Another one more picture,i forgot to upload . the HOTEST among the rest i'd say! =D
What about mid-year exam? we've been taking our exam paper in the school gym and it was super stuffy and i seriously hate it . in fact,majority hate it . we'll definitely sweat and then,every single one will start fanning themselves and it will actually irritate the rest who is doing their paper . irritating giler nak mampos . english and malay paper 1 was fine . social studies and maths paper 1 really pain in the ass . but,thank god i somehow managed to answer them *relieved* but of course,i left out some of the questions too though .
i've been spending most of my time at home doing revision for the paper next day . day and night WITH breaks,rest and meals in between . i cant simply not do those revisions or else i'll make BIG BOSS angry and mad and there goes my HOTCAKES WITH SAUSAGE tomorrow and the rest of the days =( so,i'll listen to him and do it well and serious,so that i won't screw my mid-year like i did for my bloody common test . he's more and more stricter now towards me and that's the ONLY way for me to listen to him and all . i won't let Hatim-shii down and i shall make him proud instead,that's the promise baby =)
Latest Updates: 12 hours and 10 more minutes to;
you SERIOUSLY cant imagine how excited i am when boyfriend am gonna accompany me for breakfast tomorrow after my history paper as we end them at 0920hours,soo much earlier than the previous days! it's been 2 months since i last had breakfast together with boyfriend and eat that yummylicious delicious and whatever-CIOUS HOTCAKES WITH SAUSAGE! im all excitedz~ (with the z along) *grins widely*
and so,here's the equation!
labels: teenagers nowadays are so into sex and abortion . aku tak paham langsung!
"" was Posted On: Tuesday, April 29, 2008 @19:37 | 0 lovely comments ✿
ArpeggiosFromHell02 @ Music Garage was the shit . it was a BLAST and i never regret tagging along . weird,i've NEVER like this kind of genre but thanks to Hatim-shii for the GREAT BRAINWASH,im starting to love it . what's more when you watch them performing LIVE,it was the coolest thing ever . with people hardcore dancing,moshing and stage diving (like how boyfriend did) is super HOTHOTHOT! *faints* i was like,damn! if im not a girl,i would definitely dance in the middle and do the stage diving,seriously sey .
Look at the long sexy fingers! i wanna bitee laaa! *bite bite*
Messy messy HOTHOTHOT hair! heh .
I've been telling people all around that Passenger Service's BASSIST IS SUPER DUPER HOT ON STAGE! like wooooaaaaah! damn,he SO CUTE,i seriously can't help it . i just feel like going up on stage and give him a NICE KISS on his lips! *faints faints* okay,im talking abot my boyfriend here in case you're slow . haha . credits to NUNU's camera that she snapped these pictures,which include more to come! (shall update soon once i get them) thank god she brought the camera! i didnt as my parents are using them . thanks Nunu for the gambar(s)! overall,the audience been saying PS was the AWESOME at that night! they really did a GREAT JOB! see! told you,you guys were great!
The Screamer and Vocalist; Hafiz(s)

Despite the crowded area,full house,hardcore dancing,moshing,stage diving,some unknown guy wanna pull me into dancefloor,some idiots who kicked my leg,some bastard who stepped my shoes,some kickass guy who keeps on pushing me while they're dancing,i still enjoy the gig lor! THE BEST . like seriously,i feel like stage diving the next time! haha,too bad,boyfriend says NOOOO! =( hardcore dance,mahu pa? haha . joking =P
What's great fellas? like finally,after FOREVER,i FINALLY getto meet FITRI BBY! omgggggg . she's so cute okay! Zakiah Fadhil,Weeman and AshBean,they're there too! omg,how cool? =DD okay Nunu,im jealous laaaaaa! she went to COME BACK KID with Vam and that HOT ANDREW actually went close up to her camera and snapped a picture of him AND that HOT ANDREW held her head and say thank you! *faints* haha . i wish i was there! if i really got the money,I WOULD OKAY! and i guess,Fad really enjoy herself hor? jealous laaaaaa =P chill to the come back kid yaw! (Fitri's best/favourite phrase) haha .
labels: Tell her,see what see? not happy tell me okay! chop off her head then she know! && tell her; I GOT NOOOOOO TIMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! *with hands gesture* hahaha . Fitri bby,you know what i mean/to whom i referring to! haha =DD
"" was Posted On: Monday, April 28, 2008 @15:29 | 0 lovely comments ✿
Silliest shot,i know . but,i kindda like it though =) oh yeah,i've cut my bangs shorter now,no more pontianak hairstyle for me,haha . yet,people asked me to cut shorter as it'll look better but still,they say i look great on it and nothing seems weird or funny! thank goooood!
