My name is DILLA and he's Ahmad Syazwan .
we've became closer and closer since 28th July 2007 that is on the last saturday . so many things changes including the feelings . and to my very surprise,he is still waiting for me . and that really took him such a long period of time . oh wow . he still cared,he still concern,he still like,he still misses and he still love . and that really touches me .
we had our longg converstaion yesterday night . and that was a great one though . so many things to share and stuff . and half-way through the converstaion i cried . i cried because the things he told me really touches me,deeply i swear . like for an example,he remembers evey single thing about me . so many things . and whats more,he told me:
Why not,we celebrate your befdae this year at Swensens,one candle-light dinner? u want?
i was like,oh myyyyyyyyyyyyyy . isnt it sweet? cause he told me he wanted to make it such a memorable birthday celebration for me . ohoh . that's really sweet of you . i cries,like i told you . and noww,today . me,syazwan,zanna,atie,zul,saiful and lina went back home together after our dance practices . so its like,they keep on pushing me towards Syazwan and i donnoe why . haha,lagi2 Zul . macam tak ade keje gitu korg . and yes,after eveyone went hom . Zul and Syazwan send me back home,thank youu . and yupp,so silly of Zul to ask me to walk so close to Syazwan . haiyah!
Zul and me had a deal onto sumthing . that is,i had to be closer,much much much more closer to Syazwan starting from tomorrow onwards . he want us to be as close like he does with Atie . i was ok fine . && he told me,if i didnt talk,eat and sit with Syazwan,he would push me to Syazwan and that's soo badddd . Zul nie ehh! so yeah,the deal starts from tomorrow's recess time (:
Lets know the real meaning of TRUE LOVE .
"" was Posted On: Tuesday, July 31, 2007 @18:31 | 0 lovely comments ✿

GoodBye old memories and say a BIG helloh to Sunshine .
Labels: PreciousBlueGuy,you really made my day since yesterday . i cant believe that you told me you love me and still waiting for me,yesterday =)
"" was Posted On: Sunday, July 29, 2007 @14:45 | 0 lovely comments ✿
i ate a lot today . from Chocolate Brownie to Curry Rice to Nuggets to Pizza to Chocolate Brownie again to Chocolate Rice Cake and lastly to Egg Thosai,later (:
National Day Parade was alright . what's funny is that Rejab,Hafiz,Zanna,Hazwan,Hanis,MA and Haziqah are such a nuisense . we actually made fun of Mr Steven Song that is Mr Song' son,as u all know . andand we made fun of the way he walk and talk . like crazy . they played around with the way he walk . like funny sia,stomach first then the reast of your body parts . hehe . what's funnier is when they created this;
When i say Tuka Langkah you all shout Steven Song okeyy?
and they did it when they6 are marching and then stop and jump to shout that silly stuff . haha,cant get it? its ok . i'll demostrate to u,soon . haha,kidding . but,its really damn funny . poeple full of nonsense (:
random update for today . currently bored . my sis went for the camping and i have to enjoy doing all of the house chores . cannot make it! oh yes,SpeakEasyy tomorrow and i cant wait . i've told mummy but not daddy yet . later,perhaps? hoho . Zanna tagg along,will you? oh im going with Chippy,Lala and Naddy . cool-ness .
aight aight My SupaDupaa Krazie Starr,i cant wait to meet u upp tomorrow! and ouh,Azrael . my cute rapper form XS. 1 =)
That's all for today,GoodNight! (:
im starting to love you,now .
"" was Posted On: Friday, July 27, 2007 @19:17 | 0 lovely comments ✿

i simply hate today . for a simple reason because i cant attend my school today . i missed my POA lesson,oh gosh! what's more worst? i cant turn upp for my NPCC training todayy . like fucks . well,i didnt attend school today as im having a slight fever,uncontrolable cough,irritating flu and i went for my medical check-up for my OBS for the SECOND TIME mind you . i was accompanied by my mum who had her off day for today . well,she was sick too . we went to Bukit Batok Polyclinic . and its been sometimes since i last went there,about 4 to 5 years,maybe?
after the registration,we went to the second level and wait for our turn . haha! we spend our 1 and the half our waiting . and,the check-up was like soo fastt . and the waiting is soo longg . and what's great? the doctor approved me of going OBS . i was like hurray! (:
after collecting our medicine and do the payments,we headed to WestMall to have our breakfast . oh btw,my medical fee is only 7.90 bucks! how cheap! we ate Delifrance,okey this was my first time eating the food there as im not quite sure what to eat you see . so,my mum took the orders and stuff . so,she choose Mushroom and Cheese Pizza,Coffee flavoured E'clair,Coffee and Iced Lemon Tea . so yes,it was delicious though . my first time lorr .
few minutes before 2 pm,my dad called to tell me that he didnt let me go for my NPCC training as im on MC,and im not feeling well . like wth? at the very first place,you let me go . and now,you said no? merepek kan . abeh bilang orang last minute . siao ting tong . i was pissed . later then at 3 i have to go to the clinic beside Alif to get the doctor to re-signed my OBS form to say that im normal and healthy enough to go for the course .
