"break into my thoughts"
i've olready spent my 4 hours doing research & gettin' my Report bout going to Korea readyy! LOLS! haha,really damn farking tired . But gyeahh,hope it does pays off kan! who dosent want go Korea sia? even Zanna gets excited . HAHA! ya lorr,shes gonna meet Rainbi upp if possible . kan Zanna? lols! niwae,todae is ujust miss lil random . && PrettyBoy,i'll talk to u later . gyeah, getto get backk to my report dat is now 3-quarter done!
Neww Song,Girlfriend by Avril Lavigne .
dis song is <33333
"" was Posted On: Thursday, March 29, 2007 @19:03 | 0 lovely comments ✿
Oh test test test =)
OK BYE! :)
BOO! Prettyboy,ouhh,wat a SEXY LIPS u have .
SpeakEasyy soon!! Yeay-Ness . PrettyBoy,u wanna tag along? Tell me soon! :)
"" was Posted On: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 @19:22 | 0 lovely comments ✿
"there you go again,PrettyBoy"
i cant help it . wat the hell? is it so farking difficult for you to just press my farking house number & just kol me? WTF? i thought i told u em' thrice? && how muchh longer have i gotto wait? ur calls? huh? spare a thought for me larhh ok?
oouh ouuh,sorrie i aint suppose to vent my farking anger down here . should i keep them farking deep inside me & not to tell anyone else . gyeah,im sorrie :) as simple as you doing sumthing stupid to me & den u farking said "oh im sorrie" . ouh HAHA! dammit .
im out of words,im gonna stopp here! So,have a nice dae && c u again folks :)
i donnoe dat u took 2 hours to cum out from toilet & i dont tink i did anything wring towards you . ouhh ouhh,i tink u're out . i guess,up to u larhh ehh =)
"" was Posted On: Tuesday, March 27, 2007 @15:52 | 0 lovely comments ✿
"forever you,the lovely uncle"
i was reading my old rusty diary yesterdae nite b4 i had my conversation with PrettyBoy . i was reading den wen dere's one letter falls from that diary . i was shocked,really . was wondering was letter dis was? so,i open em' anxiously && dere's tears actually rolls down my cheek after reading em' . guess wat letter was it? think think think think! :)
Full Name Of Deceased: Khairoman Bin Sumadi
Disease Or Condition Leading To Death: Advanced Metastatic Carcinoma Of Pancreas
Approximate Interval Between Onset And Death: 2 Months .
i recalled a year ago wen he was here b4 he left us . i was so farking scared bout his condition u see . we've actually done soo many things for him but still he wasnt cured . && gyeah,he left us on 17th APRIL 2006,MONDAE . at 20:30 pm //
"You Will Always Be Loved"
On Mondae morning on dat particular dae,i was told by Ms Ramna dat i've actually won a 3rd prize place for my malay language competiton writting on mother tongue week . i was so damn farking happythough it was the 3rd place! :) i went home with a veryy bigg smile && gyeah,im gonna received my prize early in the morning the next dae in front of the whole entire school! i was estatic . BOO! :)
all of us were at home watching tv except for my mum who's still at her work place werking . gyeah,we were laughing while watching the tv wen my dad actually received a call from one of my uncle . Dat uncle of mine told my dad dat all of my cousins were at my eldest uncle's place now coz yeah,they say dat my uncle's condition is so damn farking critical . ape org melayu kate? NAZAK! gyeahh,soo,my dad ask wat happen & stuff . but no,my uncle didnt answer from him to the question . my dad was like "hello? hello? hello?"
