Happy NC16 birthday baby! wish you longetivity and prosperity . may you lead a beautiful life ahead and have a blissful birthday celebration yo momma! lovelovelovelove awak banyak-banyak sekali okaay! <333
Yesterday was NPCC annual camp and the sec4 are invited to come back for the campfire . it was a tiring and boring one . yet,i enjoy being crazy and hyper with my lovely sec3 and 4's as they are all crazy like me,i know =P well,all of our sexy sirs are back just to join for the campfire and many pictures were snapped . shall upload it when im really NOT lazy and when my sister is back with the camera yo!
we're supposed to join the rest of our cousin at Impian Emas,jb yet we're still stuck here . sister is still in camp,mummy is outstation to which part of Malaysia,i'm not sure either . only left with me,my little sister and daddy lor . going to Ten-mile junction to buy some groceries and things needed and of course,i will KETOK my dad's money for those chocolates and stuffs . i've recovered anyway! met Hatim-shii yesterday . send me back home after the campfire thingy and yeah,45 minutes of meeting is definitely NOT enough . nevermind . both of us were tired though . also,its already 11+ last night . so,i shall see you when i see you lor sayang! =)
and so,i wanna get my dad to get change and let's get out of this house and do some shopping! see you all later alligator! joking only . as for Issyah and the bandmates,all the best for your gig later on and for tomorrow's too! sorry i can't come down and i shall wish you guys all the bext from here yo!
labels: i'm sleepy,still . i love you baby! <333333
TODAY . i went to school with the some-kind-of the BALLET dancer look,thanks to the thin black hairband i've been wearing eversince morning =) or perhaps,an aerobics teacher? okay no,a P.E teacher? take your pick .
This is what we did during Physics lesson! i mean,half of the class brilliantly skipped classes after the break and get out of the school,how funny . and so,i'm only left with myself,Yani,Yunis and Samad which includes some of the chinese classmates. and the rest are gone . this HELP programme really suck . we can get out of the class anytime we want,come to school whatever time we wish and so forth . sucha genius . make the hair stay that way,Fafilla . it looks soo neat although at one glance,it seems kinda weird! =P
Kampong Glam Trip (like,finally!) The people,the crazy people .
The lovely one,Yunis .
semue step concentrate jer .
bibir maintain hor Fafilla =P
Miss Tan,the CUTEST teacher in school that you can find!
tak perlu ehh Yani,tak perlu =P
Focus on Ifah's eyes . nak tidor,balik rumah hor! Dark clouds = gonna rain soooooon!
thanks alot to Fathin,for baking cupcakes for me w/o any reason! =)
&& we came up with some stupidity shots,silly ones i swear .
ACT cute ONLY lah .
i wish i was a gangster .
thanks for promoting the stuffs,especially my inhaler,buat malu aku jer =DD
smell smell hair hair .
andand,give me some of that!
Azeana,Fad,Dilla,Yani and Yunis =)
Fafilla,Fliq and Yunis =)
look at Fliq's center parting hair! how much cuter can it be? haha =PP
After like forever,now then i managed to upload them all && i don't know wassup with my LIPS . hahaha =P 3 days straight of updating the blog . im just bored,plain bored . and so,great thanks to Ifah and Fad for snapping a total number of 148 pictures in my samsung camera during the lovely trip . especially Fad,who's at the back seat with us,tolerating our nonsense in snapping silly and stupid pictures,yet you're the BEST =)
Thanks . was supposed to meet Hatim-shii but he ended up with the stomach cramps again . nevermind,i shall see you in 2 days time! friday night loorr =( 6 days of meeting is long enough,thanks alot =( get well soon my Shinshine Baby! =) heavy pouring rains,warm body,terrible cough and asthma,body's aching and super bad headache . how much more have i gotto endure? oh shit,i seriously don't wanna go for tomorrow's NPCC Passing Out Parade! but,i'm left with no choice just to get that bloody certificate . i mean,i have to do ALOT more things you see . the uniforms,the boots and all other stuffs . stand under the hot sun tomorrow? NO,thanks .
