"im listening to your breathing"
first and foremost,
Happie 1/2 Year Anniversary,PrettyBoy! (:
ouh shelloh! Half a year,Mr Sexy Lips! oh yes,im glad . basically i've got soo many stuff to share with u readers . soo many stuff to tell till i cant even decide which one to say it first . y not i list down the things i wanna share? cool kan?
1. What i gave PrettyBoy on our 6 mths Ann
2. What he gave me in return
3. SpeakEasyy
4. nightmare,tragedy
5. mama & PrettyBoy
6. English Paper 1
okeyy olrite . which one should i start first? why not i tell you wat i gave PrettyBoy and wat he gave me backk in return . subsequently,i gave him a mug from Precious Thots which i bought on fridae . although it may sound not that kinda expensive,but still . it really means aLOT to me & yerpp money dosent counts (: oh yes,its brown in color . && yerpp there's a phrase stated on it .
"No matter how busy i am,i will always find time thinking of you"
okeyy kan? haha,lols . n yes,i did gave him a note,telling him how muchh he meant to me and how deep my love is towards him . soo yerpp,its exactly wat i type down under the section "MY LOVE STORY" and yes,im speechless . hoho! so,i received a Teddy Bear in return and one big card from PrettyBoy . oh yes,he bought them at Hallmark if im not wrong . really,i nearly cried wen i read those words written on that picece of card . i would share them with u later with the pictures upload too! oh PrettyBoy,i so LOVE that teddy,really . its effing CUTE . im gonna hug u tonight,teddy (:
Speakesyy . me and my sis planned to go Glass Hall for only the four of us . me,her,Ida & Chippy . i donnoe how this things happen . && yerpp,Juey,PrettyBoy & Dian tagg along with us . oh okeyy,im fine with it . saper tknk keluar ngn PrettyBoy kan? haha! && the thing dat i worry most is that,will PrettyBoy like that gig? its all about Hip-Hop u noe . will he like it? i was like,damn farking worry . soo,i dont mind them tagging along larh kan,i've inform PrettyBoy olready,if he dosent like it,its not my fault! lols . soo,i donnoe dat they are cuming to our house to place their helmets not untill kakak told me . i was kindaa shock . dammit,PrettyBoy's cuming? haha! cant believe them . will mama sae anything? will she scolds me?
everything went smoothly without me expecting it . haha! mama could even ask kakak infront of PrettyBoy . "is this guy name Fahmy,adek's boyfriend? the one adek put his pic on her blog?"
kakak was like,yes . && PrettyBoy just smiled . soo,i feel good wen mama didnt even mentioned anything to me about him and hell yes! she knows about PrettyBoy,my Bf . soo do abang Fazely (:
Speakeasyy was all GOOD! superbly good . and to my surprise,Juey & PrettyBoy actually enjoy them muchh . Freaky Z really make us laugh like hell . haha! Fazli u nuts! his stupid jokes yet,make our dae! i really love it wen DJ Ultimate entertain us . he's from KL and he really can rap well . all of his songs are WOW . really love it man . && yes,we headed to Long John after that . & yerpp,i get lots and lots of pinches as part of my gift on that dae . Juey ni ehh! they even disturb me while eating . saying im like one kinda bride eating soo slowly . && i dont really give a damn larhh wei! haha,korg nie ehh . overall,i really enjoy my dae out with them! (:
my english paper 1 was good . && for the veryy first time,i can actualy wrote suchaa longg compo,i filled them 2 pages full-ed . im proud of myself,ok siao! && yerpp,soo many ideas i have till i use that 1hr 40 mins wisely without sleeping nor taking a nap! (:
Gambar-Gambar lai-lai! (
the gift from me to PrettyBoy,the special mug,LOVE (:

Specially for you,PrettyBoy

i bought them from Precious Thots;where memories are sweeter . TRUE (:
its all in that lovelyy bag,people . Boon,ur hand really interframe larhh .

this is wat i get from PrettyBoy and im soo in LOVE with them,really .

the teddy which is in that cage,firstly .

the card dat i received from PrettyBoy,he wrotes:
to my one N only LOVE,NurAdilla Ramli .

&& wen i opens upp that lovelyy card ....
&& wen it is completely opens upp & wen i read them;
PrettyBoy is soooo damn sweet,i tell you . that card,the words inside,nearly make me cry as i was soo touched by them and yes,i swear i really love them! thanks aLOT and LOT PrettyBoy (:
ouh yes,the rest of the things dat i wanna talk about,i would continue them tml yar? its holidae tml and yerpp,i hope i getto go to abg's neww house and spent my dae dere && the pictures of Speakeasyy i would uppload them tml too! coz kakak's not backk home yet! (:
my HP vibrates in class just now,out of a sudden i donnoe y and yerp i take my hp out of my wallet and see wat is stated on it and yerpp,this is wat i found:
"Its olready half a year we've been together,keep on loving me will you?"
i remember PrettyBoy jot them down wen i went for my camp and i found this one too!
"I will never forget you my LOVE"
08th October 2007 .
