yes yes . im in a goody mood todae . ahks .
yerp u noe y .
todae's juz my FERST month wit Him .
well .
though itz only da ferst month .
heyy . at least we make it horr .
ahks .
yesterdae i wass damn pissed off by dat lil' rascal .
my sis leyy .
aiyoyo .
wells . she actually erase all my Inbox .
at my phone lorr .
im damn madd .
yes,i swear!
ahks .
yaarh,da msg'es is all important to me .
all from Him one larh .
ahks .
wells .
it means a lottt to me .
i swear .
bloody hell .
haiya .
no comment .
relaxx dilla .
breathe in ..
breathe outt ..
im fynee*
yerp yerp . basically dis morning i received 3 msg'es from Him . n yess . n happie . at least he msg me leyy . yesterdae i called him thrice bt still no call from him backk yett . damn . n wells . i told myself to pull everything together . n i understand it . his moody . aites .
thankk god . he actually remembers bout todae . ahks . surprised me! ermm .. wells,as i guessed . he's moddy yes yes . n dats y no calls . n well . im okeyy wit it larh . n .. ermm .. no nutting . im done .
oh yea . he wanted to mit me upp todae but i dont tink dats a good idea . cousins at home . n well . mondae shud b okeyy larh B;
hopeey hope to mit u upp soon! i miss u badly;
i swear i Love u .
keep it goin;
thank God! my sis found my ez'link card olready! ahks . n yes . i wanna try asking my mum if i cud go outt tml to Vivo City . n yes yes . tml's gonna b my FERST month wit Him . n aha . i donnoe if he remembers bout it . n yeks,i hatee it . my nose! i kanna punch wit my sista yesterdae . n my Nose senget olready . verrie painful .
bubblelerh ;
yes yes . i wanna mit Him upp tomorrow . n aha . i scared if i cud'nt make it . yalah . last minute mahs . u noe how's my mum is . a weeks plus not meeting each others' actually killings me! nabei . opps! Adilla soo notty horr .
n Love,slightly mad at u yesterdae . u made me burst my dear . i hate being dat wae towards u . im sorie . n i promise not to repeat it again . i'll be ur happie pill .
N yes my dear;i Love u ...
keep it goin;

Pak Leman n my sis . da part tym workers . ahks . no pay pls .
BBQ chicken wings wit Wor Hup blackk pepper sauce . sungguh sedappp!
Mak T,number Pizza Hut pat sini ape uh? nak order larh . hehe~
tkper larh Wak Mat . makanan ade byk nie . sape nk abiskan?
everything is possible dere! kate Malaysia Boleh mah! ahks .
pelita colok . can u find these in S'pore?
my mostt fav uncle wit me! Dato' J . ahks . sooo GataL!
nilah kiasuu sgt BBQ smp ayam jatoh masok longkang! ape larh .
aiyoyo . abg mkn satay ke batuu nie? mcm keras je .
after BBQ , relaxing tym .
nilah,lau da tkde keje,gossip je la .
da morning skyy . sooo beautifull!
Ayah Pin telling me his nightmare yesterdae nite . ahks . soo funny . hehe
morning morning . breakfast tym . ahks . byk nyer makanan . aiyoyo
ahks . ayah pin da jadi mcm mamat Vietnam larh . keje bang?
yak eleh . Dato' J da tue2 pon nk main mainan ke? mcm bdk2 la pakcik akuu ni sorg .
n yes! dis is da carr . dat brings me here n dere . i lovee dis carr!
my late uncle's house @ Impian Emas . our weekend house! besttt sungguh!
basically dats dat . hehe . n well . i wish i cud stay dere on my holidaes . ahks . but den . i cant get myself seperated wit my computer! ahks . n yerp . todae is per normal . its Staying At Home Dae baybe! ahks . n yes . i've not yet eaten . soo . b4 my boo~ scold me . i better stopp now . ahks . n yerp . tml my house no electricity becoz of some uppgrading . soo . im staying at my aunt's . no uppdates fer tml i tink soo alrh . ok horr . takin caree peeps . peace~
keep it goin;
ahks . em active todae . todae's mood was quite okay lorr .. yesterdae cryy long2 olready . quite relief . todae is juz a staying at home dae . da usual . hehe . n wells . to my dear taggers,u guys keep on asking me how do i look now . slight changes,yes . n well . juz now i a lil' bit shiok sendiri taking pics n will b upploading dem . soo . any comments? tagg me . ahks . enjoys! =)

i really loves dis pic!!! i loook natural! ahks .. muackz ..
my hair got color meh? it's brownn in color! ahks .
i wish i'ma deejay but! my sis deserve better! hehe .