my younger sister was like on little rascal,she came back home late like fuckkkk . && that clinic's gonna close at 4 . and its already 3.40 noww . after waiting for several minutes,we then went to the bustop to take 945 bus . but that bus was sooo late like hell . so,mum decided to take the taxi,was worried if the clinic might close . like finally we arrived there on time . the doctor did the check-upp again . and this time round . he was like an idiot . saying that i CANT go for OBS . my blood pressure still low and he dosent approve it . i was like,the polyclinic doctor says that im fit enough and this blood pressure rate is normal for Asian Girl like me .
that fucking KNNBCCB doctor really pissed me off . he still dowanna approve me into going there . still,he asked my mum to bring me to the Psychologist to have my full check-upp which cost 200 bucks! what the fucking hell sia? i then told my mum,forget about it . there's no need for me to go there . 200 bucks is too muchh . i told her no need la . then,my mum ask for the appointment form in case my dad agrees into letting me go for that fucking cibai check-up .
i told my mum not to waste her money just for this fucking thing . and not to waste her energy and time just for this fucking OBS . its like,that 200 bucks you can do soo many things rather than u spend it on the check-up, right? so,i just give it a pass . but my mum says,she try to cause even if i say there's no need to,i'll still stay mad and unsatisfied . i was like,okeyy whatever . i'll just follow what you say now .
so,my mum and dad will discuss further about this . i don't mind if i don't get the chance to go,again . yeahh,OBS was like something i am really looking forward for . i wanna of there again for the second time but that fucking cibai doctor,i really wanna kill him . he even says that,he fear i might collapse and die half way through my OBS course . fuckk . but never mind,if i didnt go there,it'll be great too as im not gonna turn darkk like fuckk and if it happens,i may look fucking dark on Hari Raya this year =)
what's more its on our fasting month . its like,it would be very nice if i could fast on our 1st day of the fasting month,right? andand,its tiring though . and that 200 bucks,might as well use it to straighten my hair again . well,im gonna straighten them again,2 days before RAYA! so,i dowanna trouble my parents for this . so,its okeyy . well,its okeyy (:
im not comfortable in making myself absent even if im sickk . sit at home and do nothing,wth? boring,so boreed . so i guess,even if im sickk,i would still wanna go to school and not to miss my lesson,even if im weakk . oh at least i get to look at _____ . not my late PrettyBoy larh okeyy! so yeahh,dance practice tomorrow! i hate my younger sister,she suckk .
Happy Birthday FLIQ! && to my late PrettyBoy's GF .
labels: i regret having my check-up at that fucking KNNBCCB doctor's clinic which was my dad' army fren and i really wonder,what did my late PrettyBoy gave his GF as a birthday present todayy . i wonder .
"" was Posted On: Wednesday, July 25, 2007 @16:59 | 0 lovely comments ✿

As pretty as the ocean, of flowing blue waters
As pretty as the wide field, of dancing bed of roses
But nothing is as pretty, as vibrant as thee
The girl who was named Nur Adilla Bte Ramli
Voluptious and curvy, a body of an angel
A big kind heart, and eyes made of pearl
Those long lean legs, so shiny and smooth
Those long black hair, that dances as she moves
I call her my princess, cause she is like one
I like to chat with her, cause she is fun
She makes me strong, but i'll go weak
For i'll crumble to pieces when she sway her hips
Oh princess oh princess, u make me go mad
You always make me happy and never ever sad
You make me feel alive when i'm almost dead
If i'm ever given the world, i'll trade it for u instead
I've met so many girls in my life before
But u are the one that always stands out more
As you are special to me among the rest
Cause in my heart, princess, u are the best.
A poem with a stalk of red rose,wouldn't it be lovelyy? oh i wish to get one .
currently sick . im having my irritating cough and flu . my body temperature was quite bad,i guess . its warm and weak . im having one miserable headache wish i've never had one before,its killing me . today's day was so called-okeyy . but,many people didn't turn upp for school like IFAH and FLIQ . and Prakash too . haiyah! ouh yes,our malay teacher didn't come today so yes,me and Mas do talk alot . mostly about our Love Storyy . was kinda sad you see . but yes,im glad i could share everything i keep inside me with her . she's lovelyy (:
our after school time was spend nicely,indeed! okeyy,Zanna,Mas and me was like crazy . laughing as if the canteen is ours . in addition with Saiful and Zul Fakar . haha,funny . so yes,so many story to share . yesyes,i miss laughing with my kambings . especially them . ouh, ____ smiled a few times to me . what does that mean? haha! hillarious .
labels: To design our wedding gown in few years time; JUST a dream .
