Today's the 29th June 2007 and that means,tomorrow is our 8 Months Anniversary . so,i was all glad that our love is still strong that could lead till now . but still,there's some things im not quite satisfied with . i don't know . maybe because PrettyBoy dosen't look good and he didn't talk much to me today . for a simple reason,i don't even know why and what's happening . or maybe i've hurt him? but i don't remember doing it all . or did i ever do a mistake? i bet,no . but there must be something he's hiding from me,himself . im not quite sure about this but i hope,things would be fine (:
8 months of being together really feels good to me . its like,oh wow how time flies! 240 days of being together from the 7th day of Hari Raya last year . hehe :D so many things happened to us,to me especially . being such a patience person is really a challenge . you know how Fahmy is lor . but still,here i am again,still standing strong with whatever's happening to me,to PrettyBoy and to us,andand im very proud of myself for being able to save my relationship few times back with the intelligence that was given from GOD . oh hoho,im glad that im still with him and im glad he still does love me,as deep as i love him .
i wanna show to people,to my family,my parents,my older sister,my friends and especially to my Pretty Awesome Boy that i can last this relationship of mine longger than what people expected and i myself expected . i wanna prove to them that love isn't about sex and love isnt about leaving education behind . me and PrettyBoy ourself had talk things over about this . we knew and really knew that we shouldn't leave our education behind just because of one relationship and ruin our future . we knew,what's wrong and what is right .
we actually had promised each other to study well and and pass our examinations with flying colors,suceed in life and achieve our goal or something that we've always wanted in life and not to let our relationship ruined everything . as for me,i told PrettyBoy i wanted to pass my 'O' Levels and then,go to Poly to take my Diploma and then my Degree and next,my Master . i've always wanted to study overseas as in Manchester University . not because i wanted to show off or wanted to be outside of Singapore,no . its because of my dream you see . so,DILLA . head PrettyBoy's advice,study hard and achieve what you've always wanted . he will be behind you all the way to support you (:
in relations,there's always jealousy occurs . as for me,i admit im in that situation right now . i was browsing through PrettyBoy's Friendster profile yesterday after i've done with my emails and stuff . i was reading his new comments that was given or even typed by some human beings . i feel mad plus angry when i saw this girl telling PrettyBoy something in some cheeky ways . and and what surprised me is when she actually leave her HP number behind,at that comment box . haha! and she told PrettyBoy,if he had free time,do call her upp and they shall talk . i was pissed by that person and she's dare enough to talk (i,you,i,you) gatal-gatal ngan BF aku! hmmphf! tapi yang bagusnyer PrettyBoy dosen't reply to her cheeky comment . haha! im glad that my BF isn't a fool type of guy,i was glad! (:
We went to CauseWay Point after the boringg Sports Day to fill our empty stomach . we ate at Banquet and i ate Spicy Seafood Mee . nice,thanks ehh Ifah for telling me the name (: Hafiz Kenchet was with us and we actually bumped into his GF in that shopping centre . and to my surprised,he actually wanted to hide from his GF . when i asked him why he did that,he doens't tell me the exact thing but he just told me that he dosen't want to meet his GF and he dosen't want ot have GF anymore now . how could he? i told PrettyBoy,if he were to do the same thing as Hafiz did to his GF,i would definitely tell Cik Azmi,biar padan muke PrettyBoy! haha . its like tak baik lor . if you don't want to be with your GF or BF anymore,just tell them the truth and they would definitely accept it and don't you ever do that way . oh no way! andand PrettyBoy,don't you ever dare to do that to me,okeyy? (:
Cherokee's cheerleading was bad .
Ratings: 37.5 / 100
Lakota won the Cheerleading Championship! as i guessed,i told you . they will win!
Ratings: 98.5 / 100
Tomorrow,07:30 be in Full-Uniform for the Speech Day Full-Dress Rehearsal,again! i'm gonna missed Krazie Starr's performance,oh badd! Mum's gonna be backk later,at midnight . will be picking her upp at the airport,i think so . i just miss my PrettyBoy,my real PrettyBoy . he is not the usual him that i knew,what's happening? im proudly to annouce that Ilyana Farisha is my Besfriend now . but i still love My Kambings that is Zanna,Ifah & Mas . tapi korang sekarang FIMZ lorr && seems like Ilyana & Juey are getting better and better,closer and closer horr . im happy for you guys andand i LOVEE her,swear (:
"" was Posted On: Friday, June 29, 2007 @17:01 | 0 lovely comments ✿
im bored . okeyy,i just cant wait for tomorrow's event . hoho,Sports Day larhh sey! (:okeyy,i just cant wait to laugh at my Cherokee House Cheerleading Team . i just cant wait to see Lakota's action! i know they gonna win this year! all the bestt,LOVEE! i just cant wait to go to school i mean to the Woodlands Stadium with PrettyBoy & frens . i just cant wait to be in the Mohegan house (i'll tell you why) with PrettyBoy and Davidd they all . i just cant wait to slack tomorrow . okeyy,all larhh i cant wait ((:
while i was eating Mee Soto for my recess,Ima,Mus & Mal came upp to me . i was shocked . okeyy,confirmed pasal cheerleading . they told me Miss Evon Tan wanted to see me . i was surprised . haha! so,i told them i don't want to . unfortunately,Miss Tan show up infront of me . angrily,she asked why didn't i join in this year . && to my freaking shock,she even asked me that question . i was like,fucking Lijah,u didn't tell her im not joining . baskett sia . so,i was scolded and give her some excuses . well,i didn't wanna join cheer this year as:
(a) My mum's away and i have to get back home early as to take care of my lil' sis .
