This girl used to be like this,

Her injured leg,you can look different it is.
Just a few hours ago,i met up with Fatwan to find Suzie's birthday present. That boy had a hard time finding his stuffs and all,so he need my help to put his ideas in place. So,we purchase a few stuffs,going up and down of the escalator like idiots,hahaha. Then,had dinner at Bagus. The chicken chop is damn steam lah XD At the same time while eating,we prepare some part of the gifts. Cutting this and that,writing this and that,decorating and all that jazz. But, UNFORTUNATELY,i can't upload the picture up here INCASE Suzie or her friends bloghop and view. So,we shall hold it until she receive them from Wan herself alright.
Labels: berperikemanusiaan
I only have a picture of the inter-uniform group drill competition.

I still havta ask more of the last saturday's picture from Kaisha. I managed to get only these 2 for now. (my no longer thick-hair) :D

Some people came forward and told me they didn't managed to see how exactly my cat looks like. So,hopefully this helps.

Last but not least,i'm not intimidated by any of you guys who wanna bring down my self-esteem. Don't bother doing so,cause it won't do any help,trust me. So,stop wasting your damn time.
Labels: still having issues lah huh
Ultimately for fuck's sake,get the hell out of here.
It's not even friday the 13th today,and an unlucky thing befall me in the late afternoon. My phone died when my cousin was bluetooth-ing some songs to her phone. She then thought my phone hanged,so she tried to off and then switch it on again. But,nothing appeared on the screen,it was all blank. But,the funny part is,i can receive messages and calls with an empty screen. WEIRD. So,like Zamy's phone the other time,i've lost most of my updated contacts :( Not only that,i lost the songs and clips i have in it too - DOUBLE the sadness :( :( Oh man,that is like the most troublesome thing ever in life lah. Then,havta recover all of it again. Haiyoh,leceh nyeeeeeeeeeeeer.
So,i can't really remember some of your numbers except for FATWAN'S! Bahahaha. His was the easiest lah. So,to you guys who have my number,DO TEXT ME PLEASE while i get my phone fixed. Or prolly,change it to a new one. Yeah,new phone finally. Whoever,be it my classmates, former classmates, outside friends, cousins, or whatever. Sorry for the inconvenience yeah.
Labels: sedih pe hidop
I was supposed to attend Nunu's gig at Scape at 3 just now,but i couldn't make it on time as the kitchen's sink went haywire. So,i spend half of my afternoon fixing it with daddy. After which,i went to Marina Square to meet up with Jill and Annie at around 6pm. Sat down at the Mc'donalds there,catching up with stuffs. With the YP hanging around there,it's kinda disturbing. But,it's City Hall,what can you expect. Then,came Kaisha,Karina and Rachael! =D Oh yeah,they baked cupcakes for me. It was damn nice lah :) We then decided to heed down to Clarke Quay. Laugh,get hyper,moonwalk,squeeze,pinch,hug along the way. It was an absolute FUN! I ALWAYS got hyper whenever i meet them,i don't know why. Bahahaha :P
At around 8,the 3 of them went off to Town to have their dinner. So,left with Jill,Annie and myself. We sat down and started telling stories about practically everything. Then,we took train back home at 9.45pm. Okay,this is a total random lah,halermak. Just that,i'm bored and i'm NOT sleepy. It's 1.05am in the morning now. And what the hell am i doing in front of the PC when i should actually sleep right now as i've gotta wake up super damn early tomorrow?
Annie was telling me about this year's Singfest. Some of the Singaporean were given a chance to vote for the band that they want to come down to SG and perform. AND GUESS WHICH BAND HAS THE HIGHEST VOTEEEEEEEE?!?!?!?!?! =DDDDDDDDDDDD
(you can't imagine how excited i am right now)
Labels: get a great body shape
Hair Color: Black with some natural dark brown.
Is It Dyed: See the word NATURAL above? Haha
Eye Color: Deep dark brown
Height: 1.67, and trying so hard to get even taller than this.
Concept: I don't need that.
Body Type: Nak kate skinny,TAK. Nak kate gemok pon,TAK.
Shoe Size: 8 <--- almost like my dad's!
Tattoos: Never thought of that
Want More: MORE WHAT?!
Braces: I WISH. I want straight teeth lah,ohmygeeeez.
Fav Color: Black,white,brown and green
Worst Color: Combination of green and gray. Fucking disgusting.
Fav Number: 09 (no reason why)
Fav Food: Nasi ayam and Chiken Chop (mak oi,kan dah lapar)
Fav Fastfood: Everybody knows this! Long John dok!
Worst Food: I've never encounter worst food,ever
Fav Junk Food: Twisties and Hello Panda =DDD
Fav Chocolate: Whichever that contains nuts
Fav Drink: Chrysanthemum Tea
Fav Ice-Cream Flavour: Chocolate
Fav Genre Music: Music is universal baby
Worst Genre Music: Trance and Techno
Fav Band: Elysia,Elysia and more of Elysia
Fav Singer For Female: Beyonce' Knowles
Fav Rapper For Male: T.I,Nelly and P,Diddy
Fav Local Singer: Roooozeeeeee'! (i've not met her for so damn long)
Fav Local Group: Pshyclecticz
Fav Type Of Movie: COMEDY of course!
Fav Movie: Meet the fokers,Sex and the city and She's the man (watch them if you have not)
