Happie 7 Month Anniversary,PrettyBoy! ((:
Holidays are BORING .
Juey just met with an accident this morning while sending her sister for soccer .
He's in NUH now and i cant visit him todae . tomorrow perhaps? Fridae? (:
_______ lost sum of her money at ______ . i donnoe how dat happen but i swear i didnt go into her _______ and took it . && there's only one person i think is the culprit,dat is my _________ sister . coz she's been nice and buying stuff for me . and wen i ask her where she got that ____ from,she told me it was hers . she collected them . wen i thought its not true coz her ______ money is only $_____ . and i really hope my _____ will not think im the culprit coz yes,im having 60 bucks in hand now . && FYI,dat money,i collected them from my pocket money larhh okeyy! 1 months plus i collected them without eating in school and just starve myself just for that Great Singapore Sale . and i really hope wat i tink is true coz
my money,dat 60 bucks,i collected them like hell till i fall sickk . starve myself and stuff so,its not my fault coz i dont even now how the hell to open her cupboard to ______ her money . my money is mine and i dont steal them coz my mum didnt ever teach me how to steal!
my coinscience is CLEAR! (:
Stupid People Do Stupid Stuff
There goes my boringg update . Boring Anniversaryy huh?HAHA! (:
Me,my siblings and all of my cousins are going for Swimming tomorrow at Cheveron Chalet . At Jurong East dere && yeahh,i got a swimming costume with me! atLAST! haha,thanks FAD =) . oh yes,before anything happen;
Happie Befdae To You,
Happie Befdae To You,
Happie Befade To ZANNA!
Happie Befdae To You! :D
Wish u longetivity & prosperity && happie2 slalu! ILYSM! ((:
Yeay! lagi 1 year da lei tengok NC16 kan? HAHA! testing je (:
"" was Posted On: Wednesday, May 30, 2007 @13:57 | 0 lovely comments ✿
Watch video clips
Listen to songs
is all i do today . this is just the first day of my holiday and it is so damn farking boringg .
i wonder how is it gonna be for the cuming 1 month .
lols . ehh PrettyBoy,kol balik cepat larh . dari tadi org tunggu!
NPCC tomorrow morning,shits . hot sun & perspiring like hell,oh wow!
will take a photo with my neww handphone soon!
what happen to my hair? haha! (:
Copycats? Lies? Liars? Hypocrite? Immaturity? Orriginality? Pictures? stoppit seyy .
"" was Posted On: Monday, May 28, 2007 @17:30 | 0 lovely comments ✿
New Handphone? SGH-Z540?
HAHA! im gladd,ok bestt! (((:
Me & my sis apologises about that kendarat thingy horr PrettyBoy
we cant make it,u understand why kan? lols (:
really sorry! (:
Will uppdate more tomorrow! promise!
"" was Posted On: Sunday, May 27, 2007 @19:38 | 0 lovely comments ✿
"absolutely nothing left for me"
my dae was horribly suck,i swear . things just dosent go my way . im having a FEVER,mind you . flu . headache . im hungry . im thirsty . i cant do anything . i cant eat . i cant drink . i simply cant afford to do anything . i didnt eat nor drink while in school . i dont feel like to,coz if i does,back to square one . im gonna vomit and i simply hate dat thing . nobody cares about my sickness since yesterdae . "im glad" . ouhh yes,PrettyBoy have not been fetching me backk home for THREE days straight . he's sickk yes,i understand but me too . oh yes,his sickness is muchh worst than mine,i guess .
so i went backk home ALONE,im sickk and having a FEVER,mind you once again okeyy . i really want sumbody to send me backk home incase i faints half wae thru . but thanks god i can bear with the hot sunn . and yes,im not feeling well now . im really hurt,dere's no medicine for me to eat to,just to kill my painfulness . no one's at home to accompany me,im sickk . no one could prepare my meals for me . no one could do my drink for me and i do it all by myself . pity me huh .
my sis was at school and no one's at home to lend me a helping hand . soo yes,i force myself to eat wen i couldnt . Nasi Ayam really taste horrible,i donnoe y . my Milo didnt taste good and i wanna sleep but i couldnt . dadddy cant stop calling me about his downloading thingy . now dat my sis are backk home,im glad dat she cud help me den . ok,i donnoe wat im talking about but just bear with it okeyy .
PrettyBoy simply told me he wanna do sumthing and wanna help his brother-in-law and no offence . i understand . i dont mind,cause did anyone here cares about my sickness? i doubt! PrettyBoy didnt kol me backk wen he told me he would . ok daa,i wanna end this entry and lemme get sum rest . && im having a big big headache,trust me . oh shits;
kalau PrettyBoy kol aku nnt,ckp ngn dier aku tgh sakit and take care jelarh . tkder org kesah,aku tau . i donnoe wen the hell i could go to the doctors,its been years . i've got no medication now,how am i supposed to recover? Godammit,shits . fucks (:
i did,but he dosent,dont you agree?
if he did,he wouldnt neglect me like his doing now .
&& he wouldnt delete that pic dat i gave him,previously . im terribly pissed .
