After forever,it's gonna be August tomorrow! you can't imagine how excited i am just for this month to arrive! =D simply alot of things/events coming up . especially for my N' Level Prelim exams which is in 2 weeks time *slaps forehead* oh agony,how mush faster can the time flies? i really have to do alot of revisions and NOT last minute(s) ones and just so you know,i then realise Fasting Month is just around the corner((: i'm like rushing for time which sometimes,i don't even have time for myself =( well,nevermind . i shall try working things out and,i shall stop blogging for a moment . i'll be back when everything's over or when i have time to share for anything/everything that i have to((: and people,let's just count the number of days left for the BOYFRIEND'S BIRTHDAY!
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20Labels: On hiatus .
"" was Posted On: Thursday, July 31, 2008 @22:01 | 0 lovely comments ✿
I'm just impressed,someone wanna be like one of us((: we're just waay to cool for them i guess . anyways,im busy with assignments - malay report on last saturday's Cultural Performances,CME Racism project,printing of preparation works,transfer the wanted printed pictures,painting the birthday surprise etc etc . and you can imagine me being a business woman like =] so,i shall be back for blogging the next time round . and B,i miss you lah =( you must meet me tomorrow cause i wanna skip NPCC (aku kan da step down?) and i don't care =P oh yes by the way,i've won SILVER for the Malay Essay Writting National Level Competition . and i don't know Hatim's girlfriend is kinda clever,isn't it? huikhuikhuikhuik =D and surprisingly,i DIDN'T doze off or even to put my head on the table while doing my revision papers during my FOUR periods of maths =] after forever,how cool?
yesterday,ive been asking opinions from 2 of my friends on how they think of the things i've prepared for that boyfriend of mine((: one thinks it is super sweet/romantic/nice/loving/great surprise and the other one would say if he were Hatim,he'll be the luckiest/happiest/or whatever boy in the universe as no girls would ever thought of doing this kind of surprise for the boyfriend as usually,guys would be the one doing them((: okay,im not quite sure if this gonna be the BEST one cause sometimes,i just thought that it's NOT enough (although there's alot of them) and sometimes,i just think that it's not satisfying . well,i shall do something about it and yeah,i'm sure to give the BEST one,ever (tau b tau tau tau!) let's hope everything will go on smoothly,although i've plan for the PLAN B if my PLAN A dosen't works . (i even have plan C on hand!) shut up Dilla,let's back to work =]
i'm left with 22 more days to get every of my preparations/surprised/arrangements done *muke frust*
"" was Posted On: Tuesday, July 29, 2008 @18:06 | 0 lovely comments ✿
Yesterday,some of us had our Malay Cultural Performances which we had to attend at Republic Poly . before gathering in school,i met Fikah as an excuse for going to school with her (apparently it is) . and so,i've bought her a 3 slices of different cake and a hand-made birthday card . i was so confident that i have some candles at home which is not . so,i didn't managed to buy them the next morning . she was about to press the lift when i sang her a birthday song,with the box of cake in my hands . she was all surprised((: we then headed to school,gathered and off to RP . it was a oh-okay performances,alot of dance we actually make me dozed off half-way . im so mean,HAHA .
moving on . i reached home at 2pm sharp and quickly get the housework done and at 3.30pm,off to meet Hatim at City Hall . i'm with my little sister anyway cause my dad says,if you wanna go out,bring along your sister as no one's at home,if not just stay at home lor! so,i brought her and surprisingly,she enjoyed disturbing Nunu and Vam . i must say they get along very well . then,met Nunu and Vam and we're off to eat SEAFOOD as Nunu diedie wanna eat them . haha . after eating,we then meet the rest at the deck . out from there at 9.30 and reached home at 10.30 sharp . and yesterday,not all of the PS is there,especially Sally =(
and today,it's our family day out to Bugis,Kampong Glam and Serangoon Road (my idea,for Mustafa Centre) . haha . i swear i ate alot since yesterday and today,as there's a so called food carnival over at Kampong Glam . and cempedaaaaaaaaaaaaak,you cannot stop me from that . since i can't eat them at JB,i shall eat them here! (although the one sold at bazaar,sucks) . and before the rest of my family members wanna go for a foot massage at Westmall,we went to Mustafa to do some shopping for chocolates . has always been that way((: Mustafa = CHOCLATES and nothing else . haha . after then,i'm all alone at home till now . oh yeah,we went to bugis and did bought a tube dress and a skirt =) && mummy bought me a black sports watch which i apparently i asked her to o.O (that's the reason why i like going out with my family,my parents will pay for anything i want!) haha . and yeah,i wanna do something about that watchy watch . Hatim,better be excited for this! =DD that's all for today,folks! =DD
Syidah,Dilla,Fikah,Yani and Yunis =)
&& that's one of her birthday cake((:
my most favourite picture of Nunu yesterday! huikhuikhuikhuik =P
and Dian (my lil' sister),she got nothing better to do than to snapped our crazy shots! =D
"" was Posted On: Sunday, July 27, 2008 @17:59 | 0 lovely comments ✿
Happy birthday to you,
happy birthday to you,
happy birthday to Fikaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah,
happy birthday to yooooou!