(b) I'm bored with this cheer shit and i know my house can't make it . nuisence
(c) i'm gonna be embarassed if my cheers are unperfect in PrettyBoy's eyes .
(d) i have no interest in cheers actually
(e) my heart and soul are in my dances ONLY .
so now,i didnt turn upp at the school hall for their LAST practice today at 2:15 pm . PrettyBoy and me went home early like usual . okeyy,tak kuase aku nak layan bende2 macam nie . so,i have no idea how Miss Tan gonna react tomorrow . and how the routine and cheers turn out to be tomorrow . actually,thruthfully speaking,i felt pity for them . its like im the captain you see . i thought of helping them but i don;t feel like to . && i have to learn not to only care for other people's feelings but for mine too! ((:
so,to prevent Miss Tan from scolding me tomorrow,i planned with PrettyBoy and Davidd to wear Mohegan House T-shirt tomorrow . lols (: malas larhh aku . tahun hadapan,insyaallah!
yesterday,one of our Security Guard,Encik Alias passed on . at around 10:00 am in the morning at NUH hospital . at first,while Mr Koh was annoucing the morning annoucements, i saw him walking at the school carpark and suddenly i was Uncle Song,Mr Ramesh and many St. John Ambulance Brigade people running toward the carpark . coincidently,yesterday was St John's day . i don't know what's happening . so,after we had our recess,the principal annouced the upper sec student to go to the hall . and we were told that he had an heart attacked . so,easy said,he passed on at school actually . && at 10:00m am at NUH,he was confirmed to be gone .
i was shocked and yes,i did cry . that man is polite and kind . i've always talk and joke around with him while im on school . he's a nice man . i think,he's age is around in the 50s . so,i hope he would rest in peace . && the moral of the incident is that "Life is precious" we don;t know when we are going to die and what so ever . so,treasure you life before it's too late .
Surveys from MySpace Bulletins .
How much have you changed?
---- 6 Years Ago -------
How old were you?: 9
Where did you go to school? Concord Primary
Where did you work?: haha. i didnt work
Where did you live?: Choa Chu Kang Avenue 5
Where did you hang out?: home.
Did you wear glasses?: i've not been wearing thme all of my life .
Who was your best friend(s)at that time? Afiqah & Ain
How many tattoos did you have? none.
How many piercings did you have?: two.
How many scars? none .
What car did you drive?: i didn't drive.
Had you been to a real party? haha. nope.
Had your heart broken?: nope.
Were you Single/Taken/Married/Divorced?: oh you dont wana know!
-------------2 years ago-----------
How old were you?: 13
Where did you go to school?: Hillgrove Secondary
Where did you work?: work in sense of disturbing people? haha!
Where did you live?: Bukit Batok West Avenue 2
Where did you hang out? i don;t usually hang out
Did you wear glasses? NO larh bodoh!
Who were your best friend(s)?: Zanna,Ifah & Mas
How many tattoos did you have? never in a million years.
How many scars? one -____-
How many piercing do you have? 3
What car did you drive?: still no car,kereta sorong included tak? lols
Had your heart broken?: hyeaah.
Were you Single/Taken/Married/Divorce?: taken..
How old are you?: 14 going on 15 in 3 months time (:
what school do u go to? still in Hillgrove Secondary
Where do you live? still in Bukit Batok West Avenue 2
Do you wear glasses?: Tak larhh! LAST warning ehh??!!
Who are your best friends?: i've got no Bestfriend . all gone . i supposed PrettyBoy is my BF & Bestie? haha! Shasha too (:
Do you talk to your old friends? of course.
How many piercings do you have?: back to TWO
How many tattoos? dont have one lah
How many scars? still one ^_^
What kind of car do you have?: in 6 and the half years time, Insyallah =]
Has your heart been broken?: YES . i hope not in future,again!