c'mon,i wanna force myself to sleep but i CAN'T . and,i don't know why . im tired and i wanna get some shut of eye,but i just can't . zomg,crazy . and so,everyone planned to come to school late for tomorrow's lesson but not to me . prolly,i'll be slightly late like i am yesterday and this morning . well,we still have aLOT of time,if you wanna eat Roti Prata first at ALIF? plenty of time we got . hahahaha . anyways,i miss Fikah . where are you the whole day bby? i didn't see you at all! =( but the great thing is,i've got a BIGBIGBIG hug from Lina bby lor! i miss you real alot okay! =DD and to mummy and daddy,i swear i miss our house at Impian Emas . can we like go and spend our time there this weekend? a BIG please? i miss all of my cousins terribly,already lor! *insert a really really sad face*
labels: i was looking forward for today,everything just went so wrong =(
"" was Posted On: Wednesday, May 28, 2008 @16:16 | 0 lovely comments ✿
Temperature's rising and i bet i'll stay on like this,until whenever? the weather sucks,BIG TIME . i've been repeating Passenger Service's ori's,Come back kid's and Elysia's song for 332489465348 times now . DICKHEADS .
Can i like list down the names of people(s) i miss,completely?
Fitri bby,Nunu,Sally,Ayu,Passenger Service,Riyan my nephew,My cousins over at JB,My lovely abang Fazli & kak Lynn,Alex Turner (never,did),Weeman,Shab (nunu),Annie,Dayah,Issyah,Faruq,Wawan,A'man,Jill and Kaisha,i'm meeting you upp pretty pretty soon =)
PLUS,i'm missing the most lovely one,HATIM-shii (of course) =DDD and so,i'm meeting you in approximately 16 hours time! i miss you a whole lot,okay! =( *insert a really really really sad face*
labels: i'd rather lose EVERY single thing i own in this whole wide world,but i can't afford to lose you cause' you're my literally EVERYTHING in this world,baby =) you ARE and i don't lie,you know me VERY WELL,right?
i just mentioned that the blogger is super great today,and there it goes again! i've already upload all the the pictures and the entry is already published and i just wanna correct some mistakes and there you go again,it turns out to be something like,i don't know what . no choice,i have to delete it away =( waste my time only . i'm freaking lazy to do them all again . and so,i came up with something else! all of you may wonder,who the hell is ALEX TURNER which i'm so in love with . be patience,get the video buffer and you'll see how HOT he is! he got a dimple,by the way! =)
Old yellow bricks by Arctic Monkeys =) the NICEST song,ever!
i'm still waiting for the day where by,Arctic Monkeys will be coming down to SINGAPORE to meet me! okay,lie . to have their concert live down here! and you can't imagine how HOT he is,ohmygod! *kening naik-naik* and to the lovely one,Kaisha . i'm really really glad everything's fine between the both of us,really =) see you sooon and you can call my phone anytime you want,i'm always here,whenever! =DD HELP programme from tomorrow onwards till friday . friday night,NPCC annual campfire . bloody hell,pathetic . and then,tadaaaaa! it's officially school holiday! =DDD how cool? (cool,cool jugak . blajar tetap blajar okay Fafilla!)
labels: i shall make sure it won't happened again . and,i shall NOT ask you to find anyone else who's better than me cause' i know,there's no one waaay better than me,baby .
Pictures will be up very soon when the blogger is not being gay on me . and to those people who wanna have the pictures snapped by my camera,do ask from me and i shall send them to you lor . and well,ignore the precious entry . it was a heat of anger . and as you guys really know,that post is SO NOT ME =( and as for YOU,do give me a call the minute you got my myspace message,alright? i'm still waiting for your call . there's something i wanna say to you and if i don't,it'll not be really nice and i won't feel good like usual . well,that's my nature =)
i came up with something this afternoon . something which i wrote when i caught up in a boring kind of situation . and so,spare a few minutes and read them . try to understand what i'm trying to interpret and you'll definitely gonna get me =) tell me something about it after reading them! and,thank god this thing DOES make sense although i do any old how =P
i run to the forest and i sing my heart out
i run to the beach and i shout out loud
i am so lonely,lonely
can't bear to be on my own
i want to scream and shout
i want to be a crowd
i want to get rid of you,dear darkness
i turn to dust whenever i'm alone
smash the glass and enjoy the sound
let it be heard,let it howl
ohhh,i can see an angel weaving
at a black and white wed on a wall
at a white palace
let the bell ring loud
let it be tremble
or should i run to the forest
and turn to the beach?
labels: if only you can really understand what's inside me .