Happy NC16 birthday baby! wish you longetivity and prosperity! may you lead a beautiful life ahead and have a blissful birthday celebration hor! no matter what we went through in the past,be it in bad or good terms,you're still on of the best girlfriend,ever! i love you very much and someone's turning 16 tomorrow! hahahaha . suke ehhh? =DDDD
I've not make up my mind,on what to give her as a birthday surprise . but i've already got one in mind and yeah,hopefully i'll get it done before tomorrow or something((: and tomorrow,im still unsure if i getto tag along for PS's jamming session and then,tag along with Lina and the rest to Esplanade for the gig and the birthday celebration at the moshpit,haha . and saturday,alot of gigs taking place . be it at Toa Payoh,Woodlands,Music Garage and Beatz *headache* and everyone is yet to decide on which to go . bagos eh,all at one day! and on the early morning on saturday,there's a theatre taking place at Republic Poly and i can't for that and i don't know why! haha((: and as for Nunu,thanks for everything about yesterday . you've been a very great help i tell you and you can't imagine how much i love you babe although i just knew you for a few months now((: miss you lah! =DD TINKLE BELLE! hahaha (inside joke)
Labels: Prove it and the relationship will be a perfect one,Dilla . I WILL .
"" was Posted On: Thursday, July 24, 2008 @18:05 | 0 lovely comments ✿
I wouldn't wanna say much,so let's just get the pictures do the talking as pictures really paints a thousand words((: and by the way;
Hafiz dogtoownnnnnnnnn,The first vocal - IRA's!
Hafiz Kecik,the second vox - SALLY's!

Vaaaaaaaam,The lead guirtarist (i think,lol) NUNU's!
Kyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee,The other guirtsrist .
Boooooobbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb,The drummer! NURIE's!
Hatim,The basist - and this boy,he's all mineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! =DDD
Nunu,Fikah,Dilla and Sally! <333333

Sally Belly Bobelly! and,although we just met a few months back,it really looks like as if we've known for years . you can't imagine fow much i love her and Nunu,i dont have her picture with her . next time perhaps! lovelove!

Part of the crowd - and that is how PS interract with the audience,cool right?
Incinerate - the slidings .
How much HOTTER can he be?

Some of the hxc dancers =D
among all the pictures i took yesterday during Racial Harmony Day,i think i look the best in this one,with Lina wearing the same Cheongsam too! =)
See,i told you . although i don't have a GOOD cemera,still,i take good pictures during the gig without any blur(s) or simply anything . picture's perfect although my camera is ONLY the KENTAL Samsung Anti-shakeable digital camera . HAHA,big joke . well,like other people said,prolly it's not their BEST set among the other 2 that they've done due to some sound-system probs,but still i find it awesome cause they sand 3 of my most favourite sing and they've never ever waste my 7.50 bux! wohoo((: skip that,i think i seemed mean enough these few days *mean face* okay,enough of that Dilla and let's talk about something else! hmmm,oh yes! i had my N Level Malay Oral yesterday,and i was just afraid IF they might ask me anything that has got to do with Racial Harmony . i was like,what in the world am i gonna answer? my reading was all good,almost-perfect reading and when it comes to the conversation part,it was ...... *drum rolls*EASY AND THANK GOD,maaaaaaaaaan! =DDDD i was hoping for some difficult questions as this is N level but yet,they ask me what do i like to do during my free time? i gave them 2 examples and 2 reasons of why i did them and then the next question was,why is it important to have something that we could do during our free time! i answer them with real malay accents and guess what the examinor said? " I'm impressed with all of your answers and everything that you said is the answers we're looking for" i was smiling with gleeeeee! =DDDDDDDD i thought i screwed up but no,i didn't at all . see,even my baby is proud of me! kan baby kan kan kan?Okay hold on,i wanna make myself a cup of milo . just a little while,hold on yo!...