mean i have to be ur gf . think twice . what's the use of going on when there's no love taking place? staying as good frens is the best way coz the status in a relationship will change everything . and if we were to break up after we've been an item,the friendship is gone,forever . so think,we still can be close . yes,i agree . lets' think for the future too if u wanna make a decision . so yeah,im not choosing any of them,final decision baybe .
night calls . 100 over messages . sweetness . care and concern . smile . laughter . sweet dreams . cuteness . jagi =)
Malay and English paper one was all goood . thank god i manage to do them on time and yeah,so many ideas popped out when im doing my mind mapping . and guess what? i wrote such a long compo for both languages . hoho! and yerp,i didn't fall asleep just now although i slept late yesterday night . so now,let's start doing more of the revisions for the rest of the subject . hmmmmmm (:
An adorable guy who loves green and puma so much . he's super duper cute . the alphabet " F " represents himself . he's my therapy . whenever im tired,i'll msg him and all of my tiredness will disappear like a magic . 26th September 2007,Wednesday was our first meeting and first time msg-ing with each other . he was kakak's best friend . oh,i like his smile . that's really sweet loor . and now,don't give me calculator as a birthday present ok? mentang2 birthday orang maths paper . gigit baruu tau ehh!
one word to describe: ooooooh kak,die sunggggguuuuh choooomeeeeeeeeel loooooorrrrrrrr! (: (:
da reject tige-tige daa . kite tk suke mereka ehhh . abeh nak buat mcm mane? kite da tk suke . dorg pon kate,kalau tk pilih dorg tkper . asl kn kite pilih org yg kite paling cinte . hehehe . poon,dah ade lagi satu orang register . tapi yang register nie sungguh menawan hati . adilla,suke? testing je laaa . tp die cutee tau! pasal die chomel la,aku tdo terseyum semalam . and psl die la,smlm aku senyum tk suda-sudah . hehehehehehe =) =)
labels: Fahn,the sexy guy .
Geylang is niceeeee -___- although its very hot,stuffy and smoky,i can still feel the atmosphere there . Hari Raya is coming and hell yeah i've bought one baju kurung . its yellow in colour and daddy bought them for me last friday . and again,im gonna buy another set next week . purple kebaya laa okey?
i went to Geylang again on the next day,saturday . but this time round,i went with my kick-ass frens . the funny thing was when Is cant decide which was the FIRST and the LAST cabin at the mrt platform and me and Ain have to search for him from Jurong till Gombak . ass . and thank good,we found him at last . stupid horse! haha,kidding (:
thanks Liana for the fucking attitude . and now,i have to rush and get my malay It project done in a day's time . wth? and oh,whatever it is,thanks Aidil and Faiz for saving my life . and yeah,thank god i getto snap some pics at Geylang although its kinda blurr . all thanks to Lina for lending me her camera . saranghaeyo! (: (:
labels: what if i say,i won't choose any of them? let me stay as what i am now,it would definitely be better (:

Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars .
After confessing to me his feelings towards me since OBS Camp,Hero asked me to be his gf during recess just now . but,after telling him my exact situation,im glad he understand me and is willing to give me sometime and some space for me,for the mean time . thanks .
As for Ahmad Syazwan,thanks for making my situation and position to the worst . thanks a lot . thanks for ur silly words and thanks for making everything for the worst . but most importantly,thanks for the thought of bringing me out for my birthday .
3 people are competing for me and its like a car racing competiting together just to cross over the finishing line . i didnt know my situation will be this bad with having 3 people waiting for me at the very same time . oh myyy .
best of luck . should i make a decision,i'll infrom u guys . but for the time being,try to understand me and i'll appreciate u if u could give me some space and air to breathe in . understand me .