"" was Posted On: Thursday, May 24, 2007 @18:45 | 0 lovely comments ✿
"let me say my piece"
im hungry . im thirsty . im tired . im having gastric . im having stomach cramps . im having a slight headache and i've not eaten FOR MORE than 26 hours and could u believe that shit? i really forgot to bring my pocket money which mummy left it on the tables so im on a rushh just now coz i woke upp late soo yes,i den realise i didnt took them after i've walked some miles away from home . Sibei Chialat .
That old hag told us to stay backk to collect some consent froms about NPCC thingy and it really make me damn farking mad . fucks . wats more wen Faizal wanted to talk to us . me & Zanna was like WTF . so,after the talks over,i quickly walk out of the school to see whether PrettyBoy's dere or not . unfortunately,he wasnt dere at all . i was pissed after soo muchh things happen && wats more i nearly fainted while standing under that bloody hot sunn . my visions are all white and im not feeling well . && moreover,i've not eaten for more than 26 hours,mind you!
i received a phone call from PrettyBoy and he told me he didnt fetch me backk home coz he couldnt wake upp just now . he's having a headache and is not feeling well . like me . ohoh,what makes me really goddamit is wen mummy ask me why didnt i bring my money to school and ask me to tell my sis not forget to fry the chicken coz she scared if my younger sister were to turn hungry . what about me? ahah . all my younger sister kan? OK GOOD!
PrettyBoy scolded me for not telling him dat im hungry and wanna eat . if not,he would buy them for me . i was like,u expect me to tell u? MALU siaa . im not used to it mah . ok diam . so here i am now,blogging to tell wat actually happened to me todae and yerpp,im now eating my Cup Noodle . its heaven and thank god,i atLEAST got sumthing to eat now,rather than to wait for my sis finish frying that chicken! (:
"" was Posted On: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 @19:34 | 0 lovely comments ✿
"Gold Rush"

i have no idea wat to post for todae . && all i have now is my neww picture(s) . oh not nicee ehh . just snapping for funn (:I still have my NPCC tomorrow! oh yes,i've not been having my proper meals for sumtime this week . oh no! Yes! i think PrettyBoy looks Supaa Dupaa CUTEE todae! lols (:
"" was Posted On: Tuesday, May 22, 2007 @17:19 | 0 lovely comments ✿
"follow my foorsteps"
10 Favourites
Favourite Color: Black,White,Brown & Purple
Favourite Food: Nasi Ayam,Chicken Chop,Ayam Masak Merah & Asam Pedas!
Favourite Song: My blogg song is LOVE (:
Favourite Movie: Spiderman & Meet The Fokers
Favourite Drama: Currently is a chinese one,Mars VS Venus
Favourite Ice-Cream Flavour: Chocolate And Vanilla
Favourite subject In School: POA but the teacher suck!
Favourite Snack: Chocolate,Candies & Sweets
Favourite Things: Watches & Shoes
09 Current
Current Mood: Boredom
Current Taste: Mars Chocolate,Im eating them =)
Current Clothes: Hillgrove Sec 3 Adventure Camp
Current Desktop: My Family Potrait,im using my daddy's acct
Current Toenail Color: Natural *wink*
Current Surroundings: Im In The October Chamber! huhu~
Current Thought: Why didnt PrettyBoy call me upp before he goes off?
Current Annoyance: PE Is Tomorrow!
Current Song Playing: One of my DANCE songg
08 First(s)
First Bestfriend: Emli Nurfiyana,she's supadupa action now!
First Crush: Jay Z
First Movie: Toys Story
First piercing: Wen i was little
First Music: Im not sure (:
First Lie: "Ma,adik nak gi blajar" & i went to the library instead
First Car: Kerete Sorong kot? HAHA!
First Real Date: Im a noob,i donnoe (:
07 Last(s)
Last Drink: F&N Strawberry,i share them with PrettyBoy on my wae back home
Last Ride: SBS Bus,985
Last Movie: Spiderman 3! Oh Peter Parker!
Last Phone Call: With my daddy talking about his downloading stuff
Last Song Played: Beautiful Liar
Last Food Ate: Spaghetti,at last im dare enuff to eat them!
Last Thing I Do Before I Go To Sleep: To smell PrettyBoy's perfume
06 Have You Ever ........
Have You Ever Dated One Of Your Besties: Nope! All of them are GIRLS larhh
Have You Ever Broken The Law: Vandalising the school tables
Have You Ever Been Arrested: NOPE! && not gonna
Have You Ever Skinny-Dipped: Soon Enuff! haha,like real (:
Have You Ever Been On TV: YES! In Gelora,an old malay drama
Have You Ever Kissed Sumone You Didnt Know: NO,DUHH!
05 Things You Wore Yesterdae
Black short pants
Orange T-shirt
Ripples Slippers
04 Things You've Done Todae
Chatted With PrettyBoy
Check My Emails
03 Things You Cant Leave Without
My Family & Besties (in one category,can?)