Fav Days Of The Week: Obviously saturday! It's the releasement of stress day!
Least Fav Day Of The Week: Wednesday as there's cca going on and havta end school around 6.30 =.=
Worst Sports: I can't think of any
One Thing You Cant Get Enough: The song on my blog as it's freaking nice lah
If You're Single,Do You Like It: There's pros and cons about it lah,i'm better off this way for now.
Have You Ever Cheated On Someone: Never dared to,i swear
Been Cheated On: A couple of times
Used Someone: NEVER
Been Used: Sadly,yes
Lied To Your Boyfriend: For good reasons,did before.
Do You Flirt Alot: I hardly ever do
Ever Get Flowers: Once.
Ever Gotten A Poem: Yes,but it wasn't the ownself's poem.
Sweetest Thing You Ever Gotten: 2 adorable and cute nephew
Do You Like Valentines Day Or Sweetest Day: Sweetest Day? Do they even exist?
Do You Fall In Love Easily: To me so long to do so,pardon me.
Do You Believe In Love At First Sight: Entah eh.
Ever Kissed Two People In Just One Day: Oh yes i did! Yani and that miang cat
Ever Kissed Two People At One Time: NO
Ever Dumped Someone: Never did and never gonna do that
Ever Been Rejected: So far,NOPE. Bahahaha.
Single Or Double Date: Single is better.
A Daydreamer: Depends lah huh XD
Shy: VERY,when it comes at meeting new people
Talkative: Everyone knows i talk non-stop every day all day
Hyperactive: Sugar is the reason why i'm hyper everyday
Happy: Now? NO
Depressed: HAHAHA,not to that extent
Funny: Most likely to be
Boring: I'm interesting and unique ;)
Mean: If people treat me in that way
Nice: SUPER DUPER NICE,trust me. I don't bite,i nibble! :)
Trustworthy: Decide for yourself
Confident: Most of the time,yes.
Friendly: No doubt about it
Smart: In some perspectives
Sarcastic: When i have to
Dependable: Probably
Quiet: I'll never be a quiet person,lemme tell you
Helpful: I GUESS SO xD
Weird: When it comes to talking to myself over few reasons
Strong[emotionally]: Not really. Sometimes,even small stuffs can make me one.
Strong[physically]: NOT ANYMORE LOR! My 2.4 km run is usually 11-15 minutes. Now, =.=
Mature: After the recent breakup,it makes me a better person than the way i am before in sense of how i think. (go on cursing,cause that's the truth which i realises)
Religious: Hmmm
Polite: I think before i talk
Creative: I definitely am proud of having a creative mind
Fun To Be Around: You guys better say YES
Lovable: Oh definitely :P
Daring: Not for heights,please
Easy-going: Yalah yalah,i'm one.
Rebellious: Not one of those
Respectful: I respect people who give respect towards me
Clumsy: Oh,tell me about it
A Good Listener: I admit,i am
Honest: I dare not tell lies without good reasons
Jealous: With any reasons behind it,i'm definitely not.
Attentive: It depends on my bloody mood
Sincere: Every single time
One Of The Coolest Person You've Ever Met: Dato' M. Daud Kilau at KL,11 years ago =DD
I'm totally bored to death right now. I can't think of anything's which are worth doing or interesting. So,there goes my boring survey :) Thank god,it's already Friday now. And,saturday it is,tomorrow. It's the releasement of stress day,FINALLY! =D I have plenty of things i have in mind which i wanna do for tomorrow. One of them is definitely going down to Sentosa beach and chillax. But,i havta attend Nunu's first gig with her bandmates. Furthermore,it's gonna be SVC's so called reunion after so long. Gotta admit,i miss them like damn lot. Its been a year since we last lepak. And after which,i'll be meeting Kaisho and Karino! YEAYNESS! XD And sunday,it's the family gathering time and of course,meeting up with the lovely cousins,niece and nephews,uncles,aunties,makciks,pakciks,cucu and cicit.
I had my hair trim off and make it thinner than it is today. I thought it'll turn wonderful but i was unlucky as always. Is freaking damn thin and i don't really like it. Looks awful than before and it's shiny no more :( It's a free cut from Shidah so,i can't complain much or she'll strangle me. Will be chopping off my damn hair when it grows a little bit thicker AND when i have enough cash to do so CAUSE CAUSE CAUSE,i'm saving up for something waaaaaaaaaay better than a new look! =D You'll know in a few hundred days yo! =DDD
Sentosa in 2 weeks time,i don't care.
Labels: sleepy and hungry habis man
After doing some research and thoughts,i came to a decision whereby i'm gonna change my hairstyle. It's gonna be a drastic change cause i'm gonna go short. But not literally short,probably,slightly shorter than the shoulder length. I've always wanted to have long-sexy hair,where i can curl them up. Unfortunately,ive did rebonding and stuffs,and that i can't do those loose curls or my hair will go crazy forever. And if that happens,i'll waste more of my money just for a good treatment to get the hair back normal. So now,i wanna have something new and fresh,so,i'll be cutting them very very soon((: HAHAHA. I'm not sure when's the exact day it would be. So yeah,pray hard i'll get the exact kind of hairstyle i want or i'll cry throughout the whole entire month! =D
Okay so,this is my exact current hairstyle and length,