"he's gone" dats wat my uncle said . i was like,wat did he said?
den my dad saes my uncle's gone . he's gone . && at point of time,i cant feel my hearts beating,i swear! all i noe is dat i juz wanna cry & cry & cry! we quickly call our mum & gyeah,we changed quickly & waited for my mum's arrival . soo,it was arnd 9+ ..
we reached his place && it was occupied by lots & lots of my cousin . i was so damn farking sad at dat tym . really! so,we overnite dere & the very next dae was suchh dammit . i spent most of my time crying . cry cry cry n juz cry . like now,im crying . sorrie . back to dis,fortunately i getto kiss him for the very last tym & look at him . smile at him but with tears in me . i was so damn touched by my aunties n uncles who's crying dere watching him . coz yeahh,dis uncle is my mum's eldest brother who's juz get married for a year plus only . he's quite old u see . So,yeahh,i went to accompany em' to the cemetry && see him gettin buried . i steal the very last glance of him . there you go lovely uncle,im not gonna meet u anymore .
really,though i was so like not kinda close to him,i actually LOVED him soo much u see . he' nice to me,my family & my cousins . he's a very kind & quite person to me . lovely & caring uncle of mine . may u be blessed dere . i thank GOD coz he' happy over dere :) && i want u to noe dat
snap back to reality,i was crying for suchh a long tym yesterdae secretly u see . HAHA! i donnoe y i actually recall wat happen,why,when n stuff about my uncle . OMG,i really miss him though i have his picture in my house . sorie,was looking at his picture now . just behind me . && gyeah,im now keep on repeating the song ALWAS BE LOVED by Rauzan Rahman,Beats Society Artiste . if u bought his E(P) olready,i bet u noe wat song im referring to right? gyeah,dat song was written by him after his uncle too passed away,dat is Isyak Ahmad,da comidian artiste . was so touching u see . mcm phm je RauRau nie . ahaa .
mind u my blogg-inn todae was so damn farking longg . && gyeah,i keep on keeping quite wen talking to PrettyBoy . && i told him bout dis . understandable . && till now,im still crying & yeah,i donnoe y ppl kepp on asking me y am i soo quiet todae? bcoz my mind is not dere but it has fly away with my lovely uncle at heaven .
dis note goes out to the very special person in my life;
i miss you ALOT && really,i just have to remeber to be strong without u here with us,always be loved, :)
&& prettyBoy,if i were so damn quiet over the conversation,mind me . dat means my mindset's not eher in reality but it has flown away . im sorrie but i'll stay strong,i hope . dere u see,if i forget bout my uncle's death i would juz forget if not im not wat i am,really . Pardon Me;
"" was Posted On: Monday, March 26, 2007 @14:53 | 0 lovely comments ✿
"gorgeous,tell me sumthing classic"
Meoww Meoww!
kruu kruu :)
gyeah,i've juz finished reading my whole entire bloggy . from October till March,da recent one . && i realised sumthing . i've actually grown more & more matured now . i mean like,the way i speak,i talk,i blogg-inn,my english,my looks & stuff . HAHA! . u noe,i laugh at myself wen im reading the very first post of mine . my english was lyke wat the hell? HAHA! . && the wae i talk,so like kinda 11 yrs old kid . lols! really,i laugh at myself u see . && im skinnier now than before . BETTER! im not fat okeyy! soon enuff,im gonna have a body shape,oh i cant really wait! GAH!
i didnt have much stuff to talk about todae,so basically i juz wanna share my maturity from last year till now . geeeheee! soo,lemme upload sum pics ok? but gyeah,i dont have muchh pics with me due to the com's break down previously :)
dis was last year . Sumpah,aku lain sia! burok sia muke . diam uh
in the process of bcuming wat i am now :)
this is how i look now but still,i got the recent pic of me . hold onn;

HAHA! pikir2 cute larh tu . hehe . niwae,i actually got a lot of pics to show of me 2 yrs ago till now but dammit com's break down & itz all gone . BOO! soo gyeah,i've discover a huge difference in me . haha,maturity matters! && wells,i too discover of how i love PrettyBoy previously den now . yeah,differents in how i love him now & den . gyeah,i love him more & more eachh dae! lols .
i donnoe where's him now . HAHA! . bedok i tink,werking . && i juz wake upp from my tight2 slip . nicee,felt more awake rite now . && wells,im done :)
OK BYE! :)
"" was Posted On: Sunday, March 25, 2007 @17:38 | 0 lovely comments ✿
"Oh you,my Mr Sexy Lips"
Yesterdae's outing was SUPERB! lols! haha . i thought it was just the 4 of us,double date but hell no,there's 12 of us ...;
me,PrettyBoy,david,prettyboy's younger sister & the bf,prettyboy's sister & the bf,prettyboy's 2 cousins & gf,JayJ & girl-fren . ggyeahh!