BITCH . if you can call me that,why can't i? and so,you're saying that i'm a HYPOCRITE? girl,i think its better for you to look at yourself FIRST,before saying about other people . i've NEVER been a hypocrite kind of person and NEVER I WILL,never . if all of my friends around me said i'm NOT,what makes you think i am,when you didn't even know me? and,what rights have you got to insult me? who the hell you think you are? girl,if you CAN blog about me in your xanga,why can't i blog about you now? AND,if you think i'm too coward to say it straight to your face,dammit . i CAN . i'm not even afraid of you,NO i'm not .
so,wassaup with you now? what is your fucking motive of doing all this? you said,i was just ACTING? me? i'm the one who acts all the way from the very start or you? i've never ever gave someone a birthday greeting for the sake of acting . i do it in a sincere way . cause,you're one of my myspace friend and cant i even wished you? skip that . calling you BABYGIRL? fuck,i called every single girl i knew,with lovely names cause i treat them REAL NICE and,if i were to call them that way,it wasn't an act AT ALL . never been . and please,if you REALLY know me,you should know what kind of person i am . if i like that person,hell yeah i'm gonna treat them double the way they treat me . and if i literally dislike/hate that particular fag,i would tell him/her straight to their fucking face,i don't like them . and please ask yourself,did i ever say to you that i hate/dislike you? DID I? hell no,i've never ever did . i'm not even acting or acting innocent . damn you .
bloody hell . and what's more about me you gotta say? if i'm really in your hated list,by all means go ahead and stick with that . i'm fine with it so long as i know i didn't do anything wrong towards you . and so long i know i NEVER disturb your life and all,like seriously . i've NEVER hated you and you really have to get that in mind cause' i know there's no reason why i should do so as i didn't even know you that well! i'm NOT ridiculous nor unreasonable,please . and babe,if you wanna blog anything about me,wanna curse me,wanna hate me,wanna insult me,BY ALL MEANS go ahead! i don't give a fuck . i wouldn't even care less about what you wanna say about me,really . and one thing for sure,get this in mind; I'VE NEVER EVER STOLE YOUR EX-BOYFRIEND FROM YOU!
NEVER! got that? i got official with him months after both of your break-upps . i didn't even wanna know what the fuck happened to your relationship or EVEN,you still have feelings for him or whatever fuck . i don't give a damn . if you still love him,go ahead i don't give a fuck . and please,i've never stole him from you . and,if you're unsatisfied about this shit and you can't even understand simple english that i'm typing down right here,you CAN ask me straight to my face,i'm not afraid,really . cause' again,i know i didn't do anything wrong towards you girl . THINK,you've turned 16 but i've not,unfortunately . i BELIEVE,you CAN think better than me . but,it seems the other way round,isn't it? get a life,and whatever things you're so unhappy with me,sort it out with me and please,you're sooo yesterday sia .