(3 minutes later)...okay yes,im back with the nice and delicious cup of milo! "minom milo anda jadi sihat dan kuat!" HAHAHA . it's only 1954hours and i'm waiting for Hatim to get online and he's freaking slow maaan! (selalu lah nie anak) and the Window Live Messanger been extremely gay towards me,irritating nak mampos . so,i wanted to share something with you guys which totally amazed me . it's just a 3 question thing and really amazed me like waaaaah! some of you guys may have done it though the email that was sent to you guys and some of you,through me! *kening naik-naik* wait ah,lemme get the rough piece of paper which i have my answer in them .(already have the paper in hand) tiger,horse,sheep,pig and cow - arrange them in your own order .MY ANSWER: Sheep,horse,tiger,cow and pigWrite down one word which represent/describe the following;MY ANSWER:Dog - Adorable , Cat - Cute , Rat - Disguisting , Coffee - Delicious , Sea - RelaxFor each of the colour,write down one's name which represent these individual colours;MY ANSWER:Yellow - Hatim (his favourite color)Orange - Massafurah (her favourite color also)red - Iqa,my elder sister (one of her favourite color)White - Nunu! (i also don't know why,suddenly white reminds me of her)Green - Suryani (she's all crazy about green)THE REAL ANSWER(S)/MEANING FOR EVERY QUESTIONS . *drum roll* (follows my answer sequence!)
Sheep - love , Horse - family, Tiger - pride , Cow - career , Pig - money!Dog - your personality , Cat - your partner's personality , Rat - your enemy(s) , Coffee - your future sex life , Sea - your life .Yellow - the person you'll NEVER EVER forget for the rest of your life , Orange - your true friend , Red - the person you love most , White - your twin soul , Green - the person you'll remeber for the rest of your life .and i tell you,this thing is bloody TRUE man . every single part of it,no really really((: as for the first question,its really true,and so the sequence of which of the things i prioritise first . and the White person of which i remember,i absolutely true,cause somehow,i think that my perangai with Nunu is the same sia,really . although we only knew for a few months but still,waaaah . okay yo! enough of my crap cause i think i talked alot today! just look at the post,freaking damn long! and if htere where to be spelling error(s),sorry . im freaking lazy to get them change! =DDDD HAHA . I GOT NOTHING BETTER TO DO THAN TO SHARE SILLY STUFF .
"" was Posted On: Tuesday, July 22, 2008 @15:32 | 0 lovely comments ✿
Let's Go Hardcore Dancing Gig - TODAY,over at Music Garage . the gig was Awesome,Passenger Service,standard jugak . but i went off earlier,and i had to missed For Better Endings,Ebony's call,Bloody Rejects and those great local bands . so,yeah . here i am,back home at 2107hours sharp and yessa,NO MORE NOT going out for me! sooooo,i'll start occupying my saturdays from now on already! tau B,tau! hahaha((: aLOT of pictures snapped,but i shall upload them tomorrow or something . cause' im fucking lazy as there's freaking alot,i swear . and yeah,i enjoy myself today although it's just a short one for me! =DDDD
and i tell you,this boy really look HOT up there . and haha,no stage-diving for you during Incinerate tapi,slide kat bawah pon jadi hor! crazy fellow,yet i love you so much((: me and Nunu was hoping for something great to happen but UNFORTUNATELY,Tinkle Belle wasn't up for action(s) . but nevermind,there's always next time yo! and Nunnnnnnnnuuuuuuuuuu,next time we have to drag her into the moshpit already so that she can lose some weight! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA . N Level Malay Oral Examination tomorrow and i still have the cheek to go out today! =D and it's Racial Harmony Day and i'm wearing Cheongsam despite my dark coloured skin (bastard) . and,yeah . i wanna get some sleep before calling the BIG BOSS! =DDD
labels: Don't try to be into the scene when you know nothing about it . i admit,i know nothing much about this shits but still,im not like you who tryna' fit into something you're actually NOT . get some sense girl,cause' it's really disgusting,i swear . i think,im being mean these few days,but still,i do all this cause i stood up for my girlfriend which i think i really have to,mofo!