Combine all of the 3 pictures below,and you'll get the rough idea how i want my hair to be.

From my new inspiration,none other than the HOT Victoria Beckham! She's hot lah,oh tell me about it. My cat,she's been sleeping all day long! But,it's better that she's asleep rather than she's awake. Or she'll turn the house upside down. Jumping here and there and trying so hard to get out of the house. That horny girl,can't stand but to just look at the male cats outside of the window. Don't worry Baby (her name,hahaha),you'll get your sterilization injection on next wednesday and you'll be horny no more! And,that'll be better than everything else! Bahahaha :)
Hasta La Vista!
Hasta La Vista!
Labels: another step :)
Last thursday,after school,Yani,Azeana,Oz and i went to Jurong East IMM to purchase a few stuff. After walking around finding the stuff i need for the tiny surprise,we than had our lunch at SureBagus. The food's awesome,i gotta say. Especially the western food =D Then,we headed to Redman to purchase the baking stuff. It was funny cause i was hyper as usual. Then i was going all crazy,laughing and that i did something which really make the others laugh REAL BAD XD Oh,not only them,but the 2 chinese guys too. And,i'd say that was silly of me. Like usual,after feeling embarrass,i then tried to cover up and giving the lamest excuse ever in mankind just so we can get out of that place asap before other people start laughing at my silly jokes. So,that was our lovely thursday!
Yesterday was Friday the 13th. Some consider them as an unlucky day. Yeah,me too. I tripped and fall when i'm in school. And,that's totally insane. BAHAHA xD After school,met Fatwan to pass the tiny surprise over at Westmall. Then,headed back school for the Drill Competition. Oh,some of the uniform group was awesome. Including our NPCC! And for the very first time in history,we won the FIRST place! I gotta admit the marching and drills were perfect and awesome. Hopefully,NPCC can maintain that tittle for the coming years! =D Great job guys! And so,today's Valentine's Day! Alot of people celebrating them,like meh. Oh,so do i! =D

Oz's - Rosmerry Spaghetti with Black Peper sauce.

Mine,Chiken Cutlet.
Now wait,who's my Valentine eh? ;)

It's the new PARSI CAT! Like,wohoooo! =D Finally i have one fabulous looking hairy berry cat in my house. But still,i'm a little afraid of the stray cats,but whatever. HAHA. Nah,i don't have any date today,so,it's my staying at home day. Valentine's Day isn't a BIG deal anyway. It's just like any other normal day. Now,i gotta watch my America's Next Top Model and i shall update again if i have the time! ADIOS!
Labels: parsi cat
Now,which bitch says i DON'T have a date on Valentine's Day? BAHAHA. Although it was the former anniversary date,but screw it bitch,screw it. Who gives a flying fuck about it? It's not the end of the world man. Yeah,Valentine's Day! It's gonna be awesome,i swear. He's like,oh so cute lah =D Like,freaking awesome. I can't wait for him to come down to my house and meet me. It's gonna be the best day ever. Huh,whaaaat? His name is MACKY by the way ;)
Wondering who in the world that sudden Macky who's gonna be my date on Valentine's Day is?
Labels: my new one