Fadhilah mate steam during maths class tadi and me,senyum-macam-tak-tahu-ape . haha . seeee! i told you guys,im SUPER DUPER MUPER and whatever-PER bored these days in class . and basically,this is what i did . with additional of Fadhilah in the picture(s) . it DOES irritate some people though but still,i cant help it . im just too sleepy and all i need to do is to do something to keep me awake and not to doze off in class! (excluded english lessons) if not,Faiz will go; " DILLA,kat rumah kau tkder katil ke? " BASKET KAU . haha . COME BACK KID! COME BACK KID! Fadhilah's there! omg,best siaaaa!
FITRI BBY is turning HOT 18 in 2 hours and 45 minutes time! andand baby,i seriously cant wait to meet you upp,FOR REAL! =DDDDDD
Happy HOTHOTHOT 18th birthday baby! wish you longetivity and prosperity! may you lead a beautiful life ahead and may you have a blissful birthday celebration tomorrow! we shall hughughug tight when meet tomorrow,okay? ILYSM! =)
labels: 79% chances,and i really hope it'll happen . im waiting for your calls,baby . i miss you alot although we had our short meet-upps just now =(
"" was Posted On: Friday, April 25, 2008 @20:57 | 0 lovely comments ✿
I'm super duper muper whatever-per bored right now . Hatim-shii is on his way for his jamming session down at Beats Merchants,Haji Lane (sumpah,aku tak pernah ikot . haha) . im not tagging along as it's weekdays and i have to stay at home and do my school works as Mid-year are coming right up next week,monday . (how time flies eh) PS are doing their usual routines,getting the covers ready and so do the originals . gig is in 3 days time! wohoooo =DDDDD
school's been really fine,i supposed . lessons are great,especially maths as we're recapping about probability . i swear im NOT sleepy when it comes to that topic . english lessons = FREE PERIOD! stupid teacher dowanna teach . makan gaji BUTE jer =.= gasak kau lah nak,asalkan kau bahagie sudaa . soooo,the picture above was snapped during english/chemistry lesson . i was super bored/sleepy/tired/restless,so i snapped them without anyone realising it . silly,i know . and again,me and Fad have been singing different kinds of sing eversince monday during lessons to kill boredness . be it Briteney Spears or even hindi songs . haha . laugh lor~ funny i know,yet CUTE . haha . and today,i've learnt how to speak JAPANESE! Azeana and Fad thought me to! haha . they went to do some research about speaking simple Japanese language . cute kan? haha
tomorrow is thursday . the day after tomorrow will be friday . friday is Come Back Kid's day . after then,it'll be PS's gig and Fitri bby's HOT 18th birthday! haha . cant wait cant wait!! you know i will always count the number of days left for saturdays (although sometimes i couldn't make it) . it's the only day where i getto spent my time in boyfriend's lovely arms from early afternoon till late night =DD this saturday,yeaaay! *grins widely* oh yeah,speaking of which,family actually planned about staying overnight over at East Coast Park this saturday as my dad is addicted back to fishing and it's been sometime since we last overnight at the beach . and so,i've not make up my mind either to join them or not after the gig or something . let's seee .
okay so,what's great? im hungry now,like AGAIN . huuuuuuuuungryy =( padahal tadi i've eaten bubur ayam sey . haha . i shall fix something simple to eat later on . well,i thought of doing milo ice-blended also but Hatim-shii didn't allow me as my inhaler almost finish and he's afraid if i might have asthma tonight (in fact,every night i have them!) and it's raining outside and it's a COLD weather also . LOL . so,i have to wait till tomorrow or something then! daddy-shii,i need a NEW inhaler,please? =D
labels: BYTHEWAY,ANDY ANDRIAN JUST BORN AROUND 30 MONUTES AGO! another nephew is born! omg,how excited can i be? SUPER EXCITED,i tell you! ive been waiting for days till he was born! going to the hospital soon,i guess? yeaaaaaaaaaassa kawan-kawan,saye da tue lor~ i wonder how he looks like! *wondering* CONFIRM chomel eyyy .