be it meow or roar,whatever shit it is,i didnt follow you or whatsoever . unfortunately,you don't understand what i typed down the other day . that's my nature and i said that way to every single person i knew including my own boyfriend . please eh,he didn't even taught me about doing that and i don't give an effing care if that thing used to be YOURS and HIS . so what? you're jealous hor? don't be,cause there's no reason why you should be one . i'm not trying to find fault by typing every single thing right here but if you're still thinking that i'm trying to find fault with you here,go ahead do whatever you want by making me AMAZED or whatsoever . i don't really mind cause' i bear NO grudges and all towards you . still unsatisfied? you can just say them straight to my face,like seriously . thanks for insulting me when i've NEVER did anything towards you and thanks for the things you said about me . but,i've never hated you cause there's no reason why i should be one although you still got feeling for him? i understand
i swear i'm seriously nice . i've NEVER treated someone badly and hated them . if i were to,there must be a good reason of why i'm doing so . i'm not putting up an act cause i'm not good at one . i'm not trying to be innocent cause i know i'm already one . someone simply insulted me without any particular reason without me doing anything wrong . and girl,could you please explain the reason why you did that way? or even,whatever things you said about me . just because of that MEOW and ROAR thingy? what the fuck? i seriously hate doing this way,i'm sorry,but if you would do that to me,why can't i do the same thing to you? who are you to me,anyway? YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE! i'm seriously looking forward for your beautiful words . and remember,by you doing all this,it WON'T change my love towards HATIM and you'll NEVER gonna get him back . cause once you did a mistake,that's it .
labels: so,i'm the one who's hypocrite,or YOU? you got ALOT of things to say about me,right? goo ahead! i seriously don't mind =DD && i bet,you'll definitely tag me later one after reading this post and insult me again? and if you think you're NOT coward,DO type down your name when tagging instead of typing it as an ANONYMOUS . i'm just totally mad about this whole thing and i've said my piece,enough . THANK YOU =)
Chicken Chop & Chicken Cutlet was DELICIOUS! =) thanks baby for the company . and so,im bored right now and that's the reason why im blogging here! i'm super duper tired and i know i should catch some sleep,yet,i cant bring myself to my lala land . instead,i sat infront of the television and watched the chinese drama at 1730hours . oleh kerana saye sungguh bosan,im like gonna blog in RANDOM stuff and to share something nice and sweet with you guys who is nice enough to read my bloggyyy! how nice and guess what? this is one of my MOST FAVOURITE thing that im soo much in loved with . have patience,and read them . it's really touching although it seems kinda loooooong,i swear! =D
READ THIS; quoted from somewhere lor! =D
10th grade
As I sat there in English class, I stared at the girl next to me. She was my so called "best friend". I stared at her long, silky hair, and wished she was mine. But she didn't notice me like that, and I knew it. After class, she walked up to me and asked me for the notes she had missed the day before and handed them to her. She said "thanks" and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I wanted to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why.
11th grade
The phone rang. On the other end, it was her. She was in tears, mumbling on and on about how her love had broke her heart. She asked me to come over because she didn't want to be alone, so I did. As I sat next to her on the sofa, I stared at her soft eyes, wishing she was mine. After 2 hours, one Drew Barrymore movie, and three bags of chips, she decided to go to sleep. She looked at me, said "thanks" and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I want to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why.
Senior Year
The day before prom she walked to my locker. My date is sick" she said; he's not going to go well, I didn't have a date, and in 7th grade, we made a promise that if neither of us had dates, we would go together just as "best friends". So we did. Prom night, after everything was over, I was standing at her front door step. I stared at her as she smiled at me and stared at me with her crystal eyes. I want her to be mine, but she isn't think of me like that, and I know it. Then she said "I had the best time, thanks!" and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I want to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why.
Graduation Day
A day passed, then a week, then a month. Before I could blink, it was graduation day. I watched as her perfect body floated like an angel up on stage to get her diploma. I wanted her to be mine, but she didn't notice me like that, and I knew it. Before everyone went home, she came to me in her smock and hat, and cried as I hugged her. Then she lifted her head from my shoulder and said, "you're my best friend, thanks" and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I want to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why.
A Few Years Later
Now I sit in the pews of the church. That girl is getting married now. I watched her say "I do" and drive off to her new life, married to another man. I wanted her to be mine, but she didn't see me like that, and I knew it. But before she drove away, she came to me and said "you came!". She said "thanks" and kissed me on the cheek. I want to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why.
