isnt he cutee? but,,he's crazyy yar! siao ting tong! btw,i fergot his name,can anyone tell me?

lets get siao siao . &&we shout & screamm .. bolehh? ahaa .. os;dos;tres!!!!!
okok,dats fer now,&&to the peoples dat olways care fer me n concern bout wats happening around me,thank uu soo muchh . &&keep on loving me yar! especially YOU,PrettyBoy! i Love urr haiirrrr .. niceee siaaa . kn Zanna? lawaa ehk .
sooo,,i got no other wae of thinking to get contacted with him sososo,,me & Zanna suggest to juz wait . &&if he still dosent kol me upp i got no choice but to wait till school re-open larh beb! &&i donnoe how to face each other wen dat dae cums . butbutbut,,,,im really begging to myself to pull dis things over . i cant give upp just lyke dat . simlpy lyke a snap! *snap* rite? den,,for a reason dat i didnt noe,,he did treat me dis wae . sososo,im bearing with it . &&im okeyy . im fine . okey okey DILLa,no lies! im not okeyy . i donnoe,its lyke y suddenly lyke dis siaaa .
so,,tanx to my BelovedBestiesInDisWorld,,Zanna ... tanx fer listening to dat prob of mine in detail till i cryy lyke hell . i appreciate datt . sosososo,,i came upp with on idea of writting testi to Fahmy . soooo,,i olready did dat twice,yesterdae & todae . sososo,hoppeyy hopee he's gonna call me upp soon by dat wae . *cross fingers* ...........................
&&todae i went fer training late . purposely lorr!!!! coz i dowanna miss my Drama!!! me&Zanna . den kanna scold Sirrr . suayy . i said i overslept . butbutbut,,i bedek uhh . i wake upp early horrr ... no tipu tipu! 9++++ .......
ehee . dendenden blablablablablablabla ..... go home tym!!!! cpat ehhhkk ... ehee,,rainrainrain&&rain again & again .. hmmpphhfff!!! but,me&Zanna enjoy it soo muchh . we played in the rain,laugh laugh laugh & laugh uhhh ... ehee . den saw Aidil&Asyraf . ahaa . Asyraf my farr farr farr cousin! ehee . baskett . bububu bababab bebebeb lululu lalalal . reachh home! wet lyke hell not heaven! tml cannot watch my Drama!!! babilarhh Sirrrr ! u suckksss bluekkk!!!! booo~~ i called him && his momma said;Fahmy TDOOOOO!!!!!! okeyy watevaa larh B .

tadaaa . okok . im in no mood do dose stuff . &&okok . no more delay,,i will update bout my past daes . lets Falshhbackk!
Fridae .
i have my Sec 1 Orientation Traffic Duty Npcc soo,stepp out home at 6 sharp,,den mit Zanna upp &&bought our breakfast at McD Gombak . okok,,it was raining in da morning soo,i came upp wit an idea to wear our sch skirt &&wear slippers&jacket . eheeheee . clever rite me . ahaa . shuddupp! dendenden,we're da Verrie Ferst person to reach da sch . it is sooo dark &&we went to da canteen larh to open dose lights &&we saw soo many Lizarads &&it is soo disguisting to da core!! eeewww . &&i swear if Mas is dere,shes gonna freak outt like hell! ahaaa . diamm uh . blablabla,we did our duty &&i saw Hidayu swaying her booty with her stupid kinda mini skirt & sleeveless! ahaa . soo many fats dowan dere n still wanna wear lyke dat siaa . ehee . baskett . sososo,done with it! &&shits . i didnt get to watch my Drama . aiyoyo .
done wit it & we[Zanna,me&Lina] went to WestMall . soo,borrow n return backk books blablabala . &&we went to BurgerKing to eat . okok . but i didnt coz after dat im going outt . soo,i share2 only mahh . ehee . after all dat,me & Zanna walk home . ahaa . bcoz my ez-link left 20 cent u noe . sanggup save arh . sengket btl! ehee . reach home eat NasiAyam . ahaa . verrie nice . dendenden quickly dress upp momma's waiting n we proceed to Xpo n it is soo damn boringg! really . i thought wat only . ahaa . den we go SuntecCity to watch the S'pore Garden Festival . &&it is soo damn beautiful!!! ehee . before dat plann larh want go TampinessMall larh,Bugis larh,VivoCity larh e2 larh ini larh . ahaaa . aiyoyo . &&at nite we went to AirPasang to eat!!!!