PrettyBoy nyer tangan gatal ehh! mintak kene gigit je tau! && i cant wait to hug that teddy tonite wen i sleep keep on loving me too,will you PrettyBoy? (:
Happie Half A Year Ann again PrettyBoy ((((:
"" was Posted On: Monday, April 30, 2007 @15:01 | 0 lovely comments ✿
"wen the love became more and more stronger each dae"
i've been having tooth pain lately and its really killing me . LOLS! && oh yes,i donnoe how the hell it happens but for all i remember,i did have one Pretty Nice sleep in my maths class just now . i regret sleeping because i really wanna listen to my maths teacher teaching and do the revisions but hence,she's the one who asked me to have a rest as my tooth is really in pain and i really cant stand it . im crying dat tym so sleeping is the best way . thanks to Boon Yao for helping me copy the notes! but b4 dat,i Boon Yao suggest me to go to the dentist and see wat they can help me . i told my teacher but den,Azeana told me,the dentist gone olready . so,no chance of getting better now (:
i woke up for assembly time and rush down to school hall with my sleepy face . after sitting down and keep myself quiet,Yi Zhang walk arnd and ask for ppl who hold onto the claasroom key . i was like,am i the one with the keys? OMG,haha! suchaa sotong head,DILLA! so,wats more? i run up to the classroom and lock those doors . HAHA! cant believe it,all ur fault larh teeth! saper suro kau sakit? hehe;
i spent my after school hours with Liana . we headed to WestMall to buy present specially for PrettyBoy for our 6 Months Ann . haha,we went up and down in dere . like pretty crazy girls,hehe && like finally,after looking arnd we decided to choose this lil thing as the special present . OMG Liana,thanks for the help . i really love it u see . i bet,PrettyBoy's gonna love it too! oh nice things,but readers,i cant tell what it is . not until i gave them to PrettyBoy on mondae . if not,he'll noe it coz i wanna make it as a surprise . && yerpp,i've took the pictures n will upload them on mondae too!
PrettyBoy,u nie notty ehh! bace lagi my previous month's entries . u noe i dont like it . gah! && yerpp,the conversation yesterdae really make me feel as if im soo special towards you . that Sentosa imagination,i love it (:
oh no! i've actually brushed my teeth 3 times for todae . just to kill the painfulness . oh hoho! && mouth wash is good too,thanks Boon! for the idea of using mouth wash . niwae,im having a sudden headache now,but i have not tell PrettyBoy yet! sorrie B,syg u (:
i LOVE it when u started calling my B (:
make it a habit,PrettyBoy .
"" was Posted On: Friday, April 27, 2007 @21:09 | 0 lovely comments ✿
oh helloh;
like finally,i've found the dance song dat i've been looking for sumtime;
&& my tooth is in pain till now,i donnoe wat the hell is going on . dammit .
oh yes,i've been missing mum's cook eversince i fought with PrettyBoy 2 daes ago;
Asam Pedas & Curry Ayam and i remember eating only maggi mee as i mood is all gone .
oh yes,i've not been eating in school for a week olready,lols!
one more thing,im going to WestMall to buy sumthing for PrettyBoy on our 6th Month Ann but still,im not sure wat shud i pick for him?
B,you suke chocolate tk? HEHE! (:
still hanging on (:
Loved Always;DILLA .-
"" was Posted On: Thursday, April 26, 2007 @18:10 | 0 lovely comments ✿
"double promises forever and ever"
many things has happen . Debroah's death,Marksman,Stupid Spammers,me,Studies,PrettyBoy && many stuff . so lets start off with Debroah . okeyy,im not gonna do the same thing like other bloggers did . tell the same old thing again and again about Debroah . so,sum upp everything && yes yes,i felt pity for her mum . Debroah is her onlyy daughter so i cant imangine how her mum's gonna let the painfulness go away . soo,basically people all arnd did noe wat actually happens rite? so,yerpp . im not gonna repeat again and again . maybe its fated larh about her death yet,no one's to balme except for ownself . Debroah is okeyy larh,but from wat i noe,she's like one Alian,like to commit offence again and again && beat ppl upp here and dere . && although i noe she behave dat wae,im not like others who saes she deserved to die,no,she is still young . at the age of 14,soo young . so;
Next,lemme proceed on to Marksman . okeyy shuttup! i failed lorr . HAHA! but i dont give a damn . i still can go to ATC to get promoted && yerpp im glad i noe how to shoot olready . the SIR dere was extremely irritating . dat SIR,really uh wanna kick his ass u noe . called us Minahs wth? && yeah,Zanna called him backk Matrep,LOLS! so yeah,2 daes of having our dry shoot in HTA was damn funny! we laughed again and again like a NOOB & yet,that SIR can still join us . hoho! so,basically,man ppl did pass the Marksman so,i dont mind,and kalau da pass tu tkya nak action okeyy? oh yes,i olready knew my position for NCO . im the IC for the SEC 1s and the Admin gerl . wohoo,offlice work and being strikee . cool-ness (:
Pretty Awesome Boy
thank GOD,me & PrettyBoy is now fine . really,fightings make me feel lousy! && i really hate fighting with him,serious . oh yes,i cried till i get suchaa eyebags and i cant even open my eyes propely . they are so damn farking painful n i swear i hate them . yet,i cried becoz im concern . soo i dowanna talk muchh,everything's fine now! && i've planned to buy PrettyBoy CHOCOLATES for our 6th Months ANN next Mondae & i wanna buy a NEW Pretty WATCH for PrettyBoy and myself,same one . but,i didnt allow him to fork out money at all! nonono,cannot! (:
Study Study Didi Didi Dum Dum Dum
now,i then feel like studying is GOOD! coz i den realise,maths is interesting! HAHA! like,finally i've understand how to do my Maths and Physics! like finally . wohoo,muchh of practice and revision will be a Great Help on my Mid-Year,TRUE! (:
ouh by the wae,Abg's new house is SUPERB! lawa ehh! i love it,really . && one word to describe,BEAUTIFUL! (:
oh faggot,i dont give a damn on wat u wanna sae about me . i dowanna entertain u larhh okeyy? && yerpp,with u doing dat stuff,wat did u gain? NOTHING,IDIOT! soo,backk off and leave my blogg if u dont like me . oh yeah,i think ur soo inmatured u see . wanna spamm me but then use my name,DILLA . WTF? && u think people arnd me are all stupid? and u too think im dumb? hell no,i can think . im not like u,one sex maniac! if u really like sucking eggs,dont get me in ur stuff aites? really,i got NO TIME to entertain u sucker . really,backk off and GET A LIFE . im not gonna talk muchh coz i really got no time for ur INMATURE NONSENSE! so,if u tink u've grown enuff,tell me den and i'll laugh at u next . && did u go to sch? && did ur mum taught u how to spell ORIGINALITY? no? oh,ur more dumb than me den . and if u hate me,dont get other ppl involve . no point saying vulgarities about ppl's mum,wen u urself is stupid .