HAHA! ramai kan? lols . niwae,we catch a movie which is at 9 plus && heng larh dere's actually seats 4 the 12 of us at dat tym . if not,chialat larh,must wait for the other timing . && wat the hell? haha . we actually get the very front seat dats the 1st row one . baskett . so,we actually have to raise our head up & look at the screen! BOOHOO!
u noe wat? on my wae dere,i really had a headache &amp; i really feel like vomiting,nearly . && thank godness PrettyBoy is siting right beside me & guess wat i do? i actually lean my head on his shoulder n smell his shirt & really,his perfume are my LOVE! it smells damn farking NICE! haha,till we reached our destination,denn i felt okey && i actually forget to eat b4 going out coz i slept b4 going out den . && gyeahh,my tummy's empty!
Mr Beans Holidae was funny! haha,really . u gotoo catch one . HAHA! i cant stopp laughing u see . && wats more,me & PrettyBoy get the seats at the side && good la . *ehemm ehemm*
diam uh aku testing je . mcm phm la plak . &amp;& gyeahh! good la kan . & u noe wat? Ayu really cant be apart from her bf not 4 a second! really,whereva they go they r together . hehe,cute larhh kan? && as for me & PrettyBoy,cannot tell larh .
So basically,i called PrettyBoy Mr Sexy Lips coz yeah,b4 the movie starts there's advertisement kan? den,the add was soo damn farking long . soo,i used dat part of time looking at PrettyBoy & i juz realised one thing,he really had a SEXY LIPS! really,i swear . dats y i fall for his smile & laughter . bcoz bibir die sexy giler nak mampos! HAHA! && sumpah aku asyik2 pegang bibir die! lols . the lips,is a WOW! i cant stop touching it . soo damn farking sexy . i love dat lips . OH YOU :)
&& i reached home arnd 12:30 AM! i've never been home dat farking late . i swear . usually arnd 11 yeahh . but gyeah,i told my dad olready mah,it starts & ends late . so gyeahh,i was soo damn farking scared if im gonna get scolding,oh god . soo,like usual,mummy's the one who started nagging,but i didnt blame anyone u see . coz yeah,she tried to call me but hell no it couldnt get thru . soo,i told her the truth bout my SimCard & she understands dat . i LOVE mummy & daddy!
& to My Mr Sexy Lips,if ur reading dis kan,really wanna thank you thousands lot for the treat yesterdae . really,im broke to the max but u still wanna bring me out . && u actually fork out most of ur money on me . for Long John & the muviee . thank you alot coz PrettyBoy,no one has done dat to me . ur the FIRST im serious! && u make me LOVE u more & more & more each dae since yesterdae . =))))
PrettyBoy's are more sexier den dis one if u realise it! really,&& gyeahhh,wen u see dis pic,confirm u feel like kissing the lips kan? so do me towards PrettyBoy's lips HAHA! shhhhh .
PrettyBoy has A SEXY LIPS dat make me go GUGUGAGA! Woohooooo! :)
"" was Posted On: Saturday, March 24, 2007 @21:15 | 0 lovely comments ✿
"Lil'Miss Random"
im not gonna talk muchh todae . i donnoe y coz after i told PrettyBoy dat im agree into his treat to da movie tml,i was like . huh? im going ehh! he's gonna give me a treat summore! OMg,dats wat i dont like bout him . lol! i mean its like,he LOVEEE to spend lots & lots of his money on me . i told him,if my mum saes no,im not gonna follow && if she saes yes,i'll still not gonna follow coz im BROKE TO THE MAX! really i swear . haha . coz now im saving upp all of my money for neww neww SimCard stuff HAHA! padan muke akuu!
&& i dont have enuff money to catch a movie,im serious! den,after telling PrettyBoy dat im broke,things bcum worst! he actually asked me to tagg along && he'll treat me! WTH,i dont like sia . no larh,but im kinda feel like very awkward . HAHA! den how? his sister olready ask me is it confirm bout going out tml? && i said YES!