Elizabeth Choy .
that's our group name sexy! basically,all the names in OBS is actually a name of someone with great history and an unforgettable person . so yeah,we have E.C and Nehru . my groups,we're consist of ppl that im kinda loving it . that is:
Hero Faris,Jagi Usamah,Isfahani,Haziqah,Jolie,Yinn Hui,Gilbert and some more ......... plus myself (:
we arrived OBS Camp around 9 am in the morning . after settling down,we're separated into TWO groups . and what's great,Hillgrovians concur all the OBS place . coz there's no other schools around . then,Instructor Bibiyana started to brief us and told us about the history and the 40th Anniversary of OBS . after which,we start to go to our bunks and take a look about the stuff inside our store and place our bags in there before going for our very first activity . Flying angel and climbing the low elements starts off our day . but,i love flying angel more . but,im scared and everyone knows about it . haha! coz i shouted the hell out when i wanna jump backwards and when the rest tried to catch me safely with the bigg orange mat . fortunately,im safe! haha .
basically,our first day activity was boring . not that interesting . we felt that staying at home the best,not until night came . we started to cook dinner for our self near the beach instead of having them at the cook house(canteen) . i was the one cooking the rice and stuff with the help of my Hero! ouh before that,we have already pitch our tent near the flying fox element . we had our night discussion with my beloved Instructor Vivian . but before that,we're briefed by one nurse there about the safety in OBS . so people,what's the moral of the story? : open your eyes big-big! haha!
first day was not that tiring . i share my tent with Haziqah,Yinn Hui & Jolie . with the additional of Zhen Zhu inside . they wonders arnd first before entering my camp . coz i would simply zip my tent quickly to make sure no mosquito are in . first night was the scariest ever . soo many people dosent feel good . hearing sounds,seeing something weird (including me) and all . but i wont touch on that . thanks Hero Faris for sparing me your sexy hands for me to hold on tight while walking up the slope to get back to our bunk to take stuff at night . so yeah,farid . its only 3 am in the morning when u shouted its already suboh . haiyah!
i cried early in the morning after seeing those weird stuff . hells . not only me,there's someone else too . ass . so,after unpitch the tent,we then report ourselves at the so called parade square for the flag raising . after raising up the flag,we started with our morning warm up and excercises . then,some sumolah games . haha! crazy one . breakfast and then we started to climb our high elements that is the Inverse Tower . all i can say is,thank youu sooo muccccch Jagi Usamah for being my buddy when climbing that element . i was sooo relieved when u are up there with me . and thanks Jagi for pulling my hands up and telling me not to give upp although im scared of heights . saranghaeyo! yes,i manage to climb the Inverse Tower till the top and im sooo proud as in the first place,i didnt wanna take up the challenge . so yeah,im glaaaad baybe!
its the day again when we start to learn kayaking . my partner was Jagi Hero Faris . he's great and he paddle well . i plan with my group mates about partnering with the guys instead of girls with girls . coz,it'll be more easier if anything were to happen . okey,i cant wait for this . Isfahani was partnering with Haziqah and its their time to campsize infront of the Instructor . haha! when Gilbert push their kayak,Isfahani was paddling the kayak soo fast and in a kanchiong way when Haziqah is still in the sitting position without doing anything . haha! Is paddle kayak sorang! tklei angkat la ehh . hahahahaha! is paddle sorang,kesian laaa . oh yes,me and Ruzanna was hired by Instructor Jill to become the kayak wash girls as we both who actually keep on wiping the mud off the kayak and enjoying the time when Jill spray the kayak with hose water and to us too! F-U-N!
lunch,dinner and then night activites came . the zoom and re-zoom picture activity at "Orchard Road" was a dissapoinment . we're lack of intergrity,focus and communication . but i can say,its a tough one actually . but,im proud of E.C as we managed to complete them within 49 mins instead of the time taken by Nehru,1 hr 45 mins . so,yeah . we went back to our bunk to pack our stuff as we're leaving OBS to our new campsite the next day . we're packing our bags to another haversack bag that was provided . soo many stuff to be packed and hell yeah,we manage to do them in time . its supper time . i was drinking my ovaltine drink when a bee is stuck at my loose jeans and i was shouting like what the hell . haha! and that stupid Is was laughing at me instaed of helping . stupid horse! and Gilbert started to make fun of me then . idiots,haha! and again,i hold on tight to Hero's hand when we're going back to our campsite . and when u shouted: good night dilla,sweet dreams,love youu . and when Is shouted: good night jolie and i love you . haha! siao people! that night was a good one . everyone sleep soundly and its all silent .