Years passed, I looked down at the coffin of a girl who used to be my "best friend". At the service, they read a diary entry she had wrote in her high school years. This is what it read: I stare at him wishing he was mine, but he doesn't notice me like that, and I know it. I want to tell him, I want him to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love him but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why. I wish he would tell me he loved me! `I wish I did too...` I thought to my self, and I cried.
and so,the moral of the story was,if you ever had a crush on someone,better let them know and do express your feeling towards them no matter how they will react or how shy you are . at the very least,u DID tell him/her about it,right? because,we'll never ever know what will happened in future and who knows,that person likes you too,without you knowing about it? it has always been that way fellas . i've been through it,memories sucks . anyways,great thing! i shall start sharing some short-story-from-the-best-quotes to you guys! && that's how i really kill the boredom! =)
labels: tomorrow's a great day! a trip to somewhere like finally! =DD let the camera rolling yaw! and baby,lovelovelove kamu sososo mucch lor <333333
"" was Posted On: Wednesday, May 21, 2008 @18:39 | 0 lovely comments ✿
Greetings! im down with some-kind-of-i-don't-know-what cough . been coughing terribly all day long,eversince few days back . it's kinda irritating i'd say . well,all i gotta do is to drink alot of PLAIN water and not sweet stuff okay,fafilla! and take my meddy regularly,like what Hatim-shii asked me to . and so,my throat's been asking me to pamper them with lovely western dishes food . with an additional of cooling dessert after that . how i wish i could but this whole coughing thing is really killing me,literally . baaaaby,CHICKEN CHOP for tomorrow! you know im excited(z),right? =DDDD
Chicken chop for tomorrow,like finally! over at IMM after for like 4 months and 6 days? yessa! =)
and this,baby i really want this! flavour,change them to chocolate! eh bb,treeaaat me to thisss caaaaan? if not,there's still ALEX TURNER for me,nevermind! =PPP
colourfuls . wonderfuls and every fools . okay,i totally miss cupcakes AND i wanna bake theeeem,veryveryvery sooon please? canzxzxz?
Cupcakes . speaking of which,i miss giving boyfriend a tiny surprise in giving him cupcakes in the middle of the day without any particular reason . and the last time i gave him was on the 22nd February 2008,friday . omg,it's like almost 3 months now? sooo looong! yet,on the other hand,i sometimes asked myself,when on earth can i received them from someone special? and i really really wanna know how's the feeling's like . getting a small lil' cutee and lovely cupcakes out of the sudden from the very love ones! isn't it greaaaaaat? (it wasn't a hint though) i've yet to feel pampered by you okay! i still have to wait for 32145634356751 years more,i guess? nevermind . okay mike,whatever it is,i want my whole bouquet of ribbon-flower tomorrow! die die,i don't care! i've been waiting for AGES and i don't care,FULLSTOP! if not,im'ma break ur ribs tomorrow,tie both of your legs together and plug your hair leg,like seriously! roooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar,try me baby!^_^
I'm NOT mean . im just being fierce . haha,joking . and,i don't know wassup with my entry for today . it's all about random stuff and yeah,tomorrow's fire evacuation day! like finally,we're dismissed slightly early and the following day will be the Sec 4's Kampong Glam's trip! how much cooler can it be? real cool,dude! =D tomorrow is eating Chicken Chop's day after like forever! okay dudes and dudettes,have a nice day ahead fellas! =DDD
labels: i don't think violence does help much on a relationship . it dosen't help at all! you're not even engaged what's more,married . die anak dara orang siol .
better go switch on your television to that channel! its the-bomb! one of MY MOST FAVOURITE movie ever! i swear it's gonna be a nice and hillarious onee! trust me! =DD
andand b,you better watch them hor! if not,im gonna lend you my dvd and let you watch them! haha =PPP im all excited when this movie is showing on tv! likewise for White Chicks,previously! Gaylord Forker is totally HOT! =D
in addition,it's weird . there's a weird sound outside at during wee hours last midnight . goosebumps . spooky and totally weird . oh god,tell me what's that? *scared* =( maybe,it's just one of my imaginations? well,i dont think so . what's about the moving mouse? oh man!
labels: i've been doing them eversince i knew my boyfriend from the VERY START . im not following YOU,as that's my nature . and he,didnt even taught me on doing that as im the first to do that to him . ive been doing them not only to him,in fact to EVERYONE since i was little . be it MEOW or ROAR,please .
