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    Add your small about me here! Hi my name is Leslie and I love pies. Pies are good and delicious and fun to eat. They're not cake.

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    Out to Nurie's and Bob's open house. It's when the WEST side girl come all over to the EAST side,it's a total chaos. It's me right,what else can you say? HAHA =D And so,i asked my Nabeelah Bby to tag along and yeaaaap! It's been so long since we last met! I love her and to Nurie too,may you have a safe journey! Love them girls((: And Bobbbbyyy! Love kau jugak lah okay! =DD

    (just click on the picture and copy paste them girl)

    I was waring this whole "kimono" blouse which my mum bought me on my birthday when everyone looked at me or even stared at me like as if my nose is not in place or something like that. And i don't know why,most people are CLUMSY today and it's horribly bad i tell you. Alot,damn lot of people step on my toe/foot,some who's pushing the pram which hurts my leg,for some who's like an idiot and just push me till my beg falls. And which i have to squeeze myself inside the train and smell this old lady who stinks ALOT! *faints* Omg,it's really crazy. And i hate that. I mean,who does right? In anyways,i ate Lontong the whole entire day! Nicee kan? And im full now! hahahaha((: JOG FOR TOMORROW WITH MY SEXY MOMMA ZANNA! =D

    My parents NEVER allows me to work,but its kinda weird today. My dad's friend wanted to have some part-time workers on his LAWYER FIRM (admins stuffs/office work) and he asked my dad to ask me since im doing nothing for the holidays so that i could join his daughter and her bestfriend to work there. I said i don't know but my dad told me its a good work,an easy one and with GOOD PAY! =DD And with me who can just sit infront of the pc for the whole day and who can type so fast,why not? HAHA. I then said YES but my elder sister is crazy,she said NO. As she thinks it's unfair as she've never work while waiting for her results. Whatever,i don't care. Cause i need money to buy my mum her new VACUUM before i turn OLD! hahahaha,nonsense.

    i love Timmy!


    "" was Posted On: Sunday, October 19, 2008 @00:25 | 0 lovely comments

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