PsPs:tk nampa pon Bpk Aidil . ahaa . ingatkn 24 hrs pat saner . no offence larh PakHaji!!!!! [Zanna&Ifah,u noe i noe!]
Saturdae .
da usual,MakSiti brought us to Ikea & den go VivoCity!! ahaa . quite bestt larh . u noe larh lau MakTi yang ajak mesti power nyer . ehee confident cakap akuu . ehee . den go inside the Giant larh buy sumthings , &&i didnt saw him leyy . i tink he;s not werking . hmmm .... maner larh syg akuu sorg nie . dendenden,we bought sum Chocolates!!! eheeehee . sdapp!!! Jealous? tu lu punya pasal larh!!!
Sundae .
ape lagi Swimming larh! ahaaa . at ChoaChuKang . &&okok jelalala larh . coz it is not as Big as at Jurong mahh . ahaa . sososo,we enjoy urself && a lil bit dark olready . &&a bit only leyy! ahaa . &&after dat,we went to Lot 1 to eat . & den,go home uh siaa .
Mondae .
Its Chrismas baybe! ehee . soo stay at home only,watch Enot3 . ehee . fav uh siaa . okok . dendenden,wait fer his call again &&i msg JayJ olready horr . tell him larh ask Fahmy msg me alarh biase larh da TopUpp mah . but topupp olready donnoe who to msg . Lau Fahmyy bknnyer die nk topupp apelarh u niee . bluekkk!! might as well,use dat money to catch a movie . rite?? ya lorr . tp tkper,on da 28th kakak got her $150 soo,hoppey hope im gonna get backk my money & watch NiteAtTheMuseum with Fahmyyyy!!! woohooh . ok shuddupp! wanna uppdate pics lol!
kakak being da camera gerl &&momma pls smile,aiyoyo
&&dats the 4 of usss .....
&&i love dis Kodret of mine!!!!
&&kakak,u do look fat horr . no offence! *smile*
Sisters .
it supposed to have da temple view but kakak slh amek . aiyoyo!
welcum to da world of Floraaa ...!!!
dis picture look horrible but .. i lovee flowers!!!
another horrible picture of mine . weeee ....
wouldn't it b great if im surrounded by flowers?
buai laju-laju . woitt,asl tk gerak nie?
da water is sooo colddd ... wush wush .
me&bpk Chrismas . ahaa . SantaSanta .
me&AyahPin after eating our fav LongJohnSilver . cute uh us . ehee . testing je .
okok . soo basically,tml i got my NCO NPCC extra training . xtra only uh . i want relax also cannot . && i tink tml i got no frens larh . Zanna go backk kampong,Ajeek donnoe la,she doqan cum . Lina,lazy to go && Lijah cum late . alahaiiii . most probably,im with da guys only . tk shiokk larh cm nie . hmmphf! && tml's training is from 10am to 5pm . but ... im falling inn at 12 . wanna watch my drama ferst! dowanna miss it again! huhu~ && walk lenggang-lenggok larh alonee . ya lorr dat Wang says "i dont mind u ppl cumming late . so long as u all didnt absent urself" ..
soo,if she sae lyke dat olready,ape lagi,ambillah kesempatan itu horr . ahaaa . DILLA DILLA . baskett! && my Kodret gonna go backk home at JB todae! bubbye Kodret! gonna miss yar! &&i just hoppe he's gonna send me,have my lunch together wit him && he's gonna fetch me backk home . coz ... i've not listen to ur vioce fer 4 daes my dear . &&His fren told me his sickk now . &&wen JayJ ask him msg me he's stubborn n i donnoe y . hmmmmmm .... get well soon LOVE!!
&&unless u gonna call me upp,im not gonna change my song . deep inside me,im not okeyy .
*for no reason,i found myself smiling the moment im with u coz i've never loved sumone lyke I LOVE YOU . ur moments,our Love . i Miss u*
okayokay .. i've juz done helping my sis changing her bloggy skinn . pheww! finish olready horr . nicee nicee . n ermm,nutting . hey,im hungry . hehe . yerp yerp,todaes uppdate is not gonna b dat long,coz . im outt of werds .... soooo,yaya . b4 i ferget! tml is my cousins befdae again soooo, HAPPIE BEFDAE ISHA!!!!! bluekk!