31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31
"" was Posted On: Sunday, July 20, 2008 @22:17 | 0 lovely comments ✿
That was Nunu at the back and that boy,i don't know what's exactly on his mind,Taman Skodeng i guess .
It's already saturday today! which means,few hours left for Let's Go Hardcore Dancing Gig! i'm all excited and it's gonna be a great one i bet,with the great bands performing . today,i was all lazy/not feeling well to go out to join the rest at Scape . there's a gig also,and today,its my second time missing Deputy Siren performing,daaaaamn =( but nevermind,another time perhaps . in the morning,it was all sucky that we have to wake up early,to attend our school's 07th Annual Speech Day . damn boring,cause i've never like formal stuffs . instead of paying attention to the principal and guest of honour giving their speech,we took pictures and talked alot like no one's business((: the pictures at Ilyana's camera and i only took 2 from Fee's phonny .

She's crazy like me,but i still love her veryvery much though . standard jugak,kite due spices yang same mah! =D it's already 10pm now! wait for the boyfriend to give a message,late night calls,sleep then have a nice little dream,breakfast in the morning the next day,get the housework to be done and then,time to attend my cousin's birthday party at Jurong and then,get my foot on Jurong platform and then,get my ass on Bugis control station to meet with the HOT PS's BASIST and then,off to Music Garage! =D you can't imagine how SEXcited i am! haha,and i don't know why i should be one! prolly it's because i'm gonna see the HOT BASIST performing for the second time in my life . 3rd gig hor! how fast~ i misses the Homeclub's (below 16) and i can't afford to miss this one! daaaaddddddddyyyyy! =DDDDDDDDD && FREE SHITS,aku tak paham langsung! (only Nunu knows,hahaha) . and tomorrow,let's get the camera rolling babe! =DDD
"" was Posted On: Saturday, July 19, 2008 @21:41 | 0 lovely comments ✿

"When i'm with Dilla,i swallow every single of my ego,just for her",Boyfriend said .
If you're a person with full of attitude,how will you react to this sentence? ask about me,i've totally woken up and b,you should know that =(
"" was Posted On: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 @21:53 | 0 lovely comments ✿
End of February,2007 .
Fading to black,the menstruation cramp is literally killing me bits by bits . i can't bring myself to get a shut of eye,not even a good rest . it's crazy and all i could do is to stare into my computer and look at the clock ticking- tick tock tick tock tick tock tock COCK =D sorry,i was just bored . and this boyfriend of mine ah,he got nothing better to do . eh B,i know lah how to spell that BELLY BUTTON word,i ought to test you guys who's reading my entries . testing je lor((: and,i slept at 4 am last night/morning/wee hours . and that Hatim,i must smack down him already,see i told you i can't sleep after putting down the phone and now,give me back my sleep lah! i'm NOT an owl okay! you kuku boyfriend,i love you lah <333

and YES ZANNA,i miss dancing too! i bet all of my dancers miss dancing like freaking lot,right? it's been awhile anyway . not this year,we have to concentrate more on academic stuffs rather than others,like how we used to for the previous years((: but,it's NOT impossible for us to have a time break - and spend our time dancing together to give each self some space in between,agree? let us distress ourselves! =DD and MUHAMMAD HATIM BIN JAFFAR,im craving for Mc Spicy loor awak =( =( *insert a very very sad/pity/innocent/cute face*
and as for today,i just realised how time flies . it's already the 5th months? it's great but i didn't find anything great either (just get what i mean) . Yunis was surprised as i did NOTHING for the boyfriend ever since the previous monthsarry . i was broke and lack with ideas . all of my brains cells is occupied by studies,the preparations,surprises,arrangements and Alex Turner((: (the usual) . well,as for the next months',you'll definitely gonna get something really NICE from me and that's a promise . and no,i'm not literally broke but i couldn't simply spent my money as i want as i got a LOT of things to settle . i even have to give alot of thoughts about buying myself a Mc Spicy meal . and now,you can't imagine how much i miss eating them =( and i bet,you can picture of how stingy i am towards myself these few months,huh . no more LJS for me,i didn't miss eating them . and now,i'm waiting for Hatim and Reezan to get their ass infront of the basketball court to meet me! FASTER LAH KORANG!
labels: The thought of eating the beloved Mc Spicy Meal .