i can be MEAN and NICE;
if u are NICE to me,
i'll be DOUBLE NICE towards you
and if u are MEAN to me,
i'll be DOUBLE THE MEAN towards you .
"" was Posted On: Wednesday, April 25, 2007 @15:17 | 0 lovely comments ✿
"in the real name of LOVE"
i find Good Charlotte really wack . i hate people asking me question when they are so farking lazy to find the answers themselves . i love KINDER BUENO . i find that chocolate really nice . the hazelnuts & chocolates,oh yummy! i hate Avril Lavinge's new song video,Girlfriend . the video is really stupid yet i find the song hardcore . but if u dont like me,i'll ignore u . Beyonce and Shakira look alike . Beautiful Liar is a SEXY video,i swear . i start to hate my handphone now coz i cant send SMS,hehe . wanna change into a neww one real soon,i hope . oh yes PrettyBoy,buy one for urself too okey? so that its easier for us to contact each other .
P.Diddy is wack too . he cant even rap propely . but Come To Me video is my favourite . i LOVE Beyonce's song videos . she's totally hot && the best part is when she shake her ass,OMG she's really good . some how or rather,i find Jay-Z is soo damn irritatingly hot! he's so damn farking handsome . Fergie is so ugly,oh with her BOTOX n stuff . eeewwww,she's FAKE . totally fake and she cant shake . HAHA! oh yes,JLO can dance really well n yerp i love all of her perfumee . the smell is totally nice . her dance move is SUPERB . Nicole Scherzinger is one of my idol . i love her body shape n probably,i wanna have one,soon i tink . i can see dat Daddy Yankee has a fake voice . his voice n face are partly different . hoho Nina Sky cant sing,they suck . Baby,its fact song is sweet! love them,naaadddyy (:
Papa Jahat song is really stupid yet its nice to listen to . && guess what? i've just listened to the song Sesuci Lebaran by Datin Siti . haha,not Harie Raya yet rite? alah,5 months more wat . oh yes,i love LUSH damn farking lots . they dance really well! oh u guys,cool ehh! meet upp soon! && Styles From Beyond are cool . the champion hip-hop dance crew in SG . i donnoe when mummy n daddy gonna talk to each other . haiyah,its been some weeks olready sey . oh yes,i got soo many pictures from PrettyBoy . his family photo n stuff . oh,suchaa bigg family he got . and his sisters are all prettay2 ones n his brother are handsomeee . woohoo,same goes to u too B . i love my boyfriend (:
tomorrow im having my NPCC shooting practice at HTA . oh,love to shoot but i cant do them propely . MarksMan sucks . i wont pass for sure! oh yes,saturdae is another tiring dae . sorie PrettyBoy,cant tagg u alongg . Annual Parade at HTA really troublesome,yet,im the one who volounteers them . heeeheee .
oh yeah,i got the song Mimpi Yang Sempurna olready . oh wonderful song,i LOVE it aLOT,i swear! && hoho,this song really reminds me of my past memories . coz this song have once been my LOVE song with Hidayat [my ex before im with Fahmy] . so,a sad thing u see . the memories,those days,his smile especially,the SIGHTBURN! OMG,i miss him aLOT but yes,back to reality,Fahmy is here for me,with me . oh now u see,i feel like cying olready coz our [me & Yat],our break-upp is like a sudden thing . without any reasons n yeah,im a good person to him n he too! && for all i noe,PrettyBoy is the most wonderful guy i've ever met . the secrifices he made for me,those loves .
& yerpp if PrettyBoy were to read this,i can gurantee he's gonna be jealous . && no worries B,im urs olready,not his anymore . its all in the past & seriously,if i were to reacall it all backk,im the one who did all of the sacrifices,not him . & ought to be lucky,im sucha patient person to him . kindaa painful memories but i find dat i miss them . the TEDDY BEAR he gave on Valentines dae . oh wow,its with Massafurah now . i gave her coz i wanna let everything go,btw me & him . i swear its difficult for me to forget him yet i have to . his my First Love,True Love . i tink i shall stopp now,coz i tink i'll eleborate more if i dont stopp . but still,i LOVE my PrettyBoy soo muchh (:
cause i noe what's the right n wats the wrong .
i've olready forgotten all of them olready but bits by bits,its hard .