It's all about fashion industry and modelling right now :)
Labels: high heels
Time for some proper update. My schedule for the week has always been tight. Trainings after trainings. Classes after classes. Npcc after npcc. Well,that's the beauty of being a senior in school AND the beauty of taking o'levels this year. Neverless,it's all gonna be worthy at the end of the day. Okay so,i was supposed to go out with Kaisha/Shab/Syazwan/Jill/Azeana yesterday but it all came down to my one and only cousin - Isha. They had their LAST MINUTE plan but that doesn't mean i'm gonna give The Wedding Game a pass. It's an awesome movie,you guys should catch it. It's really funny,and that it makes me laugh real hard till my stomach cramps,ohmygeeez. But,it's been sometimes though,it's really nice. We had the 1850hours slot over at Plaza Singapura Golden Village. AND,we're the ONLY malay people around. Cool or what! HAHAHAHA.
Today. I've been DYING to cut my bangs as it's already fucking long lah. I thought i would get them cut off a little bit shorter as it is,and i could put my bangs down when i'm off to school. BUT! This fucking salon we had around our house area was suck lah,nabei cibai. I told her to follow the shape and cut it on my eyebrow length and she had it cut all straight macam pukimak and yeah,even the sides are all SHORT. Like,fuck lah. FUCK. It's extremely hideous lemme tell you. It's all damn straight (no wait,it's NOT EVEN perfectly straight) and fucking funny. AND i havta wait for another gazillion years to make it grow longer. Oh yes,i had a GOOD cry about it for the whole of 20 minutes,thanks. For the love of god,i'll never ever gonna go into that shop and have my haircut,ever again. Sibei. You motherfucking horrendous hairdresser can jump off the building and just fucking die. Plus,the Cadbury Hazelnut Milk Chocolate that i bought doesn't taste as good as it's supposed to be!
But whatever,i have a good or i should say,awesome news to share. I'm going to L.A to pursue my passion for modelling as there's not enough Asian models in the world! Bahahaha. Well,i told my mum that i have this BIG or maybe,HUGEEE passion for modelling and she gave me this whole idea of going to Los Angeles so that i could take it to the next level! =D This is cool or what?! COOL INDEEED! ;) Okay so,after o'levels,it's gonna be Polytechnic and then,model baby,MODEL! Man,i can't wait for this. But before that,i havta study hard and get good results and prove to those motherfuckers who think i'm stupid WRONG. And that i CAN achieve my goals as well as my dream. This is going to be fun! Till then!
Chapter 2 in my book
Labels: passion for modelling
Gig at Beats Merchant,last saturday.
&& from here onwards,you can see how crazy & hyper the crowd was
The only thing i can describe bout myself right now,is my THROAT. It just feels like as if there's some popcorn stuck inside and is in need to get out from that bloody throat. Yes,it's damn irritating lah. Cough like again and again. I had enough. Even the cough syrup is NOT doing any good. My inhalers? Oh tell me about it. It's decreasing every now and then. After then,there's no more inhalers,and it's time to die already. I gotta purchase one very soon. Haiyah,susah betol lah kalau ade asthma. It's been a week that i've not been feeling well. Oh my oh my,when in the world will it be gone? Ohmygeeeeeeez.
And she went; And when you're away,i count the steps that you take.
Labels: im still sick lah nabei
It's funny after knowing whatever that has took place. But whatever,my girls and i CAN'T wait to laugh our ass off. This is gonna be FUN. See the word fun? HAHA. Congrats,cause your dream has come true! But,there's always karma bitch. Anyway,there's nothing much to update for today,i guess.
Well,yesterday's gig at Beats was fine. Yeah,FINE indeeeed. I enjoyed Ragdoll's set the most. Especially during Touche'. The crowd was fucking hyper and crazy,lagi-lagi Ziq. HAHAHA. The craziest part is when i got asthma in the middle of the moshpit. Thanks eh,but thanks god i had my inhaler in my pocket. OH! Not forgetting on how Reg fell down when she entered the room during R.E's set,HAHAHA. Damn funny lah. Then,at the end of their set,i realised my lips were bleeding plus,i got a punch on my stomach from Ziq twice. Thanks ah geng. 5 bruises on my nody now! HAHA. And,ERIS,ASA & AMA and FCT isn't that bad too. Like of course,i enjoyed every of the band's set yesterday. I was fucking drenched when i get out of the room,whole body is sweating and my hair is all wet,like as if i just had my shower. It's gross,i know right.
And so,tomorrow's after school schedule is pathetic cause we havta attend some fucking lame lecture over at Science Centre. It has got something to do with physics i supposed. Speaking of physics,i've yet to complete the whole stack of assignments. RIGHT. So much for wanting to be more hardworking this year. But whatever,i got tons of stuff to do this week. Oh yeah,Oz was around yesterday at Beats! Oh,he's HOT lah,tell me about it! =D I guess,that's it for now. I wanna continue on reading! Adios!
KAISHO! Meet me this weekend lah sayang!
Labels: you're WAAAY below our level