My one and only PrettyBoy
My Handphone,so much content in it & Internet! (:
02 Things You Can Hear Right Now
Beyonce's song playing on my desktop
Mr Bean's Holiday background music
01 A Thing You Do When You Are Bored
Music kills my Boredom! (:
im bored right now && it tooks me sumtime to think what shud i post for todae . HAHA! oh yes,Saturdae was okey jelalala coz PrettyBoy and the gang went back home earlier than i expected and yes,i passed 3 subjects for now . oh hoho! && can i go back JB this weekend? oh yar,yesterdae was all good as there are Kuda Kepang outside my house and ohoh,that was my first time in my real life . it was scary yet i enjoy them .
That's all for today,GoodBye!
"" was Posted On: Monday, May 21, 2007 @16:31 | 0 lovely comments ✿
"the tittle of love"
im feeling muchh better than yesterdae but im still sick . i've got soo many things to tell but then i donnoe which one to start with,first . shall we start off with my dae? and followed by my condition now and then about me & PrettyBoy? ok go (:
mummy asked me whether im able to attend school and yes,i told her im fine,im okeyy . soo yerpp,i didnt have any fever in the morning and yeahh,im off to school early as i wanted to take bus to school,i didnt have the full energy to walk . not even a mile . soo,i thought of not participating in the class photo taking session as i noe PrettyBoy didnt cum to school and attend them but hence,Mr Chia force me to and i got no choice . && i find them cool (:
my after school days,i actually planned to watch that melo-drama thingy but then,i've planned with David to go over to _____ crib's . cause i've been missing ______ for sometimes . i didnt talk,speak nor meet ____ for 2 daes and its killing me . at the very end,David stood upp,i donnoe where he went to and i've got to go alone and its raining heavily,so heavy . && pity me,although i used the umbrella,im still wet . oh like finally i getto meet ______ . i really really really _______ . so yes,_____ lend me one of his long-sleeve as he noe im soo damn cold & its a nice long-sleeve to smell at coz i love his perfume muchh .
i felt pity for him cause,the way he walk is really pitiful ehh . yeah,he injured his leg and its bad,really . but then,he still wanna _______ home . like finally,i get to feel _____ & _____ after 3 daes apart . && whats more,he actually turn backk after ____ me wen i thought he olreadyy left to Juey's place . && he apologises to me about the past daes . the fighting and all . && he told me he ____ me soo muchh,ok best! blablablablablabla ((:
so now,im wearing ___ long-sleeve and im soo loving that perfume smell . oh yes,daddy's gonna bring me over to the doctors,tonight and i hope im gonna get well soon cause i cant stand the pain . those vomit and stomach cramps . ouhh hoho! (:
i'll continue uppdating after saturdae . coz im gonna be busy for tomorrow and the following daes =)
so,leave a msg!
Food Poisoning & Stomach Cramps,hows dat?
ouhh,PrettyBoy is soo pitiful,he got eye-bags and some dark circles arnd his eyes,not enuff sleep i tink . but then,i donnoe wat im talking about todae . coz,all need is a rest . i didnt get enuff rest larhh . haiyahhh!
For any enquiries about my fill-inn-the-blanks entry,please ask me urself,Thank You (:
there goes my borringg uppdate! (:
"" was Posted On: Thursday, May 17, 2007 @17:51 | 0 lovely comments ✿
"sickness oh sickness!"
i just came backk from my NPCC training . wells,i took half dae off coz half way thorough,i vomitted and yeah,i've vommitted aLOT of times todae . arnd 6 times? i think . && what i've vomitted is not lilttle but damn LOT i tell you . && im having a stomach pain now . gastric or sumthing i donnoe? && aku da jangkit adik akuu larhh sey!
my younger sister too is having this kind of sickness for 2 daes olready . yesterdae & todae was her MC dae . && hell yes,i cant walk muchh . i cant talk muchh . i cant speak muchh & i really dont feel like eating . && im soo thirsty and i cant drink muchh as i'll vomit it again . so yes,FYI,i've just vomitted not too longg ago wen i just came out of 945 .
i miss PrettyBoy aLOT . soo muchh & yerpp,we ended our conversation yesterdae with marah2 gitu & he didnt kol me backk and yes,he didnt attend school todae . as his leg is injured but weird,he is still out now wen i wanted to tell him about my condition . soo,call me backk soon PrettyBoy . im not well . i miss you aLOT .
Forgive me will you?
my stomach pain started again nad yerpp,i wanna take a rest . i wanna sleep . && if im not well tml,i'll take MC and oh no! im gonna miss PrettyBoy again! ): ph yes,im having STOMACH FLU and dats terrible enuff for me!