"" was Posted On: Tuesday, July 24, 2007 @17:39 | 0 lovely comments ✿

All im asking for is just want some love,that's all . isn't that difficult?
my whole body is warm right now,im cold,im having some running nose,cough and stuff . unlike in the past,someone would really cares about me . asking me to take a rest and eat my medicine and full my stomach . but not now,no one will ask me to do so . cause' there's no one special in my life . so,was kinda sad as i cant turn back the clock like in the past,to have someone really cares and love me,would send me back home every single day no matter what happens,would have a long conversation talk over the phone with me till i fall asleep,to have someone to talk to,to have everything that takes to be a boyfriend .
i would feel jealous when i see many couples around . they laugh,smile,joke together,hold hands,speakk and stuff . ouh,that really touches me . well,what have done cant be undone so,let the past teach me a lesson and make it a lesson for my future . so yes,till now im still not sure who's gonna be my partner of wearing the same Baju Kurung with me . and the person who will accompany me to eat Dendeng in few months time . much worst,who's gonna go to Glass Hall with me? && my birthday? oh shits . everything is ruined now :(
baru berangan nak pakai baju raye same-same this year,kan da tak jadi .
labels: Boyfriend? wth DILLA .
"" was Posted On: Monday, July 23, 2007 @16:14 | 0 lovely comments ✿
;Sweet Escape
Racial Harmony was good . Fahmy keep on looking at me and i hate it . me and my sis went to Ikea then Town . was a boring one indeed . im not in a good mood . im sorry .
Racial Harmony Pictures (:

the three favourite dudes in my class;except for the middle one ;)

Part of my kambings;Mas-es .
My one and only tunang .
Zul,Miss Poon and Zanna .
With our most sexiest teacher (:
My lovely husband (:
My cutest step son (:
Mt tunang-the-brother (:
the cutest girl in Hillgrove,Kaixin
i wish i could dissapear from this world just to forget about those sweet memories i shared with you in my life,i wish . and i wish i could have u back,but i cant . i've starting to hate you now .
"" was Posted On: Saturday, July 21, 2007 @23:09 | 0 lovely comments ✿
;Should you be the one?
i've not been having my proper meals,lately . i don't know why . maybe its all because of my mood swings? maybe reason is because i don't like to eat much nowadays? or maybe because i don't have good appetite . i wonder how would my stomach look like if i only had my meals once a day? i wonder . haha! crap . okeyy,yesterday was funny . NPCC,Izwan and stuff . people keep on disturbing me . about my dream . haha! it wasn't my fault okeyy? wasn't my fault . i didn't even wanna dream about that stuck-up Izwan . hmmphf! okeyy,he's not that stuck-up la kan,cume garang sikit je . andand,i kept on smiling and laughing to myself when looking at his cute face . did i just say he's cute? okeyy,its just because he started wearing glases . that makes him look cuter,agree? okeyy,drop the subject la ehh .
tomorrow is Racial Harmony Day . i thought of wearing Cheongsam but too bad,the chinese people don't have them . i can't understand why . it's their ethinic costume anyway . haiyah! so,i thought of wearing something else but i don't feel like to as im having my National Day parade rehearsal tomorrow at 02:30 . chialat . we're told to wear our half-uniform . soo,that means i have to bring my shoe bag and dust bag along . im too lazy to go home . hoho! so,in that case,im not wearing any ethnic costume for tomorrow . so do my lovelyy Massafurah . she's lazy,anyway . haha!
That Precious Blue Guy has been winking his eyes at me,smiling at me,stealing glances at me and i don't know why . but that dosen't mean he likes me cause now,he's in love with someone else . i don't know,i wanna try talking to him but i don't dare to . My Late PrettyBoy has been starring at me without any valid reason . its been two particular days since i realise about it . i don't know why . i just realise that he's been looking at me from far,on our recess time . and that happens again,just now . when i saw him at the canteen after dismissal time . wth? don't look at me cause the sight of your really make me sick . you had your own love now that you leave me,i moved on . so,what again now? don't tell me you are up to something cause i've promised myself not to fall for you again and fall for a person like you . So now who's gonna accompany me to catch Harry Potter and The Order Of Phoenix and My Beats Society Family SpeakEasyy? lols (:
its been sometime that i've been giving a thought for . i simply don't understand why must you be soo damn farking kind to me just to join my Dance Group? why must you be soo fake just to get what you want? i thought you've been telling around bad stuff about me? i thought you were the Dancing Queen? then,why cant you dance? why must i be the one contributing all of the dance steps and not you? and what's your excuse when i asked all of my groupmates to find some dance step when im out of it and your not the one contributing? you were so proud about the Dancing Queen tittle on you and you even say i cant dance and you can . you even critisice me and say that you will never ever find me because you can dance on your own accord? so,what's the reason for now? what the hell ehh? im saying that im so good or something but its the fact . why must you be good to me after getting to know that im performing? if your sincere enough,you'll do it before getting to know about it . and ooh,don't you think by this way i'll forgive you after what you did cause i know,your not true enough . i know . so,don't you ever fool me . andand,i just couldn't understand what exactly you want .