"" was Posted On: Monday, July 14, 2008 @17:22 | 0 lovely comments ✿
Si kecik nie,
yang die tahu,
nak step cute jer =P
Cubit pipi kau baru tahu . it's weekend,a sunday,yet my parents are working . mama's off day is on friday where else my dad,he got a guest to entertain today . and my elder sister? she ahh,everyday go out one lah . got a wedding invitation from her friend . and so,i'm only left with that kecik at home . and today,we didn't even fight at all! cool eh? =D yesterday . i spent my whole afternoon doing my english/malay/maths/chemistry homeworks . and then,off to meet Hatim and some of his friends and then,i'm off . after came back from visiting,i have to gave my mum a leg massage . good ah she,got 3 daughters,can give her a massage every single day! massage her leg from 2300hours till 0030 hours sharp! can die i tell you! bertuah punye mak,hahaha .
and last friday,thanks to my sexy boyfriend who made me laugh like nobody's business till i got hiccups,i have to drink his green tea,without any other choice . and,i DID drink them and pinch my nose at the same time . and from that point onwards,i find Green Tea isn't that bad as i think it is =D with exception of the smell,only . but still,i managed to drink 2 cans of it today! how cool,VERY okay! =) enough about green tea and let's talk about something else . oh yes,i seriously can't wait for August,seriously can't wait . especially the BIG SURPRISE for Hatim! wohoo O.o and also,get my hair back straight,with the bangs and stuffs . ahhh,i wanna get them done cepat-cepat ley! =D okay now,i wanna find people to be my victim . i wanna disturb people(s) BADLY =( as many as possible! HAHA .
labels: GREEN TEA!
38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38
"" was Posted On: Sunday, July 13, 2008 @16:22 | 0 lovely comments ✿
ehh B,i'm dying to play hide-and-seek! want play hide-and-seek with me or not next week? =D
Hey lovelies! its been a long time since there's updates in this rusty-busty bloggy of mine! the stupid internet connection been really suck since wednesday's night . very very bad i'd say and there's not even an internet connection sign . basket nak mampos . moving on . everything been very fine for me,in every perspectives . be it friends,family,schools,activities,preparations,saving money (if u have problems in saving money,don't hesitate do look up for me! HAHAHA!) and ya lor,simply everything . today,it's FRIDAY! thought of tagging along with the boyfriend for November 19 and PS's jamming but my Cute Riyan is coming over! alahai kecik,selamat kau chomel lau tak,tak kuase aku nak layan kau! haha =P
on the other hand,we've been doing very well for every of our subject . yes,not only me but the friends around me too . the great people((: although we sometimes tend to doze off in class,but still we enjoy studying! especially when disturbing Ifah! haha . that Ah Moi Chantik ahh,memang lah . and,as you guys know,that Ah Moi loves me! kalau tak percaye,tanye saye lor! haha . okie dokie,i dowanna make you guys bored and so,i was tagged by my sexy wexy Fad to do some surveys! oh yes! i enjoy answering surveys ALOT! soooo,yoooooo walllaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! =DDD
001 - Real name:
- Nur Adilla Binte Ramli .
002 - Married:
- NOPE . i waaaaaaaant,in 8 years time! *kening naik-naik* joking lah!
004 - Zodiac sign:
- Libraaaaa!
005 - Male or female:
- Female fatalee baybe! =DD
010 - Hair colour:
- Dark dark dark natural brown nigga!
011 - Long hair or short hair:
- Long baybe!
012 - Smoke:
- Cigarette smoke sucks! but i find HOT guys who smoke,look extra hot when they smoke!
013 - Drink:
- Pepsi & Coca cola! hahaha . never ever ever gonna drink . if not,the poeple around me gonna kill me! especially the sexy boyfriend .
014 - Available:
- Ape kau pikir aku nie barang kat kedai runcit ke? available ke tak . NO HOR!
015 - Are you a healty freak:
- HEALTHY? i donnoe . im having a BAd asthma,so NO LOR!
016 - Height:
- 1.66 m! i wanna grow taller,moreeeee!
017 - Do you have a crush on someone:
- ALEX TURNER!! forever and ever! only Hatim knows,hahahaha =P
018 - Do you like yourself:
- If i don't like myself,how in the world do i like others?
019 - Piercings:
- 2 like others lor! but i wanna pierce my balley button but i find it a waste . who wanna see my skinny body anyway? might as well use the money for Mc Spicyy! *craving craving*
020 - Tatoos:
- NOPE .
022 - First surgery:
- As far as i know,never been .
023 - First piercing:
- The ears when i was still a small little kiddy kidd!
