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    12 midnight message for the lovely one.

    My friends are always telling me to move on,to give up. But why? Why should i? They don't see you the way i see you. They don't look into your eyes and see the world. Why would they understand? They can't possibly imagine what it means to look at your bestfriend and see all their hopes and dreams come true. I wish for once,just once,they could walk a mile in my shoes. But they wouldn't need to walk that far,they would just take one step and suddenly,they would realise you're my life,you were meant for me. And that moving on or giving up,is simply not an option.

    Sweets,if i can give you ONE thing in life,i would still give you the ability to see for yourself through my eyes. Only then you'll realise how special you are to me.

    It's the 14th. A very complicated and confused situation,but i'm trying my very best to fix everything,god's willing((: I'm waiting for you with an open heart,till whenever. I'll get the doctor to refer me to the hospital very soon,and i'll tell you what happened to me eversince sunday night. So that you won't think i'll be lying kay. I'm scared if anything might happened to me :( Pray hard,cause you're the ONLY strength i've got. I might not know what might happened to me now. Life is so unpredictable. But,i'll love you forever. I will baby((: That's my promise,until whenever.

    I want those times back <---- That's what he said =D


    "" was Posted On: Tuesday, October 14, 2008 @19:57 | 0 lovely comments

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