*looks above* I just love him,veryveryvery much((: i've been sending and fetching Timmy to and from work since monday . and today,it's the 3rd day we're meeting for 3 consecutive days((: how much more can i love this . yeah you know,next week's gonna be the fasting month and it's gonna be slightly hard to meet . we can,but have to keep our hands to ourselves =S (i don't like) haha . anyway,i was told by my elder sister a good news that i've been waiting for long,super long . and that is,to get my 100bucks and get my hair back straight . and hell yeah,i'm gonna get them next week! and by then,i'll get Timmy to accompany me,spend the whole time inside the salon and change the hairstyle . and yohaaaa,i can'twait for this,really really . it's been a while though((: thanks sister!
Anyhooooooes,i really wanna share something funny with you guys . we're having 2 free periods just now and that out teacher is not in and so,after the second bell rang,we all started to feel chialat as it's CHEMISTRY LESSON! (no one loves chemistry in my class) . and so,we came up with an idea of playing pranks with our old chemistry teacher . we locked the door,off the light and fans and not making any noise at all . afraid she might get us to detention,we then planned on making it as a "advance teacher's day surprise" for her when our motive is actually to let her leave the class and not to teach us the boring subject . she was late,and we all thought she wouldn't come in . well,heaven was on our side (macam paham),she tried to open the door but was locked . but my bloody friend actually drags his chair and that i think,that teacher can heard us inside,giggling . and so,she opened up one of the window and told us to open the door for her =P
and the funny part was,we all actually shouted HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY MRS CHUA to her when she came in . nabei,we all like one big bunch of motherfucker and played prank with an old teacher,how MEAN! hahaha . but i enjoyed though . and yeah,she did NOT realize our actual motive of doing it and that she thought it was THE REAL ADVANCE SURPRISE hahaha . we even wrote,you're our most lovely,sexy and (fill in the blanks) teacher ever! LOL . as if hor you all,basket . and yeah,she thanked us TWICE and haha,she smiled all the way like as if it was a REAL SURPRISE . *slaps forehead* and now,Faiz asked me who's the next teacher that we damn most? then,we can do the same thing! haha,nabei you tiny . well,i don't understand why she felt touched when there's not even balloons,foods,cakes or anything for her! stupid surprise,yes indeed it is . good job fellas! =DD
it's 2040 hours now and i wanna sleep (although my mum will nag,as i sleep early for 3 days now) . well,i need my beauty sleep lor =/ also,no one's talking to me at home anyway . oh yeah,after reading my english novel "When in Rome",suddenly it builds me another dream! I WANNA GO ROME (Italy) and have my Perfect Roman Holiday with,whoever? so long as you wanna/want to take me there,it's great enough already! =) and perhaps my baby? eh B,keep your money lah,then you CAN take me there in like,4 years time? how cooool! (only if you wanna stick with me) huikhuikhuikhuik =D and to my lovely Nunu,cheer up baby! pull everything together and i believe,it will end soon and that everything will be fine . im not gonna be like those people whom gonna make you happy for a minute and that's it . you can always count on me,alright? =D lovelove Nunu! <333
41 more days to what ahhhhhhhhhhhhh? huikhuikhuikhuik =DD
Labels: Alex Turner is HOT and SEXY

the inside

Big birthday board .

the birthday presents - Spider web hoodie,Adidas jacket,hand-made 6 stalk of yellow rose,Beach slippers with friction (haha) and ORIGINAL Casio silver watch . coincidently/evetually,all of the presents i bought for him,is what he wanted all this while! what a genuis girlfriend you've got baby! hahaha =P

NEW YORK CITY? no? i tell you!

it's the amazing Singapore Flyer! =DDDDDDD

The gorgeous/beautiful/amazing/awesome/fabulous views .
please do tell him,not to act cute! hahaha,cute lah you((:
and,i'm skinnnnnnnny! wohoooo! Singapore Flyer,amazing experience,the gorgeous Singapore view in the evening,the lightings and all - SIMPLY WONDERFUL! =D really enjoyed myself and,the money spent is worth it i'd say! =DDD
after enjoying ourselves,it's time for the SECOND SURPRISE! nunu texted about them changing the venue . and i was freaking blurr on how to get there . so i lied to him,i said i wanna bring him somewhere but i don't know how to get there from the Flyer . so,i told him to bring me to Memo,the 4 Sticks at Raffles and i told him,from there,then i know the directions stuff =D and he brought me there . i was worried,if they're not ready yet . and,when we reached there,i was like,where in the world are they? and then,i saw some guys sitting down there,and Tim was like,ehh B,i think that's one of my friend . why not we go there for a while? and i said,okay looor . he then saw Nunu,the November 19 dudes all,and he was like, "wah you all wanna hangout never ask me along!" . not until i shout,HAPPY BIRTHDAY HATIM! nunu and the rest started singing the birthday song and showed the cake =]
he was all surprised as he NEVER expect such thing to happened . and he was like,hugging and thanking me ALOT of times and now,i'm the one who felt touched . haha . and so,the guys were all crazy . smashing the cake at him and the rest . especially Kye . haha,and they were chasing each other around,very funny . overall,i enjoyed my day,of course! i've been waiting for this day to come and the surprises that i planned to happen . and it did((: i'm proud of myself and lastly,THANK YOU SO MUCH,Nunu (especially),PS and Sally,November 19 dudes for buying the cake in advance when we're broke,Noor,Imp,Ali and Reezan . simply everyone,thanks alot for sacrificing your time and making the day happened =] you guys the best,love you guys man!