oh btw,me and Zanna was selected for OBS Camp on September . haha! i was all excited! bestt lorr . OBS is something very difficult to get in . now that i've got the oppurtunity once again,i won't slip it . really,im excited . its on the 10th September - 14th September . 05 days 04 night . andand the last two days are going to be teh starting of our Fasting Month . like,how time flies . oh yes,i think i know who's gonna accompany me to eat Dendeng this year at Geylang Serai! sape ehh? jengjengejeng (:
The one who always spare me his listening ears when i had problems in my mind . The one who alwaysmake me smile and laugh when im moody and the one who always be there to listen to my cries when im down . He's not gonna be the one . oh he's Hisyam by the way,one nice young man that i've known for so long . Thank You Hisyamm ((:
"" was Posted On: Thursday, July 19, 2007 @18:06 | 0 lovely comments ✿

i don't know what to talk about today but i just felt like uppdating something . Today was my suckiest day in My life,i guess . i didn't do anything much at school . of all i know,i slept after my 1 period Chemistry lesson all the way till my History lesson . i slept for quite long . Social Studies and English lesson was slack . we didn't do much for Social Studies,well i was sleeping then . but when my teacher was walking around,i acted reading the piece of worksheet that was given by her . then,i slept again . English lesson was totally great . Mr Koh show upp last 5 minutes of the lesson . he had to settle some stuff with parents regarding something,i think so . so,most of us sleep and waste out time playing a fool around . so me and Ifah was in the first category,definitely (:
i only had my burger during recess . i didn't bring much money to school . i just don't feel like eating . i just don't feel like to . my mood swings and after my recess,i had this terrible flu . i keep on sneezing and stuff . my asthma came and oh no,some many things happened . i cant help it so,i took a rest after taking my malay composition . just a rest not taking a nap . so the period next was forced to sacrifice as i cant help it anymore . i slept for my maths lesson . well,we didnt study today . just copying of corrections for out class test . well,i scored 21/40 . not badd . haha! so,i sleep sleep sleep and sleep till the veryy end . the bell rangs and i woke upp and went down to the canteen .
waited for soo long for what i myself don't know . my body felt soo weak and i cannot tahan alreadyy . i wanted to go home and rest . but,i have to wait for Zanna,Ifah and Fliq . soo,bear with it . i rest my head on the table . then,i was kinda hungry and ate double-scoop of ice-cream . lameshit . okeyy,Ifah scolded me for eating them as im sick . but i don't care cause to me,if i don't have a BF,no one can stop me from doing anything . okeyy,sometimes only larhh kan,depends . Oh yes! That Precious Blue Guy kept on looking at me,i don't know why . oh hehe,i felt happy though . but,that doesn't mean he likes me,right? good guessing,he still likes nenek . so,its okeyy . im fine with it,maybe . i hope so . okeyy now,i felt bored whenever i have to go home alone as im used to have people sending me backk home like the past . Fahmy used to send me backk home and i got accompanied by that . not now anymore . oh boringgg . pape balik larh aku dgn kambings akuu . tu pon,Alhamdulillah da okeyy ngan dorg ((:
Ahmad Wolf Wolf wanted to treat me to the movie . at West Mall,catching Harry Potter but i rejected . it was all last minute stuff and i cant make it for sure . he thought of bringing me tomorrow,but i rejected again for the second time . haha! im having NPCC tomorrow leh! confirm penat nyer lepas tuu . i told him why not make it on Saturday but then,he told me he's gonna be busy with his stuff . so,i gave it a pass then . this week's schedule was tight . im sorry,but i've always wanted to catch a movie with That Precious Blue Guy . but,i don't know he's gonna ,like it or not . and thougth of bringing him to this month's SpeakEasyy .
NPCC suck for tomorrow! (:
"" was Posted On: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 @17:32 | 0 lovely comments ✿
so many stories to share but not for today . im bored yet lazy so i won't be uploading the Wedding Pictures . tomorrow perhaps? im lazy larhh . sorrie lorr . So,my cousin's wedding turns out GOOD i can say . it was a grand one . and yes,i simply love it . the pelamin,the baju pengatin,the make-upp and pictures and stuff . barang baik punya .
So,the family re-unite thing was simply wonderful . i get the chance to meet my cousins from my dad's side . but not my grandma . she wasn't there and don't wanna turn upp as soon as she heard my dad's name,i don't know why don't you ever ask me . so,my cousin who get married was my First Aunt's son . he has a long name . that is Rajaratnam s/o i don't know what @ Raja Saiful Bin Abdul Aziz . haha! so long lorr . okeyy,he was indian-muslim . my first aunt that is his mom was my dad' first sister . and that sister of his,the husband was an indian man . got me? fheeww,panjang sangat!
okeyy,i've not seen him before this,but my parents do . andand my parents and aunties call him ' Ah Boy ' . but i called him Abg Boy la kan . his age is 23 and has a stable job,and that's what im proud of him . one handsome cousin of mine,really . when he came back from collecting his stuff,i was like . who the hell is this handsome young man,the one who wear shades? then,he went to talk to my dad . he says he recognise my ada by my dad's eyes . hoho! so,after that we went to talk to him and not until an hour of chatting,we became close already . and now,i don't believe i have such wonderful cousins .