it was soooo coold morning as its rains last night . after waking everone upp,we do some of the stretching again vefore taking our breakfast as we're going for our long trekking,later . nice breakfast was prepared . fried bee hoon and fish cake . thanks to my double sexy and macho Hero for washing my plate for me when im too tired to do that . Is,dont bully my Hero okey! haha . we started trekking and left our OBS campsite at 11.30 sharp . with the heavy bags we're carrying,i cant help it . ohoh . asss . all of our shoulders are in a great pain . so,the trekking was definitely a stressful one . but,with my Hero walking together with me,i felt better . he help me a lot by carrying some stuff to lighten upp my things . he's such a gentlemen too as Is,Gilbert and himself actually helps the rest of the girls caryy some stuff . oh my Hero,kidding ;)
after doing all of our stupid check-points,we then proceed on to our campsite two before the clock strikes 5 . we're in time again,thanks god! after doing some plain activities,we then continue pitching our tent at the grass patch . and then,continue cooking our dinner . soo sweet of my Jagi Usamah to share them with me . and its a great thing when Is,Hero,Jagi and Amirul's tent was right infront of ours . haha! thanks sexy love! and,its soo sweet of Hero to feed me the sausage into my mouth when im busy doing something else . and its super super sweet of Zufar & Jagi Zanna be have ur honeymoon with just a cup of milo infront . haha!
nightfall . skit and briefing time . E.C and Nehru's skit was a funny one . we're all very spontaneous . and i love the part when Zanna and her partner dance like an hindustani movie . hehe! cutee lorr . again,thanks Hero and the gang for accompany me and Zanna to the toilet at the middle of the night . chingu! and the lame jokes and night laughs started again when Zanna sleep in my tent! is wanted to player timer of two with Zanna and Jolie . lame ass . haha! and then,i told Jolie about it and she straight away shout OI to Is . her reaction was damn funny man . and it all continue when Haziqah scolded us,LOL! (:
our SEA EXPEDITION day! since we're using tri-yak,im with Hero and Zhen Zhu . she was selected as the navigator for the day . so since we're with her,we have to help her along about the map thingy . she was in front of us,followed by me in the middle and then,Hero at the back . we all are supposed to use a t-shirt to cover our face,except our eyes as to prevent from sun burn and skin cancer . its like a pakistani ppl wanna bomb others . so,it was hot i admit . but i didnt bring anything with me except for a towel,like usual . so,i cover my head and face with them . and the frustrating part starts when we reach the farking swamp . it was sooo damn narrow and soo far . our main objective was to get out of the swamp and tget into the open sea,again . half way through,we're supposed to carry the tri-yak over a big rock . i was the man,i know . im the only girl who help the rest carry the tri-yak over . i was with my Hero beside me . so yeah,it went for the second time and went off smoothly . we're all very excited when we have already get out of the stupid swamp and reach the very open sea! yeay to the ness!
we then planned to campsize when reaching the shore but too bad,my Instructor Vivan says no need as we're having our jetty jump later . excited excited! like the previous days,me and Zanna became the kayak wash girls . bende biase jugak . haha . it was super funn i tell u . the jetty jump was all good and yes,i shouted as the plank we're suppose to jump on is very high and im scared of heights -_____- my partner was Zanna . i was suppose to save her . heh . save ehh . so yeahh,my biscuit was stole by the dogs there . well,they are adorable though . shower and then get ready . i was the IC for the day . a stressful one . my voice has already gone . haha! shout here and there . so,after then,we havre to get ready to set off the campsite 2 to another campsite which has got no toilet facilities . hehe . and,its a nice one .
the most touching part was when i was the IC for the day and its dinner time so i have to make sure every single one ate for dinner . but then,i forgot about myself . i've not ate,not even a single thing although i didnt fast that day . so,i was busy with stuff like taking care of the food that is still cooking and all . so,Hero told me that he's gonna share his food with me and i said ok . then,i forgot about it all as im concentrating more on the litters around the area and the food . my mood was super duper bad when no one listens to my instructions and when no one follow what im trying to say . im was super super mad till i didnt talk to anyone,not even to my Hero and Jagis' . then,cough started and i started to feel unwell . i walk here and there to make sure everything's fine . Hero called me upteen times but i just ignore as i was moody . he told me to eat but all i did was nothing . sorry my sexy Hero .
