We can't bear to sit down and do nothing . instead,we went around and make some noise .
Ifah . so does her . we went around together like a noob,still we're cooooooool! HAHA . (she act cute only lah) joking =P
uh-uh! He got a HOT body yo! O.o Zul was the Sportsman for this year!
i didn't realise about this picture . Ifah betol-betol memang tkder keje . this is what i call GAAAAAY beybeh! =DDDD (well,i don't mind putting an ugly face of mine yo!)
and them,they can't just sit down and keep quiet . going thru and fro like no one's business like that! still,they're cute,still . Stephanie & Jolie Teng!
Mdm Ramna: "and that's what im talking about NIGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
(look at Zanna,macam nigga nigga habis!) HAHA . well,Mdm Ramna was giving the cheerleaders some talking and there we are,interupting her talks . cool eh?
i just find this random shot cute . (mcm biase jgk,Ifah nyer kerje)
okay yo! let's talking about Tranjeeeet . he's from Malaysia and he's a sec 2 rugby player . he's one of the HOTEST guy in school,i can tell . and yeah,us,the gangs keep on smiling everytime we saw him . i swear,he's coooooool . (Ifah's hand)
and do you know why's her hand there? coz,she's JEALOUS i getto stand very close to Tranjeet . (Muahahahahaha!!) my boyfriend won't be mad as he himself knew about this boy .
"and kite smue,bawah tangan Mrs Yeow ahh abeh?!?!?!" says Zanna . Mrs Yeow,our principal!
Zanna spotted her socks and we randomly took picture with her . Liya,from Apache too!

i think he really look good in this picture ^_^
Blame me for all you want . ignore me if you really want to . it's NOT my fault either . and it's not like as if i want it to happened . we're living under one roof,and tell me how the fucking hell you wanna ignore me? well,if you want it,i'm okay with it . maybe you don't know how fucking hungry i was after that event and the gastric pain i got . no,this is not one of my fucking excuse,really really . if i can stay at home,and not going out for like 2 months now (except for schools,library to study and mamak shop),why can't you for only today? just today . well,if you really am angry at me,why didn't you guys just go ahead without me then? abeh,aku lah kene salahkan . macam cool gitu kan? kau betol-betol hardcore ah . suke hati kau lah,asalkan kau bahagie . aku pon malas lah nak layan bende-bende nie . ahh,kau yang tak nak bual ngan aku,so kalau aku diam,it's not even my fucking fault .
labels: over 100 pictures snapped,i shall update tomorrow .

Just maybe,i was occupied by the horror films that my parents rented these few days and that whatever i watched,it sticks to my mind till i wanna get my night sleep . got glued with UHU glue (which apparently i pronounce it the other way round to boyfriend and that he laughed like nobody's business at me,mean guy!) back to it,prolly that's the reason lor . the scariest thing,it's all about ghosts and then i'll definitely find myself shouting "ahhhhhhhhhhhh" when i woke up and perspiring all over with and addition of having goosebumps all over . oh agony,save me from all this,please please please .
2 BAD NIGHTMARE for 2 consecutive days,it's totally terrible for me already . i don't want any of it again,thanks alot . so,after telling boyfriend about it just now when i met him up,he told me there's ONE prayers that i didnt read before sleeping,which make me have dreams everyday (MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!) be it the cheeky/romance/good/bad/nice/not nice/ETC kind of dreams and those nightmares . so,he told me to start reading the prayer tonight and everything will be totally fine =) (that's what he said!) anyway,thanks alot baby ^_^ and please,send an angel down to protect me while i'm sleeping starting from tonight,please please please .
school re-opened and i can't help but to count the number of days left for N level paper . after getting the Proof Slip which noted the dates of our examinations paper and stufs,my balls start shaking already!! (do i have balls,anyway?) HAHA,crap . but,i seriously can't wait to 25/26 September 2008,FRIDAY! cause' it's our LAST DAY in school,you! haha . i wanna get my ass out Hilly Sec a.s.a.p i swear! thanks but i know i've been repeating that again and again at every post,i'm aware . HAHA . then,just take a good look at the very last N level paper we're taking this year! 07th oct hor,the LAST paper! then,who's birthday eh the following day? sape eh,eh eh? (action-action macam terpelecok kat escalator) huikhuikhuikhuik (sound ape eh?) nonsense lah me!
Hello,my name is DILLA . i've lost alot of weight when i should gain alot of weight during the school vacation like other did! they sit at home,and non-stop chewing the chips/sweets every single time infront of the television . my boyfriend told me that my stomach getting smaller and smaller and he can't stop saying that it's still good as he can still feel my HOT abs (nonsense,don't listen to him) haha . but i agree,i DID lost alot of weight lor =( must pity myself already . what's more,now im saving up ALOT OF MONEY and when August came,i can declare myself BANKRUPT . young bankrupt lady! (huahuahua) thank god THAT someone gonna start working and get money money money(!!) cannot be stingy to me anymore (have you ever did? hmmmm) then,i don't need to fork out my money at all already! HAHA,mean siak . joking only lah dear dear boyfriend! so,if saving money have to be done right now,what's for me? can you guess? no? yes? (must not let Hatim know what i'm gonna eat for every of my breaks,if not he'll definitely nag like one mak nenek,HAHA . i know how he's gonna react already . hoho) ehh B,i save all for you okay! for THAT something nice lor~ but,no torturing myself,i know laaaaaah!
labels: tell that girl,go home and suck her mum's nipple . super unreasonable bastard . and now,it really shows that you're really _______ kind of person siak (fill in the blanks)