&& wat suprises me a lil bitttt only,they wanna catch em' at Douby Ghout . did i spell em rite? lol! && im going out with my parents later at dat nite,probably arnd 9 plus or sumthing . soo,i donnoe . coz im scared i cant make it on tym or sumthing coz yeah u c,i dont have my HP with me tml . HAHA! hp have sim crd bye-bye . lols . soo,wat if my mum's gonna contact me?
KNNBCCB;im dead! :)
ok gyeah ppl! haha! niari ader Prison Break ehh? baruu nk tgk? kesiann larhh kan! lols . DILLA da tgk da . huahuahuahua! && da de DVD lagii . geeze' pelan-pelan kayoh larhh ehh :)
"" was Posted On: Thursday, March 22, 2007 @15:03 | 0 lovely comments ✿
"when the heart speaks"
I find myself again,
wanting to feel ur kiss.
wanting to hear ur voice again
&& i keep cuming backk to the same thought
i've never loved sumone like i LOVE you .
i really really have to buy my neww SimCard veryy soon . haha! its all rosak olready! && people,im not gonna use my number anymore . 91614791 is no more available . take note . && i'll tell u ppl soon enuff i had my neww one okeyy? but i'll not publish it here DUHH! :)
Once is not enough,Twice make me wants MORE! :)
"" was Posted On: Wednesday, March 21, 2007 @19:09 | 0 lovely comments ✿
Name: Nur Adilla Binte RamliPreferred To Be Called As: DILLA or DEE in future //
Birthday: 08 October 1992
Birthplace: S'pore farm of the Kerbau's
Current Location: West larh siaHometown: Coughing Hill
Eye Color: Dark dark brown,if u cant see,dat means ur BLIND!
Hair Color: Black,im a GOOD gerl okeyy!
Height: 165
Right Handed or Left Handed: Right larh kann
Your Heritage: Pure Malay,im no mix blood okeyy!
The Shoes You Wore Today: School Shoe larhh
Your Weakness: Im a SOTONG && i tend to 4get wat i've juz said;dat dosent mean im old horr!
Your Fears: Heights & Injections! lols,
Your Perfect Pizza: Seafood Pizza Hut nyer Pizza larh .
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Get promoted to sec 4
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: Testing Je :)
Thoughts First Waking Up: Go school n mit upp my FIMZ & PrettyBoy .
Your Best Physical Feature: Entah ehh! agak2?
Your Bedtime: Midnight i hope,but nolarh later PrettyBoy kill me sia .
Your Most Missed Memory: Being with my late Uncle & Grandpa
Pepsi or Coke: F&N Grape can?
MacDonalds or Burger King: Oh Long John Silver!
Single or Group Dates: I've not try going on double date! haha .
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: COKE
Chocolate or Vanilla: Double chocolate chipp
Cappuccino or Coffee: MOCHA
Do you Smoke: Hell NO!
Do you Swear: Sumtimes?
Do you Sing: Softly && mumble sumtimes;i dont sing it out loud,i cant sing!
Do you Shower Daily: Of coz u DumbAss!
Have you Been in Love: Yerpp yerpp
Do you want to go to College: Oxford Universiti to take my degree den master! :)
Do you want to get Married: Duhh! JackAss!
Do you belive in yourself: Itz a MUST u stupid .
Do you think you are Attractive: Ermm // in sense of my jokes? boleh?
Are you a Health Freak: NOPE
Do you get along with your Parents: Ok jelalala larhh
Do you like Thunderstorms: Im scared of it lols!
Do you play an Instrument: NO
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: I've not drank alcohol before .
In the past month have you Smoked: NOPE
In the past month have you been on Drugs: Im DrugsFree dats y i joined Dancework!
In the past month have you gone on a Date: YES! with PrettyBoy .
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: DUHHHH .
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: No milk,no oreo for me!
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: Can i try soon?
In the past month have you been on Stage: Gyeah! a month ago!
In the past month have you been Dumped: ermm// for da last 13 months,yes i've been .
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: NOPE,skinny enuff larhh wei!