again,i have this young handsome cousin of mine . haha! Azhar was his name . of all i remembered,when we was young,at the age of 8,we were sooo close . like brother and sister,like GF and BF pon ader,tak tipuu . last time,we couldnt be apart . slalu jumpe . den we do so many things together . haha! i still got our pictures together when we were young,tapi i need to find them again . and now that we have grown upp,we didnt recognise each other . not even talk and smile . okeyy,wait . lemme tell u something about this weird guy . funny stuff .
i just reached his house,that is on saturday . so,i don't recognise him yet kan? so i just ignore him la and continue helping his mom and my aunties with the wedding stuff . so,after helping out,he was back from shop by then,with his friends along . so,they went into the kitchen to eat . to my surprise,i felt that someone's starring at me . i wonder who the hell . and when i turn,i saw him stealing glances at me . haha! siao . then,when he realises that im looking at him,he turn away . again,it happens upteen times . siao ting tong guy . and the when it comes to the 4th time,he was hiding behind the refrigirator,scared if i might saw or scold him about it .
it happens again and again . that Azhar has the same age as me . going on 15 . his birthday was on 05th October while mine was 3 days later . hoho! so,after smiling and stealing glances at me,he woundnt still talk to me . im fine with it . well,im shy though . okeyy,7 years apart,was longg . so,yeah . we've grown upp soo,things turn out a lil' bit different,i guess . he was a nice cute guy actually . andand his spiky hair make me wanna cut them! rambut macam tabung ayam! kankankan?
i don't know why but,me and his mom was oooo close . his mom really dotes on me . we joke around together,do things together,talk together and stuff . so,i can sense something . his mom even ask me why isn't me and Azhar close as before? i said,it takes time larhh kan . hoho,aku plak macam paham . so,he got my number from Suhaila,which was my another cousin . so,he started msg-ing me yesterday night . too bad,my rpepaid was low soo,i use kakak's hp to msg him instead . sorry for that sister . okeyy,kene top-upp la kan jawapnyer . kalau hari-hari nak msg kite .
worst still we didnt talk like in ' aku kau ' ways you see . okeyy,die tk biase . so kite talk ' awak kiter ' lorr . hoho! itu tak penting sangat,yang penting . aku tak percaye yang sepupu aku yang sorg nie da tinggi and handsome bandingkan die yang dulu . dulu hitam macam mamak sekarang putih melepak! haha! so yesterday,he added me upp at MSN and we talk .
he ask me ' kalau da lawa sangat sekarang nie,mesti dah ader bf,kan? '
then i said, ' of course no . eleh yang die tuu,da besar panjang,handsome,cute lagi tkkn tkder kot . ckp org,nath2 die nyer berderet-deret . '
den he replied, ' no larh tkder sey . i don't know why girls don't want me . maybe jodoh belom sampai kot '
haha! silly billy willy cousin of mine . bual macam yeye je,macam paham! jodoh konon . tapi true la,he got no gf . well,i say larh,he's soo abd and naughty maybe , taht's the reason why he dosen't own one . then he told me where got? he's a good boy okeyy . haha! like real kan . but no la,dont think other stuff . apape pon,die kan sepupu aku . so yesyesyes,i've started moving onn already,now! im gladdd . really gladd . i can forget about everything now . oh yeah,Noi told me something . thanks Hunn! (:
Fahmy is one romeo and playboy actually . that's what Noi's dad told her . andand,over the June Hols,Fahmy actually chatted with her and wanted her back like last time . but NOI says no,of course . as i was attached to him and Noi is taken . hoho,i then get to know bout this . secretly behind my back,he wanted to play scandal lorr . wth?
oh yes,last one! on Saturday night,the day before my cousin's wedding day,i had a dream . a funny one! okeyy,don't laugh at me like Noi did,okeyy? i had a dream,my dream was like . i get married with someone . okeyy,that someone was Izwan,my NPCC sir and that Izwan was Noi's elder brother . okeyy,i dremt about us getting married and wear an Orange gown for our wedding . and that gown,was maverlous . andand,blablabla . after our wedding night,Izwan sat beside me . he thank me for neing his wonderful wife (okeyy,aku tk tau asal) . and he give me one husband and wife hug and kiss on my forehead . well,the funny part is that,we was at Esplanade at that time . spending time together,alone . okeyy,end of my dream!
oh besides that,the previous day . i dreamt about engaging with Zul Fakar . okeyy,Anoi which was Atie's bf confronted Zul for being soo close to Atie and that amkes Anoi jealous . so,Atie didnt talk to Zul anymore and then Zul went to me . so,i get close to him and then becum his gf . then we get engaged . and then,the next dream was about Izwan . dosent make sense at all! its all becoz i cant wait for my cousin's big wedding day kan? haha!
funny kan? okeyy,diamm ehh . pape jgn la usik-usik aku atau kacau-kacau kan . favour ehh . ejek-ejek ke . nak-nak lagi pat NPCC, training . maut seyy kalau kecoh . ok damm,aku tak tau asal Izwan plak yang blh keluar pat dalam mimpi aku kali ini . haiyah!