This picture paints a thousand words,if you understand what i actually means . well,unlike other kids/student,i'm really glad that schools re-opening tomorrow . homeworks all DONE! excellent job huh Fafilla! =) well that means,starting from tomorrow,i have to put in extra extra effort than before for each and every subject(s) i'm taking especially my maths (very most important thing) . action speaks louder than words,i'm aware of that . but i've NOT been playing around this year and when it comes to studying session with friends,it means study and not anything else . i'm aware,thanks alot =D less than 3 more months before SEPTEMBER and then,we can party the whole world! ^_^ a day before my birthday,it's the LAST paper already,and tadaaa! my birthday would be definitely lucky! 3 more months to endure then,that's it! endure,just endure Fafilla .
well,i've planned to do at least 20 maths revision paper a month . by then,i'll be able to solve every question that i'm struggling with! cause' all i'm chasing for at the end of the day is 19 points and below for my 5 subjects to Higher Nitec . and i must makesure i'm not an IDIOT to get myself stuck in Nitec (beauty theraphy) when i get my ass off this Hilly Secondary School =P and if i would be THAT unlucky,i shall snip off my hair short,i swear! that's the deal O.o
I've got no one to talk about this to (the problem),excluded the boyfriend . so much more for a bestfriend/close friend -.- and i seriously don't know how you've treated it all this while . i really wonder and wonder and just wonder . well,if that's what you want,forget about it then . i don't think i need someone like him/her/you/they/them . i can be on my own and i seriously CAN . no big deal for these kind of stuffs,thanks alot -.- i wouldn't be that unlucky this time round . who eats the chilli,that person will taste the spicyness of that chilli (is it correct when i translate?) HAHA .
labels: of all the dream i can dream of in this whole wide world,i dreamt of you . does it mean,i miss you like ALOT? and as for the love one,now that you've got it,better makesure you won't be stingy towards me anymore . or elseee ... *fake angry face* ROAR! (scared right?)

You can't imagine how much i love his camera(s)! He's a really great photographer,i swear .
If not for fashion designing,can it be for modelling? Mummy said,YES!