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: Oh helloh! i didnt steal stuff okey? i got bttr stuff to do .
Ever been Drunk: I didnt drink alcohol,how to get drunk bodoh!
Ever been called a Tease: NOPE . wanna try?
Ever been Beaten up: NOPE,dont eva try to .
Ever Shoplifted: I dont steal dats means i dont do shoplift
How do you want to Die: In peace
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: Someone dat succes in life .
What country would you most like to Visit: Switzearland
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: Brown
Favourite Hair Color: Anything dats attractive . Purple? HAHA! nice enuff?
Short or Long Hair: Long larh sial
Height: As tall as u can . Wohoo .
Weight: A hundred pounds? haha . so long as u not FAT!
Best Clothing Style: Simple but NICE & Attractive .
Number of Drugs I have taken: Eh bodoh,i never take drugs larh helloh!
Number of CDs I own: 200 of em'?
Number of Piercings: TWO
Number of Tattoos: I dont do em' they're stupid stuff .
Number of things in my Past I Regret: A number of em'
"Walk with me and hold my hands tightly"
i was told by PrettyBoy sister yesterdae . they actually planned to catch a movie on Mr Beans Holidae with me . HAHA! PrettyBoy,me,his sister & the BF . soo,they wanna catch em' dis fridae i tink . haha . soo,ok i said,but i try to ask my mummy ferst coz most probably my sis wanna go out too! KPO kan dier? lol! kite nk kluar die pon nak . haha . && yeahh,me & PrettyBoy gettin more & more okeyy . && i hope this last // :)
Cheerleading's gonna start soon snuff //
i have a body shape! do u believe dat?
Muchh Lovee for My Pretty Awesome Boy! ILYSM //
"" was Posted On: Tuesday, March 20, 2007 @16:41 | 0 lovely comments ✿
"dat father of 4 sons noes bout Jesus lil' secret"
i donnoe where the farking hell is my PrettyBoy . coz i tink he had lost for suchh a long tym . really && i want him backk . please,Fahmy,bring him backk to me if u understands wat i meant . coz i've been talking to sumone dat dont really seems to be like "PrettyBoy" . got me?
just bring him backk to me .
one more thing,i realised they just dont need me . itz okey if u aren't . coz i noe with me along,there's no use at all . im matured enuff to tink fer these thingy && i strongly agree with Zul dat i actually got many frens arnd me dat i dont actually need u guys dat badly && my TWINS actually dont seems to be liking me like she used to . maybe sumone else better den me? perhaps? kan wak? sooo . have fun arnd w/o me . seriously,itz ok . coz i feel like an Nooby Noob to tagg along with u guys wen u guys actually dont need me at all! so wells,nice effort! && i wish i could have my FIMZ backk for no reasons of me doing wrong stuff . i dont anyone && no offence! u guys still great in my eyes!
i'll continue with my holidaes tomorrow! itz a promise! lols!
"" was Posted On: Monday, March 19, 2007 @18:24 | 0 lovely comments ✿
"Lousiness is all in me"
Soon enuff,im gonna lose my Friendship dat has been bond for 2 years plus .
&& i nearly cum to the last chapter of my LOVE story . But FORTUNATELY,i had it all backk . i was given the chance && so lousy of me to actually nearly lost my PrettyBoy .
im sorrie but lets start aFRESH shall we,PrettyBoy?