Great Day people! will be upploading the pics tomorrow,i guess (: oh yes,kate update pendek je . tapi panjang nyer tak mahu kalah lorr! Bye! ohoh,im MSN-ing with that Azhar right now . lols!
"" was Posted On: Monday, July 16, 2007 @16:37 | 0 lovely comments ✿
i will be meeting my Grandma which is my daddy's mum tomorrow . and all of my cousins from his side . okeyy,merepeks . tapi,i cant wait . its been 14 years since i met my granny . okey,i don't know how she looks like . so,im kinda nervous right now . i wish things will turn out well and i wonder how my cousins look like? and now,i still cant decide what to wear for tomorrow's occasion as my first cousin which i don't really know gonna get married . so,nikah la kan . paham2 je larhh (:
Tags Replied:
DINA: haha,im not that prettyhead la! yeah,he dosent deserve the love from me,kan? haha,arent we wicked enough to pray bad stuff for them? lols . yeahh,thanks alot! i love you too,sweetheart! (:
ZANNA: yeah,Ain dengan Fahmy Fahmy skali pergi mampos . serabai uh ehk . yeah,masih ader awak,Mas and Ifah . memang giler babi pon dorg tu . yeahh,AZA AZA! thanks alot for being there for me ehh Zanna (:
CHIPPY: Thanks alot GF! (:
AO: Yeahh,your true! thanks!
IRFAN: haha! ader2 je Fann ni tau! yeahh,lau DILLA ader prob,it isn't a big problem for me to approach someone who could share what im thinking . andand,about inviting you to read my private blog nie,normal la . your the usual people who read my daily entries whatt . andand,about that birthday thingy,why not? mcm 2 years ago? haha! kidding (:
Im starting to move onn . im glad . thanks for being there for me,your people are simply great . okeyy,and now my cheek bones are in pain . i still can feel the pain when i slap myself previously . okeyy,now . its all about That Precious Blue Guy . okeyy,kidding! (:
more to uppdate soon! with pictures from Zanna .
What you doing down there?
I fall over .
What you fall over for?
I ain't doing it on purpose!
So come one then,let's not wait for the grass to grow .
Whatchuu lookin' at?
Nothing .
Well come on,then .
My favourite dialogue and no display picture for today . just a random update . oh yes,my internet connections are getting better and better now . Thank God!
"" was Posted On: Friday, July 13, 2007 @23:48 | 0 lovely comments ✿
i make my blog as a private one for a few reasons . i would only wanna tell how im feeling right now to certain people,that is you guys . well,i don't really want other people that i don't know to know what's my situation now . not my mother also . well,basically,i thought i could gain everything that i owned before backk . but i won't,ever . i'll tell you why,shortly .
so what do you think? surprised? im worst! they actually attached to each other on 02nd July 2007 that i on Mondae the day where my sis bumped into Fahmy and Ain at bugis . Fahmy was playing two-timer at that time,with me keeping in the dark without knowing anything,anything . Fahmy says a few things to Ain which would convinced her about our seperations .
Firstly,he told Ain that he got nothing else to do with him anymore where else im still his GF . Secondly,he told Ain that i had fallen for a new guy and that makes him feel that the love for us had faded . Thirdly,he told Ain that after our break-upp,i had a new guy and im happy about that break-upp thing . wonder where i get to know all this? Ain herself call my handphone . i don't know where the farking hell she got my number . maybe from Fahmy or Ayu,his sister .
i was pissed and cried at the same time . i thought i could get him back,now that he had accused me with so many things,i wont go back to you . i wont . and if i were,i would be thunder would strike me . im for real . i hate him . i really hate him . i thought he was the BEST GUY i've ever known? but i made a mistake . i really make a big mistake . i hate him,till im dead i will . he accused me with such things,how dare he do that to me? he dosent love me anymore and had another GF while he's still mine . he would reply me that he loves me when everytime i asked him whether he loves me or not . he would say he misses me so much too when i tell him how much i missed him .
i made a mistake,now then i realised . this world isnt perfect . we wouldnt always get what we wanted,right? Fahmy,8 months down the drain . im sorry Ahmad Syazwan . for leaving you,hurting you,dissapoint you,make you cry,make you feel sad and mad just because i had a crush on Fahmy . im sorry . i shouldnt do that to you . i was blind then . i thought i could last with him . but no,i was wrong . i should go for you instead . you actually did sooo much things for me then Fahmy did . you waited for me for sooo long . i've dissapoint you,deeply . i should go for a guy who will love me all of his heart and soul and the one who is willing to wait for me no matter what happens . not for a guy who i just had a crush on . Syazwan,im sorry .
and now,i wont try my best to be with Fahmy back,forever i wont . i cant believe this . thanks for everything Fahmy . the sacrifices,the kisses,the hugs,the perfume smells,the gifts,the comfort,the love,the touch,your smile,the way you walk,the way you talk to me,the way u love me,the way you treat me,the times we spent together,the money you spent on me,the times when u sent me and fetch me back to school,the laughters,your jokes,your long-conversation calls,the love notes,the cards,the teddy bear,the sweet talks and sweet words you told me,the movie,Peter Parker,the spraying of water to each other,spending my time with me,wiping my tears away for me,help me with stuff and to be there when i need someone to talk to and be with . thanks for everything .
i would still remember the msg you told me:
● Your love for me is 30,000 deep .