hehe . dis game is fun tauu . but pls,dont hurt urself!! but,dis do hurt! DILLA siao . diamm uh .
As pretty as the ocean, of flowing blue waters
As pretty as the wide field, of dancing bed of roses
But nothing is as pretty, as vibrant as thee
The girl who was named Nur Adilla Bte Ramli
Voluptious and curvy, a body of an angel
A big kind heart, and eyes made of pearl
Those long lean legs, so shiny and smooth
Those long black hair, that dances as she moves
I call her my princess, cause she is like one
I like to chat with her, cause she is fun
She makes me strong, but i'll go weak
For i'll crumble to pieces when she sway her hips
Oh princess oh princess, u make me go mad
You always make me happy and never ever sad
You make me feel alive when i'm almost dead
If i'm ever given the world, i'll trade it for u instead
I've met so many girls in my life before
But u are the one that always stands out more
As you are special to me among the rest
Cause in my heart, princess, u are the best.
Tommorrow's plan .
u noe wat? dis lil' cousin of mine came to S'pore juz wanna go to da Swimming Pool!!!! ahaa . ya lorr . at JB da pool is at da forest,summore smelly,unhygienic,blablabla . ooppsss! sorie JB ppl . ahaa . but im stating da factt! coz i've gone dere before! lolyyysss . n yea . tml,me& all of my other Belovedd cousins is going to Jurong swimming Pool . woohoo .4 years of not going dere . can u believe it? boo booo~~
ahks . n wells,sumthings actually make me go hulalalablablabla . dun laugh okeyy? i actually veriee excited of going dere butttt ..... i dont have a swimming coustume!!! booohhhhh!!!!!! baskett . butt!!! it dosent ends here! Lijah actually gonna lend me hers! blueekksss ... huhu~
sososososo ... im waiting fer his call again . coz he's actually visiting his fren's grandma . yea,da grandma tgh NAZAK .. soo,quite sad larh . talk about dat,it reminds me of my late Uncle&Grandpa . really sad if i were to recall da pastt . soo,i tink i shud stopp here . n to Fahmy's Fren,do pray fer da grandma,muchh muchh pray . n hope,it dosent end dere . AMEN .
soo,i'll uppdate tml nite if im not tired . ya lorr . in da morning must go reach dere siaa . woohooo . ya lor,must CHOPP da place if not,chialatt! many ppl olready . im not KIASU but its my aunts plann . woohoo! ba backk at nite . wow . gotta enjoy myself at da pool &&dun worrie,im not gonna drown myself! love u peeps . takin carees;

tanx horr da Mr. Cute &&Adoreable! woohooss ... cannot tell whoo . boo~
bye! im gonna eat my CHOCOLATESSS... jealous? bluekkss!
coz if u tink u're great enuff wit ur shit,heck care &&fer all u tink i care . dun spam,me here&dere if u tink u're juz great wif u shitiess! fark off larh . u wanna talk about me? flaunt it,i don care . n remeber,u not great enuff to me if u wanna talk about me . get it rite Faggot!
sorie Ifah fer da inconvinience . ahaa . thought of asking her fer help,but . ahaa . she's too bz as olwaeyz! ya u noe . n heyy,u noe wat? i actually TERMAKAN one ice dat actually teste lyke a soap! eeewwww . my sis larh . gif me . den i eat lorr . ahaa . having a slight headache now .
B's not at home i tink soo . he came backk from werk at 3 juz now . soo,i donnoe larh . aiyoyo . ya lorr . i scared sia . he mad or sumthing . ahks . ya larh,yesterdae got online wit Him at midnite &&&he asked me to wait fer him again&again . aiyoyo . den i was lyke . parents gonna be backk home soon den . haiyahh . soo,he gif a missed call at my phone . but,i juz ignore it . sorrie horr . did it fer a reason .
soo,i wanna eat &watch my drama now . sooo . tagg me horr! n yea . dis is da bestt skinn i can find . lols . takin carrs ppl! till den;
keep it goin;
itz been TWO hours of me finding a neww blogg niceey skinn . aha . i wanna change da skinn larh . long tym use dis one olready . ahks . hehe . soo,tot of putting da chocolate pic but ler . haiyaahh!!! i want my skin background to b White . nicee watt . ahaa . aiyoyo . soo,juz gonna find find find &find . ahks . soo difficult leyy . soo,gotta wait fer da loading uh,verrie long siaa . wells,after dis &dat,den i'll uppdate again fer da 2nd tym horr . takin carees;c u later! =)
DILLA's here to blogg again . ahaa . okok . i've gotta wait fer IFAH to online juz to gett da code fer White backkground . ahaa . den i've gotta change the top pic into mine's .