"" was Posted On: Wednesday, May 16, 2007 @17:11 | 0 lovely comments ✿
Pictures & gambar
kakak have reached home & i've edited last fridae's pictures . dere's onlyy 2 of them! haha,i didnt wanna continue taking pics with PrettyBoy as the flash is soo freaking bright && yet we're in the cinema soo we drop the idea n yes! its nicee (:

having our dinner at McDonalds (:
&& i've changed the picture above . i thought of putting upp my pictures & PrettyBoy's but drop the idea again as it is not that nicee! but then,i came upp with this,so yes! im SATISFIED! (: so do the caption after i've done with my entries . scroll down (:
PrettyBoy have olready called me to say sorrie & yerpp im now waiting for his call,again! im glad u noe dats ur mistake! (:
PrettyBoy looks totally CUTE todae,really (:
PS: i donnoe what im supposed to bring to school tomorrow
"" was Posted On: Monday, May 14, 2007 @19:43 | 0 lovely comments ✿
"its better to stand in the rain than to be hurt by you"
i have my veryy LAST paper todae that is my listening comprehension . && yes,like finally everything's over right now and i feel kinda relief . pheww . oh im getting bored and bored each dae . i reached home early n yupp no one's at home . soo,was all alone and i need some company so i called PrettyBoy and he was so freaking busy and will call me backk later . i thought things could be muchh better than i expected but hence,its still the same . he's ready to go out olready wen he called me backk . i was like,okeyy yes go ahead,i can talk alone to myself =)
i really hope that he could actually say sumthing better that could calm me down cause u noe y? wen he send me backk home,he didnt ask me a SINGLE question . NOT even one . && hell yes,i was so damn freaking pissed by him . cause after waited for PrettyBoy for sumtym,i thought things would turn out good,unlike last night . but,its still remains the farking same . oh i soo love it =) soo,while walking back home,i tried to talk to him but he dosent seems interested so yes,i give upp! i kept quiet all along and yerpp,i walked behind him,slowly . until i was left alone at the backk,he then stopped and waited for me . hoho! i stared at him but,useless,he dosent even look at me . dosent he feel appreciated that i actually waited for him although im deadly tired and hungry?
soo,while waiting for PrettyBoy,i hang around with the rugby guys and yerpp,they are all funny . i wish i could laugh and smile evey single day . soo,one by one went home,left only me and some of them but i decided to sit all alone by myself . soo,i read Mas's malay novel to kill the boredness . && without me realising it,i actually fall asleep down at the table in the canteen,while waiting for PrettyBoy . cause i didnt have enough sleep last night . i still feel the tiredness in me for crying whole loud by myself last night . soo many things around me that makes me feel simply suck . i cant help it . backk again,PrettyBoy dosent even feel pity for me,waiting for him for soo longg till i fell asleep there . talk to me,at least . he did it,again .
i thought with soo many things around me that make me felt this way,i could actually tell PrettyBoy what exactly i feel and i thought he could spare me his listening ear to hear what is actually in my mind but neverless,he didnt . he actually make this situation more worst,he didnt even wanna talk to me from yesterdae . he called me but nutting came out from his mouth like todae . i was deeply dissapointed . && now,he called me to tell me that he's going out olreadyy . coz i think,if i didnt call him upp earlier,he wouldnt call me now . && yes,he dosent wanna say anything . and wen i asked him y didnt he talk to me just now,the answer is freaking simple,simply becoz he dosent wanna talk to anyone . fine!
andand he said; "i'll call u wen i cum backk home"
and i told him; "whatever for u wanna call me wen u didnt even wanna talk to me?"
PrettyBoy replied; "i will still call u ok . remember to eat and im gonna get going . love you ok bye!"
&& he put down the phone before i could say anything to him . i really feel like slapping his bloody face . how i wish im strong enuff to face all this again and again everytime . he told me he wouldnt do that again and its been repeated without saying . dosent he pity me? crying just for his stupiddness? dammit . && i dowanna talk muchh . i simply dowanna see his face tml! i swear . i couldnt bear with it,been crying for soo damn longg but he didnt even say a word to me,like now . i thought he's always dere for me? just listen to wat i feel really hard to u is it? . && im gonna be backk home tommorrow,ALONE . he wouldnt care about ,me,trust me =)
just continue about ur own self,PrettyBoy . never think about me,dont u ever do that . && just clear upp the mess before u start talking backk to me . im not gonna pick upp that bloody phone if u were to call me,trust me . y must i always listen and understand you wen u didnt even care about me?
Happie 1st MONTH Anniversaryy FEE (:
"" was Posted @12:46 | 0 lovely comments ✿

Spiderman 3 todae? hehe =)
oh! i cant wait to meet my Peter Parker upp! PrettyBoy u go larhh with your Mary Jane yang hidong senget! tk lawaa ehh! hoho! Extreme Makeover konon . hidong senget tetap senget! tk mcm hidong akuu,Mancong! hehe =) Peter Parker lagi handsomee uhh! jealous ritee,PrettyBoy? (:
oh yes,im gonna snapped moree picutes and share them,soon . alah,nak pakai baju aper ehh? FEE tk bwk dat longg-sleeve for me! haiyahh . tkper lorr,jap lagi aku bongkar almari aku yg cute tuu . lols .