024 - First best friend:
- Elmi Nurfiryana! when i was in primary schoool! she's HOT and i swear she's arrogant now! =( still donnoe where the hell she is AND i myself unsure if she still remember me or noe =(
025 - First award:
- When i was in primary 2! got 2nd in my malay school performances!
027 - First pet:
- Aruana .
028 - First vacation:
- Johor Baharuuuu! Hidop Malaysiaaa! hahahaha .
029 - First Concert:
- I've never been to a concert! gig pernah lah! haha . i'm still waiting patiently for Arctic Monkeys!
030 - First Crush:
- JAY ZZZZZZZZZZ! yooo mommmaaaaa! =DDDDD
050 - Drinking:
- Just had my bluberry drink .
052 - About to:
- About to what ahhhh? nothing ley .
023 - Listening to:
- Cahaya Hati's actor and actresses talking (drama lah!)
054 - Food:
- Anything except porky pork,spaghetti and pastaa . ewwwwwwww
055 - Drinks:
- Crysanthemum tea! and now,im trying to be friendly to Green Tea yo! after so long eh? haha
056 - Colours:
- Black,white,brown and yellow! red is hot too!
057 - Numbers:
- 09! My boyfriend is KPO also!
058 - Want kids:
- OF COURSE! 2 please . take note hor my husband(s) to be! especially ALEX! hahaha .
059 - Want to get married:
- Don't tell me i have to do sex with someone else and NOT my husband! what a question,maaaan!
062 - Careers in mind:
- okay a loong list for this,maaaaaaaaaaaaaan!
1. Accountant . since i'm gonna take up accounting courses in Higher Nitec in few years time and yeah,i love POA yo! =D
2. Hairstylist . but Hatim says this is a bad choice =( if i'm stuck in Nitec next year,i'll be taking up this course lor!
3. Beauty Therapist . another bad choice,says boyfriend . wanna be like mum cause i love this job!
4. Fashion Designer . me all time dream but i know it won't happen at all! =( =( =( oh my .
5. Stewardess! mummy said YES and wohoo,before getting married,of course!
6. Model! only if i have sexy wexy mexy bexy legs and body (i do,i do!) ! haha .
068 - Lips or eyes:
- Eyes cause the person whom i love doing eye contact with have a gorgeous eyes! (YOU) but lips also cause he got sexy lips . hmmmmmmmmmmmm .....
069 - Hugs or kisses:
- More for the hugs!
070 - Short or taller:
- Taller of course!
072 - Romantic or spontaneous:
- BOTH,please please please please?
073 - Nice stomach or nice arms:
- STOMACH AND ABS! sexy body baybe! arms,not THAT important for me though .
074 - Sensitive or loud:
- LOUD . cause i'm loud toooooo! very very macam Mak Nenek habis!
075 - Hook-up or relationship:
- Relationship! <33333
077 - Trouble maker or hesitant:
- Trouble maker yoo! cool per! =P
078 - Kissed a stranger:
- Kau giler?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
079 - Drank bubbles:
- Accidently swallow shampoo,pernah lah! haha,giler .
080 - Lost glasses or contacts:
- I've never wear both .
081 - Ran away from home:
- Kau nak aku mampos?
082 - Liked someone younger:
083 - Older:
- Cause i'd prefer guys who are 2/3 years older then me! (matured guys!)
084 - Broken someone's heart:
- Hatim's? and before him,nope . they DID,but NOT me .
085 - Been arrested:
- Nope . i'm a very good girl,everyone knows that . but if you don't believe,as me lor!
086 - Turned someone down:
- ALOT of times until i myself can't count . especially last year,2007 .
087 - Cried when someone died:
- Who the hell dosen't cry when the love one died? YOU?
088 - Liked a friend:
- Not only like,but i LOVe every single lovely friends of mine! lovelove korang okay! =DD
089 - Yourself:
- Very much .
090 - Miracles:
- Yes cause it happens to me a few times before((:
091 - Love at first sight:
- Yeap .
092 - Heaven:
- YES OF COURSE cause' that's the place i'm going after world! =D
093 - Santa Claus:
- I wish,seriously i wish . HOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOOOOO!
094 - Sex on the first date:
- If that person really looks exactly like ALEX TURNER! if not,no thanks! haha . joking lah! =p
095 - The more you hate,the more you love:
- Strongly believe in that . kan baby kan? the more im angry with that boy ah,my love goes deeper and deeper,i swear!