so basically,everything btw me&Him,ermm . quite okeyy i shud sae . better den yesterdae but heyys,we end da conversation wit one kinda ... how to sae ehh . ermm . lyke,marah2 gitu larh . ahaa . DILLA DILLA . tu pon tk reti . apelarh . ahaa . okeyy okeyy . he's outt to werk . n yea,tml he's gonna werk again&again . so .. watchevaaa . im not gonna meet him tml also . ahaaa . let Him feel how i felt . soo,im not being mean okehh . =)
soo,tml im gonna change my blogg skinn ahaaaa . bestt nyer .. soo,im gonna tell u bout my dae course @ CD . ahaaa . estatic siaaa . wanna noe? wait till tml larh babe .
Thursdae Nite .
online witt Him at ONE am . yea yea . didnt get da fone call but,at least i got talk to him mah . soo wells,after talk talk talk talk and talk again,he told me he wanna go shopp to buy sumthing . soo,without any thoughts in mind i actually let Him but he PROMISED me dat he's gonna be backk home at 1.10 . ten minutes later lorr . soo . i wait i wait i wait and i waited again and again . he's not backk home . n itz olready reaching TWO . ahaaa . FERST one .
Fridae .
he's gonna be outt from S'pore at 12 noon . n yea . i noe and i remember telling Him to call me upp before He went Overseas . soo . i waited and waited lyke damn shit down dere . but still got no farking call from Him . soooo . i guess he forgott bout it or wattsooevaaa . watchevaa . soo . basically,im still in S'pore n im not going to JB . wells . dammit again!
Sundae .
yerp yerp,he didnt call me yesterdae coz he's not in here . soo . understood larh horr . n yea yea .
den he noe i was waiting fer his farking call . n yes,he did call me upp at 8 pm . he told me his fren met wit an accident dere soo,must go backk dere den . ahaaa . soo,yea im mad at dat point of tym coz u noe larh wat he did da past few daes . sooo,i tink if i wanna ask him dat tym,itz lyke no use larh . he's rushing mahs . soo,let it beee . n he told me TWICE dat he's gonna call me da next dae .
Mondae .
was my farking dae . i waited fer his call from my switt switt morning till my farking nites . he sae he's gonna call me buttt .... till 2 am,no nutting . soo . tml i have my course n he promised to send me but . with dis happening,i tink and i bet he's not gonna do it man . n yes . wat i thought was ritee . damn rite . he didnt send me . n stupidd shitt Adilla actually waited fer Him till she's actually late to mit Zanna upp! damn me . sorie larh Zanna . ahaa .
soo,i was mad . and im with mixed feelings . soo,dere's only ONE thing in my mind dat tym was ... i juz dowanna pick upp my bloodyy fone wen he called me coz he really pissed me off!
soo,bah! dere's a call . private number summore! Fahmy Fahmy and Fahmy i bet . guranteed plus 100% . huhu~ nabeii . soo many times called me . but . how cud i pick upp da fone? prepaid low&im doind my course . so so so ......
he called me again . so,i felt kinda guilty if im not gonna pickk dat upp . wells,i called Him backk using Zanna's fone . he acted lyke hell,nutting's happening lyke dat . i was lyke . no sorie no nutting at all? u mean . m i at fault or watt? u did nutting huh? n he said he juz wanna pickk me upp . soo i said NO NEED coz im going to McD to eat . kanninna ...
soo,reached home and i called him upp . i told Him to call me after maghrib . n i waited till 8 . sooo,i got to call him denn . n he farking say dat he thought im da one who's gonna call him upp! wtf? i told him many times n he olready said yes yes yes&yes .
n u noe wattt? den he noe im madd at him damn damn damn&bloody damn mad! nabei . wanna cry sia lyke dis . yea yea . he said ...