"" was Posted On: Friday, May 11, 2007 @12:22 | 0 lovely comments ✿
"i woke up to the smell of your perfume"
kiter cakap,awak dengar okeyy?
first of all,do try sumthing fun and neww in my bloggy . u just need to scroll down till u was one kindaa paper and just click onto it and do the surveyy . basically,it all just about wheather u noe me dat well ro not && how far u noe me . soo yes,do try them . && do me a favour ya . after doing the survey,dere's a form for u to fill in ur name & stuff . && u will then told to write ur first and last name,just do me a favour by writting down ur NICK NAME at that particular box so dat i will noe who u are exactly && for PrettyBoy,just write PrettyBoy okeyy? heh (:
try them,fun tau! (:
for the whole entire dae,im having one stupidd farking irritating dammit menstration cramp . i really cannot tahan && yerpp,its really damn farking irritating . oh yess,i had my Mathematics Paper 2 just now && i remember not doing 3 question dat those questions actually carries so muchh marks . dammit . coz half way through,i really cant bear with the pain of my cramp && it really disturbs me doing maths so i feel like resting and it ended upp sleeping for an hour . which my paper was 2 hours longg . wen i wake upp,im onlyy left with arnd 15 mins to complete them sooo,i just do anything dat i noe and yes,i regret having menstration now .
Mr Chia called me and yerpp,he gave me a FREE nagg . yes Mr Chia,i noe if i continue on like this,i will just simply retained and yerpp i need to change and pay moree attention in class,at ur Physics class especially! hoho . && i told myself,im in the wrong i noe,i cant continue on like this . mummy's gonna kill me && im willing to change just to get promoted to Sec 4 Academic and make my mum & Mr Derick Chia happy! ohh,i wishh . yes,notto forget,like PrettyBoy told me strive hard and get promoted && fufill ur wish . i havee a gooood and greaattt wish . wanna noe them,ask me urself . u'll find them interesting i swear! only PrettyBoy noes me well .
Mummy & Daddy,can we go catch Spiderman 3 tomorrow? (:
"" was Posted On: Thursday, May 10, 2007 @14:10 | 0 lovely comments ✿
for the veryy first time in my ownself history,i get the chance to kiss PrettyBoy's daddy's and mummy's hand! haha! was glad though =) hehe . ouhh yes,spend my after examination school hours eating and went over to PrettyBoy's outside-crib,just hanging around,sitting and chatting . was kindaa worry coz my parents have been busy calling me but hell yes,i cant pick upp dat bloody phone . onlyy left with a cent,lols . soo yes,i think PrettyBoy look muchh cuter todae . utk harie ni jee .
i donnoe why but i felt jealous reading other people's blogg coz they actually wrote good english . well,probably my english is good though but i prefer singligh coz ..... i donnoe y . haha! oh heyy,getto noe about FEE's probb right now and i really damn farking hope she's good . yeahh,Eyan u shudnt do that to her u noe . dats soo bad of u . u shud actually gif her the chance to speak her mind before u make any decision . && i really thinks that u guys nyer relationshipp wont ends here and now,todae . it will goes on,trust me . all u guys need is just patients and trust . Eyan,treat FEE well and dont ever break her heart okeyy?
wishh u guys the veryy best in future and for now,no more fighting! (:
the past few daes weather have been totally suck . it is soo damn super duper farking hot and i really cant take it . dalah gi skolah tk bawak tissue . && every single dae i will asked PrettyBoy for tissue or maybe sumone else if he dosent have it . okeyy,ape akuu tgh cakap nie uh? heh,lols . oh,i've onlyy left with maths paper 2 dat is tml and english paper 2 and chemistry for the next following dae . and dats it,restt! oh,i cant take it . been studying like superbly hell but nothing get stick inside my bloody brain . oh no,im gonna fail this time round,mum's gonna kill me! shits . && yeahh,will be having my malay paper 3 dat is listening compre on mondae,next mondae . but dat dosent really matter for me as we onlyy need digged-ears to pass them!
the problems dat FEE is facing thru right now really make me scared for my relations with PrettyBoy too! i hope,mine's not gonna be dat way or even worst . gotto prayy hard for ? FEE u see . moge-moge korang akan okeyy,sooner! && i can start editing my pictures olready and im really lovin it baby! (:
okeyy,i donnoe why suddenly i feel like eating Dendeng! alah,sedaaapppp nyerrrr (:
alah,bulan puase lmbt lg,lagi 4 bulan . hehe,part tu da akuu nyer 9 months ngan PrettyBoy . oh sukee (:
Mak aku kate sape tak puase tak boleh rayer,puase yok-yok bangun pagi buka periuk! hehehehe =)
Lots of LOVE;DILLA .
"" was Posted On: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 @18:47 | 0 lovely comments ✿
im fine . i just thought of disspearing for the veryy mean time but PrettyBoy softens my heart backk yesterdae night and LOVE me backk like he used to .
Im glad :)
"" was Posted On: Tuesday, May 08, 2007 @15:20 | 0 lovely comments ✿
"when life is neither black nor white"
saturdae's pictures :]
Picture of the year! handsome kan PrettyBoy akuu? HAHA! (:
Just chilling arnd;
The hunks of the dae,these are not all :)

These are the mostt important people in my life,really

From this to ....

to this ... lols (:
Lets compare,who have the nicest nose? me or her?