"" was Posted On: Sunday, March 18, 2007 @16:05 | 0 lovely comments ✿
"i miss you more than words can say"
im off to JB,Impian Emas soon later at nite && im gonna be dere for a week maybe? && im gonna miss blogging & my PrettyBoy muchh! soo,miss me? tagg me && dont spam! lol! && i'll promise to uppdate a long entry on the next dae i cum backk! with many many pics aites? =))
haha! im starting to miss PrettyBoy . ermm //
Take Caree PrettyBoy && Happie Holidaes! :)
"" was Posted On: Friday, March 09, 2007 @14:38 | 0 lovely comments ✿
"a glass of bottle with mixed feelings"
Subject // Marks // Grade // Rank //
[ENGLISH] : Marks: 49.0 Grade: U-Grade Rank: 34/40
[MALAY] : Marks: 73.0 Grade: 2 Rank: 8/15
[MATHEMATICS] : Marks: 39.0 Grade: U-Grade Rank: 24/40
[SCIENCE,PHYSICS&CHEM] : Marks: 39.0 Grade: U-Grade Rank: 29/40
[HUMANITIES,SS&HISTORY] : Marks: 26.0 Grade: U-Grade Rank: 23/25
[POA] : Marks: 48.0 Grade: U-Grade Rank: 21/40
Average: 46.0%
M.S.G: 5.3
Expected M.S.G: 3.8
Class Position: 25/40
Attendance: 41/41
Conduct: Very Good
Latecoming: 1 [wat the hell?]
NO . of subject passed: 1
&& dats my farking results for my farking COMMON TEST 1 . farking sibeichialat rite? KNNBCCB // i noe im suchh a farking NOOB . wallau . i cried sia wen i get my farking results . yes yes! i did studied && many ppl farking noes bout it . i studied in front of ZUL,Prakash,Faiz they all . && i donnoe wat the farking hell has happen till i actually failed my farking ENG! wat sia . 49 marks u noe . another 1 more marks! if i get 30+ hell no im not gonna cry for it . siallarh 1 mark! nabeii . && same goes to my farking POA! 2 marks sia . sienn larhh .
i asked Zul bout his result thingy & he got the 5th position in class . GOOD lorr! && Prakash got the 1st position! clever2 him! Congrats! same to Faiz,6th position . && Zanna 11th position & Fliq,20th position . LOL! i got wat? u see larhh! haiyohhh . niwae,i showed Zul my progrees card coz he asked to kan,soooo ..... he SCOLDED me! he said:
"i see u studied in front of me,y suddenly it turns upp dis wae? y did u failed soo badly?"
&& i said "i donnoe . im sorrie"
&& i actually cried in front of Zul & Ahmad . wallauehh . i donnoe y he was dere . KPO i tink . Sooo,i showed it to Zanna too && she told me one thing dat make me laughl;
"Ajja Ajja Huaiting! Ajja Ajja Huaiting!"
i showed it to PrettyBoy too! && he put all the blame on him .
"i noe u've studied but how cum ur results is soo bad? is it bcoz of me calling u during ur exams? maybe i shouldnt do it again,should not call u during ur exam weeks"
No darling,itz not ur fault at all larhh . i dont mind talking to u during exam weeks coz im the one who wanted it mahh . niwae,please please please dont blame urself . itz not ur fault at all . maybe,bcoz of me cant gif my full concentration on my revision . ERMMM //
"you're the voice i cant sleep without"
Maybe yes maybe no . bout me going on holidae to JB,Impian Emas with my family & cousins dere . coz on Mondae i got my Physics practical class & as for on Wednesdae & Thurdae i have my NPCC Police Knowledge course . 2 daes course sia! wooooo . chialat . && my sis told me dat my father told my mum dat i dont need to follow them dere tommorrow coz my father don like me going in and out of the country just for my stupidd courses and classes . && ayah want me do decide wether to follow or not . soooo,i asked me sis and she said //
"if i were u i will go for it . i dont mind not going to JB coz i noe that Police Knowledge thing is sosososososos important . && if u were to miss it,u cant b promoted n might as well u forget about being in NPCC anymore . muchover sec 3 is important!"
she's right n she got the point dere . niwae, i miss my cousins dere but itz okeyy lorr . && Police Knowledge is a Must Must Must to go! haiyoohhh! but if i were to stay in S'pore,i getto go out with PrettyBoy,talk to him over the phone & he can send me dere . && if i were to go JB,i can getto spent my daes dere happily wif my cousins & getto go shopping,stay in Impian Emas & play Hide-And-Seek dere . LOL! but im gonna miss PrettyBoy badly larhh kann! LOL!
Den how?
i'll let PrettyBoy & myself decide!
i'll uppdate more if im not going to JB tommorrow && if i were to go dere . i'll be backk either on dis cuming Tuesdae or Fridae . olrite? MISS ME? keep on tagging . yes yes . Tagg not Spamm! gah! Takin Carees;

Yesterdae's Picture before going to school yaw!