"" was Posted On: Wednesday, April 23, 2008 @17:21 | 0 lovely comments ✿
Happy SWEET 16th birthday bby! wish you longetivity and prosperity! may you lead a beautiful life ahead and have a blissful birthday celebration,okay? sorry,i shall give you your birthday present slightly late (im broke) hehe . i love you sosososo much! *hugs*
It's Lina's birthday and so do Faruq's HOT 18th birthday! cheeybaaa,smue birthday da lepas tapi my one lambat lagi seyy =( nak tengok NC16 pon tk lepas,siak je =( Faruq da boleh beli cigarettes and alcohol senang2 je ehh! haha bagos! =D takper,aku tetap lovelove korang due!
million apologises to Fliq bby and Lina bby for not tagging along the hangouts on the 3 saturdays lately . i've tried my best but i failed to =( okay,blame it on my seriously weak + bad immune system . confirm dorang marah punye . sorry looor . buuuuut,i have something for you guys! esok okay? promise promise! and as for Hatim-shii,i've already given his cute lil something just now as a mark of me saying sorry for not tagging along,like again =.= it's raining heavily and i thought i would have the chance to play in the rain again with boyfriend,sharing an umbrella together . but too bad,the rain had stopped but still,i had fun playing with his slipper that he brought for me! sweet boyfriend,i love you so much((:
labels: cheeyba DILLA,3 days straight post entries ehh? haaha . andand,bby,suddenly i seriously MISS DANCING =( we dance together one day want? hehe =p
"" was Posted On: Monday, April 21, 2008 @18:28 | 0 lovely comments ✿
Although i have the vcd with me,i still am gonna tell the WHOLE WIDE WORLD that the movie is showing on tv! i just love the movie hell lot although ive watched it for upteen times . you can't imagine how much im in love with Marcus in that movie! =DDDD
labels: boyfriend is picking me up from school again tomorrow! *jumping for joy* i miss you like hell lot la baby =(
"" was Posted On: Sunday, April 20, 2008 @22:39 | 0 lovely comments ✿
Everone's crazy about THECLICKFIVE coming over to Singapore,well im not THAT excited though as im not deeply in love with Kyle Patrick (although he's one of my top few boyfriends) =) and so,im still waiting for ARCTIC MONKEYS to come over here to have their concert . Alex,call me up when you're coming over here! im still waiting,patiently =) Hatim-shii is over at esplanade's rooftop with PS and Alex is at NewYorkCity,i guess =(
both of them are not by my side when im sick . okay bedek,boyfriend was there but what i meant was,literally not by my side . he's busy with his jamming stuff,preparing for his band's gig next week,understandable lor . bodoh-punye-perot-entah-sakit-macam-ape-entah-aku-pon-tak-tahu,which make me failed to join boyfriend and his bandmates for jamming for the THRID time on saturday(s) =.= every single week,i repeat,every single week there must ALWAYS something goes wrong . if it's not for my bad+weak immune system,it has always been for family's planning . i just wish that i could hang myself like Marcus wanted in White Chicks .
in this life,both of them are basically the person(s) you ever need in this whole wide world as they are marked as one of the most important person in your life eversince you're born . at times,you just wished that,that sporting and understanding aunt of yours was your mom and at times,you just wished they would be the most supportive creature on earth living by your side,every moment . but no,it turns the other way round . what you wished for,never came true . they don't even understand you at all,not even abit . at times,you tried to tell them what's been on your very mind,what bothering you,what's literally killing you and stuff but the moment you see them reacting that way,you changed your mind . cause' it won't even help,instead they'll react like something you've never ever knew . sometimes,i wanted to voice this out to them or even share this thing to my boyfriend,but i just cant put them in words and sometimes,i myself don't know by doing all this,it'll do any good or not . im turning sixteen in few months time and i guess,im big enough to know what's the wrong and what is right . and well,i guess,all i gotta do now is to prove them wrong as im not like what they think i am and so do Hatim-shii((:
moving on . people around me have never stopped telling me what's with their boyfriend/girlfriend . what's been taking place and happening . or worst still,some even tell me the reason they broke off and stuff . it actually scares my balls off (okay,i got no balls) . what i meant was,whatever happened to them actually gave me a slight impact on handling a relationship and so . im in love,i owned a boyfriend and of course,i don't wanna lose him . everyone wants their relationship to last long,of course . but it needs a small tiny secret recipe for it to happen . boyfriend and i have been telling each other what we'll do to make our love stay strong and all . and,im glad he's the only one who understand,in fact really understand my needs . the ONLY guy who understand me in and out and i REALLY mean it . so,yes,friends may have broke up with their love ones but that dosent mean i have to be afraid the same thing might happen to me also as we both treasure each other and trust is the very most important thing . i'll never gonna hurt you/break your heart/betray you baby,that's a promise((: and i NEVER lie,you know me very well .