My saturdae was all good . PrettyBoy,Juey,David & Hafiz came down to spare a helping hand . soo,yerpp,those hunks were all great . && i donnoe wat's more to describe that particular dae . && from wat i remember,i wanted to follow those hunks and my cousin for the first trip to Woodlands as i wanted to talk to PrettyBoy but hence,my mum asked me to fry those Pisang soo,no chances . those hunks are in my living room waiting for my cousin's arrival but im the only one down at the kitchen cooking . bad luckk . i couldnt even speak to him,not even a word . smiling and starring are our body talks to each other . i miss him .
Daddy told mummy dat,one's i've done with the cookings,im gonna follow them for the second trip && i was like,oh yes! but things turn differently,wen the 1st trips's boxes are down at the void deck,i told my cousin,my dad asked me to tag along . && he said "Ok Jom!" . i was like,onlyy the two of us? wat about them? he says,den who wud like to follow us? i said,ok no nutting,lets go!
i'll just go straight to the point ok . wen i reach my cousin's neww house . people are all looking at me,smiling . i was like,are they retardd? haha! && they started to ask me,okleyy which one is ur BF? i was like u guys are damn notty man! they say,dont lie,the guy in blackk rite? wow,not bad huh . i received soo many compliments about PrettyBoy . hehe! && one of my cousin says that,adik,u choose suchh a great one . not only handsome,his body also not bad huh .
i was like,body? then he says la,PrettyBoy got one broad body and he's kindaa strong horr . soo,i was smiling all the way . lalalalalala~~~~ && my uncle is really sickening . he actually read my Inbox Messages dat PrettyBoy gave me,everything . i was like,ok fine,im one open minded person,read la read la . he was smiling n says dat PrettyBoy is suchaa sweet person . oh wow! && my last aunt told me PrettyBoy was Cute & yes,PrettyBoy look is almost the same as me! hehe . really meh? i dont think so . && she told me,any couple who got almost the same look means that guy is their True Love! ohhhh,i wishh PrettyBoy was mine! (:
i was happy,i was glad dat PrettyBoy & Juey gets alongg with my family . soo yerpp,i was relieved dat manyy of my cousins noes about him . && im looking forward to our next kenduri on 19th May . more of my cousins will come down & the Four Hunks are going to be dere! (:
i donnoe why,after spending lots of hours with them and with PrettyBoy,i really feel dat im missing him . i couldnt get to speak to him dat muchh and i couldnt let all of my misses feels out of me,i donnoe y . i really miss him .
i was busy the whole entire da yesterdae and dat i couldnt talk to PrettyBoy over the phone dat longg . i feel guilty and i told him,i really really really miss him . i couldnt bear with it and i donnoe y,it has nvr happen b4 . not like this . soo,i talk to him over the phone late at nite till we had a small fight which i thought will end before we started our dreams but no,it was continued till todae . PrettyBoy just hang up the phone,just like dat . && dat makes me cry last night . i couldnt concentrate on my revision but still i force myself notto slip and just continue on with the revision till im deadly beat (:
oh yes,kakak told my parents dat we're going to the movie this Fridae,may be at Plaza Singapura or Cineleasure . Spiderman 3 with the hunks and my lovee ones! i really cant wait but will he still go on with the plann with him & myself like this? will you,PrettyBoy?
my Historyy paper was kindaa good but i forgot one of the mostt important part . oh no . Physics was suckk i swear! && yes,my break time,i thought of not going down to the canteen as i didnt bring a single cent with me,not even a sinle cent . soo,Fee wanted soo,so i went down and accompany her . with Nadddyyyy alongg . oh yes! i was PrettyBoy && i went up to him . he didnt even talk to me . i swear im mad at him bout last nite,but i dont wanna persue bout it soo i told him "You,todae's the 7th May . Say sorrie to me 7 times"
he just ignoree me and i really feel like slapping his face,but i control myself . i told myself no DILLA,u gonna make the situation worst . soo,i told him again and again,but he just kip on staring at me . i was like,helloh? he didnt even say A THING to me . not even ONE . i smiled at myself and i sae ok fine,i wont force you . up to you,and i told him notto pick me upp later on bcoz i was damn farking angry but he didnt even sae a thing . i walk away INFRONT of him,i was expecting him to pull my hand and say sumthing but no,he EVEN give me space to LEAVE . i was glad,dat im brave enuff to cry infront of people . yes,i cried .
my tears couldnt stopped that it actually disturbing myself wen doing Physics . && PrettyBoy,if u wanna noe,bcoz of that tears,i lost my 19 Precious marks . i didnt do ALOT of ques,trust me . im gonna get U-Grade for this subject & mummy's gonna kill me,deadly . soo yes,i thought he would pick me up but no,i've waited for alomost 20 mins but he's not dere . soo,i went home, ALONE,after suchh a longg tym && i hate it,totally! (: yes,tears do roll down my cheek for the secong tym todae,i wasnt expecting him to listen to wat i say previously but,is it my fault? okeyy,50:50
soo,i went straight backk home bcoz i was damn farking thirsty and hungryy . i cant bear with it . i really thought of waiting for him but,hunger really bugg me to be backk home fastt . so,went home and the veryy first thing i do is to open my com,get changed and online . oh yeah,i saw him online-ed but i thought of talking to him,but i was waiting for PrettyBoy to sae a BIGG BIGG SORRY to me,really . but,he offline-en and wen i called his house,his cousin told me he went out . any messages? i said,its ok,just tell him to kol me (:
i donnoe dat just bcoz of me really really misses him bcum a fight between us . all i want is just to talk to u,PrettyBoy but u didnt even realise how deep my misses is towards u,u didnt even know . im dissapointed with you . i wish i cud dissapear in ur eyes,in their eyes .