we had our group disscussion at 8.15 sharp,near the reservoir . but then,some people still forget to bring their torch light and whistles for the night walk,later . so,they had to go back to the campsite and take the stuff . while waiting,me,Hero and Jagi Zanna was siting at a nearby planks when i started to feel tired and hungry . i lean on Hero's back and started resting my eyes . after everything was settled,we then did our daily journals . like usual,we sit in circles and started talking with our sexy Vivian . all of my gropumates told her that i've not eaten a single thing when she asked about dinner . i was soo touched and yeah,the night walk started . me and Hero stand at the very front with Instructor Jill with Zufar and Amirul along .
it was super duper dark but we're not supposed to switch on the torch light except for the Instructors . i was then holding my Hero's hand very tightly as i cant see anything . and yeah,he grapped my hand and walk slowly . he then make sure i didnt fall or anything . oh,that's sooo sweet! we then reached campsite two again to use the toilet facilities and continue our journey back to the campsite . and its very sweeeeeeeeeeeeet of Hero to have a thought about cooking noodles for me at night,when its dark . i was soo touched,seriously . but i told him not to . he then look arnd for biscuits that could fill my stomach . and my whole group sabo me by asking me to eat those biscuits . especially Hero,Yinn Hui and Gilbert . they actually feed me and that's cute . we tonn at Farid's tent and sleep at 1 am after playing a stupid cum silly game (:
was a saaaad one as we're leaving back home . i cried,yes i did . i was super duper sad . coz i noe im gonna miss Vivian alot and Baby,the OBS dog . super lot . great days in OBS Camp . it really makes us,the Hillgrovian closer and the bonding has grown better . forms of communication,responsibilities and all are growing . i love my obs camp and thanks to the doctor at Bukit Batok Polyclinic for letting me go -___- i really wanna turn back the clock . but too bad,i cant . so,that's about it . oh school,there's a lot to catch upp with . the pictures will be posponed to the next entry or so as Yinn Hui has not scanned them . and im plain lazy to bluetooth them to my sis hp and transfer them to the com . so yeah,Is told me something outrages . and my heart is still pumping like jrguif%$kjhgf&^^ ,till now .
labels: he told Is he likes me .
a quick update . i know i simply cant wait to share my stories with u guys about my OBS Camp . how fun,exciting,challenging,adventurous,sweet,sad,great,excellent and superb it is . but,its impossible for me to update all of it today . i will do it on monday and that's a promise . with the pictures upp too (:
my skin is darker than the previous one but still i love it as it more tanned and niceee . i miss OBS Camp sooooo much although it has one been yesterday . i miss my campsite . i miss my watch(group),Elizabeth Choy . i miss Nehru's group members . i miss the Hillgrovians who went there . the time we spent together,the fun times we had,the jokes,the laughter and Is and Amirul,thanks for being the farting machine . and importantly,i miss my instructor for Elizabeth Choy that is Vivian Lau and the instructor for Nehru that is Jill . i really miss u guys . Vivian especially . oh damnn .
now,i wanna say thank you to some people for the help given for the past few days in OBS Camp .
i wanna thank my HERO cum Jagi Faris at the same time for being there for me . u've helped me alot . thanks for lending me ur muscled hands for me to hold on tight while walking at night . thanks for being my partner for the whole straight 5 days . thanks for making me laugh . thanks for the concern u've shown when i didnt ate my dinner as i had to get my tough job done . thanks for the thought about cooking for me noodles at the very dark night at 11 pm . thanks for the time u spent just to find a packet of biscuit for me to fill my empty stomach . thanks for the time u spent siting in front of me just to make sure i ate my biscuit till im full . thanks for putting up late just to make sure i've already sleep . thanks for encouraging me for the high-elements thingy when im afraid of heights . thanks for accompany me if there's a need for me to go to the toilet at the middle of the night . thanks for the buddy-system we had for kayaking . thanks for washing my dishes for me when i dont have the energy to do so . thanks for taking care of me when im sick . thanks for keeping my inhaler safe with u when we had our activities . thanks for doing every thing for me . thanks for helping me alot . cause i know,without u,everything wouldn't be possible for me . thanks a lot FARIS (:
my Beloved Jagi Zanna . thanks for making me laugh too baybe! ur the women . jyeahjyeah! without u,i dont know how dark my days are in OBS Camp . thanks for sleeping with us at the tent . the silly jokes in the middle of the night,i cant forget them . and also,the loud laugh . haha! thanks Jagi! saranghaeyoooo! (:
Isfahani,the horse cum the Vietnam Boy . thanks for making all of us laugh with ur non-stop farting machine . the nonsense u made . the laughter . the games . the silly stuff . and for being the gentleman that is to help the ladies carry stuff when we had difficulties in carrying our super-duper heavy stuff for trekking . thanks for making every single day of our a fun,great,interesting and funny one . and still,u owe me the 20 cent massage lorr .