-Grow old with someone. touching nak mampos .
2. What were you doing at 8:00 this morning?
-MY BED! im still sleeeeeping *ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ* HAHAHA .
3. What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
-Sit infront of the pc and think what on earth should i blog for today's entry .
4. What was something that happened to you in 1992?
-Come out from my mummy's thing O.o
5. If you were stranded on an island with the person you hated and without food what would you do:
-Should i just pray to god that someone hould come there and rescue me? (is that good enough?)This question isn't different from reality . HAHA .
6. When someone catches your eye, do you try to make eye contact or avoid it?
-I'll pretend i didn't see anything cause apart from Hatim,i don't dare to do any eye contacts with anyone else,like honestly .
7. What color is your hairbrush?
-I don't brush my hair,so no hairbrush for me lor .
8. What was the last thing you bought?
-Hershey's cookie & cream chocolate .
9. How do u know when you're in love?
-I can't figure it out either . I just getto know about it naturally . SHUT UP =D
10. Have you been to china?
-Nope and i don't want to and i don't know why . HAHA
11. Where do you keep your money?
-Wallet and under my clothes inside the wordrobe . and sometimes,inside my unknown pants pockets . and when i place my hands in them,i'll see money . that's the idea of having a "surprise" for myself! =)
12. Have you traveled outside thecountry?
-Yes .
13.Do you wish you were back together with any of your exes?
-I would reconsider if they look like Alex Turner right now . JOKING, && NEVER EVER WANT TO .
14. Do you like peanut butter?
-Prolly .
15. What is your motto on love?
-Motto? i don't have any . well,just keep the love strong until when-when (bile-bile) =P
16. The thing you love about relationships?
-Simply everything . haha,touching sangat-sangat .
17. The thing you love about being single?
-The flings, the 'single-mingle', the dates! *muke mentel*
18. Would you give up a dream for someone you loved?
19. Do you wanna cut your hair?
-I don't think so . still wanna feeling-feeling with long hair .
20. Are you over the age of 25?
-NC 16 pon belom lepas siol .
21. Do you talk a lot?
-ALOT like you've never imagine . macam Mak Nenek,perhaps?
22. Do you watch The O.C.?
-HAHA . Used to,but not now anymore =S
23. Does your screen name have an "x" in it?
-Nope .
24. Do you know anyone named Kelsey?
-Nope .
25. Favorite ice cream?
-Double chocolate ice-cream .
26. Could you date someone who has been only your friend for a long time?
-Why not,right?
27. Are you typically a jealous person?
-Not really, nope .
28. Is there such thing as a perfect relationship?
-True love,YES . Perfect relationship,NOPE .
29. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter "P":
-Prakash . One crazy fella from my next class .
30. Who's the last person to call you?
-My cousin just now,to send back the stuffs she borrowed .
31. Last magazine you bought?
-Wah,shits . i can't remember . been sometime now .
32. Do you chew on your straws?
-When i got nothing better to do .
33. Do you have curly hair?
-A little little bit of them .
34. Can you dance like a chicken?
-Chicken can dance? O.O are you sure?
36. Last concert?
-Concert,never been . Gigs,Apprigos From Hell,26th April 2008 .
37. What is something you say a lot?
-My gooooooooood . sengal lah kau . tak macam serabai lah pulak . haiyah dingding dong =DD
38. Favorite color?
-Black,white,brown,yellow and blue . TAKE NOTE! HAHAHAHA .
39. Do you know what a plectrum is for?
-Guitar pick?
40. Do you have to work tomorrow?
-Get my house and school work done,is that counted?
41. Who was the last person you said I love you to?
-Boyfriend . thanks =)
42. What should you be doing right now?
-Spent my time with my friend instead of stuck myself at home to take care of my 12 years old younger sister! grrrrrrrrrrrr *angry face*
43. Do you have a nickname?
-Is DILLA a nickname? okay fine,some myspacers bloody hell called me DILLY :-/
44.Are you a heavy sleeper?
-I can be one,if my parents are not at home to wake me up early .
45. Do you watch tv?
-Definitely,like everyone .
46. Is there anyone you like right now?
-Alex Turner? god,he's just too hot for me .
47. What exactly is your dream?
-To be a succesful fashion designer but i know i can't be one,for real =(
48. In 8 years' time,what will you be doing?
-God's willing,i'll ask Hatim to propose me and let's get married! HAHA . Have a stable job as an accountant since i'm into POA/Accounting . or prolly,if im stuck in Nitec next year,i'll be a Beauty Therapist,like my mom . I'll be 24 by then! (WAH,R21 pon da lepas!) =PP
49. What are the things you're looking forward for?
-Can't think of anything for now,but definitely,i'm looking forward for ARCTIC MONKEYS to come over to fucking Singapore and have their fucking concert down here,PLEASE! =O
50. Do you have any scars?
1.When i was in primary 1,i played hide-and-seek with my lil' sister when i fall inside the bathroom (it's super sleepry) and my chin has a BIG cut . have my injections (i love them,at that time) and get it sew . still have them,till today! =DDD
2.I was in K-2,then . i was helping my uncle,carrying some stuffs as my family is moving out . till then,i fall at the stairs and at the middle of my head,theres a small circle which is BOTAK . so,if i wanna do CENTER-PARTING,it'll be SUPER easy,maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan .
51. Where do you want your honeymoon to be?
-MAMPOS . well,i wanna have them at either Paris (to see Eiffel Tower) or maybe Langkawi (the place is DAMN drop dead gorgeous,i swear) . so long as my resort/hotel will be by the seashore and most importantly,the pool,sea and scenery is GORGEOUS . can watch SUNSETS! WOHOOO . take note hor my husband(s)-to-be! HAHAHA .
52. What are you waiting for right now?
-I'm waiting for my Cranberry drink that i place inside the freezer to be iced . then,i shall eat them . i'll be dead definitely if Hatim gets to know about this . Get my inhalers realy tonight!
53. Who is your real idol?
-Beyonce' Knowles and Tyra Banks! cool eh?
54. What is in your mind right now?
-How on earth can i have mood swings today and not have the usual msn-converstaion with Hatim today? thanks,but i've not even laughed nor smiled =( SORRY BABY =( =(
55. When's the last and the next time you're meeting your boyfriend?
- Last time,yesterday . next time,tomorrow =DD

Handsome Dad and Sexy Mama! <333333
I know what's on your mind! my mom look so young right? she's turning 38 this 27th June (how on earth can i get mixed up with her birthdate?) . she USED to be fat and with that,she keeps on taking herbs (jamu) to slim down and it really works! like of course,it tooks some months/years but still,it pays off her effort! and now,her body size is as the same as me and my elder sister and we CAN share ur clothes and stuffs all together . yes,my mom has a very good taste of fashion too okay! and why am i talking about my mom when this post is about Father's Day? haha . im bored lah! and as for dad,he's 5 years older . still young and sexy,yeay! as for today's entry,just focus on the left side of the picture and take a good look at my dad! cause' it's daddy's day today! =)
labels: hungry,let's have mushroom soup for supper and then,midnight talk with boyfriend,drag myself to sleep and dream of something nice and cheeky =P the next day,i want that "thing" badly,thanks boyfriend =)