PrettyBoy,i love (:
"" was Posted On: Thursday, April 19, 2007 @17:31 | 0 lovely comments ✿
"the forever LOVE songg from me to you,PrettyBoy"
oh yes,the song "breaking my heart" tu sdap giler nak mampos! oh haha! && lagu itu sungguh sedap . its like,everydae is a MUST to listen to dat songg . the max is bout 20 times a dae? really,i swear! hoho! da jadi favourite kliter da! Hey Malek,ur suchh a good composer ehh? dis song is really a SUPERB . && the song in my bloggy also NICEE . n yerpp,nutting muchh happens todae . for all i remember,i doze off in class for 4 periods . maths & social studies . oh DILLA,with the rate ur going like this,u cant make it . c'mon lets wake upp! MT oral is in 2 daes tym . && 2 weeks more to ur Mid-Year baybe! study study study study study . oh wow .
&& yes,after forever,AT LAST i get my momma sign my progress report! oh lols . DILLA siao cha bo! && yerpp,momma ask me y so many U-grade , i donnoe wat to ans her but then,to me its because i dont understand muchh for the subject dat im taking this year . Physics,Chem,POA is all neww to me . soo kinda slow la for me to ketchup! so,partly yes its my fault && momma says if dere's still many U-Grades again for Mid-Year,NOMORE dancing for me! sooo,buckk it upp DILLA . dancing means aLOT to u,so,blajar larhh! (:
oh i getto noe sumthing! oh sumthing . but then,i wont post it larhh kan . im good . soo yes,i wanna share the lyrics of the song in my bloggy . NICE larhh sey && yupp,im having my NAFA test tml . n yes,PrettyBoy is now at they gym accompany Joe work out . haha . pikir2 cool uh tu . && im aLONE at home . mummy & daddy working,IQA schooling in ITE Simei && DIAN playing badminton with her frens at the court near my house . oh hoho! hujan2 pon nk main .
Song Tittle:Half Alive
Artist:Second Hand Seranade
It's four AM, I'm waking up to your perfume
Don't get up, I'll get through on my own
I don't know if I'm home
Or if I lost the way into your room
I'm spiraling into my doom
I'm feeling half alive
but I know one day You and I will be free,
To live and die by our own rules, Free..
Despite the fact that men are fools.
I'm almost alive,
and I need you to try
And save me.
It's okay that we're dying,
But I need to survive tonight, tonight.
Well excuse me while I get killed softly,
Heart slows down and I can hardly tell you I'm okay
At least 'til yesterday,
You know you got me off my highest guard,
Believe me when I say it's hard.
We'll get through this tonight
And I know one day you and I will be free
To live and die by our own rules, Free..
Despite the fact that men are fools
I'm almost alive, and I need you to try And save me.
It's okay that we're dying,
But I need to survive tonight, tonight.
And you touch my hand ever so slightly
And the deadly look she cast upon me
I won't regret, I won't regret I won't regret.
I won't regret...
And I was trying to disappear,
But you got me wrapped around you
I can hardly breathe without you
I was trying to disappear
But I got lost in your eyes now,
You brought me down to size now.
I'm almost alive And I need you to try and save me.
It's okay that we're dying
But I need to survive tonight, tonight Tonight...
I'm almost alive, and I need you to try And save me.
It's okay that we're dying,
But I need to survive tonight, tonight.
I need to survive tonight, tonight
Todae's the exact 1 year of my Uncle's death . i MISS him aLOT! (:
OK DONE! PrettyBoy balik cepat! kiter nk bual ngn awk larhh (:
"" was Posted On: Tuesday, April 17, 2007 @16:44 | 0 lovely comments ✿
"you give me the keys & help me opens up the heaven's door"
i've been repeating the song "Breaking My Heart" by Ilbril soo manyy times && i then get the real meaning of the song . oh wow,how i wish i could own them love forever . && i donnoe wats between me & PrettyBoy . seems like things are getting slightly better than just now but really,i just hope its gonna be fine soon && its all my fault,im sorrie . yes,sorrie is just simple to say but i really mean it . i dont mind myself being hurt,so longg as ur good,im finee . olrite? soo,PrettyBoy,never bother about wat i feels coz my feelings are all rubbish in ppl's eyes . im sorrie,but i try not to tell u wat i feel deep inside anymore . oh,situation force me to but definitely not u,LOVE .
&& if u ever find myself vanish in ur eyes,dat means sumthings really wrong in me && i'll try to be so secretive as u are . i'll try to change . && yes,can sumone spare me a listening ear? && i'll hope by telling dat person how & wat i feels,i would be better coz im suree PrettyBoy's not gonna spare me a listening ear anymore,not anymore . oh,i was hurt even deeper than u PrettyBoy coz u cant even understand how i feels . dat POEM,my feelings,ur problems & everything . oh yes,dat poem means aLOT to me coz the content is everything . i dont mind u giving hundreds of them but,yet,i need u to do me a favour too .
since i was younger,i would really like sumthing special happen to me . oh yes,i was one kindaa romantic creature in this world,i admit . oh how i wish i cn be a guy so dat i can express all of the romantic stuff to my love ones . but im a lady,a girl . soo,to me,guys shud do dat && not me . ok yes,backk to dat . i had a wishh . && i admit,sumtimes its hard for ppl to win my heart or maybe its hard for me to forgive them . soo,by me telling u dat,i think PrettyBoy wud get the idea how could get the real me backk . Oh yes,i've ever wanted a stalk of rose . only a stalk of rose & one nice,lovely cum romantic poem . coz,poems really make me go GUGUGAGA LALALALA .