&& PrettyBoy, I LOVE YOU Deep Deep;
"" was Posted On: Thursday, March 08, 2007 @15:39 | 0 lovely comments ✿
"but what would i be without YOU?"
i would be that sumone who is real easy in giving upp in my everthing && without u here,by my side,i dont tink i can lead a good life of mine . you actually give me soo muchh support from behind in everything i do & the sacrifices u made;
Thank You Soo Muchh Is All I Can Say;
yes yes! i've get all of my results! && BOOOO! i passed ONLY my MT,Chemistry,POA and POA larh . haha . soo,i failed my
Eng [could u believe dat?],Maths [3 marks needed!],Social Studies [HAHA! wont pass one!] && Physics . && History too i tink . heh! && NEVER in my life i scored 0 marks for my test! & dats for Social Studies! GAH! i'll got to buckk upp & get my boomin arce movin' =)
&& my conversation with PrettyBoy yesterdae is like kinda NONO good sound like dat . i donnoe wat happen . aha! && he told me he wanna go out n i said;no need larhh! coz itz olready 9++ n i bet he's gonna be deadly tired if he were to go out larhh kan . but he insisted,&& i NEVER sae NO! soo,there he goes ......
&& now,he told me he's deadly beat,he's tired,he's sleepy! BOOO! so,guess wat i did to him? i laughed larhh! haha . kan kan kan . dowan to listen to me summore! notty notty! sooo,there he is now,at his bed sleeping n i tink he's dreaming about me . HOHO~
PrettyBoy is my Pillar Of Strength coz without him,i cant do good . really //
"" was Posted On: Tuesday, March 06, 2007 @14:58 | 0 lovely comments ✿
"i miss you more than words can say"
They didn’t agree on much in fact,they rarely agreed on anything they fought all the time & they challenged each other everyday but in spite their differences they had one important thing in common they were crazy about each other .
Frappers,Kisses,Hugs & stuff . Are they really needed in LOVE? && do you agree that Hugs can make both party feel more & more closer to each other? I AGREE .
they ignore each other && look the other way but they both know it wasn’t supposed to end that wae .
&& i want the LOVE i have now last long than i expect,can i?
Can i OWN them LOVE forever?
Those hugs;Romantic horr!
i LOVE PrettyBoy okeyy! LOLS! :)
"" was Posted On: Monday, March 05, 2007 @16:01 | 0 lovely comments ✿
"i wish i could turn backk the clock & be dere again for the 2nd tym"
i havent told u guys yet kan wat actually happen on dat dae?
haha! lols .
okok . was my Fabulous dae evaa .
i getto spend my 12 hours with my PrettyBoy .
really;i was sososo damn touched wen he actually sacrifice his dae n time just to send me for my dance com early in the morning and accompany me till it ends!
&& haha .
gyeahh of course! many ppl's with us .
we have;
Dilla,Zanna,Lijah,Fahmy,Prakash,Boon Yao,Hafiz and David .
supposingly,only me,Zanna,Fahmy & Lijah only ,
den suddenly,Prakash called me . he wanna cum along in da morning .
so i said YES!
&& Hafiz called n sae he wanna join us .
&& i said Ok lorr!
haha .
skali,reach interchange,Boon Yao also dere David too .
haha soo many ppl .
cool sia .
&& great larh .
so we took MRT && i slept in dere with PrettyBoy . soo damn tired like hell sia .
&& reached esplanade undergound to meet upp with the De'Blaze .
haha .
den kanna run 2 rounds dere for us being late! LOLS .