n dat kinda shawl is actually my nyonya kebaya's selendang . ahks . stylo!
my nose;tanx to my dad . ahks . well . i look like my sis's fren . Zeez' . are we sisters?
ahks . n well . dats dat . huhu~ soo .. tommorrow i'll be going backk to jb around evening . so .. i'll be backk on sundae .. ahks .. no uppdates fer 2 daes i tink .. so .. if u miss me;tagg me horr! n peeps,takin carees! peace~
keep it goin;
okay okay . i wanna do it fer myself . i use my own money . i collect it myself . i didnt ask fer any help . espeacially you . n well . i guess u juz dont understand me . n really wanted it badly . coz em doing it on my own accord n i didnt regret at all i tell u . n well . seems dat u really pissed me off . damn it . at least understand me larh . aiyoyo . wat sia . i didnt use ur money at all n not even a cent leyy . n u make me dis wae? wtf? u really pissed me off i swear!
basket .
$80 such a waste? its not i tell u . it really worth it . i mean it . but haizz . i juz cant understand dem . wtf? anyways,sae wateva u wanna . n fer all u tink i care!
watcheva .
n yerp,as i said em gonna get my hair donee n yes,itz all done . from a bastard curlyy hair to long straight-chopstick hair . ahaks . verrie satisfied . n well . dis is all i want from last tym . n well . no regrets horr .. ahaks . i lourvee it . hehe . but one thing . my face did change a lil' bit horr . ahaks . soo . .wanna see da changes? check dis out .

so .. ermm .. basically dat is the reason y i never let my hair go . even inside home . ahaks . i hate dat hair . .n soo, i decided to rebondd it . n after rebondd it rite,i feel like letting my hair go is better den tieing it upp . haha .. funny seyy . n u noe wat? after rebondd it uh,den i realised my hair is soo long . den i was like alamak . ahks . n well . i trimm it lorr . hehe . n well .. i lurvee my neww hair . ahaks . so .. em gonna take gudd care of dis hair . n well . i dont like da fringe larh . soo irritating . hehe . ermm . . so . dats all fer now . takin caree ppl . . n yerp im still sick! bah!
keep it goin;

us n my lovely cuzzy .. Asliyah .. n wait a minute! where's my dad?
dis is da bride .. aren't she gorgeous?
aiyoyo bang .. releks . y look soo nervous? ermm .. tok kadi name aper uh? hehe ..
wah wah wah .. happie nyer Abg Charlie? mentang2 da dpt adek ipar baruu! ahks ..
huhu~ romantic! kiss horr .. ahks ..
Asliyah&Abdul Rahman wit da marriage cert .
me& my family .. n well . where da heck is my lil' sista? aiyoyo .
Abg eddie&untie johor[fav aunt] nyanyi seyy! tk ajak .. huhu~
he's da best bro of mine . ler .. if not i'll be singing wit him but em soo busy . sorie horr bang .
my mum's enjoying herself .. dont u tink she looks young n like Saloma? ahks .
evening dress .. she looks like cinderella larh . soo pretty!
dis is da place .. Hong Kah C.C .. nicely n well done!
n well .. dats all da pic dat i can uppload .. ahks .. well .. em happie larh now i have a new member in my so call family .. n yerp .. i did enjoy myself dat dae .. and at da same tym did dose kendarat stuff .. n did u notice sumting? i look ugly on dose pics coz em soo tired n got noo mood to take pics soo,sorie horr .. ahks . many ppl saes dat my mum lokks like Saloma n well she did coz u noe wat? early in da morning olready ask me accompany her to da salon to get da hair done .. hehe .. n well .. she's my mum .. ermm .. not much to sae coz em now sick .. fer two daes olready! yalah . coz overwork myself n well .. eat dose medicine actually make it to da worst! em hungry!! but,i dont feel like eating . aiyoyo . n ppl.dats dat! n well . nutting .. ahks . =)
ermm .. em gonna start off wit da main thing .. yerp .. sum ppl may have knew bout it .. kak Ecar,de'blaze cheographer has met wit an accident on mondae .. n yerp,she's in NUH .. n hope she's gonna be fyne soon .. sum stiches on her face n well .. bout da injuries,em not quite sure ..
n yeay .. got to pay her a visit one dae .. n hope her injuries all not dat bad larh ..
woohoo .. juz received a call from him horr .. n heng larh .. aiyoyo .. kaes kaes .. tomorrow em gonna be qiute busy coz my cousin gonna get married dis saturdae n yup got to help out wit all da preparations .. as fer saturdae lyke duhh .. em not gonna uppdate soo .. mit u again at my blog on da sundae .. lols ..