soo,anyone especially PrettyBoy who wud do dat for me,lucky u i'll be all GOOD . i donnoe y im telling these coz itz been a secret in my life,but maybe,todae i just wanna save my relationship than going weaker dat i hate most . soo,PrettyBoy,softened my heart and im sorriee . SORRY is all i can say coa i noe n realised i've hurt soo many ppl arnd me olready . oh yes,im not gonna eat or take my regular meals like ususal . not until PrettyBoy n me are REAL OKEYY . ouh yes,PrettyBoy has forgiven me n me too but still wen he called me just now,i had dat feeling backk . UNFAIR but then DILLA's trying to be strong n wont let wat i feels intefere my relationshipp with PrettyBoy . not anymore,i promise .
&& i've never eva loved sumone like i love you,PrettyBoy . really (:
i wont hurt u anymore,PrettyBoy . Love me too okeyy? && dat breaking my heart song from ilbril is our loveee songg . nicee horr~ (:
"" was Posted On: Monday, April 16, 2007 @16:23 | 0 lovely comments ✿
"will you define LOVE for me?"
You are sweeter than cookie,
You are more lovely than a rose,
And in the entire world,
You are the only one that I Love .
&& compare them with these one .
Met you as a stranger,
Some memories can hurt,
But with you by,
Wen you had no light to guide you
and if all my friends were flowers,
I would look around and pick you .. ..
Friends are like melons,
Shall I tell to find one good a hundred you the people you've met?
Never say never it comes to your friends!
That 3 words are speacially from me to you,
All the words I said to you I really meant it,
I know its difficult to believe,
I know what you've gone through,
But I can promise you this,
I won't let you gone through this kind of things again
Just remember I will be with you no matter what
How difficult life turns out to be
My love to you will never change
I just want you to know that I won't be the one to break your heart
I just want you to know that hopefully
I'm the one who will fill your heart with all the love and care
soo which one do you tink is better?
second one rite? oh yeahh,i remember PrettyBoy giving his goodfren this one .
&& he gave me the first one .
soo i tink its relly kindaa unfair .
really unfair & i hate it soo muchh!
&& wen i ask him y,he said nutting .
so PrettyBoy,up to u larhh ok?
i just hate this,really . ouh dont talk to me olrite?
&& PrettyBoy i wish i can let it all go and yes,i wanna dissapear in ur eyes can?
wouldnt it be nice if i can get out of this world? HAHA (:
"" was Posted On: Sunday, April 15, 2007 @13:45 | 0 lovely comments ✿
"Campers backk at home"
sisasa sisasa sisasa oioi
sisasa sisasa sisasa oioi
ouhh at last,backk at home after suchh a longg dae in Serimbun Campsite . ouhh haha,suchha great camp . all i can describe of that camp is EXTREMELY SUPERB . ouhh yes,soo many activities were done && yes,i've got soo many stuff to tell . Let's listenn;
First Dae In Camp
everyone was damn excited except for me . haha,i've got no feelings of like "wah camp sia,shiokk,shiokk! " . none of them . soo yes,PrettyBoy send me to school & i bought 2 kinds of chocolate! ouhh sedapp nak mampos! && yes,one of them is for Massafurah as it was her befdae gift . soo,everyone assembles in school gym n yerpp,spot check is on . ppl pity2 have to surrender HP n MP3s . soo,i've got nutting to surrender as my HP is with PrettyBoy! ouhh SIMPLE;
3A2 was the FIRST class to reached Serimbun Campsite! ouhh now den i feel the excitement . soo bestt . after dat,we getto noe our instructors . they are Steward & Joel . oh steward is GREAT! soo,after pitiching upp our tents,we den had our lunch n proceed on with the activities . our first activity is Nature Rumble dat is playing in the MUDDY MUD! oh bestt sungguh! & our skinn is soo smooth after dat! (:
our Obstacles Challenge was GOOD! we're supposed to walk on a wooden singging plank n yes we had the challenge dat is to do catwalk on it && me,Faiz & Farid did them! haha,we tuckk all the wae in our shirt n catwalk n den pose pose pose & pose! woohoo (: oh notto forget Mr Chia did snapp my pic! oh lols! gedebak gedebuk . blablabla,we had our mock campfire,to prepare wat item we wanna do for the campfire & i prepare almost everything . haha,the cheers are good . its all from ATC baybe! && yerpp,our Night Walk was good with all of us walking blindly . haha! soo,1st dae was kindaa tired but the next dae is muchh muchh muchh more better! (:
Second Good Good Dae In Camp
we start off with doing sum kindaa boring activity but den wen it cums to rock climbing it was great . oh haha,yes i did climb upp to overcum my phobia [heights] . but den i did them halfwae coz i climb the one which many ppl cant actually complete them . kindaa difficult but then still ok . oh my 3A2 is soo bestt! they encourage me but den till i stuck at the top n i cant continue anymore but they still clap for me n encourage me
HAHA,nonsense larhh they all . but then,i still cant continue coz i've look down n i started crying . lols . im scared of height okey! haha,soo my whole body was shivering n i wanna give up but that instuctor sae NO NO! not untill u continue i wont let you down! i sae no! && i started crying loudly,i wanna try again but i cant soo i pleed them,i beg to lemme down n AT LAST they DID! ouhh u all notty! (: after our wash upp n after we have collected our sec 3 camp t-short,we had our last prac for our item n den its CAMPFIRE TIME BAYBE!!!!!