3 hours had passed but i've yet to received a message from you . don't tell me you're not even bothered to ask how am i feeling right now,don't you? sheesh . so,i've been behaving well this few weeks . been nice to everyone . been doing stupid-but-i-cant-help-it revision,surprising right? i know . and most importantly,i've realise that im not supposed to follow my heat of anger whenever my mood changed as i know,it will bring another problem to our relationship and it'll do us arguments . never want that to happened,NEVER . and another thing to note,i'll never make him stressed out anymore as i might even land him up in hospital . so Fafilla,behave well and be in your best behaviour whenever you're moody . control it and think what might happen if you were to get mad,just that(: im nice,baby((:
oh by the way,HAPPY 20th BIRTHDAY TO SHASHA GORGEOUS and HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY to FAISAL,Yunis's boyfriend! they just had their birthday yesterday and may god bless the both of you! *sing birthday song in heart* hehe
labels: i wanna do something to my blog and hey,i've never loved someone like i love you,nigga((: i'll NEVER let the history to repeat itself,be it for you or me . LONG POST HUH FAFILLA? haha! =p and oh,THREE CHOCOLATE MUFFINS to Hatim-shii,Fliq and Lina each as a mark of me saying sorry for not turning up today . on monday,okay? pick me up from school on monday,boyfriend! =)
"" was Posted On: Saturday, April 19, 2008 @19:37 | 0 lovely comments ✿

And so sometimes you may think they're the best, and sometimes they just, ignore.
I was there for a short while, and in that short while, I wasn't with them anyway.
they just did it again,without me,again .
Things to do before 26th April 2008:
1. CUT MY BANGS! (my bangs grows super fast!)
2. get my long hair trim! (im gonna get it back straight in 3249443 months as im saving money for something else)
3. go for brow threading! by next WEDNESDAY! i dont care! stupid eyebrow! (it's been ages)
4. stop eating snacks so much now if not im gonna gain weight! (i know im skinny,lol)
5. make sure i grow no pimple(s) anywhere . stupid pimple =.=
6. plan something nice for the 26th birthday girl! ILY Fitri bby(:
7. plan with Hatim-shii what we should get her for her special day!
and YOU,it's just SO UNFAIR for me,seriously .
Thanks but it sucks! (big time)
after what Miss Ang had said during CME lesson just now,it's TRUE! absolutely .
Do you know why there's freaking lot of girls chasing after my boyfriend?