**n da Thursdae nite,after he gone to da shopp,he went to J.J's placee .
**on da Fridae,he donnoe do watt . fark larh .
**on da Mondae,he juz came backk to S'pore .
**he overslept or watt donnoe larh . soo,he didnt send me den .
so basically,i've express all my feelings now n yea,im crying,n i hate dis . coz i thought he promised me not to do da same mistakes again . n wells,dis is wat i get again . ahhaaaa . sooo,yes yes,he ask me to cool it down ferst den he's gonna call me upp denn . soo . im farking madd .
heyy,YOU! if u were to read it,im sorrie,im juz expressing my feeling thru dis . no offence . dis is wat u did butt,watevaa it is . juz a few sorrie n i guess im gonna be backk fyne . im counting on u horr!
ahaa!!! i made it babe! huhu~ yea yea . dat thingy is outts . hehe . dammit . thankie euu larh . ahaa . lols . soo . im now only editing . soo . yerp . im still waiting fer da call . n neh u see,juz now soo Kanchiong till i tagg n sae blablabla . hehe . Adilla tau takot!
yerp yerp,todae i got to noe a neww gf! ahaa . Izyan is her namee . she's cutee . hehe . well,my age larh . ahaa . n yea,everyone's greatt . hehe . dilla siao!
anyway go to bed alsoo connot slip one . soo,i hear Seize The Dae song till 2.30 AM in da morning . dennnn ....... i can goo to slipp!
soo . i woke upp at 12 pm . n denn . wash upp . watch da farking tv den do my farking housewerk . blablabla . my sis cooking soo . i felt hungry BUT i cant eat coz i donnoe y . baskett . coz . i feel lyke vomitting if im gonna start eating . n u noe watt? doing all my stuff really makes me damn farking hott! n i donnoe y . it is soo damnn farking weird dat i actually didnt perspire AT ALL!! siallarh . ahh . donnoe leyy . n yes yes . todae's Sundae n yea . he's cuming backk home todae . BUT! till now still got no farking calls from him soo . gotta wait fer farking sumtym den c how larh . soo . anything juz gonna farking uppdate tml . and im farking sickk . im not okeyy n i SWEAR im not farking okeyy AT ALL!

sorie horr got soo many farking farking talking here . im lyke datt coz im boredd n im not okeyy . i SWEAR . soo . basically . im not okeyy . will anyone make me okey? baskett .
kepp it goin;
yesterdae .
sit at home . blablabla . mit him upp fer A WHILE only . better den nutting . ahks . wells . ermm . nah . watchevaa . ahaa yes yes . yesterdae,dere's misunderstanding btw my kambings . ahaa . a lil' bit only . soo . neh,nutting muchh to talk about actually . itz all in da pastt . baskett . babe . no offence! ahks . kaes kaes . wanna stopp it now .
todae .
went to buy my sec 3 books wit momma . n ya . soo heavyyy!!! ahaa . espeacially da POA . nabei . i wonder how m i gonna bring them backk n from sch . aiyoyo . ahaa . baskett . juz now bring them wow . cannot tahan seyy . ahaa .
den den den . after buying them . go WestMall to buy stuff . den,blablablablablabla . go home . okehh . im boreedddd!!!! noo mood siaaa ..
ya lor . he yesterdae sae wanna cum backk shopp at 1.10 . den i waited lyke hell till 1.40 . okeyy i noe itz juz fer sum minutes but im sleepy dude! den . wallauehh . no comment arh . den i told him,todae wanna go overseas CALL me FERST but! no . he didnt . soo . wat to do? im juz gonna zipp my lips . n utter no werds at all to him . got dat . soooo . baskett larh .. but heyy . i still love Him no matter watt horr . hehe .
yea yea . my mum planned to bring us to da Flea Market at Scape tomorrow . ahaa . cant wait to go dere . gonna shopp shopp and juz shopp . but ahks . my money's not dat muchh sia . ya lorr . next week wanna go outt wit him leyy . ahaa . DILLA siao ting tong!
im now waiting fer his call . n yahh . talink bout it . yerp . about yeaterdae .