Ps: if PrettyBoy keeps on acting this way,just pray that i wont dissapear from All Of You,just pray . Never Test Me (:
"" was Posted On: Monday, May 07, 2007 @12:09 | 0 lovely comments ✿
"is PrettyBoy my TRUE love?"
i went straight backk home with p0rettyBoy after my Social Studies paper ends . && all i could describe that paper was suck,really . i remember sleeping for half an hour at the middle of the paper and i wake upp and do the next section . ok dumdshits,its all over now . oh yes,my lovelyy cousin is going to move house tomorrow and i cant wait for it coz i donnoe why . maybe bcoz of PrettyBoy & Juey is coming to our house tommorow?
did i just mentioned them? yes! PrettyBoy,Juey,Davidd & Hafiz is coming to my crib,i REPEAT,my crib tomorrow as they are the ones who's gonna help my cousin caryy those boxes over at Woodlands and the other abg sdare of mine will cum & fetch them by lorry . with me alongg i think? heh! & hell yes,my parents get to know about it olready . simple,there's no need for me to inform them . && maybe yes and maybe no dat im sleeping over my cousins house tonight . and yes,i miss my nephew soo muchh ((((:
&& im watching Spiderman 3 next week with PrettyBoy over at Plaza Singapura! think so . haha! confident sgt .
&& if i ever hurt you feeling,im deeply regretted and i hope im forgiven by you . im soorrrieee .
"You,niari date brape?"
"4th May?"
"Jadi,cakap sorrie larhh!"
"Im sorrie,im sorrie,im sorrie and im soo sorrie"
"&& harie nie 4th May tau!"
"Abeh? u nak i buat ape?
"Alah youuuuu!"
"k lah,k lah,i love you,i love you,i love you and i loveee you!"
its a daily routine . oh yes,i donnoe where my parents went to . cinema maybe? hehe,kpo sia akuu . ok diamm (:
im not gonna be blogging for 2 daes till Mondae so;
"" was Posted On: Friday, May 04, 2007 @15:19 | 0 lovely comments ✿
"power rangers ninja turtle"
Spiderman 3 in a weeks' time okeyy,PrettyBoy? (:
okeyy,nie bukan power rangers la . ni Spiderman 3 larhh DILLA . okeyy, really cant wait to see actions in that movie,yeahh in that movie . ok diam . many people arnd me have olreadyy catch that movie,yet i've not . && they told me,the actions in that movie are Awesome,i REPEAT,Awesome! haha,bestt sungguh! ok,die die must catch them next saturdae ngan PrettyBoy,aku tk kesah . kene tengok jgk . heh! so,Plaza Singapura and Cineleasure is my choice to catch that movie . which one should i go for? what do u think? (:
oh yes,Jangan Pandang Belakang pon aku nk tgk,den how? haha! ape2 Spiderman dulu ehh . i donnoe why,i actually get excited wen Spiderman 3 is out in cinema coz u noe y? i've never like watching that movie but then,Naufal,Young get me influence by his Peter Parker thing && yerpp,sumhow or rather i find tham cool,bestt . soo here i am loving Spiderman's actions (:
ehh,tk sabar ehh! in 2 days time,my cousin is going to move their house,from Woodlands to few blocks away from my crib! hehe,bestt tu . && wats better is that,PrettyBoy & Juey is going to help us carry the boxes & stuff . oh oh! my uncles & aunties are surely to noe about them,lagi2 PrettyBoy . tk macam kecoh plak nnt . dalah sedare akuu ramai! haha! macam bestt gitu tp kadang2 biler aku pikir balik,tk mcm serabai larh plak . heh! oh yes,den,i'll spend my holidaes at their house && for sure,if im bored im gonna stay dere . dorg pindah aku plak yg excited . yak alah,serabai ehh aku . ok diamm uh (:
my MT paper 1 & 2 was good . && now,im down with FLU but its muchh muchh more better than just now . for all i remember,i didnt do one of the Peribahase MCQ for paper 2 . i slept just to kepp myself away from the irritating flu and i forgot dat i've not done one more MCQ . heh! tk macam pandai plak akuu! soo yes,i hope there's no more sneezing for me horr . really,sickening! tissue paper are all on my table & my nose are all red . tk mcm cutee larhh plak . ok boringg larhh sial .
i donnoe why i spoke in malay todae so,for people who dosent noe wat im talking about,go do some reserch larhh horr! okeyy sorrie,testing u onlyy . DILLA,ur retardd ehh . hehehehehe (:
"PrettyBoy,wats the date todae?
"3rd May?"
"Three times okeyy?"