so,dere u go .. n yup;i love him horr
n yeay .. got to take care of him .. aiyoyo .. i donnoe wat to do todae .. n well .. juz gonna eat,watch tv and slip .. soo tired man .. hehe .. aiyoyo .. gosh gosh .. todae i didnt go for my FIRST dancework prac .. at Youth Park .. n well .. em still joining it .. hehe .. wonder wat is our new dance step .. hehe .. n heyy .. im bored .. em hungry!! but i don wanna eat .. soo how uh? aiyoyo .. yesterdae i ONLY est bread wit nutella and sum cookies .. no rice no nutting .. aiyoyo .. if he noe i'll be dead for sure .. huhu~ he's cuming back tomorrow .. soo .. great great .. =)
Happie 13th Befdae to SA'DAH .. best wishes; Adilla~
and dats dat .. i'll update again tomorrow afternoon yar .. peace~
yup yup .. get our results .. haha .. i mean,we noe which class we belongs to and wat course we're taking .. soo sad dat my kambing[Zanna] is not gonna be in da same class as me .. but we took da same course .. dat is History and POA .. aiyoyo .. n yup yup .. da rest same larh .. all seperated sia .. soo sad .. n well .. Society Of Urban Rebel is dere nomore .. haiz haiz ..
quick share ..
n huhu~ i've olready received Freaky Z's first draft .. n yalah i noe em kinda late of it but den .. happie larh .. n well,em waiting for Krazzie Star's and Psykelectics .. huhu~ love it baybe ..
n haiya i didnt get to go for Speakeasy dis month as em going back to JB .. hehe .. sad.sad.sad ..
okay okay .. n dats dat .. till den horr .. peace~
yerp yerp ppl .. i forgot to update about da most boxoffice movie dat is hot on cinema dat is Step Upp .. n yup yup .. many ppl told me it is a great show to see .. they have yet to watch it .. n i noe i've not .. soo .. Watcheva! hehe . aha .. most probably em gonna catch it dis or next week .. at Vivo or maybe in da normal kinda cinema .. yup yup .. many ppl say it is soo great so .. yeay .. em lookin forward to catch it yar .. huhu~ anyone wanna catch it wit me?? huhu~
n den .. we went to Harbour Front Shopping Centre .. we had our lunch dere .. at New York Pizza .. n well .. we ate pizza n cheese fries .. yalah my father was soo kiasu of eating it .. huhu~
den,my mum make da decision to Queenswae .. haha .. soo boring .. it got nutting dere .. i was soo kinda tired .. n well .. lastly we headed to Westmall .. my father wanna buy sumting .. n shhhh .... itz a secret .. huhu~ n to end da dae .. we had our dinner at Lestari .. we ate western food .. huhu~ and at da same tym,my parents told us bout da past stories .. n yeay .. itz quite sad actually .. on how my father and my grandma got seperated .. soo .. im lookin forward to mit her .. n well .. yesterdae we really really had fun going out together as one awesome family .. n we really had fun .. i love it ..
n well .. me and my sis did snap sum pics of two of us ONLY .. huhu~

us in da toilet .. i admit,we got nutting else to do!! em taller den her!! huhu~
yeay .. dat was her shiok sendiri after peeing .. hehe =)
n yea .. dats me .. hehe .. taking pics was da best rite? huhu~
okay okay .. dats dat .. so .. i'll update soon .. tml maybe .. n yea .. em taking my results tml at school .. aiyoyo .. soo,hooping dat i will be in da same class as my kambings .. haha .. n yup yup .. he's not gonna be in Singapore tml .. huhu~ aiyoyo .. gonna miss him seyy .. n hopeee to rebond my hair tml too!! soo .. c yea!!!
tomorrow em following my mummy to Bugis .. woohoo .. long tym never go jalajn jalan .. huhu~
n yeay .. we're going shopping!!! hehe .. best larh .. but i donnoe larh wat to buy .. n heyy u noe wat? my sum of my monet lost .. n i donnoe go where larh .. aiyoyo .. money lost .. big problem man .. n i tink my small sisita took it sia .. n nah .. itz okay larh .. da truth gonna be out soon .. =)
n yeay .. em wearing baju kurong todae .. green color .. huhu~ itz last years one .. huhu~ i got a lot and a lot of green kurung wit me .. haiya .. n well .. da usual .. em not wearing heels todae .. juz a normal,simple n sweet hi-sandal .. huhu~ stylo .. huhu~ okay okay .. got to go larh beb ..
juz thought of going to gombak,go salon and go change my hairstyle .. n believe wat? i've not even touch my hair for sumtym .. i mean .. didnt change anything larh .. huhu~ i thought of rebond it .. could be nicer larh .. n believe wat? wen i go out,go school n blablabla .. i juz tie my hair et da same way again and again .. huhu~ kinda bored olready larh lyke dat .. n i never let my hair go u noe .. huhu~ so .. bored bored bored liao .. huhu~ .. n yeay .. hope to get it done as soon as possible .. but ler .. must ask my mummy first ley .. scared she never let me .. huhu~
but den .. i remember she say my hair lyke SOTONG .. huhu~ yalah .. n .. nutting ..