Yeaterdae .
yeahh . im gonna mit my kambings upp . n neh . he too wanna mit me upp so yeahh . cool . den . mas sae her sis's flight is being deelayed so . got to mit them upp at 9 instead of 8 . haks. baskett . den . its okeyy lorr . soo . happie happie excited olready horr wanna mit Fahmy SEKALI . wen i called him,his fren says dat he's now playing soccer . baskett! mak aii .
at 319 . soo . its kinda near my house soo . set arh . go see him japp . den wah wah wah . soo bestt hor playy soccer till he 4get bout it i tink . alamakai .
soo . i juz go to Ifah's blockk n wait fer them lorr . nabei . alone sia . soo scary . summore got soo manyy bangla . aiyoyo . n cats all around! alamak . cockroch summore . aiyoyo . da mcm grammy award . hehe . den waited fer my bitches fer half an hour! nahs .
i noe larh them . so so so . the main point is ...
baskett . wells . at 2am he msg n apologise . huahuahua . lols . wells . no biggy . maybe we're not meant to mit each other . ahks . wells . itz okeyy lorr . n yerp yerp . im waiting fer his call! n yes . my kakak jus bought fer me Old Chang Kee . woohooo .

i tink dis look adoreable!
i SWEAR im in lovee with dis!
wen can i get one? dis is amazing man .
parties? outt with it gerl .
basically i tink dis tops look greatt seyy . n wells . i wanna buy them . yes yes . ahks . so . wait till i got my money then . hehe .
im juz styaing at home todae . yerp u noe my schedule . sit at home n my stuff n blablabla . nahs . wat to do? oh yea . i've not done wit my house werk . gosh! ahks . i've not eaten . mann .. i wanna get sum sleep . so yerp yerp . ppl juz tagg me horr . im blankk rite now! lols .
keep it goin;
30 November .
FERST month wit Fahmy . n yes . no calls! ahks . he's werking larh dear . hehe . n wells . no complains . i still lovee Him no matter watt .
1 December .
went outt wit mummy n dian to Akira warehouse n IMM . yerp2 . to do sum shopping . hehe . n wells . till afternoon . n yes . at night . me n my sis went to Waterfront Esplanade to watch Beats Society Performance . ahks . too bad! only da Access one performing . blahh .. Psykelectics n Krazziee Starr didnt . nahh .. Shino's cutee! ahks . i enjoy it well! n yes . it didnt last fer an hour leyy . borringg . den we go to Coffee Bean!!! to buy Iced Mocha . with Wipped cream yeaahh ..
niceee ... n yea,,reached home at 11 pluss . bah .
2 December .
went outt to Town wit my makciks n cousins .. yes yes . we went from Tanglin Mall to Plaza Singapura! ahks .. soo longg horr walk . hehe . we went outt at 4 pm n came homa at 2 pluss . n yerp yerp after Plaza Sing we went to Clarke Quay . bah . bestt larh . but den . pnatt seyy! eat till we are fulled n i got gastric leyy . bah . ahks . cool . we did buy a lottttt of CHOCOLATE!
hehe . sdappp .. n yea babe i buy a white Shawl! nicee . its silk n soo softt . bestt horr .
gotcha aha . im gonna uppload da pics . enjoys worr .

yes yes . we juz reached da Tanglin Mall . n itz me being da camera gal . woots .
itz verie hott lorr down dere! aiyoyo . n yes,dats us ...
n itz da chrismas chrismas chrismas tree .. hehe . soo highh lorr .
da toilet at TAKA is soo standard verie niceey . ahks . da usual . me&my sis .
da reflection mirror of me&my beloved cousin,Iman . he's single,any takers?
n dats us again . bahh . tkder keje . hehe . Carefour's gonna closee soon .
mama nini,me,mak siti&my sis .
itz getting dark n we're still active horr . ahks . shoppings not over yett!
n i SWEAR i Lovee shopping . hehe . me&dat chrismas tree .
me by da streets . ahks . nutting to doo horr . boo~
mama nini,mak siti,pipin&my sis . n dats themm .
n guys,we gerls Lovee flowers . can i have flowers fer Valentine's?
at Toys R us . she's like a babyy mann . ahks .
im da Young babyy . peace~
pacifier fer dinner anyone?
woots! i saw NOEL at Town . hehe . his name is all around Orachard Road's shopping centre .
im happie after getting my CHOCOLATES . ahks . wells;im a happie gerl .
last but not least . thanks to my beloved auntie fer blanjaing us . ahks . she spent most of her money wit us . cool!
yes yes . dats all lols . n aha . we spent most of tym dere finding Pipin's toys . neh . ahks . n yes . i did enjoy myself . n nutting . im just tired . n yerp . yesterdae dere;s Kenduri at my aunt's place . n yerp . im boringg . todae's juz staying at home dae . soo . anything,just tagg me or gif me a testi at frenster! lols . ahks .
n yes ppl . take carees n have a gorgeous dae! bah .
keep it goin;