● Your love for me is as wide as a football field
● And you wish me,Happy Birthday Swetheart,on 08th October 2007 on my calender hp .
● You said,there's no other girl is as special as me .
● You said,there's no other girl is as patience as me .
● You told me you love me a lot and dosent want to be apart with me .
your special to me before,and now no more . u have hurt me deeply . how could you . and well,all i could do now is to slap my bloody face just to forget about you . yes,i did it every time i remember about you . i miss the time when you send me back home from school every single day . you give me kisses after sending me back home . you hugged me when i feel sad and need someone to talk to . you held my hand when we walk together . i smelled your perfume everytime im with you . the fragrance . the times we spent together outside and inside school . the jokes i made . i made you laugh . the money you spent on me . the sacrifices . i still remember,i wanted to save my money for my Dancework 2007 and u're the one who always buy food for me and refrain me from starving . the food and drinks we shared together . the gifts . when u met my parents,how lucky you were . the time when we catch movies . i would always touch your SEXY LIPS and would stare deeply into it and kiss it . i love it when you put your arms around my waist , i felt comfortable,safe and i like it . your smile,your hair . its the reason why i called you PrettyBoy . so many things,we shared together .
i wouldnt possibly forget them . thanks for everything . simply everything . i woulnt forget such a person like you in the positive ways . i hope,you and Ain WOULD NOT last long . i hope . im not being mean but i wanna make it a lesson for you . im sorry . we just planned about our future,but its all gone . all because of you . never mind . your just a typical guy like NOI says .
Who's gonna celebrate my birthday with me this year?
Who's gonna eat Dendeng with me at Geylang on the coming fasting month?
Who's gonna wear the same baju kurung color as me on Hari Raya?
Im still crying . my face are red now,thank you .
"" was Posted On: Thursday, July 12, 2007 @17:42 | 0 lovely comments ✿
this internet connections really suck to the core . i don't know what happened lately,i couldn't get my connections propely . andand that's the reason why i didn't uppdate much lately and check my emails lately . so,to the taggers who had tagged,sorry for the late reply . well,i appreciate the tagg and concerns . the advice and stuff,thanks alot people (:
okeyy,yesterday was monday and today was tuesday . so,PrettyBoy had been smiling at me in school! ohohohohoh,soo sweet larhh his smile . okeyy,i was so excited till i tell soo many poeple about it . padahal PrettyBoy baruu senyumm je . bukan kate nak patch upp balik kan? lols . school's been good . my life? i can say,im not strong enough to face all this . well i actually could but when i think back about who's gonna celebrate my birthday with me this year . about who's gonna wear the same Baju Kurung color with me this year . whos' gonna accompany me to eat Dendeng at Geylang this year and about the 1st Year Anniversary thing,all gone . Ain stole everything . thanks to that biatch . she even thank me for not being mad toward her after what she's done . wth? me,not mad? go bang your head on the wall larhh ehh!
so,after giving a few thoughts and thinking,i would definitely will do sumthing about it . about this relationship,EIGHT MONTHS relationship . like i told you before on the previous post,i told PrettyBoy . no matter what happens or took place,i will not give everything upp . i will gain backk whatever i owned . and now,im strong enough to try getting everything back in place . i've already send a msg to PrettyBoy about me not gonna give upp just for the third partyy . and i wonder how he'll react . so,my words are definitely true . i'll try my veryy bestt to get everything backk . because,PrettyBoy dosent tell me that he dosent love me anymore . and that makes me have the confidence to do so . and i REPEAT; no matter what took place,i will still love him coz his my half-life . seriously,i dont care (:
thanks to Naddyyy love for the support and encouragement . to Zanna who's been a great bestie to me . Ifah who's been a great buddy and Mas for being such a lovely goodfren to me . Fee for hearing all my cries and to others who ios concern about whats happening to me . all i could say is thank you very muchh . andand PrettyBoy,i will never ever let u go,not even a mile . trust me . oh yes! Speech Day been good . the slow march that me and Zanna did was okeyy . i did a mistake at the starting point but it turns out well,i guess . well,the parade was at the gym . was kinda boringg as we cant see the GOH marching inn and i didnt get the chance to shout wen the March Pass . lols . well,some pictures are upp . but more to come,my nenek has not send to me yet! nenek serabai uh (:

[1] GOH and Mrs Lim
[2] Me & my twin cum elder sister,ZANNA . ILY (:
[3] Me and my sister's 2nd husband,HAFIZ .