Are you Single/Taken/Married/Divorce?: Taken as in ATTACHED (:
RE-post them at your blog if u wanna . ask from me,first . and i shall copy and paste for you to make it easier for you (:
"" was Posted On: Thursday, June 28, 2007 @18:03 | 0 lovely comments ✿

_____ would find 1001 ways to protect ____ beloved ____
would find 2002 ways to make me mad,angry and cry no matter what time it is . i was pissed and i wish i could say vulgarities to _____ . && although im not in the wrong, _____ would still find ways to scold me ans stuff,fucks!
i bet i won't have time to uppdate tomorrow . so since,tomorrow's date os 27th June 2007 . that means,its my beloveeeed mummy's befdae . she's turning 37 tomorrow . aren't my mum young? hehe! ((:
Happy Befdae To You, Happy Befdae To You,
Happy Befdae To MAMA .. Happy Befdae To You!
Wish you longetivity and prosperity . && i LOVEEE you mummy! you're the best mum the whole wide world! ((:
Tomorrow's NPCC and Zanna's knows what i mean! hehe . that sir of your and mine . lols . i cant wait! GOH stuff,ohh tirrreeeddd -_____-
oh by the way,im the one who edited the pic above . what do you think of my Adobe Photosop CS3? haha! ((:

Neww pics . taken: Yesterday :D
"" was Posted On: Tuesday, June 26, 2007 @16:23 | 0 lovely comments ✿

First day of school was okeyy-okeyy . time-table has cahnged again and PrettyBoy haas his haircut,to my surprise! hoho . nicee one lorr . we had our Physics for the second and third period but Mr Chia wasn't in so a relief teacher took over . *boringg* i did fall asleep,i admit . some of them trying to play punk with the teacher . haha! was funny though . and some was thrown out of the class for disturbing him andand lots more larhh kan .
our neww malay teacher was fair . i donnoe but okeyy larhh . im bored,and i think i wanna take some pics after this (: i saw _________ today . oh yes Zanna,2 more days to go,baybe! that sir,whoosh whoosh whoosh! ((: just a random uppdate for today . Till here,Goobye!
"" was Posted On: Monday, June 25, 2007 @15:50 | 0 lovely comments ✿
;1234tellmeyouloveme .
this is what i'm talking about . the Hip-Hop show of love . okeyy,me & my sis managed to attend that 65&Hope thing yesterday despite the shouts and scolding we get from our daddy . okeyy,the $10 show is worth it! really,i tell you . no regrets going there . and i want more of it! so,the most favourite part of the show is when the Triple Noize performed . okeyy,one of their tracks,got the beats of Raggae andand it's reallyreallyreally shiok giler nak mampos . bestt lorr . and when the XS. 1 Regiment people perform . okeyy,i cant describe how but its really funn! its a worth $10 show! i didnt take pictures yesterday,malas! -____- && Krazie Starr and Shino XS,thanks for the way dudes! ((:
there's only a day left to school re-open! okeyy,i;ve prepared everything . except for my uniform . i've not iron them . later,perhaps? my POA assignment,or should i say homework,i've done them . like finally! haha . but,i didnt complete my History because i didnt understand most of the questions . so,yes . i cant wait to eat Mee Soto makcik stall 3 and to meet PrettyBoy and __________ (fill in the blanks) . okeyy,i should stop this . i cant continue on ________ that person . oh yes,Friday is the day im waiting for! Sports Day! the cheerleaders and stuff . haha,im not in it! i cant wait (:
"" was Posted On: Sunday, June 24, 2007 @19:38 | 0 lovely comments ✿
;Saranghae oh!
That was Zanna's favouritee word in KOREA! The 2 days 1 night NPCC Unit camp in school was ubber fun yet tiring . i actually spraint my wrist . ok i don't know what happened . lol . soo,i've got soooooo muchh things to share ((: do enjoy my funny-fun-interesting cum enjoying camp experience && the pictures im gonna uploadddddd ((:
Go Aprostophe! Go Aprostphe! Go Aprostophe! GoGoGo!
shikalaka piyapiya shikalaka piyapiya suasuausa!
First Day
We had our PT in the morning,after marking our attendance and briefing . okeyy,the PT was good! we had our Helmer Drills and sing-a-song time while jogging . after that,the activities started . each group had to build their own shield for the next TeleMatch game that was prepared by our Faizal Sir & my sis herself . so,the so called "campcraft" time was good . Me & Shadiq (my scandal) is the one who always gives idea and the one who always do things for the group . i mean,the rest of my group consist of the Sec1,majority . && they are not spotting enough and too soft spoken . the teamwork is not there . oh,boringg .