- SIMPLY because he got everything that a girl would ever need and I HAVE A GOOD TASTE IN CHOOSING A GOOD/HOT/SEXY/CUTE BOYFRIEND! ((:
labels: she pisses me off,seriously . fuck her and i cant help it! she's killing me although it has already been a few months . but still,i wait to cant meet her upp sooon! veryy sooon! thanks ehh and thanks for making me fucking jealous and so . i feel like hanging myself,can i? *roll eyes*
"" was Posted On: Thursday, April 17, 2008 @16:09 | 0 lovely comments ✿
Hatim-shii came down to school to pick me up and then,i passed him the scrap book i've specially done for him for our 2nd month ann and the 146 heart-shaped papers with beautiful phrases on it . and thank god,we got ALOT of free periods today which made me managed to get them all done on time! && what's great is when he love it sooooo much((: veryvery much . thanks baby,i love you alot,and you know that don't you? =)
and,baby . i don't really know what i should say here to thank you for being with me,you know . and,i really can see that you're deeply in love with me eversince we get closer and closer last december . also,you NEVER give me up although i really find you super irritating and i dont really like talking to you in the very first place . also,it's because i was dating Issyah then . but,that's what people say about true love . if that's our true love,no matter how hard the situation is,you still gonna own them no matter how long it'll takes . i also thank god for opening my heart to give you the golden chance and to accept you . and i hope you got what i really mean . Happy 2 months ann baby and i REALLY DONWANNA end our relationship as nothing can actually set us apart((:
labels: Our love chapter will never ever end baby,NEVER((: i'm your forever and you're mine for good,that's a promise((:
"" was Posted On: Monday, April 14, 2008 @19:36 | 0 lovely comments ✿

FLIQ bby . i love her alot,i mean ALOT((:
saturdaaaaaaaaaaaaay night! jamming session . hangouts with PS . out with Hatim . i missed that yesterday man! damn . blame it on my so-stupid-punye-gigi-yang-sakit-tak-tahu-macam-ape =) i'll make sure,this coming saturday,for sure im gonna hangout with you guys! like,seriously . i miss you guys alot sia . especially watching the cuteness of Nunu and Vam andand watch them shuffle macam orang tak betol sikit . korang cute laa,haha =p
suuuuuuuuuup . it's Ilyana's 6 months ann with Ais! last long okay babygirl! and so,ive been spending my time again doing that something nice and it's ALMOST DONE this time round! prolly,by tomorrow everything should be fine with the exception of the pictures which has not been printed out,damn . oh yes,early in the morning today,went out with cousins to go for a swim over at Jurong East (i hate to swim there though) . but fortunately,there's not many people there as we reached around 9+ . great isn't it? indeeed it is . you can swim in peace,haha . so,yeah . start packing up around 12+ and went to Jurong Entertainment to have our lunch at LongJohnSilver! and,nothing's better than that!
SANDALS SANDALS SANDALS! like finally i repeat,FINALLY,my sister bought them for me! oh,thanks baby((: she just got her pay and it's nice to her to buy for me one as she knew all of my slippers are torn and all (dont laugh) . which actually made me wore my younger sister's one . kau bayang kan la,kaki die lagi kecik dari aku punye sia . kaki aku tak nak macam besar la pulak,kan? haha . sooooo,yeaaaaaaaah . it's been ages since i last went for threading . so,i think i have to go get my eyebrow done later on over at Gombak since im buying our dinner there too! Lina/fliq,tag along,can? =)
labels: 25 hours and 16 minutes more! later! *kening naik-naik*
"" was Posted On: Sunday, April 13, 2008 @18:45 | 0 lovely comments ✿
and so,ive still been doing the same thing;doing my research on something nice and fold those cute stuff and also,have been thinking what i should write/do to that nice book . but,there's only ONE THING im lack of,which is my pictures with Hatim . like seriously,i only got one picture of us together so far (thanks,im jealous) . and that,thanks to Yunis for snapping them on CNY . wasn't THAT perfect as i wasn't ready for the camera . thanks to my bloodyhell handphone's picture quality which make me hate taking picture using them . see,told you daddy,i wanna buy new phone but too bad,im gonna regret it as im gonna lose all of those 300 over messages from Hatim that i've saved . but,i seriously need them! gosshh .
thanks for making me dropping by and find out every single thing which i should not,actually . thanks a lot for getting my tears do their work,and me feeling the pain inside . not THAT surprising as i've already knew about this earlier on thru myspace and now,from your place . well,im trying very very very very hard to be strong and not to imagine stuff as i know,the things i thought of will NEVER be true . and so,i will always bear in mind that he's all mine and not anyone alse .
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
- b,can do me a favour?
09 xXx ][ WonderBoy ][ xXx 09 ][ Live free or die hard ][ says:
- yeah?
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
- sing me a nursery ryhme song . pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?
09 xXx ][ WonderBoy ][ xXx 09 ][ Live free or die hard ][ says:
- why baby?
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
- i miss nursery rhymes =(
09 xXx ][ WonderBoy ][ xXx 09 ][ Live free or die hard ][ says:
- baby,you're random eh
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
- just sing any rhymes that u know! own time own target hor!
09 xXx ][ WonderBoy ][ xXx 09 ][ Live free or die hard ][ says:
- twinkle twinkle little star
how i wonder what you are
up above the world so high
like a diamond in the sky
twinkle twinkle little star
how i wonder what you are
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
- that's #1 . i want abc song now can?