096 - Angels:
- Oh yeah! cause every night,one of them will stay beside my bed and watch me sleep and to protect me! no,really really . tak percaye sudah lor!
097 - Is there one person you wanna be with right now?
- My only lovely boyfriend lor! ehh b,if you love me,better stick with me ahhhhh! or elseeeeee!
098 - Had more than One boyfriend at one time:
- ME? are you sure? do my face look like one? but,those motherfuckers who dumped me did and that's the reason why we broke off,kan bitch?
099 - Do you believe in GOD:
100 - Tag 6 friends nigga!
1. The crazy sister,IQA!
2. Nurie!
3. Nunu! (but she confirm lazy one lah! no need ask,i knoe already!)
4. Yuhtee! (she got plenty of time!) haha .
5. Zanna! (done!)
6. IFAH! (that ah moi,memang lazy betol!)
&& few minutes ago,mama asked what curtain colour should we use for this year's Hari Raya! waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah,dah nak raye nampak! =DDDDDDDDDDD and if there were to be any spelling error(s),just ignore them . i'm just plain lazy to correct them,hehe((:
40 more days before the day's here! ((:
"" was Posted On: Friday, July 11, 2008 @16:16 | 0 lovely comments ✿

I swear i miss this kid right here . Weekends been good,be it on the saturday itself and the sunday . Saturday was spent with Hatim,Passenger Service along with Nurie and Fistula . and i tell you ah,that Reezan is irritating giler nak mampos . must go smack him already! keep on disturbing like as if there's no tomorrow! memang nak kene betol lah budak nie! *muke marah* then,we played murderer & detective over at the "deck" and that Kye pulak,alamak . *slaps forehead* in that game,we shouldn't tell anyone what card we got and there he goes telling people the card he's holding . memang bertuah punye anak lah die . and,it was NDP Preview and we get the chance to watch the fireworks from the place we hang out . it was awesome and yeah,i enjoyed my saturday after SO LONG . thanks daddy! (wonder lah,why i thank my dad! HAHAHA)
Sunday . was spent with family,excluded daddy . went to meet my sexy mama over at Dhouby Ghaut at 6pm and we ate LJS again yesterday! coool right? i know . and then,we shopped around Plaza Singapura and then,headed to Fareast . after getting the things i wanted,we headed back home as mama dowanna miss one of her tv show . and there goes my sunday .
and today,went to collect one of the present i purchase for boyfriend for his BIG day in 44 days time and i'm accompanied by Fad! thanks lovely((: i'm not THAT lazy bombom today . i'm good and i cooked the dish my mum told me to! and it turns out good! =D and it's 1846hours now,and i have to meet my sexy mexy wexy boyfriend over at gombak! accompany him go have his dinner and me,i wanna buy one bloody foolscap yo! =DDDD
44 days more! =)
"" was Posted On: Monday, July 07, 2008 @18:26 | 0 lovely comments ✿
I tell you ah,if i'm meeting this boy tomorrow,i swear i'm gonna give him a GOOD bite! nak step cute only ^_^
Mum's outstation . sister's baking and daddy's overtime-ing . and me? im relieved . cause you know why? i've completed my N' level English Oral just now . was afraid if i couldn't managed to do them,but in the end,i pulled it off well! (except for the pic conversation,isn't THAT good) . and the boyfriend's ear must be burning hearing me telling him how afraid i am and stuffs for upteen times eversince last night till the time,i'm about to enter the exmination venue . and now,ONE down and few more to go! =D i've started doing the birthday preparation for the boyfriend and it was VERY NICE but the "thing" ended up falling =( but,i didn't gave up and continue fixing them and now,im smiling with gleeeeeeeeeeeee .