Telematch was great . same goes foe the games,Water Bombs and stuff . so,we had Chicken Curry with Fishcake for our lunch and Sweet and Sour wth Nuggets for dinner . nicenice! the campfire was GOOOOD,bestt siot! we,the NCO's are the Song Leader for that night and we are the ones who lead the people for the songs and dance . my group was Group 2 . we had our name to,it was stated above . we did one short skit,like an advertisment stuff . it was my idea & Shadiq's . so,its the time that we've been waiting for soo longg! TREASURE HUNTTTT!
was exciting giler nak mapos nyer! bestt giler . each group are given clue,8 clues . and we had to find them around the school (dark dark dark) in our own groups and sequence . soo,okeyy,so many suspicious things that people saw . i won't touch on that . for all i know,me and Shadiq was the leader for that day so we stand in front and lead the group . Arshad & Khairul was at the backk . the rest are in the middle . so,at one time,i was so scared for a reason,i won't tell why . soo,when we're walking,i actually pull Shadiq's T-Shirt . okeyy,he was my scandal so what? haha,kidding (: so,he was my life-saver . Zanna tak mau jealous! so,we're the last to start and was the Second to finish . hoho =)
sleeping time was good . we slept in the GYM and bestt kan . cume,sakit kepale jeee . ouhhouhh,the Assumption C.I is handsooommmmeeeeeeeee! and the C.I from Swiss was cuuuttttteeeeee . okeyy,it was Zanna's . lols . i didnt have their picture with me,next time perhaps . so yupp,i'll upload the pics and will tell you out my "Kaprak Family Tree!" baaaeeeekkkkk punya! macam2 ada! (:
Water Bomb TeleMatch

Group 2 Shield For the TeleMatch 2

Zanna,Lina,Haziqah and Lijah's shield

NPCC Anual Camp 2007 campers .

Zanna,Dilla & Taufiq

DILLY & the hotest and cutest guy of my sec 2 cadets .

My "Kaprak" family . i'll introduce to u one-by-one soon ((:
From the bottom: Faizal Sir,our Grandpa
From the first row,left: Hazwan,Shadiq (my scandal cum husband),Lina (my scandal's child),Zanna (my scandal's first wife)
Second row,left: DILLY (me), Dina,Taufiq (Zanna & Hafiz's child),Hafiz (Zanna's scandal cum second husband) .
Last row,left: Hanis ( me & Shadiq's child),Lijah and Haziqah (our Grandmaa)
So basically it all started with Lina,asking Zanna to be her mummy . haha . then,Shadiq told us,Lina and Hazwan was his child . so,that means Shadiq is Zanna's husband . then,the complicated things starts . Shadiq told me to be his scandal . then,Hafiz told us he was Zanna's scandal too . so,they get married and got Taufiq . and i get married and get Hanis . hoho :D so,me & Zanna got our own BF . it was our handsome & cute sir from Assumption & Swiss . so,now,i got a scandal cum husband that is Shadiq and BF that is the sir from Assumption School . and as for Zanna,she got 2 husband . the first one is Shadiq and second is Hafiz . what's worst,she got BF too that is the sir from Swiss Cottage . hoho (:
parah siot . Haziqah & Faizal is our Grandmaa . && Lina's married too! to Hannan . but too bad he's not in that picture . lol . so yes,funny right? scandal's around and soo many child . haha! funny (: so that's about it . our Camp was Ubber Funn . && next year's camp,we,the NCO's gonna plann about it . ouhh,i cant wait! && now,i felt weird . i think i got a __________________ . secret! no on'e to know . but nope! i cant,i have to forget bout it because i have _______________ now .
ok now,im waiting for my brave momment to ask my dada about going to Playden,The Art House for my 65&Hope Gig Show . die die i have to go . i've already invited and it's something i cant miss! okeyy,kakak went out already . i have to ask myself . nak cakap aper ehh? takot lorr -______- wish me luckk ((:
"" was Posted On: Friday, June 22, 2007 @20:50 | 0 lovely comments ✿
i miss that guy over there . he's in hospital now,visiting Juey's small brother . He's having his high fever and im worry about him . Ramdan,get well soon okeyy u small lil' cutie pie! he's onlyy 1 years old and beloww,i think . i forget leyy! && i didnt hear PrettyBoy's voice for today . he do called me in the afternoon but i couldnt pick it upp as i was having my lecture . lecture was good,i was sleepy for the 1st half and i did fall asleep . Mathew Sir did wake me upp . okeyy,onlyy ONCE ehh!