&& reached Marina Square,was at the enterence,soo many ppl dere .
dancing,so i was like OMG,wat the hell?
they are so damn great mann .
haha //
so we have our breakfast first .
so we went to Mc Cafe to join the dudes .
haha .
soo makan makan makan;den go 4 the dance prac .
haha .
cool sia . den have our rehersal dere .
i can sae soo many sch were good .
including us! nehhh ,
&& kruu kruu kruu kruu kruu kruu .........................
itz time to buy HOODEY baybe!
actually i didnt have money at all!
i wanted to borrow from mummy but i was so damn scared .
den sumone's name cum across my kind .
haha .
borrow him 20 bucks && here i am at Giordano with Faannaaa buying our lovely niceyy nice white hoodey!
i LOVE it soo muchh
but in da first place,the seller said dere's no hoodey anymore .
den i was like OH SHIT MAN!
hahahaahahahaha .
den here i am holding onto my hoodey baybe!
cum backk && told Prakash im hungryyy!
&& den PrettyBoy bought me Long John Silver!!!!!!
eat eat eat eat ...
den den den get ready for dance lorr!
i told u guys olready wat happen
who's the bestt n stuff .
skipp it den .
&& after dat wen went to Esplanade .
juz relaxinggg .
cool huh .
den went home with only;
Fahmy,David,Hafiz & Joe .
haha .
took 106 n they all were so damn crazy!
hehe .
as if they nvr take a ride b4 .
&& a SPECIAL GIFT was given to me .
by PrettyBoy .
&& i was soo freaking lovin it!
"" was Posted On: Saturday, March 03, 2007 @13:00 | 0 lovely comments ✿
"we shared die lil' thing called LOVE"
POA was good . && my conversation with PrettyBoy ended quite late . soo,i had a good talk with him . && again,he's soo sweet larhh yesterdae :)
then again,he told me he'll try to keep our relationship good && to refrain from fight between us . && no fightin'! heh! i was sosososo damn touched wen he told me how deep his LOVE towards me . <3
"you make me LOVE u more&more each dae"
"" was Posted On: Friday, March 02, 2007 @14:07 | 0 lovely comments ✿
PrettyBoy is the SWEETEST guy i've eva met! :)
ahaaaa! here i am blogging fer da 2nd tym 4 todae!
ahaa . yes yes! i juz finished my conversation with PrettyBoy .
suchhh a longg oneee! && yes yes yes! i have sumthing to share!
okkk . Lets get down to Business .
i told him;since yesterdae we didnt get the chance to talk,i wanna ask him soo many ques .
&& he said "sure u not"
i asked PrettyBoy;
"i still donnoe the reason why u choose me as ur stead till now"
he answered;
"wen we're gettin more & more closer,i started to feel that there's a spark between us . i started to like u more and more each dae wen we chat . u seems to have such a good kind of girl that i've soo eva wanted . u are really different from the rest of the girls that i've eva known . u really are different . im serious . den,i started to like u more & more till i fall for u"
PrettyBoy really said dat! hahahaha! im soooo sooo sooo touched! REALLY :)
den i asked him larh kan;
"what so speacial about me till u said dat im different from the other girls?"
he answered;
"one thing about u dat i LOVE most is that ur suchh a patient person . u really can accept the way i am,the way i treat u . though i make u mad a few times backk,but still u give me soo many chances that u didnt actually scold me at all . i can feel that u're suchh a wonderful girl"
u noe now how i feel to have suchh a BF! im sooo sooo sooo touched . u noe . he soo SWEET! u noe wen i wanna save upp my money to buy my Dancewerk thingy,he was the one who actually buy fer me food EVERY SINGLE DAY! without me knowing dat he wanna but food and stuff 4 me . just me! u know how i feel?
i just felt dat i wanna just be HIS FOREVER . can i?
"" was Posted On: Thursday, March 01, 2007 @18:44 | 0 lovely comments ✿
" kisses on my lethal lips, you're slowly disappearing "
&& dis are sum of the neww pictures,speacially request by sumone to upload it todae . ahaaa . u crazyy onee . && yeahh . few pics only larhh kan :)
Fade To Blackk


Rock my world,
PrettyBoy has apologised just now about yesterdae of him didnt talk to me on our 4the months together! haha . && to FLIQ,thanks fer the wishes! && to all,thanks fer the wishes too! && to SURIYANI,get well soon darl! <3
Till again;I LOVE YOU SO MUCHH PrettyBoy .
"" was Posted @15:28 | 0 lovely comments ✿
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