Yesterday,my little sister was busy browsing through her friendster profile and she went to viewed our cousin's . and i was so freaking surprised to look at Riyan's old & new photo(s) that is uploaded there . without sparing any seconds,i straight away take them and place it on my folders on my desktop . you can't imagine how many gazillion(th) times i said to myself,how much cuter can my nephew be? well,see the leg lor . the aunty's here is cute,so he looks good too lor~ just kidding =PP
washing machine not only can clean clothes,well him too! =P
&& tell me,which baby wears shades at a very young age? with pacifier lagi,how cool?
not a problem at all as he can be chucked into anything at anytime!
over at Impian Emas's mini pool . how much cuter can he actually be?
he was up for a performance few months back and he wore PINK? (of all colours sey) && at the VERY young age,he was told to wear specs and the degree is super high *faints* somewhat,he looks like Harry Potter,right?
the father's hands is itsy bitsy itchy and cut his hair botak,now! got nothing else to do like that .
the new Trojan advertisement!
andand,tell me how can i not stop saying how cute he really is every time i look at his pictures? ohmygod
i can't help it,really can't help it . i wanna upload his pictures as many as possible and let you guys take a look,how cute my nephew can actually be at the age of 2 years and 9 months! he's like the cutest thing ever,so do Hatim-shii kun ^_^ that kid,i really wanna meet him up soon and pinch pinch pinch him! padahal,he stay blocks away from my home and i can meet him anytime i want to! haha
it's been 4 days since i officially changed into a new phone . and,after boyfriend keep on asking me diedie to change as the reception for my previous Samsung phone is terrible . and the sound tends to disappear every now and then . you can't imagine how irritating it can actually be! only,the boyfriend knows . and so,after boyfriend persuade me for 534847215878 times to change the phone into E65 (my mum's previous phone,she changed to a new one too!),i then make up my mind and said YES after my mum questioned me for upteen times! ohgod . it's not that i dowanna change for a new one,i've been wanting to (especially to Motorola Razor) but i just dowanna delete the 300 over messages the boyfriend sent me all this while . yet,i've deleted them cause he said,the messages CAN be collect,again . no worries =)selamat picture quality die bagus! kalau nak,memang nak kene sembelih! =PP
so wassup? finally,im gonna love my schedule for next week,really! public holiday on the monday,planned to go on cycling with boyfriend at the new Brickland road till Choa Chu Kang Ave 4's park,chicken chop over at SureBagus on the wednesday with Hatim-shii as i've been craving to eat them for a long time! sec4's excursion trip to Kampung Glam (like finally there's a trip to somewhere!) and then,it's fridaaay! tadaaaa! the last day of school! okay,although it's not officially the LAST day and we'll be conducting the HELP programme for the sec 4,i still am gonna feel muchmuchmuch relieved . no more stress over the subjects and yeay! holiday is coming and so do Great Singapore Sale! (okay,aku broke habis) =( still,i HAVE to study and do lots and lots of revision over the holidays and to spent my time at home,WISELY . better do FAFILLA! =PP
Fliq,Dilla,Hatim,Nunu and Vam . isn't it supposed to be triple date,and where's Kye? =PP
it was like 2458789735248 months ago,ohmygod . got them from Nunu's friendster when i viewed her profile yesterday and you cant imagine how shocked i am when she uploaded that picture there . how nicee =) and now,the things that happened on THAT particular day really came back into my mind and it is still fresh till now,really . i wish i could turn back the time but,it's better to be owned by him,right now! =DD
By then,i've already told Hatim-shii that my life is all about him right now and i seriously wanna treat him greatly as i know that he deserved to be treated greatly by me without regrets . it was then,when we both DO like each other but at that point of time,i've not confessed to him that i've started to feel the sparks between us although we've known each other for like,3 years now? but,he already told me he DOES like me and sometimes,he just get jealous when i blogged about my ex-date then,Issyah . andand also,i thought that it's gonna be super early for me to say that . and so,i just keep it to myself and wait till i find a nice suitable date to tell him about how i felt towards him,then .