and we learn all about the basic First Aid aid and WE;
Me,Zanna,Lina,Haziqah,Dina & Lijah
did something silly . we actually took this one so-called plastic-tissue to kiss each other! haha . gilerr nak mampos! Lina larhh nie ajar bukan2 . && we planned to bring them again tomorrow and will take pictures when we kiss okeyy? okeyy,FRIENDS kiss not,lesbians stuff . lols
one thing i've just notice;Taufik,my Sec 2 cadet is sooo CUTE . supaaa dupaaa CUTE . he was the assistant demostarator for our bandage session and he look soo HOT . i mean,as in,he's cute larhh kan . aiyaiyaiiii! cute giler nak mampos! the way he smiled,he talk and acted like one so called Pondan . hehe,lembut lorr! ((:
Esok aku ada NPCC Camp aku . pukul 6 aku hendak keluar rumah dan akan bertemu dengan Zanna dan Dina,sahabat-ku pada pukul 6:15 . kami,budak2 Menengah 3 harus sampai di sekolah pada pukul 7:15 tepat . siap dengan Attendance taken . oh,abis! tk sanggop sia . && kami akan makan di Mc'Donalds . oh sedddaaaaappppppp! aku sudah lama mengidam untuk makan Hot Cakes,lagi . sedap lorr . da tidak lupa juga,tadi aku telah bangkit lambat untuk ke sekolah .
pada mulanya,loceng telah berbunyi pada pukul 6:10 pagi tapi,selepas mematikan bunyi itu,aku tidak bangun dan sebaliknya aku tidur balik kerana terlalu rasa penat . dan oleh itu,kakak telah mengejutkan aku pada pukul 7:15! && i was left 30 minutes to fall in . damnfarkingshitscbkkn .
hehe! soo,after taking my shower,i see my fathers in the living room,smoking . so,i went to ask him what tym he's living the house . ans he said 7:35 and ask me whether i want him to send me to schhol with NISSAN CEFERO CAR!
hell yeah,i said YES! he's my live-saver for today! lovee daddyyyyy muchhhmucchhh! and,i didnt fall in late,i was early though . and i get pissed off by people who came late for the course,as we the Admin Girls have to keep on updating the attendance list .
(padahal,Lijah yang buat! tapi,irritating sia!)
That all for today,Goodnight!
ouhh yes,i will be backk home on Friday noon and i bet i will sleep till night and will be out again for my 65&Hope thing! yeahhh to the neeeessss! i cant wait lorr! ((:
okeyy,aku nak gi mandi . aku busuk! -__________-
"" was Posted On: Wednesday, June 20, 2007 @19:48 | 0 lovely comments ✿
Try this,its cool but i don't really believe in Chains .
11 singns of you LOVING someone (:
in your mind,think about someone that u really in love with or had a crush onn && just think about him or her and keep on reading what was type below by me and scroll down slowly,and read focusly (:
ELEVEN:You walk really slow when you're with them.
You feel shy whenever they're around.
You smile when you hear their voice.
When you look at them, you can't see the other people around you, you just see him/her.
They're all you think about.
You relize you're always smiling when you're looking at them.
You would do anything for them, just to see them.
While reading this, there was one person on your mind this whole time.
You were so busy thinking about that person, you didnt notice number seven was missing
You just scrolled up to check & are now silently laughing at yourself.
*Post this as : 11 signs you love someone*
And something good will happen to you tonight.
*If you don't... you'll certainly regret not doin
another lecture day for tomorrow! *borringg* ((:
"" was Posted On: Tuesday, June 19, 2007 @21:18 | 0 lovely comments ✿
;take me back to those days where you really cared .
as written;it NOT over between us! ((:
i thought,we gonna lost each other with the situation as it is . andand we nearly ended our love story . just 20.36985225% more . but,fortunately,im clever and genius cum intelligent enough to make everything possible,get him back to me,hold me tight in his arms,those lovelyy kisss,warm touches and the apologises,forgiveness and love monuments . lovelyy (: (ok,kidding)
so basically everything's backk! yyyyyyeeeeaaaaahhhhhh to the nnnnnneeeeeeeesssssssss !!!!
im glad,and if we didn't end eveything today,i think,it will still continue again and again in the coming days . heh! i don't want that to happen again,oh no! and yes,i would like to thank ______ and Ayu for helping me out about everything . im glad,just glad .
yesterday's wedding jemputan thingy turns out good but im tired,haha! soo tired . and 1 and a half trip really tiring . and its really pain in the ass! hoho . ouhh yes,kakak's friend wanna use the com so bye for noww! hehe . happpppyyyyyy Looooooorrrrrrrrrrrrr . ok aku nak gambar baruu . && im currently sickk . tengah batuk2,okeyy? sakit tekak aku . mampos! (((((:
"" was Posted On: Monday, June 18, 2007 @12:45 | 0 lovely comments ✿
im loving this picture,nice kan?
McDonald's Bukit Batok later at 7:30 pm for some NPCC camps meeting .
will smile when i start off my day
will cry to end my day .
i don't know why but i just can't believe that,
he went out faster than i expected .
a week of not hearing his voice is suffering me .
&& kakak's know's the best why i cried at night .
i will not give up and will be waiting for your calls soon,pretty soon .
i've not taken my shower yet and will be taking later,afterwards .
ouh yes,Mc Flurry's later okeyy?
can i meet u upp later? please? but i don't think its possible as your out to somewhere we people dosen't know .
andand this dry cough is damn irritating (:
You dosen't care about me anymore,is it? call me upp soon,will you?