Gilbert,the sexy man . yes,baybe,ur the man . thanks for the help when i need one . thanks for feeding me foods when u know i im busy with my stuff until i forgot to eat one . thanks for being a good leader . thanks for helping me by farting in front of me . hahaha . thanks for carrying our stuff when we're dehydrating and lack of energy . ur the man!
to my Jagi Usamah,thanks for the help tooo . the helping hands . importantly,thanks for accompany me for our high-elements . without u,i cant be at the top of the Inverse Tower climbing up till the top and overcome my fear of heights . without u,its impossible for me . thanks Jagi! Saranghaeyo! and the smile every single day,ur great!
Yinn Hui & Jolie . u guys are my great partner there . we had a lot of jokes to share and u guys are nuts . thanks for being there with me and thanks for making every single day our ours a great one . u guys are simply cute . and Yinn Hui,ur a great leader like Gilbert too! i love u guys okeyy! (:
lastly,to all . whether is it to E.C or Nehru . thanks for the days we spent together day . thanks for making everything possible . thank youu alot sexy people! im gonna miss u guys! will continue on in details on monday plus the pictures okey? (:
im starting to miss you since yesterday lorr .
Labels: crush,the Wonderful Hero .
im half-way through done with my packing and stuff . like finally,i get to find all the things i need for the camp and will chuck them inside my bag soon . and i cant wait for tomorrow . weeeeeeeeee -___- i cant sleep yesterday night . i dont know why . maybe its because i've already taken a nap in the afternoon . guess so . so,hours are getting nearer to night and soon,it will turn morning . i simply cant wait .
i dont know what does this means . is it a miracle or fate? my late prettyboy's elder sister is now getting more and more closer with me . its like,we've never been like this when i was with him the past . not this close . in fact,we didnt talk at all . but now,she's the one who motivated me,she's the one who give me great advises and she's the one who cares a lot for me . i was soo touched though . she kept repeating to me: Never bring the past with you in the present . and forget about the past memories and walk into something better . i will always be here for you,sweetheart .
i was touched indeed . maybe she's comforting me after what her brother had done to me . never cross my mind that we would be this close . and now,what's behind all this? hmmmmmmmmm . i wonder . but whatever it is,i don't want the past to be repeated back . in other words,im sick of love . yeah,im sick of love . forget about it and oh,im kinda bored right now . all im doing now is just myspacing and chatting . i felt like sleeping but im afraid i wouldnt have a good night sleep like yesterday . pfft .
alright . i won't do much talking now . i wanna continue packing the stuff and jyeah,i won't be blogging for a week,i guess? let's continue blogging next sunday . its a 5 days 4 night camp so kesian la kan org smue kene sekolah,aku tk payah . but then,the lessons,im gonna miss them . especially POA and Maths . i hopeee i will cope with them when i come back nest week (:
&& lastly,to all muslim people,i wish you a very happy fasting month . Ramadhan is here and that means,Syawal are getting nearer and nearer soon! and ohh,i can eat dendeng veryyy soooooooooon! hehe (: and soooon enough,im gonna be darkk . oh no,not again!
Tomorrow's the day,SEXY! (:

5 days rotting at home really kills me . so,what's good? im gonna miss my double chinese drama for 4 particular days as im away for OBS Camp this monday . oh my . well,days are getting nearer and nearer each day and i've not prepared my stuff yet . dammit .