labels: 69% chances of aprroving it and we shall see what's it gonna be! daddy,come back home fast lah! i miss you okay! =D and baby,i miss you alot alot alot toooo! =( *insert a really really really sad face* ehh boyfriend,you got miss me noooooooooooooooooooot? =(
"" was Posted On: Friday, July 04, 2008 @22:25 | 0 lovely comments ✿
Nurie is mean to tagged me and asked me to do this survey! she got nothing better to do! haha . but still,i enjoy doing them! thanks alooot love! =DDD
1. How many children do you want?- 2,a girl and a boy (hopefully lor)2. Where would you wanna go if someone were to sponsor your air tickets?- Disney land in Hong Kong . or prolly,Paris? okay no,Paris during hneymoon! (must marry rich husband already)3. What's your favourtie thing to do?- Disturb the people around me,is that counted?4. Do you think money can buy happiness?- If can,the trees will start growing money! and everyone rolls to school instead of walking/taking transport! HAHA . NO,OF COURSE!5. If you were given a chance to receive something,what would it be?- Can i be blessed with sexy legs? something ehh,i want a NEW SKATE SHOE,hows that?!?!?!?! =D6. Do you ever regret in your life?- Yeah,once/twice/thrice . but,i've make it a lesson for me to learnt! good girl kan? I KNOW .7. What are you afraid to lose?- Everything that i onwed while i'm still brathing in this earth .8. If you were to win a million dollars,what will you do?- Make my family's life and my life easy and i shall not spent them on just shopping though . FAT DREAM HOOOOR!9. What do you dream of doing in future?- Career? i wanna be a successful fashion designer and go over the world to show my designs and talents! how cool but i don't think it'll ever come true . jadi Accountant sua DILLA!10. List down the 3 good point about the person who tagged you for this survey!- Adorable,cute nak mampos,frieeeeeeendly habisss! =DDDD11. Can you priorotize?-Hmmmmmm,i think soo . but sometimes,i get out of linee though .12. What type of person you hate most?- Like other people,the answer will always be the same .13. If you have a super power,what would it be?- Soalan,maha bonus . to turn back the clock in the time that i want and correct all of my mistake? ade super power macam tu tak,besides being invisible and stuffs? macam CARTOON .14. Which season do you like?- Singaporeans never felt the other 3 seasons besides Summer . so,what do you think my answer will be? GO FIGURE!15. What do think the most imporatnt thing in your life?- LOVE (like Nurie said) . if it wasn't for love,there wouldnt start of family and friendships .16. If you have a boyfriend,would you wanna die with him?- If possible,i would wanna see him ever single day,every single second . and everything would be hay-wire if i didnt do them often . so,i would say yes . (touching habis!) cause' if he's gone before me,i'll land myself in NUH and Nunu will be taking care of meeeee! (kan Nunu kan kan kan?) 17. Who was the last person who hugged you?- Suryani,yesterday before History class (action wanna manje-manje lah kan)18. What is the one thing you want abdly right now?- Sexy wexy mexy hothothot smooth LEGS! (without the mosquito & sand fly kisses,please!)19. Whom are you close to?- For a socialize people like me,i mix around with everybody . but close,definitely it'll be my families,boyfriend,the girlfriends and PS (so long ley never meet them) =(20. Favourite colour of your world?- Black and white (gasak ahh,black always comes with white) if you ask me ONE colour of my favourite,still im gonna say them both .EIGHT LUCKY PEOPLE TO TAGG (better do this survey at ur blog/LJ ahh! or elseeeee ....!)- Zanna Handsome! (she loves doing surveys!)- Ifah (she very lazy lor,so let's ask her to do something since she's such a lazybombom!)- Ilyana (she loves surveys too! AMEK KAU!)- Feeana! (better do ahh,if noooooooooooooooooot!) MUAHAHAHA .- Fad fad fad fad! (after such a long high fever,you need some nonsense to cheer you up!)- Yunis (since ive help you about Wentworth Miller's Biography,you have to do this for me in return!)- Nunununununuuuuuu! (Aspalelaaaaaaa,i don't care you busy with your attachment,you also have to do this! it's like a theraphy for you after your long day of work! hahahaha) banyak lah aku nyer theraphy!- and lastly,NURIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! (you've done it and i dont care have to do again!!!!!!!) you yada-yada suke kan suroh i buat,naaaaah amek kau! muahahahahahahaha =PP
N level Oral English paper in 2 days time! *faints faints faints*
"" was Posted On: Wednesday, July 02, 2008 @19:13 | 0 lovely comments ✿
Her at San Diego's desert June holidays last year .
Sexy Mama turns 38 last 27th June 2008 . I still love you very very much although i find you pressurising me at times . and yes,you're the BEST mum on earth,i swear! =DDD if only you could be kinder to me,it'll be very very great okay! hahaha . and i shall promise you i'll never let you down cause' that's the present i could give you when i can't afford to buy anything for you on your birthday when i'm totally broke! (muahahahaha!!) lovelove <333333
"" was Posted On: Tuesday, July 01, 2008 @17:23 | 0 lovely comments ✿
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