"" was Posted On: Saturday, June 16, 2007 @18:05 | 0 lovely comments ✿
Very pretty . Very romantic . Nice to everyone when they meet. Their Love is one of a kind. Silly, fun and sweet . Have own unique sexiness . Most caring person you will ever meet! The most irresistible . Rare to find this type of person . Funny . Talkitive . Erotic . Smart . Loves sports . Gets what she wants . Loves to be in a relationship .
the underlined ones are the true facts . serious! (:
Quoted from Myspace Bulletins .
some overdue pictures on Sunday,10 June 2007 =)
Swensen's treat from Abg Fazli . and i ate,i donnoe what's the name . lols (:
it has Maltesers chocolate in it . lovelyy & yummylicious!
i wanted to buy them but they're expensive . PrettyBoy u want one? heh
im craving for it again and again . Combo 1 really rocks my boxers . yumyumyum! sdapp lorr
okeyy,my face is clean now . no pimples! hoho
i've always wanted to buy this watch . EVERLAST,lawaa ehh! (:
Saye sungguh bosan duduk di rumah . saya sedang mengidamkan Long John Silver Combo 1 dan juge Mocha Ice-Blended dari Coffee Bean . sungguh lazat . saye juga sedang menunggu-nunggu kepulangan Fahmy dari entah saye tak tahu dan juge menunggu panggilan nye untuk saye . i received a message just now . i was excited then,i thought it was from my love but it was from my sis . lol,suspend only . i couldn't believe that he went out earlier than yesterday . he went out at 12 when i called him at 12.46 noon . i've not been having proper meals these few days .
i really wanna eat something nice that was bought by my prettyprettypretty boy . ok no,something nice that i could eat and enjoy at the same time . i've not eaten rice for some days . i mean rice with some lovely yummylicious delicious dishes . sedap kan cam tu? and not to forget,i want my ice-blended . oh sedap lorr . no,i want my phone call from PrettyBoy . sampai bile la nak macam nie eh? awak ader masalah eh? kenape tak bilang kite? ok takper . asalkan awak masih ____ kite tu dah cukup bagus da . okey,senang kate aku lapar larh sey .
i don't know what to do la . myspacing is my company . same goes when im sleeping . i mean,at night before i could close my eyes and before i was brought into the world of dreams . all i could do is to switch on my phone's media player and listen to some songs . and cry . and give a thought of what's happening . oh,i remember saying that on my previous post . lols . okey,aku tak tau nak buat ape . yang aku tau aku nk leave a message on his profile . ok bye! (:
Menstruation Cramps are killing me deeply dan perut aku sungguh kosong . aku lapar . jom cari makan .
Wouldn't it be nice if someone who could actually listens and understand what i feel right now . and im really missing my prettyboy badly,really badly . i donnoe how to express them but i just don't know . all i could think is what if we both are seperated? does he started to hate me? but what have i done wrong? towards him? when will he return my calls? so many questions are playing in my mind but is he good enough to feel what im feeling right now? but,when can i meet him upp? its been a week already . i really miss him . oh dear,don't do this to me,will you? i don't care . im going to do the same thing like previously . no matter what happens,i have to meet u upp . hug u tight and tell you how much i love you . how deep my love is towards you . and to place my lips on ur sexy lips . and to hold your hand and not to let go . telling you how much i suffer and i couldn't bear to continue this way . don't make it this way,will you? ok DILLA kau macam paham je . ok aku testing je larhh . tak la sampai macam tu kan . heh!
"" was Posted On: Friday, June 15, 2007 @15:11 | 0 lovely comments ✿
;forehead kisses,they're lovely
i want them! soon,please . heh! testing . pardon me about the previous post . you readers should understand what i feel aren't you? so basically my holidays are stodgy=boring . this is the third week and i have not even go out with my friends . i spend most of my holidays at home,rotting,myspacing,chatting,listen to some musics,MSN,looking around,waiting for people's call and messages,do my houseworks,clean my house,brush my hair,clean my closet (not yet) and stuff . next week is the LAST week of school holidaes and im wondering,when the farking hell i can go out . oh yayai . if not Sentosa this cuming monday,all i want is 65&hope Beat Society Gig . oh i dont care,dats the thing i've been waiting for . heheh;
i quarelled with my silly lil' sister for breaking down the television . i dont know what actually happen . for all i know,the TV cant be on and i dont know how am i supposed to get it back right to watch my Emil Emilda Episode 20 and my Akhir Kata with the exclusive talk with Siti Nurhaliza . oh shits . why must this things happen today? && not to forget,today's the 5th day PrettyBoy's not calling me . i did called him twice but he was asleep then . i was told by his sister (:
yesterdae night was undescribeable . i cant really sleep . all i could do is to cry and to think and give a thought about what's happening to me . people might not understand but how would they when i didnt even tell anyone what's in my mind . haha . i don't know what his purpose of doing all this but from the first day this happens,all i could think is about _____ upp . i don't know . maybe i shouldn't think dat particular way but what if? ok no . he wont . but is it true? ok no . shut up .