[great jalan jalan]
okay okay .. as i said .. i went for harie rayer yesterdae wit fahmy n all dose frenz from 3T1 .. itz a wonderful one actually .. i wear nyonya kebaya in white n dat noel of mine wores black wit samping actually .. alah .. i asked him to .. hehe~ n u noe wat? my selendang is actually sooooo long dat i can actually sweep da floor for people free of charge .. soo long seyy .. and heng la .. i never wear it .. alah .. make my life difficult only .. huhu~ and yeay .. we went many house actually .. haha .. n great thing .. no stopping .. it's all da continueous one .. huhu~ .. haha .. n ermm .. next harie rayer jalan jalan will maybe be tomorrow .. wit my classmates n da 3Ts frenz .. n yeay .. nutting .. huhu~
n yeay .. yesterdae i reached home et around 11 .. haha .. tired lyke siao leyy .. haiya .. n dat noel of mine came home et 5am .. n em still wondering where da heck did he goes .. hmmmmm .......
told me wanna came home sumwhere around 12 n wanna take da last bus but den .. haiya .. n i tink he is still sleeping rite now .. hehe .. =)
n great thing .. people ask me to tag along coz they noe em bored and juz bored .. woohooo ..
okay okay .. i noe itz kinda stupid dat i actually get myself overjoyed ova dis .. hehe ..
kaes kaes .. ermm .. ..
heyy .. my mum n dad actually plan to have a pet cat .. !!!! a cat u noe .. wallau .. haiya .. em actually scared of cats .. yalah .. sounds stupid but .. dats my weakness .. hehe =)
all of my family members actually excited about dis stuff .. alamak!!! how sia .. yalah .. cats are cute .. but .. watceva!!
okaes okaes .. em gonna put up some pictures of Cappu,Dino and C.J .. wanna get to noe dem? get ur handphone's ready .. get their numbers down .. =)
+ PrEsenTiNg .. .. +
[ dA 6 mOnTh oLd kiTTy .. DinO .. maLe yaR ]
+ PrEsenTiNg .. .. +
[diS iS CappU,DiNo's mUmmY .. eM noT surE bOuT dA agE]
+ PrEsenTiNg .. .. +
[dA mOsT kEchOrabLe unTie oF minE wiT C.J]
yerp people ..all da cats look kinda cute to [yesh i noe dat] .. huhu .. n yeay they are the kinda "garfield" type .. n their fur is soo smooth .. better den my face i tink .. soo soft .. okay okay .. i've not yet to touch it .. from da look .. i noe la horr .. so pray hard i'm gonna be fyne wen dae dae cums .. [da dae i had da cat larh] hehe .. .. =)
I've Made My Mark
Some memories can hurt,
But with you by,
Wen you had no light to guide you and if all my friends were flowers,
I would look around and pick you .. ..
Friends are like melons,
Shall I tell to find one good a hundred you the people you've met?
Never say never it comes to your friends!
That 3 words are speacially from me to you,
All the words I said to you I really meant it,
I know its difficult to believe,
I know what you've gone through,
But I can promise you this,
I won't let you gone through this kind of things again
Just remember I will be with you no matter what
How difficult life turns out to be
My love to you will never change
I just want you to know that I won't be the one to break your heart
I just want you to know that hopefully I'm the one who will fill your heart with all the love and care
** I will be waiting for you cause the 3 words is**
+ I LOVE YOU! ! ! +
nO oNe aCcomNany mE aGaiN .. wElL,eM usEd tO iT .. .. hEyy, eM jUsT bOrEd .. cUd sUmoNe jUsT telL mE waT caN i dO hUh?
aNd welL .. mY daNcE praC wiT dE'bLazE wilL sTarT iN jUsT 2 weEkS tyM .. wa piaNg! ! sO LoNg! ! aNd hEyy .. i misS daNciNg siA .. aNd grEaT i wilL bE daNciNg sooN .. fOr daNcEwOrk 2007 .. .. HehE .. i LykE .. aNd ermM .. NuttiNg ..
aND eM herE,siKeniNg bOrEd! ! !