SEXY,i've changed my blogskin and its like finally! ohohoho,i like it . i've spent almost 3 hours editing them,do the changes,modify here and there . so,it does worth it . this is the skin that i've been wanting . i though of changing the entry's background to white,but it dosen't look nice . haha,so i choose to stay this way as it looks better .
2nd day slacking at home,doing nothing is such a bore,seriously . all i did is just to repeat the songs i've heard,do the housework and some changes on my kitchen cabinet and watch tv,eat and drink . well,it dosent rain today . if not,i would be sleeping now,dreaming . blergh . seriously,holidays are boring . and if i have my malay ho0mework with me now,i would definitely do them now . too bad,they are all with Usamah and in my classroom now .
i thought of watching the movie Alone but my mum brought them to her workplace . another blergh . and Haziqah has been messaging me to ask about the things to bring for OBS Camp . and everytime when she ask me about it,i would feel excited and impatient to be there . haha! the days are getting nearer and nearer . and i really have to start packing my stuff this saturady and sunday . if not,i tend to do it at the very last minute and i'll forget to bring the stuff i needed there . haiyah .
okey,the song that is playing on my blog is my current fav . i know its an old raggea song but i finally found it yesterday . its been soo long since i last listen to that song . basically,that's the song i've been repeating soo muany times today . around 25 times? i'm gonna make my blog back un-private! and if spammers are there again,i'll make it private back again . its peaceful to make your blog private as there's not gonna be any spammers . oh btw,new pictures are up at Myspace.com .
Happy holidays sexy people! have a meaningful September!
05 more days to go,prettyhead!
;The day we were born .
i was sooooooooo excited . first of all i would like to congratulate my very own crew that is De'BlazeurScopic Vibes for winning TWO awards for the Hip-Hop Fiesta 2007 just now . u guys are simply cute! andand to my very own clique,Eccentric Dancers,congratulations to u guys too for winning the 1st runner upp! jyeahh! andand to Hillgrove sec for winning total of FIVE AWARDS in total! our school really did well yaw! De'Blaze was on TV!
the mendaki people keep on changing the time slot for us to arrive at the Republic Poly and we actually reached there arnd 12.30 pm . after getting down the bus,we actually run into the make upp room to get ready . everyone was like cepat cepat cepat! but well,me and zanna didnt do make upp at all plus ifah too . except for the rest and some of them already wore their make upp at home . and De'Blaze are the one dancing before us . well,there's not many audience there . and there's only the judges sit infront to select the winners for that day .
we didnt do that well though coz we're rushing and we didn't get the chance to relax and stretch ourselves but im great that we still won the second place . jyeahh! me and lina already planned to continue our clique that is Eccentric Dancers and to keep on finding new steps from the NIGGA videos and join any dance competition in future . and make our COME TO ME dance as the trademark of our clique . and i cant wait for us to grow better as a dancer! yipeee! =)
i've uploaded the pictures and there soo many of them . arnd 100 plus . but i choose the nicest among the nicest ones . haha,i didnt know how to smile though . thanks zanna for the snapping and ifah too! there's more to come from Zanna's and Ilyana's camera . wohoo jyeah SEXY!

He's good looking and he really looks like AHMAD! coz when me,zanna,zatty and my sis first look at him,we thought he was Ahmad when he's not coz Ahmad is now in kelantan & terengganu! like finally i remember =)
i guess this is cute .
me and Afiq . im his stalker . heh!
okey,im in love with Afiq's cap! thanks for the cute balloon FLIQ!
we won this! haha! i donnoe how to smile though .
SEXYY . no what the hell dilla? really,i donnoe how to smile!
ok now,i need fringe! my fringe are getting longer and longer and im soooooo jealous when people are all dancing with their fringe down! hmmphf! oh btw,Danielle was there to just now . but im not that excited coz i didnt watch any of their programme though . hehe . ok now,i wanna have a good rest coz im waking upp early tomorrow as im the KENDARAT yaw! and to zanna,thanks for making me laugh loudly on the bus just now . hahahahahahaha =) i just cant wait for tomorrow!
08 more days! jyeahhhh!