ouhh campfire is greatt! we cheer n cheer n cheer like hell but thank GOD,i didnt lose my voice like others did! terok btl korg! && yes,we had A GAME ON! they asked for representatives from each class,a girl which is Flexible & can follow the beat n rhyhem . i was like,DANCING QUEEN? haha,soo they shouted my name n im dere! haha,i represent our class . fliq for her class n ilyana too! n the rest are chinese ppl! soo,the battle is on!
shiok,the songs are WOW! Techno,R&B,Hip-Hop,n yeahh Bangra too! soo i dance blindly with the blind folds on . haha,i remember myself falling down TWICE while dancing! oh yes,we dance in a place with full of rocks rite? so kindaa difficult yet BEST! && the song Buttons was only me,fliq n yana . the rest are all out olready . i remember shaking my ass . haha . && the song from LUSH alsoo make me dancee al the wae until the track from Sean Paul . the insructor saes "its over,u can open ur blindfold,u won olready! "
i was like WOW,i won? n wen i open them i saw myself dancing with FLIQ! ouhh we're the DANCING QUEEN for 2007! but i noe ILYANA did great too kan? soo yeah,it was great . n really,i feel dizzy n really wanna vomitt . soo haha,really,i cant see propely . && after dat,we had our item . sibeichialat! && from dere ppl start calling me n Fliq ehh Dancing Queen! lols!
ouh yar,we both kanna sabo from Atie,Atikah,On,Prakasyh,Zul & Eizzam! wa had to wash their plater n finish all the biscuits after supper . nn i did them n yes its sleeping time . oh for the 2nd dae,i sleep with my lovely Zanana,Atie n Atikah! tehy are all BEST . && LIANA ADER SYNDROME! so dont eva slip with her! gagagaga . (:
Didumdum Dadadup Last Dae In Camp
ouhhh last dae was soo boringg . strike the tent was BORINGGGG . haha,but then kindaa sad too to leave my bestt instructors dere . ouhh shiokk! sososos,cum backk to school n had our lunch in school with Atie & Atikah . soo,mkn Mee Soto makcik yg sdapp! ouh kesian Atikah da tkder suare! awak awak . && im waiting for my PrettyBoy show upp n yes I MISS HIM LARHH . soo,yerp we talk n talk n den rain start . soo heavily! soo gotto wait for it to stopp n yerp it was all great! (:
ouhh yar,the bestt moment in camp was wen i realise dat the toilets are disguisting n yes i bathe just wearing my bra n my boxers outside the cubicle with the rest throughout the dae . oh yes . bestt kan? && hold onn! i wanna share sumthing COOL with u guys . gonna uppdate for another one! (:
"" was Posted @12:48 | 0 lovely comments ✿
"Oh Helloh,Okeyy Bubbye!"
simple uppdate for todae . IM BACKK! okeyy,lols . HAHA,damn tired larhh sey . i had my sleep from 5 PM yesterdae & i woke upp at 8 AM todae . 15 hours of sleeping is really GOOD! haha,okeyy olritee . yesterdae i told PrettyBoy to wake me upp at 9 PM . yes he did kol me & i heard my HP ringing but then without looking at my HP to see who's calling,i just press the reject button n continue sleeping && i turn off to silent mode coz its really irritating u see!
HAHA,sorrie larh wak . kiter ngantok sgt larhh sey smlm! && yes,im going to IMM with my cousins & my anuty . && my sisters are all off to CCK swimming pool . i dowanna follow them coz i didnt have any swimming suit & im soo lazy to . soo,mummy's working n daddy's working too! so,i decided to tag my anuty dere to do some shopping n stuff . OH! i wanna buy neww pair of school shoes!
&& im glad dat mummy noes about PrettyBoy olready! haha,supposingly i wanna told my parents about him after our 6 months ann but then mummy read my blogg olready wen im away soo,im fine with it . so do PrettyBoy . && yes,kiter nak Jemur Kain larhh .
OK BYE! will update about sec 3 camp tml! (:
"" was Posted On: Saturday, April 14, 2007 @11:54 | 0 lovely comments ✿
Shibish Shibish Shibish Dada Didi Dumdum LOLS! (:
Ouhh,like finally,i've created my NEW TAGBOARD & i noe its the perfect time! LOLS!
No Spamming anymore,i hope sooo (:
Shibish,i dont care wats gonna happen anymore to me,coz i noe im strong for all these stuff . && yeahh,DILLA's good . ouhh lovely GF(s),thanks for the piece of say . && yeah,im now lefting it all behind me . i dont care wat ppl gonna sae or even SHE,fark them ppl . im not gonna gif a damn anymore . && stopp being like one kinda bugger & talk bad about ppl wen u urself shud look up at urself in the mirror . HAHA,simple english also so damn farking difficult for u to understand . HAHA,cant even read one simple blogg . ok,cut it & simple,SHE just cant stay on with her Gf(s) .
one after another she will hurt . && lemme see wats gonna happen next to her . && ouhh ouhh,i tink i did the right thing . coz i dont need ppl like her in my LIFE . && gyeahh,suchaa dumbass . && SHE's a good actress . she dont like me actually n i cn see dat coz me even myself hate her either && yeah! she cn actually act to be good infront of me n behind me,talks bad . ouhh,suchaa HYPOCRITE . ouhh huhu~ bestt larhh sey! ouhh,ur soo Whatevaaa!