Tim and Imp .

and I love you soso much,baby . you're the FIRST person i did all of this things/surprises to((: and i'm glad everything went on as planned . especially the blind folding part and i succeed in telling lies to him which he didn't even suspect anything although i've NEVER lied to him before . how cool! and yeah,hopefully,this is your BEST birthday celebration ever! i don't mind if the total amount i spent is a THREE-digits . so long as you love it,it's great enough for me,really((: and i bet,you did! thanks baby for telling me that i'm the BESTEST girlfriend (although you've told me upteen times) . i'll promise to behave well because a guy like you,is impossible to find (dowanna lose you) =] I LOVE YOU and the NO ONE will can ever replace you in my heart,for real((: HAPPY NINETEEN BIRTHDAY ONCE AGAIN,LOVE! =)
Labels: it was the most memorable day

Timmy: B,if everyday you make me sleep by doing this,it'll be great you know! =D
Dilla: *sliding my fingers on his arms,again and again* ya lor,it'll be great . then i'll do them for you,then i won't get any =( =(
Timmy: You can! like i do! Stick with me lah b,then every single night you can do them for me *kening naik-naik* =)
Dilla: Then what about me? =( =(
Timmy: You do for me every night,then i'll do for you also,at the same time . then,both of us will fall alseep . nice right! =DDDD
I will stick with you,not only for the reason of that (the above) but for 1001 reason baby((: and i know we CAN go far,so long as i'll put in effort to be the BEST BEHAVE girlfriend ever! =D i will change,i know i will,but it'll takes time . anyhooooes,it's the 06th months (??) TODAAYYY! how fast hoooor! =D and i'm gonna love this few weeks i tell you! tomorrow,after my paper ends,i'm going home to get change and then,we're heading to Chevrons and check in at 2pm! =D get everything prepared and it's swimming timeeee! it's the youngsters night tomorrow at the chalet! (hanya yang muda-muda sahaja okay!) yang tue,boleh relax one corner sudah . hahaha . and then,saturday night,still gotto make up my mind whether to hangout with Timmy all . sunday,chalet still . tuesday,surprises over at Timmy's block and wednesday,tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! and tell me,how in the world am i not excited? wohoooo! ^^ and now,i have a strong feeling that i'm gonna have fever,very soon . the coughing is really terrible and my body is warm now . my head feels like as if it weighs 100 000kg more that what it is . how in the world am i suppose to take my English Prelim tomorrow? =( spare me,please =( alrighty,i wanna wrap myself with my thick hoodie and i shall see you fellas around =) ADIOS .
06 more days,Hatim the Timon! =DDDDDDDD
Moving on . Monday was a school holiday for the student . Nunu and Tim planned for an outing for PS,Nunu and Sally with some of the guys tagging along,including my younger sister . It was a great outing i'd say,although Hafiz and Bob wasn't there (i miss Bob lah) =( everyone was crazy,especially Kye,Imp and Harun . bunch of crazy yet cool people . they were pulling each other's shorts and all,bury one another,put sands inside each other's shorts,throw small rocks at Saiful,build sandcastle with Noor and simply everything . Me,Sally and Nunu was so sure that we wouldn't even wanna get ourselves into the water . not until we see for ourselves how clean and beautiful the sea was =D although we didn't bring any extra tops and all,still,we have fun playing and swimming around . i went off earlier,after then,daddy picked me and Dian up at Harbour Front and yeah,home sweet home =D i didn't have my camera with me,so does Nunu . wasted,but nevermind . i have only ONE! =DD

Itu semue kerje aku lah,sapelagi kan (the sand-dicks) o.O . and now,i think noor looks good with the piercing on his middle-lips . good for you((: and today,accompany Timmy for his injections at Clementi and then,went to Westmall and have my Mc Spicyy (again) . it wasn't a good meeting at the middle of it,it is all my fault (the usual) . sometimes,i keep on asking myself,why does he still love me when sometimes i'm mean towards him? he's is so forgiving,nice and charming . and what about me? so weird,mean and bad girlfriend =X and if i were to ask him that,he'll definitely say,do you want me to stop loving you? NOOOOOOOOOOO!,i don't waaaant! =P i love only you lor! and oh,boyfriend's birthday celebration is ALMOST DONE,really really((: and im like,WOHOOO! its fabulous i tell you! O.O oh well,i shall share everything on 20th August itself alright? =D one of the surprises has started,which is to sing the birthday song with 9 different languages,9 days before his birthday! (as 9 is OUR favourite number) =) and tomorrow,it's Malay Prelim and ehem ehem ehem! *grins wideeeeely mcm THE ROCK* (if you smell,what The Rock is cooking) exams starts tomorrow,and i think i need a short malay revision on "peribahasa" and then,i need some rest =( the menstruation cramp is killing me (first day summore!) =S
Exactly a week more to go! =DDDD you excited not? I DO! I DO!
I've suspected it all along . And when i've learnt about it,I just asked myself; "What the fucking hell do they take me for?"
I'm used to be treated this way,eversince forever,I don't mind at all,bitch . And now,I know what i should do or to react in future . I don't mind not being told about it cause I seriously don't give a fucking care about it cause i mind my own business,unlike the other half of the people in the world . I don't wanna waste my time,bugging people about this shits cause I'm NOT a bugger . And now,I don't give a fuck on anything else or whatever matters . I'm only left with a month to endure then,that's it,im out of it already . A month is NOT a long period of time anyway . I can handle this,seriously I can . And who cares if no one cares? I don't need any of it,damn you . (if you have whatever feelings after reading my shits,true enough,you'll feel guilty,feel bad and oh,you're the one/people/person i'm referring to,mike) If you readers think I'm MEAN to post about this,think of how i was treated for such a long period of time . Which one is meaner?
And it all ended with; SO MUCH MORE FOR A classmates/goodfriends/long friends/best friends/best buddies/buddies/girlfriends/and whatever you motherfuckers can fit them in .