Triple Date,East Coast . before that,i was surprised,why on earth am i sharing my Nasi Ayam with extra chicken with him? and,he's feeding me like whooaaah! =D continue on our journey to find a cab and heed to our destination,East Coast . without me realising,i was holding his hand? ohmygod,how nice can it be? reached,days getting darker and darker each minute . we're at the far end and we couldn't catch the sunsets =( but still,we can see together for ourself,how gorgeous the sky changed slowly . only the two of us . i'm getting exhausted and his lap was the place where i lied down to rest . uncomfortable . i get up and rest on his shoulder,he hugged . twice,how much nicer can it be? you couldn't imagine what was i thinking then!
skip that . the world started to spin around and he's the only one who revolves around me . only him and just him, that's what i was thinking at that point of time . i was telling myself,how lucky and how nice will it be if he really is my boyfriend at that moment . how nice =) again,everything just turned out really well although i wasn't expect that to happened at that particular day . thank god,HE showed me the right choice . walked back home,he gave the kiss and then,i started to feel that; oh god,he's the only thing that i ever need in this world as i've never ever felt this way before! what are you trying to show me,god? show me something nice and tell me,what should i do,next? am i supposed to tell him that i don't wanna lose him as he meant alot to me? should i?
" Hatim sayang kamu " . that's what he said on the myspace message he sent to me later that night after reaching home . i was like,i bet there's gonna be real soon baby =DD that's what i replied in that message the next day . two days passed and i've made up my mind to tell him how much he meant to me and guessed what? HE TOLD ME HE LOVE ME! *grins widely* ohmygod . how great can it be? no,really really =DDD but,i didn't said the same thing back to him,i just kept quiet and tears roll down my cheeks . that was my FIRST time crying after someone told me he love me . never been that way before . Valentine's Day . he CAN really really really read my mind! we got official and that's the day when i told him im soo much in love with him . 07th February,i just love that day,so much . with an addition,on that day itself,i've started to love not only Hatim-shii but,Fliq too! that's the day when i know that's she's a very good friend of mine,she's nice =DD although some people dislikes her,so what? i still love her though =)
it's been 3 months now,our 90th days together . you cant imagine how much my love for you had grown stronger and stronger each day baby . the sketch book,it really tells everything but still,NO amount of kisses,hugs,numbers or words can REALLY describe how much and how deep my love is towards you baby . no,really really . thanks for making everything happened for me,for yourself and most importantly,for US . i love you baby,sosososo mucch((: *kisses*
labels: long post,Fafilla! =D a promise is a promise . it is a really BIG thing and you know,once i promised,that's it . you're mine FOREVER and not anyone else's,FULLSTOP =)
"" was Posted On: Wednesday, May 14, 2008 @18:56 | 0 lovely comments ✿
Chocolate muffins,Banana Chocolate muffins,Cheese muffins,Chocolate chip muffins and whole-nut chocolate muffins . 5 different kind of muffins for boyfriend's mum as Mother's Day present . i couldn't think of anything else except for that . it seems really cute,i'd say . and so,hope she's gonna like it and yeah,my hardwork pays off,like finally! Happy Mother's Day to all mothers in the whole wide world including my lovely sexy gorgeous pretty mummy! i love you like i don't know what! soso mucch((: the BEST mummy on earth! thanks for everything,mama =DD
for the sake of my lovely sister,it's deleted . ohh,im NOT afraid,seriously . if you're not satisfied,find me,bitch . andand,if you think you're great enough then well done . if not,i can't wait for the day im gonna laugh at you . and so,im NOT the cause of that,AT ALL . don't you every twist everything when you're at fault . sick people . siape makan chilli,die yang terase pedasnyer =)