[4] ME & my lovelyy scandal,DICKEY . ILY! haha sorrie ZANNA (kidding)
[5] Mr Koh and me .
[6] HAZWAN,my step-son and me!
[7] TAUFIQ,my step-son too,with his step-mom,and that's me!
[8] My one and only lovelyy son,HANIS .

I still love my PrettyBoy . I miss my PrettyBoy so muchh and i will get everything backk,i promise . my promises are not fake if not,i wont do one . trust me (:
"" was Posted On: Tuesday, July 10, 2007 @17:01 | 0 lovely comments ✿
30th October 2006 - 04th July 2007 248 Days together .
5952 hours together,357120 minutes together .
&& 8 months and 4 Days together .
but i still cant believe it . i don't know why . maybe its because i put a veryy high hopes on him about us,our relationship,our love and our future . but,its all gone now . and its unbelieveable when the 3rd party comes in,Ain,who schools in Yusof Ishak Secondaryy . she knew about me & PrettyBoy together for suchaa long time and instead of leaving us alone,she actually confessed to PrettyBoy that she loves him alot whereas she attched to a guy called,i forget his name (:
so,last monday on Youth Day,my sis bumped into them at Bugis and i wasn't quite suspicious about what's happening . the next day,our recess time . after eating,i went to seat beside him and try to talk to him . but then,i didn't even get to hear his voice . when i asked him questions and stuff,he would simply give me his head body language . after then,i read my taggy which a nice kind-hearted girl tagged me and told me about him dating on another girl now . i was shocked like hell but i take it easyy . and try to see what's happening now .
so many coincidence happened on tuesday . so many things pooped onto my mind about the related things happened . so,i was scared something unexpectable happened . so,the following day was my emmbarasement day . i cried in the morning before our flag-raising . Zanna asked me what happen . so i told her Fahmy got a new girl . then,its soo nice of her to lend me her shoulder to cryy on and give me a warmm hug . thanks my love (:
i've thought about it . so,recess time,after eating Nasi Ayam with Yana . i wanted to look for PrettyBoy and asked him about what's happening . so,this is the crucius part . i went upp to him and say:
DILLA: "can i talk to you?"
Fahmy: "hold onn,wait a second"
after few seconds ........
Fahmy: "yeah,what you wanna say?"
DILLA: "i've heard all around,about you having anew girl . is it true?"
Fahmy: (just keep quiet)
DILLA: "c'mon,what's my mistake? where did i went wrong? i don't remember hurting you and do sumthing wrong towards you? tell me the truth and we'll clear everything back again ."
Fahmy: "it's none of your business,forget about me now and let's break upp"
and as u expected,i cried all along . so,i have to be strong as im having my parade next . and again,on my parade,i saw him but i told myself not to look at him . not even a glance,forget about everything .
and now,i've lost everything . i've once told myself:
if anything will to happen,i will not give upp and will try my veryy best to get everything back together . but now,i don't have the courage to . just because the 3rd party,PrettyBoy's willing to change and leave everything behind . as for the past,there's a third party too into coming in to our relationship . a guy who confess to me he loves me alot and i do told PrettyBoy about it . but i didn't give even a single effing care to that guy . i cant deny too that PrettyBoy is cutee and has a good-looking face which most girls can fall for . but with them having around us,PrettyBoy wouldn't even care . but now,its all different . and that Ain is really suchaaa bitch . she's attached and now,wanna steal PrettyBoy from me? wth sia? but whatever it is,everything has happened and i cant turn the clock back in the past time . life's gotto move on .
i kept on repeating myself that,life's gotto move on . but i cant . it happnes just soo far too fast for me . very fast . i cant accept the fact yet . and sumtimes,i would questioned myself: i've already broke up with Fahmy? really? but anyway,i didn't regret being together with him before . but i regret for giving in too much for him . and left the person who's willing to love me with all of his heart and soul for me and is willing to wait for me no matter what happens and tok place . and now,i regret cause i lost both . the one i had crush on last time which once is my PrettyBoy and the one who have waited for me for such a long time .
labels: Turn the clock back in time for me,can?
"" was Posted On: Sunday, July 08, 2007 @17:12 | 0 lovely comments ✿
If I could be any part of you,
I would be your tears,
To be convienced in your heart,born in your eyes,live on your cheeks,and die on your lips .
"" was Posted On: Monday, July 02, 2007 @11:20 | 0 lovely comments ✿
He fills my 9568236.26485215KB in my heart .I miss him a lot and i really do .
and now,i have problems editing my lovelyy pics,dammit .
Happy 8 Motnhs 1 Day Anniversaryy,PrettyBoy .
How time flies,its already July now . 4 Months to go and be mine forever can?
"" was Posted On: Sunday, July 01, 2007 @14:27 | 0 lovely comments ✿
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