09 xXx ][ WonderBoy ][ xXx 09 ][ Live free or die hard ][ says:
- abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy and z
now i know my abc,
next time won't you sing with me
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
- yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! && now,can i have baba black sheeeeeep?
09 xXx ][ WonderBoy ][ xXx 09 ][ Live free or die hard ][ says:
- baa baa black sheep have you any wool?
yes sir yes sir three bag full
one for ma master and one for the ______
and one for the little boy who live down the drain
09 xXx ][ WonderBoy ][ xXx 09 ][ Live free or die hard ][ says:
- i'm not sure if lyrics is right . hehe
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
- nevermind looooorrr . and lastly,i want any other nursery rhymes that u have in mind!
09 xXx ][ WonderBoy ][ xXx 09 ][ Live free or die hard ][ says:
- one little two little three little indian
four little five little six little indian
seven little eight little nine little indian,
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
- yeaaaay! thanks alot baby! i love you((:
09 xXx ][ WonderBoy ][ xXx 09 ][ Live free or die hard ][ says:
09 xXx ][ WonderBoy ][ xXx 09 ][ Live free or die hard ][ says:
- baby you seriously alright?
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
- im fine loor! i want jokes now,please?
....................... and the list goes on and on and on and onnnn . Friday means meeting HatimSexy day! pick me up from school tomorrow at 1245 hours will you? i miss you like alot although the last time i met you was on tuesday =( soo,shall see you tomorrow,then? and oh,no matter how you am gonna interrupt me whenever i read it or when i am browsing thru all of the pictures i have,im still gonna get this one thing is mind which is: he loves me more than anything else and i know he DOSENT lie cause i've known him for 3 years now,eversince 2005 . thanks for making me jealous and hey,i don't know what's your motive of doing so((:
labels: i need to go catch a MOVIE with boyfriend pretty soon,go on shopping with him or so and learn to start snapping pictures of us despite the stupidsillyidiotbasket picture quality! cause i really need them in helping me in some stuff *grins* yeay me! *kening naik-naik*
I need someone to talk to right now as these things keep on bothering me .
"" was Posted On: Thursday, April 10, 2008 @15:38 | 0 lovely comments ✿
#1 .
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
- baby,how many times have i crossed your mind?
l l 09 l l xXx ][ Wonderboy ][ xXx l l ][Live free or die hard ][
- in a day?
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
- be it any day or anytime?
l l 09 l l xXx ][ Wonderboy ][ xXx l l ][Live free or die hard ][
- whenever im sitting down all alone,you will appear on ma mind . every single time .
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
- and now,ask me back the same question .
l l 09 l l xXx ][ Wonderboy ][ xXx l l ][Live free or die hard ][
- how many times have i crossed your mine?
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
- ONCE,just once . and now,ask me why .
l l 09 l l xXx ][ Wonderboy ][ xXx l l ][Live free or die hard ][
- why?
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
- bacause,the very first time you came into my mind,you've never left . you're glued and till now,you're always in there and will never ever gonna get out of that place .
l l 09 l l xXx ][ Wonderboy ][ xXx l l ][Live free or die hard ][
- oh baby,that's soo sweet of you,really . you're like the SWEETEST thing i've ever come across((:
#2 .
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says
- Baby,God made us two ears to listen,two eyes to see and two hands to hold each other . but why did He made us only one heart?
l l 09 l l xXx ][ Wonderboy ][ xXx l l ][Live free or die hard ][
- you're asking me with you knowing the answer or not?
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
- of course i do! =)
l l 09 l l xXx ][ Wonderboy ][ xXx l l ][Live free or die hard ][
- okay,i don't know .
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
- okay la,God gave us only ONE heart is because He wants us to find another . like for an example,yours . He gave me a heart to find yours because yours are the only one suitable to be with mine =)
Basically,i've been brainstorming soooooooooooooooo many quotes and phrases for our 2nd month anniversary this 14th April! werid,but i really love doing that (although people find it a waste of time!) . i seriously cant help it! and from now,i wanna behave,for some reasons =) jogging and playing of swings soon hor boyfriend!