i have many overdue pics to upload but im still waiting for my sis to come back from school so i could transfer them to my desktop and share . too bad,my HP couldn't do that . lols . oh yes,tomorrow is my sister's LAST day of school and im excited . because i think,we could go out together in the coming days . really hope! *cross fingers* . && we cant go out this saturday as the next day is my father's bestfriend's daughter's wedding . at Pasir Ris . OMFG . jauh ehh! mampos larh aku . nie yang aku tk favourite nie,kene gi jemputan . haiyah . tk sukee ehh . confirm balik lambat nyer . kate members ayah . haiyah! ok yes,my sis' backk! hold onn and i'll upload the pics . hold onnn;
i watched Zombie Kampong Pisang again today before my TV breaks down . haha! its my 3rd time watching that DVD . lols! orriginal larh okeyy! && i really cant stop lauging . and to those who have not catch them,better go watch . its a one-kind-of-funny-and-silly movie . cheers! (:&& aku ader cardigan baru! lawaa ehh . oh yes,when i went to JB the previous week,i bought a NEW black shoe from Levi's store at Angsana . i'm not quite sure what's my shoe brand but i bought them at that store at a very low price . haha! tengah sale larhh kan . bestt sey! oh yes,aku pon beli facial foam baru . yg berjenama Nivea Visage . the one that came out at the advertisement recently . which Jade Seah use them! haha . siao . && aku ader shampoo baru,conditioner baru & hair mask baruu!
semuanye dari Sunsik yang berwarna merah-jambu . heh! im bored and pardon me for what i post for today! heh! (:
awak kol kite cepat blh tak? kite nak dengar sure awak ehh! && stop me for thinking the badd stuff about us . i've been sending PrettyBoy a friendster message and left some message at his MSN . aku tk kisah,by hook or by crook tetap kene jumpe jugak! ok bye (:
"" was Posted On: Thursday, June 14, 2007 @18:52 | 0 lovely comments ✿
If u hate me or what so ever,it's none of my concern .
if u think u & your members never like me before,i REPEAT,i dont give a damn . if u hate me being with PrettyBoy,i dont gif even a single effing care .
if u think u deserve to be in my place,dream on .
i pay no attention to people who hates me,that's what i learn .
if u dont like whatever i wrote for my entries every single day,just press the X on the top right hand corner and leave .
if u dont like me being with Fahmy,i dont need you to curse me .
cursing dosent do any good .
but if u insist,be my guest .
afterall,i know i didnt do anything wrong towards u people .
if does hurt sometimes but i wont entertain such attention-seekers like you people who've been mean toward me .
get things right (:
Your calls?
"" was Posted On: Wednesday, June 13, 2007 @15:54 | 0 lovely comments ✿
;a simple note to my PrettyBoy
its been 4 days since PrettyBoy called me . the last call is when he was supposed to miss call my handphone when he reached back home from Geylang Serai watching the Kuda Kepang thingy . but when i woke up in the morning,there's no call,no nothing . so i thought he was too tired till he couldn't beep my handphone,i guess so .
days passed . it was Sunday then . 2 days ago . i tried calling him upp but he's no home . i dont know where on earth he is . i waited for his call but he didn't call me yet . && again,when i wanna tell him im going out soon to Orchard with my cousins,no one pick up the phone . so i gave upp . cool . and things continue again and again until today .
Yesterday,i had my LMSC course at Home Team Academy . previously,i told him i had them yesterdae and i wanna _____ on that day . but he didnt even called me or something . so,i use my Lunch Break time to call him upp . his ___ told me he's still sleeping . Goddamit . and when i reached home,i told Ayu about me having a slight fever and wanted to tell him . but then again,no calls no nothing . i told Juey but then,he also don't know where the hell PrettyBoy is . ehh bestt seyy!
TODAY . i woke upp at 10 when my dad called me . and i thought of calling PrettyBoy after i took my shower . but when i think again,its still early and i think he's still sleeping . so,i give it a pass . but then,im scared if when i called him,he went out already . so,i called his house number at 12 noon sharp . his sister pick upp the phone and told me HE"S OUT TO JAY J"S HOUSE . oh bestt larh seyy! okeyy,im sickening tired to wait for his calls or something . but,tk sampai hati ehh . ah,mampos la kan . nak kol kol tk mau sudaa . andand,i won't call you,not until u call me . SIMPLE .
tapi sumpah aku tak sampai hati . but i didn't do anything wrong towards him larhh okeyy! but then,really,i don't know why this kind of things happen but again,i didn't do anything wrong and yupp,idk . for this 4 days,there's only one things playing in my mind . what if we ____? (fill in the blanks) but what actually really happen ehh? kalau kite ____ macam mane? ok daa lah,pikir bukan2 . ok diam .
old things are repeating . better be patience and i hate holidays for a special reason . dammit .