" i love you,i love you,i loveeeee youu! "
he says that to me evey single dae since 1st May
im loving it!
some changes for my blogg . spott them (:
oh by the wae,i wanna change my blogg song . for temporary onlyy .
one of my dancee songg that i LOVE mostt! btu too bad! it would take suchaa longg tym to auto play .
oh oh!
Currently: 15
Supposingly: 21
before school starts: 19
after school ends: 15
but i shud have 2 more extra kan? alahai . nk beli macam2,tp duit baruu berape .
save larhh wei . 22nd May da Great S'pore Sale,lagi ko nk shopping kan? pas tu next week nk tgk wayang . den SpeakEasyy . den beli kasot baruu . lols,itu larh akuu .
"" was Posted On: Thursday, May 03, 2007 @14:57 | 0 lovely comments ✿
"wen a tragedy turn into a real nightmare,a TRAUMA for me"
Some overdue pics at SpeakEasyy (:
We are all legally into SpeakEasyy (:

My veryy first pic snapped with PrettyBoy . dosent look nicee,i noe . mate Fahmy sepet! haha

get dis pic from Ida,so i donnoe y its kindaa small . US (:

PrettyBoy & Juey,on our wae home . ok serabai la muke PrettyBoy,kecik je mate awk lols!
it happens on 27th of April,on fridae night,midnight .
my mum & dad didnt talk to eachh other for nearly a month just bcoz of one small lil thing . soo,basically i've been the center person for them . soo,that night,i thought everything was fine . but it turns out to be one of my worst nightmare that could actually lead to a small lil taruma in my life . believe it or not,up to u . but i noe dat for myself,its TRUE . && PrettyBoy noes about it . Listen;
i was having a nice nice slip wen my slip was actually distrupted by a loud voice . a loud voice which have been shouted again and again . soo,i look at the tym on my HP and it was nearly 3 AM . i was like,who the farking hell keep on shouting at this moment . at night summore . soo,i saw my bedroom door open wide and i heard my father says sumthing to my sis . my dad asked my sis to take a look at my mum . i donnoe y larhh kan . soo,it all started wen i heard my dad shouting at my sis & mum . i was scared den . yes,i admit,i get scared wen my father shouts . after den,i saw my mum walk out of her bedroom to the living hall . she walk like as if she's really sickk . soo sickk .
i donnoe wat they talk outside but of all i noe,my dad asked my sis to call sumone to tell about my mum's condition dat tym . but den,my mum sae no need coz its olready 3 AM and ppl are noe sleeping and she dowanna disturb others . soo,they keep on fighting to call and not to call dat sumone . so,my sis dowanna do as wat my dad asked her to,den my father shouted on top of his voice dat cud actually wake my younger sis upp . i was frightened,really,i swear! i remember myself crying loudly bcoz of my frightness . i wish PrettyBoy was dere to comfort me coz i actually says"you,me takot! me takot,you tlg me . me takot sgt!"
and really make me double the frightened is wen my dad told my sis;
if u dont do as i say,im gonna kick u hard .
soo,basically,the commossion dosent stopp untill my dad ask my sis to accompany my mum in her bedroom and den my mum saes no need . den my dad shouted to my sis,go and accompany ur mum! i dont care! i dont want u to sleep tonite! den my mum says,dont bcoz of me,u vent ur anger on ur daughter . my dad replied,im angry at her sumtime ago olready . den blablabla . my mum came into our room . soo,she thought of sleeping in our room,but then my father came into our room and told my mum nicely to get backk into her room and slip dere . my mum told my dad nicely dat she dosent want to burden him anymore and she wanna slipp here with us .
again,my dad told her to get backk to her bedroom and yerpp,she went backk atLAST! && my sis told me the veryy whole storyy wen my dad close the door backk . anyway,he told my sis dat he dosent want to talk to her ANYMORE . soo,they wake upp with the goldfishh eyes,swollen eyes . kindaa bad soo then,wen i wake upp i actually get frightend by my father face . i was scared though . soo,after we all came backk from SpeakEasyy,i heard my parents started talking to eachh toher backk,i was GLAD baybe!
and now,my dad & my sis are all okeyy olready . && now,im the one getting irritated by him . he asked my to help him download stuff n if i do anything wrong,i will get the shouting . soo,i was frust but i still help him though . no choice! soo,yesterdae,while me myself was lying down on my bed,my father came into my room and asked me y didnt i put a neww towel in hie bathroom so i told him i forgot . he laugh and smiled at me . but out of a sudden,he shouted loudly . although he shouted like as if he was joking but dat really gave me a damn farking deep shock and i was scared .
i donnoe the exact reason y im scared but i was like,wen he shout,im scraed . && den,the scene of dat fridae nite came into my mind dat im really frightened . i donnoe y,but dat happens like suddenly . like a trauma . u noe,TRAUMA? soo,get to noe,dat nite,my mum was having a TERRIBLE GASTRIC && my sis was actually told to kol my uncle n told him about my mum's condition . && to my surprise,my uncle heard my parents fight . im having a bad nightmare,till now,really i swear!
"" was Posted On: Wednesday, May 02, 2007 @17:25 | 0 lovely comments ✿
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