In addition,
Happy NC16 birthday Massafurah and happy 15th birthday Syafawati! wish you both longetivity and prosperity and may you both have a beaufitul life ahead and have a blisfull birthday celebration! love you both,like alot! and also,to Kaisha,the-myspacer-whom-i-just-get-to-know! =)
"" was Posted On: Tuesday, April 08, 2008 @19:25 | 0 lovely comments ✿
I cant believe that im still slacking at home although its SATURDAY NIGHT today! ohmygod . haha . i don't know why,but i seriously hope im not having some-kind-of-stupid-sleeping-disorders . like seriously,i've been sleeping since just know without me realising it . boyfriend's out for his jamming session with his bandmates and now,he's hanging out with them at Esplanade's Rooftop . how i wish i was there in your arms,baby =(
i'm seriously not trying to find fault with anyone but i seriously don't understand the purpose of people going here and there to spam . well,i mean . yes,prolly one of their reasons for doing that is because they actually hate the person and that's why they spammed and all . i know cause i admit,i've done them once,previously . well,this is kinda typical nowadays,i know . but,sometimes if you really hate that person or something,you CAN always approach him/her and get things right . but one thing for sure,if you really hate the person you hate,there's always EXTENT to everything you gotta say . i'm very particular when they talk about VIRGINITY . like seriously . it's like as if you wanna bring the person that you hate,their dignity down .
think again . i know,im not suppose to be here,typing down all sorts of things like all this but i seriously cant help it . FLIQ IS MY BESTFRIEND . i cant possibly let/ignore people who says that kind of stuff about her . you people might say,it's NONE of my business and there's no need for me to say anything about this but hello,try putting yourself in other people's shoes and then,you'll understand . im mad and angry,i ADMIT . of course i do! but,i know where i stand and there's no need for me to type down vulgarities here cause it'll get to nowhere . also,it'll actually make the situation go worst . so,to the person who spammed me,thanks for the words and everything . but hey,get this right . although i've fought with fliq before,that dosen't mean im gonna hate her all of my entire life! like seriously,if you know who i really am,you'll understand . cause' if i dont like that person,for sure im gonna tell him/her that i dont like them .
and if i do,im gonna make sure no one's gonna destroy our friendship,like now . if i dont like fliq,ive already told her in advance and also,i wont be here/close with her . think about that . it applies the same for fliq or in fact everyone . so,there's no reason why she should ditch me or so,and also,there's no reason why i SHOULD ditch her before she's gonna do one for me . like c'mon,why should we do that? all of us are grown up and we know what we should/shouldn't do . by now,we CAN already think what's the very best for us . like seriously . it's totally common sense! =) and to the other spammer,if you don't like hatim saying iloveyou to me,that's none of my business cause there's no reason why you shuold feel gross . be jealous kid .
BOTTOMLINE: FLIQ is my bestfriend and i'm free to make a choice for myself . and there's no need for you guys to feel pity towards me cause i DONT need your sympathy . thanks alot . and yes,i seriously know what im doing . by the way,thanks for saying im gorgeous but i know i'm totally not =) that applies the same for "hotter than you" . well,i guess you're waaay hotter than other people,right? how i wish i know who you really are .
"" was Posted On: Saturday, April 05, 2008 @18:41 | 0 lovely comments ✿
White lies,just for once . spent time with boyfriend yesterday over at the rooftop to kill time . i asked him to bring along the 106 paper heart-shapes that i folded for him on Valentine's Day,yesterday so that i can continue on writing the sweet words/phrases on it and also,told him to bring along the Valentine's Day card i did for him . after then,we talk to each other under the no-so-bright-sun and hey,it's windy up there if you wanna know! i like . so,yeah .
Tricks,just for this once . im playful,im naughty and im super duper mean to hurt boyfriend with my stupidsillybloodyhell april fool's tricks . stupid me . well,i didnt expect this thing would be that serious and hey,i didnt even think it will go to this extent! im sorry baby,i really am . like for real . i SWEAR i wont do this kind of silly tricks ever again,promise . and what's worst,i even forgot that BOYFRIEND CANT GET STRESS or else,he'll get his chest pain which may actually lead to hospitalisation! im in dead meat . like seriously,how on earth can i forget even about THAT SIMPLE THING? told you,im MEAN! super mean . im sorry baby . i didnt mean it actually,seriously =(
BOTTOMLINE: I'ts just another stupid april fool's trick from me and i swear i wont do it again . im sorry for becoming so playful today baby . i love you baby . sosososo much,for real . you're mine forever .
"" was Posted On: Tuesday, April 01, 2008 @16:59 | 0 lovely comments ✿
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