i cn be MEAN and i can be NICE . u decide it olritee,&& hell yeah,i just dont gif a damn on people dat hates me,like SHe does . soo,im saying GOODBYE to the shits! ouhh,u can DANCE alone at the stage in the hall! shecandance,WTF? haha,&& ppl dont eva learn dance steps from her coz she actually copy other's && tell arnd dat dat's hers' wen itz NOT TRUE! haha,she CANT dance larhh wei n ppl noes dat! ouhh wow; (:
Oh My! i have not actually pack my stuff larhh sia . haha,padan mukee aku . && yeah,its gonna be 6 PM soon! Lols,&& yeah,japp lagi larhh okey? HAHA,PrettyBoy wanna kepp my handphone for me actually coz i told him im not gonna bring them along with me . && i told my sis larhh kan . she told me to tell PrettyBoy to ask for her permission if he wants to & he did it! HAHA, Good PrettyBoy! heh! && yeah,my sis said OK! & she told me,if momma were to ask where i place my hp,she'll sae: I donnoe but from wat i noe,she didnt bring them! (:
Ouhh yeah,PrettyBoy's sending me to school tomorrow morning for teh very first time! LOLs!
ouh,wonderful . && he was droppin by my blogg n i told him to read wat i wrote for him under
"MY Boyfriend,My Love"
he saes it was SO SWEET OF YOU,tgk la girl sape . ouhh watevaa larhh ehh . tgk la anak sape? anak Cik Rem larhh okey! haha,olritee . soo basically,im GOOD . i LOVE my LIFE now though my bestie is not dat close to me now . but i still got MANY people's dere for me . (:
Happie befdae to u
Happie befdae to u
Happie befdae to MAS
Happie befdae to u!
u may not read them but i've send dat befdae song for u 2 daes before ur befdae . && wosh u longetivity & prosperity! happie2 slalu,& hope u last longg with AKIR! ILY! (:
Happie befdae to u
Happie befdae to u
Happie befdae to NOI
Happie befdae to u!
sweet 14 olreadyy ehh? lg 2 thn blh tgk NC16! haha . wish u longetivity & prosperity! && stay prettay! ILY! (:
Its DONE! (:
"" was Posted On: Tuesday, April 10, 2007 @17:27 | 0 lovely comments ✿
"the stars shine down"
Sec 3 camps are just 2 daes away && i've not even pack a single thing at all! HAHA,padan muke aku . if i were to do them tml,i bet im gonna rushh n stuff . yalarh,so many stuff to find n pack . && im gonna use my Gravis Bag Pack so gyeahhh! though PrettyBoy dosent let me to,sorrie LOVE, (:
so yeah,peoples are all farking excited bout going dere but certainly not me . ouhss well,i dont have any groups for me to hang out with . unlike FIMZ & LAFS . they do . lucky2 u guys,unlike me seyy . soo,DILLA's just gonna be gona dere && yeah,i donnoe
who i shud bath with,
who i shud be with,
who i shud eat with,
who i shud sleep with,
&& importantly,
who's gonna be my befriend dere?
Oh helloh anyone?
oh yeah,40 students are selected for the KOREAN trip . && congrats ZANNA&IFAHH . they getto go dere seyy! wow,confirm bestt nyer sey . haha,unlike me again . letak je panjang2 tp tk choosen but den,i dont mind coz at least i learn sumthing from the research i did . oh lols! && yeahh,oleh2 nya jgn lupee! testing jee! so im gonna spend my times in S'pore && ok jgk la! i getto go out with PrettyBoy . kakak schooling in ITE,dian i chuck her in JB,mum's going to Russia & dad's working! (:
ouhh yeah,been heard of the commosions of FIMZ & LAFS . ouhhs,i just dont interfere bout it at all! haha,not like dat larhh but,my name is not in both's groupp kan? soo,yeah,im not in dis . soo basically,just read my lips:
i have the every rights to side anyone dat i wants but then for now,both are compareable & im not siding anyone olrite? i just treat u guys the same & yeah,both are ok to me horr~
babes,dont put me in a situation which i myself cant make it work please,really . simple thing like dis,dont make it dat farking bigg la && im blogging-inn rite now notto hurt anyone coz i hate it && im not here to talk bad stuff about ppl coz its another thing dat i hate okey? olrite,DILLA can be an understanding person && yeah,i noe wat u guys are thru rite now . no orriginality n stuff . olritee,maturity occurs too babes .
but then,i didnt sae u guys are still childish tp kan,at times,we do need to forgive n forget . c'mon,we're all 15 and we can tink ppl . && yeah,i dont mind my friendship with other people going like suck but then all i hope is dat korg smue ok larhh kan? i dont mind mine's going like farking shits but den,all im asking for is lets continue bonding friendships like we used to .
i may sound so sacrastic but this is real n im speaking them from the bottom of my heart .
ouhh yar,and now,DILLA's all alonee . no FIMZ no nutting for me anymore . coz my lovely F is now hating me . ouhhs yeah,darl,if ur reading this,im sorrie but really,i got no bad intensions but for suree u will hate me after wat has happened . i dont mind . coz yeah,its countable . first u call me names dis and dat but my PrettyBoy says im too good to people,im too kind and too patient for others . ouhh yeah,i dont mind u calling me names,so long as DILLA herself noes dat she did nutting wrong . i've always wanted to save my friendship coz im suchh a lousy person . but my mum's kip on saying im stupid so forget bout the whole thing . MUM's definitely TRUE!