Not literally stated as it is simply because i behaved very well these few weeks . how was my day today? it's really nice of my cousin,Abang Fazly to treat me and my other cousins to watch Iron Man together down at the Plaza Singapura's Golden Village . after then,we headed to Pizza Hut for our meals and walked around . all i could describe today's outing was CRAZY nak mampos! we talked and laughed non-stop starting from the very start . we can even laughed over small stuff . how crazy can i actually be? laughed and laughed although i already wanted to pee inside the train,cannot tahan already! andand,what really funny was,the 7 of us looks like as if we're having some school excursion with the principal,vice-principal and the pupils! haha,sengal =) okay,semue,walk in 2 rows and then hold hand,okay? =PPP
Iron Man's ratings is 4/5 . the show was really GREAT! should watch it though! ive never liked these kind of superheroes movie but this movie really awesome,although i find it some-kind-of-boring-tak-tahu-macam-ape in the starting . yet,it really pulled it off really well . should catch them,really really . the effects and all was really cool =D im amazed! and oh,What happened in Vegas,NEXT! that movie seems really nice! B,let's catch them together with me! sooon,okaaay? =DDD
Dear Hatim-shii sarang,
again,i admit it was my fault . no,really really . it was mine . the harsh words,i raised my voice towards you,getting mad with unreasonable reasons,get angry without thinking,i broke my promise for the very FIRST time with the guy im in love so much and stuff . you're disappointed in me,well im disappointed in myself too baby . last night's mess,really it was MY FAULT and never been yours . sometimes,i just felt ashamed to asked you for another chance again and again . im sorry baby . from now on,im gonna make sure everything will NOT be repeated . action speaks louder then words,i know . i'll make sure whatever i said,i mean it . b,im a mean girlfriend i know . at times,i THINK you deserved someone BETTER then me . but,when i came to think again about it,no one's better then me like you said before . i love you so much as no words can really describe how much you mean to me . i dowanna lose you,really =( im really sorry . oh my,please forgive me =( *insert a really really really sad face* whatever i said yesterday,it really hurts me to say that to you . i dont have any intention to make you feel that way . im waiting for your message and calls tonight baby . *shedding my tears again and again*
This is my little one . Riyan,my nephew . he's turning 3 years old this 10th August . he's ONLY 3 years old yet,he's already BOTAK! haha . thanks to the daddy,he really has got nothing to do and just shave his head off! (dah tak ade kerje teros) . and as for you boyfriend,BOTAK=STRICTLY NS ONLY hooor! if not,i'll makesure i bite bite you! roooaaar ^_^ his family came over to my house last 2 days after his school to have dinner together and after that dinner,i was bored and so,i snapped his cute pictures! there you go,macam-macam posing pon ader lor =)
when he laughed,this is what he did! cover the mouth . hah
Riyan suke touch-touch? =DDD
this is his trademark pose while taking pictures! =)
korek-korek hidung hidung =P
well nie bukan ape . cume mentel jer =P
kononyer geram,tapi mukenyer masih ada senyum =DD
&& that's the reason why he is one of my most favourite nephew . thank god his house is just few blocks away from mine! andand,.i CAN meet him anytime i want to! he's adorable,don't you think so? =)
just woke up from a very good sleep . thanks to Hatim-shii who really asked me to take a nap as im having a bad gastric . with that,i had a very bad gastric while on my way back home from the library . Hatim-shii was all worried,what's more,me? it is all because i didnt ate my lunch earlier on as i thought im gonna be late for the surprise im doing for boyfriend . i rushed over to his place,with my empty stomach and tadaaaa! im infront of his house already! and,he was all shocked (the usual) sorry for lying to about telling you im at gombak instead of your place! heh . kate SURPRISE what! =) after then,we headed to the library to study alogn with Lina,Reezan and Fikah! POA POA POA POA! i just love POA! =DD
and tomorrow,i wanna eat Long John Silver badly! like seriously,its been sometime since i last ate them! around 2 weeks ago? oh,i miss LJS alot =( combo combo combo one! =P andand then,im gonna play THE SWINGS! haha . yesyesyes! swings at the best place ever! =DDDD you can't imagine how happy i can actually be over just small things! hehe . omg,how random i can be? i love you baby,you're willing to accompany me! i like~ thanks alot alot giler =) *grins widely*
labels: count the total number of roses in the whole wide world .
"" was Posted On: Wednesday, May 07, 2008 @15:58 | 0 lovely comments ✿
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