"" was Posted On: Tuesday, June 12, 2007 @16:49 | 0 lovely comments ✿
Will update more tomorrow or the following dae,
will be going to TOWN with my lovely favourite cousins .
they just called and ask out .
so yes,my mum's away .
i miss her aLOT .
&& i've done my housework and my house is clean now,i love it .
anyway,tomorrow's Leadership course from 8 to 5:30 .
will be dead with the lecture .
pergi Orchard nak beli ape ehh?
kiter ader gmbr baruu! heh (:
"" was Posted On: Sunday, June 10, 2007 @12:58 | 0 lovely comments ✿
Changi Airport?
Wake up at 3 AM in the morning?
Flight's at 7:30 AM .
Going to Russia? Oh i cant wait larh sey!
take pictures? i really cant wait! yeay! :)
"" was Posted On: Friday, June 08, 2007 @21:49 | 0 lovely comments ✿
i kill the rest of my time today watching DVD . so,two movies i chose . they are;
First Stop: Mr Bean's Holiday .
somehow or rather i find Mr Bean stupid . but then,the movie was kinda funny too . As you know,this is my THIRD time watching this movie,again . a movie which is rather fun to watch but at times,i really think Mr Bean is silly . he actually left his passport and wallet at the telephone booth when that little kid took his video camera . want to know more about it? catch it yourself then (:
Ratings: 8.5/10
Next Stop: Spiderman 3
I really love watching this movie . oh my -___- Peter Parker really look good huh . his stunts,his dance and his smile really make my day . oh like real . so yes,Harry's dead after saving Mary Jane and the most touching part is when M.J and Parker was back together again . no no! its when Parker tried to propose M.J with some champainge and violin music but hence,it dosent turns out good . Watch for yourself if u wanna know more (:
Ratings: 10/10 Awesome ((:

What's next about me & PrettyBoy? ((:
This is my second post for today . read the one below for the first one i bloged in the morning (:
"" was Posted On: Wednesday, June 06, 2007 @17:48 | 0 lovely comments ✿
;enduring this part of me
Im suffering from a GREAT hair loss currently . i don't know why but every time when i comb my hair,there's always strings of hair that falls . so,i feel kinda irritating with this kind of stuff . likewise when im taking a shower,shampooing my hair . so basically,im just lazy to buy a new brand of shampoo just to refrain from this to happen again . its not because im lazy but there's always other reasons for it (:
my mum woke me up early in the morning and asked me to buy our breakfast and some ingredients for cooking . without taking a shower,i just wash my face and brush my teeth and went off . that's me =) so yes,i've not even showered till now . i dont feel like to,today . and i dont think its an offence not to take a shower for a day on our school holiday,right? again,i ate Mee Soto for my breakfast today . 3 days-straight horr .
supposingly,PrettyBoy wanted to bring me and my siblings out to where i don't know . just a day out but i don't want to cause i don't feel like to . and well,his working right now . && oh yes,im having my Cheerleading Practice today but im not attending it for the second time due to my laziness and i have no interest in Cheerleading anymore . although im the Captain for Cherokee . oh sorry . people are taking their measurements for the costume that they are wearing on the actuay day today .
talking about Cheerleading,i don't see many houses getting ready for it . except for Lakota and Apache,maybe? Cherokee are starting but not Mohegan . as for the previous year,Cherokee and Mohegan was the first two houses to start the practices but not this year . so,i wonder how's it gonna be on the Sports Day . because we're only left with only 3 weeks before the actual day . make it work =)
Today's the last day of work for my lovely mum . She's gonna fly off to Russia & USA (not Upper Serangoon Road) this coming Saturday . her flight is at 7:30 am in the morning and we're sending her to the airport at 4 am,if im able to wake up at that point of moment . i will be having another rehearsal of GOH tomorrow . and again,the NCO's will be having our Leadership and Mentoring Lecture at Home Team Academy from 8:00 am in the morning till 5:30 pm in the afternoon . dead shit . haha,i guess i need to wake myself up for that lecture and must not doze off half-way like i did for the previous March Holiday lecture on Police Knowledge . oh yes,must remind myself to bring jacket along . i will be cold in that so called 'cinema' lecture hall .
i have say my piece so,anyting,i will update tomorrow or maybe later in the afternoon if im bored . That's all for now,GoodBye! (:
"" was Posted @13:25 | 0 lovely comments ✿
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