so my lovely darl F,continue hating me,i dont mind . dont talk to me,i dun mind . i dont expect muchh from u ok darl? soo,still,in my heart ur still a blast to me . && my LAFS,thanks for comforting me but yeah,im finee . && FIMZ,i dont mind my names not in the FIMZ grouppy . coz FIMZ was created by F soo,no use putting my name in dere wen she hates me like hell
she's an attention seeker
she's a biatch
she suck
she's a two headed monster
she's sucha a stupidest girl in the mankind
she's useless
she's the one i hate
i dont like her to befriend with any of my FIMZ
dats wat i heard about me being talk by my F . soo,possibly it may be true it may be not . soo,up to u larhh kan . i dont mind,u calling me names . no use coz still im not gonna be mad,& if i were to,i wont show it off to u . same goes wen u guys treat me as if im TRANSPARENT . im dere with u guys tagging here n dere along,but then not even a single thing u guys say to me . like as if im dere or not,still gonna be the same . i dont mind coz i tinks u guys just changed ever since 2007 cum . ppl arnd me realises dat too! lets sae shelloh to FIMZ .
still,i dont mind myself getting hurt n i dont mind ppl tink differently bout me coz i tink i deserve to be hurt be GOOD people like ppl who did dat to me && sorrie PrettyBoy,u asked me notto be good to ppl but dats not me sweetheart . i cant,dats my princip olreadyy . peoples,dont mind about me ok? tink differently of me,i dont mind n once again,if i were to hurt u anytime n watsoever,sincerely from DILLA,me myself im deeply sorrie olrite?
forgive me or not up to u all,i just tink down of myself . im not competitive as u all did . && F,i hope we can bond our friendship backk like we used to ok? but i dont tink u gonna like me anymore . && yeah,i promise i wont steal my bestie from u . coz i was told u hate it wen im close to my own bestie which i have bond that friendhsip with her dat was 3 yrs ago b4 ur turn olrite . soo,i wont do that to u fliq,i wont betray u . pardon me if i hurt u once again .
&& to LAFS,should forgive n foget baybe,dont rank it all upp coz im sure situation's gonna go wosrt if u gonna do dat . soo basically,i have olready said my piece so,
Best Wishes;
& ouh ouh,
im not going to school with my besties dat i LOVE alot anymore
im not gonna eat with them recess tym
im not gonna make myself close to them eva again .
&& im not an attention seeker,coz i've fufill wat u wanted for soo long baby .
soo,lets be HAPPIE,DILLA .
eveything's gonna be fyne n yeah,im strong n im good .
"All the stars that used to shine the friendship dat we have bond for almost 3 yrs are all faded . they are not gonna shine up like they used to,they shine down now .
DILLA's alone,but PrettyBoy's not my everything"
BeFriend me will you?
ouhh sorie 4 the longg post n thanks if u were to read them & im crying larhh sey . hushh me .
im just letting out wat i feels rite now,im not seeking anything or any negative comments from u all , read it and accept it in good ways,Thank You .
"" was Posted On: Monday, April 09, 2007 @14:56 | 0 lovely comments ✿
dere's sumthing neww in my bloggy,
u just need to scroll down .
&& look at those pics n the captions .
if u pics weren't dere,
dosent mean i dont like you .
&& those are my Precious Friends .
&& do read under the section MY Boyfriend,
&& tell me wat u tink of it?
itz for My PrettyBoy u see .
DILLA's gonna be fyne,hope soo :)
"" was Posted On: Saturday, April 07, 2007 @12:00 | 0 lovely comments ✿
"wen random issues are on top of the list"
oh oh,PrettyBoy dosent want to talk muchh to me todae .
he dosent even sae goodbye,
he dosent even sae i love you to me,
he dosent even tell me wats in his mind,
he dosent even tell me wats wrong,
he dosent even tell me why he's mad,
he dosent even tell me who he is now mad at,
he didnt even tell me anything,
&& he just sae i want all of my time ALONE
he dosent wanna go home straight after fetching me backk home,
he dosent even wanna go to school,
coz he told me his sick,
where as he's fine,
he's just lazy for todae coz i noe,i believe & i bet,
sumthng's wrong .
that sumthing really gotto do with me rite here .
&& sheeerrooomeeee~
he dosent LOVE me,
i tink?
is that true?
did he?
dosent he?
why does he need to make me cry?
cant u just speak ur heart to me,PrettyBoy?
cant u?
can u?
y not?
is it dat farking difficult?
hell no .
im sorrie .
but i dosent wanna talk to anybody .
i still felt down & damn farking lousy .
forget about me //
no more me in future or in u now .
im sorrie //
they left me,
i felt like an idiot,
like one kinda moron,
follow where ever they go .
here & dere .
but they didnt even talk to me,
i cried like one farking person in class .
they are dere .
but ...
they didnt even care .
oh Shidah & frens,
thanks for coxing me .
but,i still didnt feel rite .
from yesterdae till todae,
& even now .
im waiting for PrettyBoy's call .
u hurt me dat deep
i cant smile,i donnoe y .
PSPS; i've not eaten for a dae i swear,not even a sip of water in school .
"" was Posted On: Thursday, April 05, 2007 @15:21 | 0 lovely comments ✿
"" was Posted On: Wednesday, April 04, 2007 @19:16 | 0 lovely comments ✿
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